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One man show INTV is the Mt Everest of red flags.
All time high Dow, all time high gold, next week record spx and only empty propaganda bitcoin. Anybody who wants a bitcoin spot etf has probably already bpught one of 28 available in Europe.
Bulls can always hope for new money from a few fools who refuse to do even the tiniest amount of DD. Amazing!
BTC takes the stairway on the way up and the elevator on the way down. Never changes. Whales used the cannon fodder retail for exit liquidity once again. That never changes either. Post 63029 explains it.
Only about 4 months left before the halving. I suspect many junior miners will be swept away. The electric bill and the rent don't care about mining yield cut in half not to mention skyrocketing mining difficulty getting worse and worse virtually all the time.
Things change. I change with them. Look at my recent post where I said the path of least resistance was upward.
The path of least resistance is up. Problem is a very few people control bitcoin so you never know. What we do know is most of this year they have gone after the shorts money time after time. So when does that turn on the longs? The institutions staying away from the miners is telling you there is no easy sure thing on the long side.
Who wants to buy my iron clad no interference ever one man complete and total kingdom
Somehow I thought the os was 2.4mm post split. Bets on When it hits 20mm?
Seriously , does anybody actually think that any investor looking at this stock and does even the most basic dd isn't going to put on his track shoes and run away screaming? I cannot even imagine another situation like this one.
Another preliminary report. Where's the auditors report...Earnings are moving right along. Oh wait! It seems they are going to attempt to trade more dilution for increased revenue once again so the shareholder is gaining exactly what? And where can any INTV experienced person expect those revenues to end up?
Some smart guy is going figure out what price the dilution shares were sold for.. If the range for the year is down to a dollar thirty something I wouldn't pay more than thirty cents. The coolest scenerio would be for the stock to somehow double from here and the perennial rollercoaster riders around here ride it right back down for the umpteenth time.
I wonder how many shares involved. I remember shares that were sold for less than peanuts (way less) compared to their market price at the time.
Common shares oh oh
At that rate of accumulation it might take only 75,067 years to make any difference. Nice.
Right now btc is drawing a bull flag
If you think bitcoin has been bullish for ten years then you could say the s &p has been bullish for about 200 years. I prefer to recognize and play the periodic bull and bear markets and I suspect the current btc bear market is not over yet although it is close to proving me wrong. I believe we will soon see.
Things change.
Btc looking like a possible tweezer top. Extremely overbot need to see how it acts around 32k
IMO If bitcoin can stay above the 32k area and bounce off of it a few times things change technically back to bullish.
Big players trying to suck cannon fodder in one more time. Blackrock and assorted crew don't buy above 15k IMO.
Bitcoin appears to be winding up the end of the distribution pattern IMO. It could go a little higher but nice right shoulder. This time I dont think the public was fooled as much as they have been in the past as evidenced by the bitcoin stocks not participating very much in the bitcoin upmove . Good for them. .JMHO.
Bitcoin doing what it is supposed to do.
Not sure which chart you are refering to. Bitcoin has been moving sideways mostly. Not a lot of bitcoin for sale and not a lot of demand. So declining volume. Looks like it wants to build a head and shoulders top... I understand on some charts it spiked to about 30k in a very successful short destroyer the other day while my chart showed only upper 28k's so far. Those kind of moves are made possible because there are almost as many get rich quick shorts as here are get rich quick longs.. I don't bother to look at INTV chart because I do not see any future for the company mining bitcoin and I have asked this board many times to provide a little clarity on any possibile road to survival but nobody has an answer..... Seriously? I am not just picking on INTV, I feel it's the same for any small miner. Halving only about 6 months away now BTW, How long has it been since INTV upgraded all of it's machines? Not much talk around here about new machines for a good while now. Is there no point??? Anybody have an idea if/when the current 'clodder' becomes boat anchors? If bitcoin moves higher it will naturally attract more and more competing miners to come online and with the newest equipment. IMO small companies squeezed pretty much out. Darwin stuff.
Bitcoin been going sideways may finally have a shot to move a couple of grand higher before the collapse. We will see.
Bitcoin is right up against moving average resistance. IMO If it can get through it and I think it will, it has a good chance to get up to between 29k and 31k which would be sufficient to finish drawing the right shoulder of the shs top I have been talking about. Liquidity in the bitcoin space is close to an all time low while the dollar is in a multi-year bull market.
The largest part of world commerce runs on U S dollars. That may change someday or it may not. But if it does, most legitimate estimates are that it will take between 80 and 100 years to change to something else. (You don't hear much about a BRIC currency any more do you). Bitcoin is not in that picture. Bitcoin is only a trading vehicle designed to take money away from those who don't understand Wall St. For example If you consider what happened to guys who 'invested' in INTV it should start to make sense.
Yeah, for the bitcoin guys who are waiting for the dollar collapse, the dollar recently collapsed and broke resistance all the way up to 107 on its way to 120 then 140 so all the dollar shorts are wondering what exactly happened to that internet baitclick narrative. But but but they were so sure... one day old tech bitcoin will likely be replaced.
Folks can see the big difference in behavior between bitcoin mining stocks and other bitcoin stocks. IMO mining stocks are not as desirable as we get closer to bitcoin halving and increase in mining difficulty.
I recently read a bitcoin article about how Japan is having a currency crisis and the population is buying gold to hedge but no bitcoin. So yeah, bitcoin is taking over the world if you want to believe clickbait. Reality, not so much.
I can't wait for the fed govt to turn the entire financial system of the free world over to a few bitcoin fools. Any day now.
IMO there is still a good technical shot at bitcoin going at least to 29k area and then even somewhat higher as it attempts to build a right shoulder of a head and shoulders top.
This guy is no matter what happens it's somehow bullish for bitcoin. The absolute worst.
There is nothing wrong about using the term 'would have been' It is still used today by many folks who are currently serving 10 to 20 with time off for better behavior
BTC trying to build a right shoulder IMO. Should make it t about 29k.
You guys should take it up with the board of directors.....or board of director such as it is.
Less bitcoin please. Now Chase Bank in the UK is quitting their entire crypto business and told customers to find another bank if they want crypto services. More De-adaption. My Goodness!! It's really catching on.
This means companies can do business and eliminate worry about bitcoin wild price swings. More Disadaption Progress.
You're done bitcoin, Citibank announced today it is offering Citibank block chain technology to instantly transform institutional client money into Citibank tokens which can be used for instant 24/7 cross border transactions. Hey! that was bitcoin's gig was at least up to today,, Now All the banks and major finance companies worldwide will copy this immediately. Old tech bitcoin is out of a job once again Maybe bitcoin can get welfare.
I guess he knows a good thing when he sees it,
Where is the INTV 10q we expected a month and a half ago????? Judging by the huge delay I am expecting a doozy with record amount of bitcoin mined and huge record earnings. No? Last one came out all the way back in May but I suppose we should be happy at least it was May of the current year. I'm going to miss this board when it's gone.
Lookout bitcoin.... DXY broke resistance. Some guys (not necessarily me yet) looking for a 3k to 9k bitcoin before it's over. However it's crypto so anything can happen. Guys who are concerned with making money like to short rallys in a bear market.... Well Duh!
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