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Magas pay attention to his message its directed at you!
How many Republicans will get caught committing Voter Fraud before the GOP stops pointing fingers
Lmfao, who ended up in the military from 2020? Oops a whole bunch of maga Trump supporters ended up in prison.
Reality versus fake conspiracy.
The confirmed cases of voter fraud are by Republicans. They are the main cheaters. They are their Orange leader don't care about the rule of law.
Sure, and you'll be posting your evidence of this when now? Never of course. Made-up chit conspiracy is back.
Having to pay millions of dollars, plus huge amounts of legal fees, for alleged fraudulent behavior, in my books is not a win. You can say they are fortunate the outcome is not worse and they get to carry on.
It's my opinion the settlement won't shutter the house. I think the Government will be satisfied to be getting some funds re-paid back and would not want to shutter the house into bankruptcy or bankruptcy protection, to not realize some repayment. Again that is an opinion only.
Because it's the Government and they don't need the money or in any rush, I also think they will be open to reasonable terms for whatever the agreed amount is, to be paid back over time.
North Carolina appeals court rejects RNC request to set aside ballots from overseas voters who never lived in state
This requires another comment. I can tell you are ignorant of this case, have no idea of the merits of it and just blindly writing that stupid comment.
This RNC issue they brought up to the court is insane saying the voter should have to make sure the envelope is postmark otherwise it should not be counted. Like they should have to go to the post office to make sure it is. What about home bound seniors?
The court slam this silly case with that and most of these cases are silly thus why GOP are losing them. You have no idea of the issues and just scream ignorantly with the stupid comments of allowing voter fraud when it's nothing remotely close.
These are Pathetic attempts to block legit votes, not voter fraud..
There are a couple of cases going to the US Supreme Court that are a closer call but still should not be decided in GOP favor. But guess what, you have your two corrupt Judges along with the packed Conservative Court so they likely will over turn those rulings on appeal, ya cry baby.
Maybe not. Could be 5 to 4 against GOPs. What will you do than Cry Baby?
But Judge Alito in charge of approving the appeals, it's almost a guarantee he'll rule something favorable to GOP as he gets another free trip.
Are you trying to say something meaningful? because you just babbled something incredibly stupid as normal. Even if this decision went your way it's likely not to have any effect on the results. Just stop yer cry baby whining. It's so embarrassing. I remember some speech you made about respecting court decisions but I knew you were full of crap, now everyone knows.
Most of these decisions are based on law. And most if not all have the same conclusion that there was no evidence subject to any fraud.
Now for the truth, instead of Timber maga lies
Hahaha, Ya Moron. Your Video is so dark, that you can't see the empty seats and people walked out!
Haha, You lie. Everyone knows Trump is a compulsive liar and his supporters who defend him are - YOU
The settlement is no win. He will end up paying a significant amount for wrongdoing, shady, alleged fraudulent conduct. I think the US government with their summary Judgment motion really put pressure on Seamus to settle. Could he risk that motion being granted with the amount of monetary damages they asked for? If the court granted it, could the company have survived?. I guess by avoiding that outcome one could say it's positive but at what cost? We will find out.
Eric's Motion To Strike Or Permanently Stay The Bankruptcy Application Of WNBD Is Denied
Eric brought a motion on the Bankruptcy Application on WNBD asking the Court to strike it or permanently stay it based on Jurisdiction, saying it was brought in the wrong Country ( Canada ) as WNBD is a US Corporation. Eric alleged WNBD did no business in Canada and does not reside in Canada, meaning its business office is in the US, among other things.
The creditor ( opposite party ) countered with six grounds why Eric was wrong, Paragraph 9. The judge appeared to have agreed with every one of them The Judge in paragraph concludes his decision was not a close call, In paragraph 20 the Judge questions if Eric is operating legally in Canada.
So now this case will move to the main hearing, sometime in 2025. I suspect Eric was never going to disclose this ruling since it was negative.
