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Were di you appear from first post and an expert on life and FMNJ , just figure you this one missed getting in, I seriously dougbt it will be cheaper tomorow the chart reads higher open than close and the chart says we hit bottom, the pivot says, .063 past there the next resistance says .10 after that . will get another chart, I start using the chart if it looks like it picked the bottom and the pivot in this case it picked all 3 the top resistance .10 , it picked all 3 right on maybe I should have payed more attention after the fact when the get all 3 numbers I pay attention. 99% sure we wont drop to the below .034 at the low and we hit .06 high with no news tomorow. Get a report back and we can move get good news test the .10 and on thru it.
My filling you wont buy in the for .038 for long in the morning we more than likely get a bounce, not to good about reading ameritrade technicals on the streamer chart but according to what the help book says it will be a higher open than the close. Don't know when there next report comes it's got to be better at least the shares holders loved the tour there and we did get tied to a stake and burned will in country, LOL LOL this media really pushed this news, you can blame this correction on them a bit but it had do have an excuse some where along the line, fast and swift, we try for .o5 plus
they did pick support right on barchart does pick it close some times, I honestly did't think sellers would sho up at .025 than it was only few small trades that gave in than right back up. Later good news and you know where it is headed
Looks like your new too did you get in on the 026 -03, it wasn't ther long i missed it and picked a little in the 03s
A day like today I like to go by the chart and gut were the bottom is I had it write but I lacked that 2 minute window for ameritrade to finish my market order on some other penny stock, so market orders don't always fill right away. any way got some more in the 3 range see if tomorow will bring a report back from bolivia
Ok hope you all picked some up in the 03 s we saw the bottom today 99% sure , this area is low I bet we gain some last 5 minutes don't know if .05 is gonna happen news tomorow better than today, perhaps than up we go
I think we cleaned up the old profits pretty well today and ready to move good with good news, how come I we did get to go to the mines lol
Nice in fo there you sold your share this am nice profit at .03 we say the bottom this morning you should have sold the .13 and bought back were you sold. than again hard to get in at the low and know were the top is. back to test .10 when the news comes you shold have held longer
If we close even at .05- .06 there maybe a lot of unhappy sellers today, that's the breaks, panic normally reverses into buying up, days not done lets shake down again so I can get the .026 I missed.
Stopped because no sellers below .039 thats what I show on the ask
Up or down have some funds now to buy a larger junk, doubt we get another shake down so may have to buy it on the first couple 10ths up tick, that's were I'm at. Oh hey if you don't care for missing periods or my spelling you don't have to comment. Stick to fmnj not me
Like I said have some money waiting to play with if we get another shake but I really do think so thinking about buying at this price, known me if she ticks up here may plunk it in, like going fishing bottom fish,lol could be lots of money to be made on that little better news we kinda need. wouldn't panic and sell she start moving up it's probably time to plunk and make some good bucks time will tell and won't be waiting long she' a rocking and shaking
You know this thing dropped right down to barchart support and right back up again they have the had the pivot point at .064 and the resistance at the 10 cents, company gives us decent news we could still break the .10, it's up in the air my dice say buy and role for the next news should be a bunch better than the last peice on pinksheets it was not note worth enough to come out on ameritrade news yet, give us some real news there fmnj and will send this thing up again
If you can take this we have a shaker those that were ready are up real nice in a few minutes, good going there at .025-026 , hard to pick tops and bottoms, some day traders may be in the play here.
I was kinda hoping for another shake because have some more funding, darn I missed that low level. Ameritrade was not quit fast enough to sell my other stock, and get in at the low I tryed anyway.
I missed the bottom oh well dang hope we can get another shake like that today, I be ready this time reseved some cash in case.
another shake I tried to sell another stock and get it down at the bottom dang broker was to slow could have been up 50% on that allready, nice shake I like this
Picked up what i could afford , what a buy
Wish I had another enough to buy a couple million shares right now
The said the are working on getting the study released, lots of gold here getting modernized more oz per ton more produced at the right time it seems
The gold in the ground will have the geo study
MGM Mineral Resources Completes Acquisition of La Esperanza Mine in Colombia's Highest Yielding Gold Zone
By Market Wire
Last Update: 5/2/2006 4:05:05 PM
Data provided by
TORONTO, May 02, 2006 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Metro Gold Mines Mineral Resources Inc. (MGMX), a growing gold mining company engaged in the acquisition and development of production properties in South and Central America, announced that it has completed the acquisition of La Esperanza gold mine. La Esperanza is located in Segovia, the richest, most gold-bearing municipality in Colombia.
There are proven multi-million ounce deposits of rich gold under Colombian soil. Colombia is the highest-yielding nation in South America, having produced more than 125 million ounces of gold. But it is also the most under-explored and under-developed. With the notable exception of neighboring Frontino Gold Mines LTD -- which has produced over 5 million ounces of gold in the Segovia area -- the majority of local miners have not had the resources or technology to sustain maximum production.
