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Fraser Gold
Took a trip to the claim at the end of December and had a chance to run all of the equipment together. We got on to some good gold, but due to the gong show that preceded the dig we were only able to dig for an hour and a half or so. Buddy and I did have a good time though and we did pretty well.... wouldn't it be nice to run some equipment on a claim! My claim is an old one that was mined back in the 30's and it still produces well for me today.
All the talk is about the Ruby, but when the ship sales on the Fraser claim I can promise you that it will be just as explosive!
Final take - close to a gram
I am working on a video(for a contest) of the trip and will post it when it is edited.
Happy New Year ALL!!
The only thing that has happened here was a name change and a quadrupling of the OS. Mgmt didn't change after the last RS and neither did their MO. This is another Todd Hoffman operation!
Yesterday was clearly a conversion tactic. Pre xmas selling blitz to overwhelm the bid and drive the closing price down. What happened to all those .0289's today? They hung around for yesterdays close to ensure there were no painters getting bright ideas.
What a great opportunity to buy. News is coming sooner or later on Ruby success. 100 oz by February might be trouble though.
Its coming be patient.
When the fallout hits the fan its going to rain sunshine and lollipops.
A rainbow for you and $$$ for me. Everybody WINS with TECO in 2014
No doubt, you predicted well Malc. I dont have much to show from 10 or 15 pans, but it better than nothing.
It will be tough to compete when the break ground with machines, but I will take the crown for now! When ever you anyone wants to check it out, the old cabin is always open.
Cut the fat, rev the engine and LAUNCH IN 2014!!!!
TECO IN 2014!!!!
Teco has gone far from dark. Weekly updates, fluff or not are more than you get from most/all OTC stocks.
TECO is sputtering back to life, NOT taking its last gasps!!!
Value play here ***** WILL BE OVER $.02 BY SPRING*****
Q3 fins will show a very different picture for TECO from what we saw earlier in the year. Big write downs last Q, and delivered oil held over until this Q.
2014 looks very promissing for TECO
In your conversations with those folks you should suggest a little sampling sluice. A unit that can process a few yards an hour can be had for a reasonable price. I speak from experience when I say that its a heck of a lot easier than trying to pan all that material.
A good day of trading for TECO. Buys are starting to role in as traders see the VALUE play here! Lots of buys through the day and will keep building as the year comes to a close.
2014 will be the turn around and breakout investors have been waiting for!!!
Well they were right last winter about buying cheapies. Next month or so will be the time to buy in low.
I recon you'd be doing the shoveling there Malc! lol, if you work hard enough the bears wont come around for fear of the smell. Dont worry about getting shot up here, worst I can do is throw a few rocks, but thats pushing it
Got some more cheeeaap shares today. Judging by the conversion dates we should have a couple of months of breathing room after xmas.
Definately a good buy down here, although I have be buying on the way down. White news will lift our spirits and the PPS
I agree with the fact that the plant IS too big to fire up for just a little while. The worst part would be the clean up. They have a large sluice and it takes the same amount of time to wash the concentrates after 2 hours of running vs. a week of running.
What they need is a little sampling plant to check each load as it comes through.
Cost effective, easy to run, but it doesn't do much for testing out the main plant.
Drill, blast, dig, go go go!!
Here is a better look at what is going on with the short interest in this stock.
Short volume has made up 30% of the daily volume for some time now. Not exactly coffee money as you believe.
There was no misinformation given. Read the releases, they may have been "extremely excited", but the pay zones were never there. When they only perf. a 10 foot section, an investor should be able to understand what that means. The hole wasn't dry, but not sufficienct hydrocarbons.
Have been following TECO for a long time. Belize is priced OUT already and is overshooting before it corrects.
That has been the overarching theme in Belize, no argument there.
Time for them to get out, consolidate and move forward.
It does infact state in the article, from an eye witness, that there was a problem with drilling. The stuck packer is more likely than an outright lie.
I think I am going to go for the bear on a tree back scratch.... some more shares and a full run up a the claim on Saturday. That should put the fever at ease for a while!!
Why not?
They know they are behind, but are working hard to resolve the situation. The extra time that is taken now will allow TECO to submit their filings on time in the future.