Trump’s crowd size in Atlanta tonight is embarrassing, and an awful showing for a swing state.
Donald Trump's Atlanta Crowd Size Compared With Harris' Ann Arbor Event
Republican suit targeting Pennsylvania overseas ballots dismissed
Oct 29/ 2024
Haha what useless chit. I have an idea. Why doesn't drunk, broke, bankrupt, Rudy take this to court and introduce it as new fresh evidence. Can he be disbarred again, a second time? For more frivolous garbage? Arrested for abusing the Court? Go Rudy Go?!!!🤪
Now for some interesting exciting news and for Timber's enjoyment.
Georgia election workers win defamation suit against far-right site Gateway Pundit
Donald Trump Praised Hitler And Said He 'Did Some Good Things,' Reveals Ex-Aide John Kelly
The phone is ringing. Pick it up. It Vladimir. Wants to says thanks for being a loyal Russian stooge for him and to keep up the good work, comrade Boris.
Hello Cry Baby 😪
How's those salty teams? Flowing as usual? I posted it just for you! 🤣 and there are a few more, all ruled against magas.
Did you read this part? Well sure you did? Well read again and start flowing those maga salty tears again.
Nevada supreme court rejects Republican 'postmark ballot' lawsuit
Marc Anthony On Trump, - I remember
So many lies
What a baby. I Debunked what he thinks is a great nailed-it post and Choo Choo Train is coming. Playing with your toys are you.? Ready now to accept the election results with no strings attached with your Choo Choo train. 😂
Listen you dumb idiot, I have called you out 3 times now. You said, that she said she wanted to shut down X. Where in that clip did she say that? You are a bold-faced liar.
And you can stop lying that X has no censorship as that also is a bald-faced lie as it censors. And it needs to, but unbiasedly which does not appear to be the case.
Again you got caught in a lie. You are quick to call out others when you think they are not truthful. Anymore dancing from you on this?
I am not interested in the bullchit of missing footage in today's world, or it was taken down crap.
However, let's try this. I don't condone violence and therefore say those rioters were wrong. Do you say the Trump maga rioters who cause violence and death were wrong, Yes or No?
I bet there will be no response or no response saying maga supporters causing violence were wrong. Isn't that surprising ( if true )
It's a good thing he was spewing that chit while a whole bunch of undeciders were watching. And baaaaaaaaaaa baaaaaaaa baaaaaaaa to you.
Trump rambling like a fool at MSG rally.
The dark rhetoric is a loser. The lies are a loser. The Conspiracy tales are a loser.
Ya check it out. Man are you that stupid. I Posted it, ya fool. It's from 2019. And she was talking about Trump, Dummy
You'll be posting your evidence of this any year now. I'll help you. A good source to find reliable credible proof would be this place called Gateway Pundit. 😂
Look the crier is crying again. Can't go a day without those salty lying tears flooding the forum.
Lots of successful court cases with stop the count. We have Rudy with a 142 million lose everything. Why don't you file a lawsuit with your powerful evidence. LMFAO 🤣
Your an idiot too.
Do you want to take a shot at it? Where maga mojo was just made to look like a FOOL?
Produce what he was called out on and could not?
So I need to repeat this for your dumb maga brain.
Now listen you dumb idiot that is from 2019, talking about Trump, she says "Twitter"
I ask you for the following:
Thanks for confirming Harris had more people at her rally at Houston, 24,000. I already posted the laughable smackdown of JD Vance.
As Trump courts their vote, comedian at his rally makes racist jokes about Latinos and Puerto Rico
Comedian Tony Hinchcliffe made crude jokes about Latinos having babies and called Puerto Rico a “floating island of garbage.”
Not as many that turned out for Harris at Houston, that's for sure for sure.
So with that crowd size does that mean you are now ready to commit to accepting the election results with no strings attached? 😂
Trump mocked for claiming 29,000 supporters flocked to see him work fryer at McDonald’s
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