MGM Mineral Resources is working to modernize operations and maximize profitability of La Esperanza mine, which is located within the province of Antioquia where between 60 and 80 percent of the nation's gold is produced. Through partnerships with local and federal government authorities and the surrounding communities, the company is ramping up the mine to achieve full production capacity. MGM Mineral Resources believes it can significantly accelerate the extraction process, increase overall productivity and lower production costs.
"MGM Mineral Resources has been working to acquire La Esperanza since its inception and it is extremely gratifying to see this exceptional property become part of our portfolio," said Ken Lamb, President of MGM Mineral Resources. "The Company is very excited about La Esperanza's prospects and would like to thank Mr. Jairo Giraldo, our CEO, for orchestrating this acquisition. Mr. Giraldo is a highly respected figure in the Colombian mining community with more than 40 years of proven experience in the industry. Due in large part to his hard work, close relationships with government and industry officials and excellent reputation we are able to embrace this opportunity."
"We are working on releasing the results of our geology reports, which will outline just how extensive a project this mine will become," said Chairman and CEO Jairo Giraldo. "La Esperanza is located within our country's richest gold zone. We are highly pleased with what we have seen so far. We believe this acquisition has the potential to significantly improve our bottom line and increase shareholder value."
Maybe someone should start a board, since I bought a few this am on all the gold they say they have in the ground .20 maybe pretty attainable price pretty soon
The shake is done it's waiting on the news, than we take off again
mgmx looks like its going to take oo like a rocket here, you think read the news growing in popularity on the board you think it will go to .50 I may buy a chunk after I do some dd, lot a spam here seems like the should me buying this stock instead of spamming this board. second though just going to pick some right now. looks good
Ameritrade is 10 bucks a trade unlimited shares, got some spamers here this morn, fmnj good and solid here waiting on the next news no doubt
Good and solid here , get that silver minning news were in for another nice run, until than perhaps it look s like .085 maybe tops for the day.
Get some news we have lift off again,
Lets talk FMNJ nto pat the back of FA remember no name calling this ia a very good site compared to the others, kep the name to your self please, lets talk about Franklin and Bolivia are they ok there? they say not effected and I believe them, The media pushes news worse than it is always? The silver in the ground seems soon to ramp up production to speed with good veins? how thick are they ? Do you really think the would say 2 times no effect of there contract? Are they lying? Why would you have invested if you thought they were lying? Are you only now starting to think bad because we had a set back? Ask youself some ?S there and if you like share them here, Thanks in advance please stick to subject,with no name calling? Please
The silver alone could give this stock a 2 billion market Cap before this bull metals market is finished with it's run and after it' s done don't evpect to see 7 dollar silver ever again, Gold 400 either, the oil will go to high to quick and take a dive but metals will not crash back down to half there lows we say a couple years ago, Inflation can't be helped it allready happened while the fed was lowering interest rates, the Gov job is to lie to use like we are babies, oh there is deflation did any of you belive that it was inlating at the same time and all these Gov,s were selling gold and silver to make its price low, this is all good news for metals and oil is going, it all spells money for this company and a higher stock price, I dont get the impression of any sort of scam, and believe what they are dishing out if it is there really good at it. Later gators Don't let these oldies tell you you don't know nothing, hang on , buy more , or sell part or all check the company website get a fill for them.
Can you stic to the topic FMNJ instead of answering my post with a personal attach please, thankyou.
I don't think we are quite ther but maybe pretty close just off the top of my head most the time you need to divide what you figure by 2 than minus some the ones that panic and sell at a loss than plus again the ones that are strong and we never know that the panic is over and more so in the morning, especially if people can get a fill for what is to come, that's were the news comes and than everybody jumps on and it goes strait up again. its enevitable when this silver news hits and they mention about the money, oz s rich veins, you know they have been working on it I read on there web page before I got in. We did not have a pull back much until now, some resistance at about .062 Thru that the .10 would be a resistance more than likely, unless that news comes, that .10 is ran right thru, and a wild guess it try for .20 yes all in 1 day no shish. I had the best gut filling on this stock did some home work, I do a lot of it but still the gut if it is working for you can go along ways. And as far as a moderator calling names to people on a board, that's not there name but he si doing a good job just a little to much of it. The main thing is to get rid of duplicate posts , I have done that not intending to hitting the button twice, Spamming on this I Hub is pretty much a no no, the moderator can make first choice, You can be a pest no rule against that, the big no on this board which I like very much personel attacks are not put up with much, you know the repeat repeat you see on yahoo Rb and other boards bad language, I am an optomist pretty easy to figure, tell you one thing I don't come back after selling a stock hopping to get it for less, while bashing it and all the mentioned, there is a few here there more sly than over on the other boards because they know there are rules of ethics a bit here so you wont' always be able to figure out the people here they seem to be better a bit smarter all that good stuff except me of course, I been a big dumbie act so long the words some time come out making me even worse, like I said I called for another 100% day this week i thought tuesday than fist thing monday it almost did it than someone read the news early about The big