2014 is going to be TECO's year. Soon the house will be in order and they will move on AND UP!!
Dilution, revoked stock, and repos are all just rumour and hearsay! Nothing factual about them.
The worse this stock does the worse my gold fever gets. An itch that can olny be scratched by making money on gold; from NBRI or the claim. Guess I need to go to the river for a couple of days.
Good luck NBRI'ers
Q3 numbers are promissed soon. Within a week or IR is a liar! We will see what is what very soon.
I don't see a problem with what ever is going on on the Mitchell lease. We no longer have any interests there due to the announced sale last week.
Stockton 2 is producing;
Its bad now, but there has been a lot of poop hitting the fan this year. 2014 WILL be better. A new approach will turn this one around. Sending their rigs out to generate revenues was a good start and now they are rebuilding. Belize is dead, and will also be cut from the portfolio. Consolidate and rebuild, that is the play here.
Lol, you've been doing some homework! Good understanding of the claim fee system in BC.
No problem,
It turns out that they would have only paid $40 CDN per cell because it was a mineral claim. However mineral claims have an escalating fee structure that requires you to pay/work more each year up to $20/hectar after 6 years.
Here is a list of NB's mineral holdings in BC. Silver Jen and Willa 5 are listed at the top and shows NBRI still retains 100% ownership.
Looks like Silver Jen WAS purchased from a prospector, but for an undisclosed amount.
Looking at NBRI's holdings at the Mineral Titles website you can see that NBRI claimed those properties directly from the government. I dont recall how many cells there were, but they paid $100 CDN for each cell.
It was 2.5 bill a/o Spet 30.
So you think that a stock will trade 20% of the outstanding shares and not move off of .0001?
If they were able to refinace debt with stock within their current share structure it would value the shares at .007.
That would give SUTI a market cap of $16 million... which is silly.
By my experience there is still plenty of gold in the Fraser watershed. NBRI should have good success once they get all the permitting figured out. We sure got close this year, but no luck.
It looks like my meager haul will take it this year. The night before the final trip of the year I got my finger with a hack saw. I couldn't do much more than drive to the claim and drop off more equipment. To add insult to injury, a bear ate a bunch of tar paper off of the cabin roof.
All eyes are on Ruby now, and the the weather. Go NBRI
Whats the volume on the ask? Should be about 187 million by now. All sells today.
$7 mill @ .0001 = 70 billion shares
$7 mill @ .0002 = 35 billion shares
Actually Malc is correct there Spanky.
What they didn't tell you was the price that they converted that $7.1 million at. Outstanding shares could be as high as 36 billion now, or maybe more.
REVERSE SPLIT is coming while MM keep this stock boxed in. Today represents a chance for bag holders to unload.
Have been following this story for a while now BTW. Good luck
Q3 numbers will be out in the next two weeks. Then and only then will we be able to see exactly what is going on with this company.
That is a very in deapth analysis of Treaty's situation and is proof of why a producing junior has such a low PPS. However, when the Q3 numbers come out they may show that TECO is over this hump. Certainly there are more challenges to come, but Q3 will proove that the company has turned a corner towards building a better reputation.
2014 will be the breakout year for TECO!
It is true, people ae no longer buying the story. I am sure there are folks in the wings who are waiting to buy the results though. It will be a slow grind up, but its coming.
You know what the release REALLY means?
It means the Clifton is no longer working in the mine and is in the office compiling data from the mapping program. This is important because he cant be in the tunnels during BLASTING!!
The Fraser has been bogged down in red tape regarding all that archeological stuff. It appears to be a quagmire that may take some time to resolve. The trouble is the required communication between departments, academics, and the company. Too many cooks in the kitchen now, and I have no insight as to when it might be resolved. Jack Hoffman once said to a crew of enthusiastic miners " the gold is there, we just have to dig it out of the ground". I just hope the Fraser project doesn't turn into a Hoffman misadventure.
Why was this msg deleted? The fact that this person is directly associated with the mine makes the content of the msg relevant and important.
Can someone restore the post so NBRI shareholders can see the content?
My powder is almost dry, will be adding again next week.
Almost as exciting as a trip into Ruby!
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