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Looks like we gotta wait for a positive PR, to move the volume and pps. Hope CTGI might give us a PR, or maybe an update about the Money Show would be nice.
Doesn't seem Money Show went well for potential investors, still weak volume with people selling for 40 cents a share.
Someone keeps doing a little buy near the end of the day, to try to keep the pps up; while most of the shares were sold at about 0.40 cents. Anyone see this?
True, but people are also not buying and trying to low-ball the bid price.
I think big picture will be coming in 2009, to see how revenues go.
Best Bid is 0.40 cents, someone can do better than that.
With a huge spread like that, I bet volume will be very very low today.
Very good points, I think CTGI can revolutionize the industry in the future. You are right, its a long-term vision; but currently the company isn't making money and we are bleeding in cash.
The company needs to wait until LTC can start providing much needed cash.
Good thing SEC has new regulation about naked shorting, trying to force shorters to cover within a certain timeline.
I really hopes this helps stabilize many honest companies that get their pps hammered because of shorters, which make it difficult for them to raise capital.
I am here to stay the long haul, if it goes to $1 or not; I don't really care. I would like to see green in my stocks, I never said I was gonna sell anytime soon.
I have a full-time salaried job, I am not worried about the little money I put into CTGI. I can hold and wait, I would like to see CTGI as a much bigger and successful company in the future. I own other stocks besides CTGI, and I am not the type of investor who tries to flip his stocks for profit.
People are shorting this stock (,
beware the clever, mildly subtle bashers.
I think we will hit $1 before the year is up.
She is probably paid to say nice things about APRU.
APRU to the moon lol!
My guess is 2011, they will be profitable.
I think they got too many expenses right now, and salary is a big expense too. And if they are like Wal-mart, their margins on sales are not that much.
Have faith, give it a few months.
$1 is coming.
CTGI: 54,900 shares need to be covered soon, I found this information on
Good thing the SEC has a new rule to help prevent naked shorting, hopefully the shorters will have to cover.
You are not the only one Corr has scammed for money.
Corr has milked so many people for their cash, it ain't even funny.
A PR about how the Money Show went would be nice.
Hope we get some new blood, lets rocket to $1 soon.
The Bay and Sears are department stores, very different than a discounter like Wal-Mart.
Wal-mart is pretty huge in Canada. The Wal-marts I have been too all have massive parking lots. Ever been in a Canadian Wal-Mart after work from 5-8pm? Lets just say, its packed, very packed.
I went to the Whitby Wal-mart one time, the parking lot was so packed; I parked so deep it felt like a 12 min walk to get to the store.
Like I said earlier, if Hear at Last can take off, it would be great being inside Wal-Mart. The only problem is, this stock seems to be a extremely long term play. It might be 2-5 years before the company is profitable.
People will be inspired if the pps can crack $1 again.
PPS is strange, these days. It closed at 0.50 but alot of the shares were traded at 0.42. I have watched multiple days where it does this kind of thing.
I am not a basher, don't worry about it.
I have been to the dufferin Wal-Mart before, and the Oshawa Wal-mart too. Wal-Mart is just amazing in Canada.
All my friends back home, love going to Wal-mart. Anything you need, you think Wal-mart first. And most times, Wal-mart has the best price on anything you buy.
People don't realize Wal-mart has a huge hold on the Canadian market, the only close competitor I can think of is Zellers; and Wal-mart can crush Zellers. I have been to Zellers too, and I think Zellers sucks bigtime compared to Wal-Mart in Canada.
Besides Wal-mart and Zellers, I can't really think of another big chain which is a threat. There used to be K-mart, but I think they closed down a whiles back.
Anyway, HRAL being in Wal-mart is a very good thing.
The company has great potential, the only thing is that it may be very very very long term potential.
This is a good stock to watch, but maybe not something you wanna buy right away because it might take a long time for the pps to rise high.
Bashing? If I was bashing I would call this a pump and dump.
The pps $1.85 to 0.04
maybe 0.06 now, to 0.0001
This is a pinkie after all.
Shoot, pps at 0.42
Comeon news. Need some good news so we can rocket this ship to $1
No one is buying right now, volume has been dry for a while.
im not coming in yet.