BBBBBOOOOVVVVILLIIA and ticket it down locked in seemed to be headed down below the .10 figured some things different, This stock is watched more heavy now so we get the can get faster moves either way, I seem to think that others will start getting the picture of optomism and up we go little more steady until the news than off and racing againd and we get some day trader and some weak hands some gut felling more news stronthen it up, with some oz in ground start mining at full speed hit a thicker part of the vein I see all that but than I am optomistic not gloomy like the americans are supposed to be. I have a spanish nick I was given in the Philippines, been a great place to invest the last couple years, market is open there I better go check to see how my minning is doing there. This Franklin is going to be fine if you gut says so stay with it get some more if you cant' stomach the down because you bought higher than sell at a lose is not so bad if you have a better place to park it, the modorator say buy bars you not have to you can SLV it now safer don't hold the metal very dangerous you or your wife tell a friend it slips the tongue again and again until you get robbed and killed over 1 - 10 100 oz silver bars and half dozen eagles, Siver will keep out pacing gold bet on it, I was gonna jump in the day it opened but I didn't get on line til 6:45 and it was up a bunch waited for pull back never did much closed out the day way up, silver 50 oz is no joke it is going thru that, have you notice the last year how metal is going on more demand and some times even if the dollar is up it still move up now it goes up on GEO , every thing is going for it, I missed the housing stock pretty much missed the boon in oil not missing the metals , this is not a 1 year bull market it has many things going for mentioned, I have a bunch in invested in metals and this one is going to be my biggest winner with least invested. The big mines are fine but i like a bit more excitment, this is the one for me, maybe see ya at the bank if you hang around.
Of course news like the previous silver veins, the silver is the reason I invested in this one to start, you think that will come this week, if it came tomorow and the Boliva bs is relaved, wouldn't be surpized if it was up 100% day, I am guessing to that people are putting a top price of 09 until some news like that will put it into another chart like before only the $ dollar could be achived. You put all the 10,000 barrels even if it's managed at a % they surely are not footing the whole bill for building, Silver at 14-15 going on 20 as this deal is anounced, Gold soon 700, Copper 3-4 pound , There is not a better story out there I figure for a stock, when the company has said not effect from the Bolivia, if you trust what they are saying this company with all that coming together can carry the Billion dollar market cap very quickly before making a there first dollar. This news seems to me were not going to wait to long, the are smart enough to send the last news today to let all of us know. Seen some of these companies have really good things going but dont follow up at least they followed up knowing what people need to here and not a lot fluff ok enough defence. Please forgive my spelling and such i dont do spell check etc, so alot of times I look like the dumbie, that's ok if i new to much I wouldn't be hear I would have my billion and have someone else for each stock seperatly babysitting, can't get over these professionals that right books even, alway recommending the wrong stock, got a winner here and I doubt we have to wait much longer for it to scoote right over the .10 cents given that news mentioned before .20 is closer in an hour not a day, sorry bout the long post, my fingers are working for a change.
that is the way of live true I hope I have some funds cleared up to pick up about another 500K of this, before that new someone said they talked to Paul sounds good and all it will probably go up before I get the chance. sounds like at least the mms let the bid ask closer probably no body had a orders kept in, good luck I would say it's about as low as you can ever buy shares of this stock.
Sounds good to me most logical, see there go with that, than again if it moves like it did this morn it only takes another large buy or sell to click in some action, heck maybe that's a good plan, so buy some in the morning at .05 o55 and sell at the .084 it could work but we should have maybe kept it secret, just kidding not that many people read this board yet. Hey one time my full service broker and more in that office were buying evething I was buying, at that time I was knew at stock call it lots a luck or and gut filling little dd very little, but my gut was really good for about 3 months running, my guts tell me some thing like your saying.
hey you maybe knew but I want to ask your take instead of always asking here, what is your guts telling you after the the price shave and where we go tomorow with this, don't be affraid of being wrong, most of us here are wrong about in some way, I would like to here work gut fillings, please do post. Your word counts to never mind If your wrong I can find something wrong with anyone.
That is not good advice at all the mining has alway out performed the metal at least 3 for 1 take a look at almost any minning stock chart and you will see. It can be dangerous to hold metals if you let it be known , may get robbed for sure so if you do buy metals don't tell a soul. Stick to the minning stock, if gold moves just another 20% you can bet most mining stock will be up another 100 % . Some of the mines will be paying out huge dividends before this gold rush is over. Call it what you like, were do you think franklin will be , SSSSIlver Coppper Gollld and Some oil dealliiiing that are in proccccessss, frieend sealled deeeal with GOV before all thissss little big horn happened over nothing. Seeeee ha all to morowooo hi o silver and away. llloooollll
You guys best friends now, you know you don't have to suc up to the modorator, and please those caps are hard on my eyes. lol
Don't believe a word of it
asian properties is were to be not US canada is doing great Philippines Japan Vietnam Bolivia
there is a modorator and it is not him even a moderator is not the boss the boss is FMNJ
Gold 3000 silver 50 oil 150 some of the experts say, were do you think FMNJ is going A dollar is not the high for this year, no pump just where I think it will be above
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