Theres not much volume.
No guarantees pps will rise anytime soon either
good point, I will hold on, long term. I am thinking the money show wasn't that great for the company in terms of investing.
They might have gotten some exposure for the company, but it doesn't seem like people from the show are buying our stock; since the volume has been so dry.
Dufferin Mall eh?
I have been there. Its a busy mall, you get a lot of ghetto people that go there; if you know what I mean.
I think its a good spot for HRAL though, pretty busy, and it is Toronto.
You got people from all ethnicity's and backgrounds going thru there.
so many pinkies are scams, that are at 0.0001
Wanna know if a pinkie is a scam, it might be trading at 0.0001
I think FFGO needs a big reverse split, so it can possibly go back to 0.0001 again.
Ha, pump it up and it might come.
Is this another pinkie scam?
what is the pps? 0.0001?
How many pinkies are 0.0001 with a huge O/S in the billions?
2009 is coming soon, gonna laugh my butt off when I watch APRU's pps when the divy restriction is off.
I wish I could sell my RSHN shares.
Volume been bad lately, hope volume picks up; will be happier if this stock trades above $1. Still gonna hold long, wanna see how this stock plays out.
HRAL could do very well one day, but I think its a very long term play. I think I want to come in at some point, but I might wait a bit. The pps might not head north anytime soon, so I might put my money elsewhere for now,.
I am not a basher, I just wanna be sure before I come in, I have been burned huge before on pinkies.
The pinks are risky, who knows where it could go from 0.06.
In the pinks stocks have gone from $1 to 0.0001
0.25 to 0.0001
I think HRAL might be a winner, but wanna be careful; because of being burned in the past on the pinksheets.
For such an educated person you spelled Canadian wrong, and you are missing capital letters on a couple of things.
I don't claim to be smart, but if you do; your grammer isn't that great.
Back to the topic, HRAL is probably a much better stock than many many pinkies on the market. Alot of pinkies are pure scams, but HRAL has potential.
Honestly, I am thinking about buying in, its a toss up between Rite Aid (RAD) and HRAL. I am a bit worried that HRAL may take to long to increase in pps, too much long-term I mean. Another thing with low price and low volume stocks, is the fact that its hard to sell your shares if you need the cash.
Credentials you say, if I heard correctly from the interview ; the CEO said he graduated from college in Canada (in Business).
College in Canada isn't the same as saying college or University in the US. In Canada there is a huge gap between University and College. If you are Canadian, you know college is much looked upon versus a University degree.
If I heard correctly, and the CEO does have a college degree( or diploma) in business, I am not impressed; because I have a business degree from University.
I have a University degree in Business, and I am not impressed with it. Unless the CEO had a Master's or MBA or PH.D, I am not impressed with his education.
I am holding long, with 5000 shares bought at 0.49
But it kinda sucks watching this stock, and seeing nothing happen. And also seeing i am down a bit.
Would be happier if not much happier, but showed It was trading with me having a gain.
Im not sure the pps is gonna spike anytime soon, I thought it was gonna spike after the money show, but I was wrong.
Volume is dried up, not looking pretty these days.
We need a Pr from company.
This stock had a nice run, a huge run, huge volume ... a whiles back.
Can't remember if it was 2005. or 2006,. or 2007./
That was the past, the present looks like poop.
I haven't been following it much, but I think I remember the President or CEO or someone high up changed.
And a new guy was brought in, I think he had an Indian or Pakistani Name. I stopped following the stock since then.
Why no more news? from Company? very bad sign.
I have seen many stocks tank to the 0.0001, even some from $1 to 0.0001.
So, I am worried HRAL might go lower, if it tanked from $1 to 0.05. maybe it could go from 0.06 to 0.0021
Anything can happen, stocks can just tank.
And Im worried because HRAL is not profitable, and its got debt.
Lots of debt. And even though HRAL is losing money, its CEO and president make a solid $140,000 a year.
Low volume also means, buyers arent willing to buy at the high 40 cents's.
I guess the Money Show wasn't that great, low volume kinda makes me think there wasn't that much interest.
How long has it been at 0.0001????
This stock is dead, in my eyes.