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I salute XXII Managment;O)
22nd Century Group soumet son rapport annuel et fait une mise à jour de ses activités
Date : 01/31/2014 @ 5:05AM
Source : Business Wire
Stock : 22nd Century Group, Inc. (QB) (XXII)
Quote : 2.63 0.0 (0.00%) @ 5:32AM
22nd Century Group soumet son rapport annuel et fait une mise à jour de ses activités
22nd Century Group, Inc. (OTCBB:XXII)
Intraday Stock Chart
Today : Friday 31 January 2014
22nd Century Group, Inc. (OTCQB : XXII) a annoncé aujourd’hui que la Société a déposé son rapport 2013 sur formulaire 10-K auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission.
Pour l’exercice clos au 31 décembre 2013, les recettes s’élevaient à 7,28 millions de dollars, contre 0,02 million de dollars pour l’année 2012. L’augmentation des recettes en 2013 provenait principalement des droits de licences recettes de la British American Tobacco (Investments) Limited, de 7 millions de dollars.
22nd Century Group a enregistré un résultat d’exploitation de 1,8 millions de dollars pour l’exercice 2013, contre une perte d’exploitation de 3,2 millions de dollars enregistrée en 2012. La perte nette de la Société pour l’exercice 2013 s’élevait à 26,2 millions de dollars, soit 0,60 $ par action ordinaire diluée, contre une perte nette de 6,7 millions de dollars ou 0,22 $ par action ordinaire diluée en 2012. Les résultats de 2013 tenaient compte des dépenses hors exploitation provenant (i) de la variation non monétaire de la juste valeur des instruments dérivés (passif) de 23,6 millions de dollars, (ii) des dépenses hors paiement comptant incitatif de 3,7 millions de dollars du Programme d’échange d’options de la Société, et (iii) d’autres charges non opérationnelles de 0,6 million de dollars.
L’EBITDA ajusté (tel que décrit au paragraphe et dans tableau ci-dessous) a été de 4,3 millions de dollars, ou 0,10 $ par action ordinaire diluée, pour l’exercice 2013, contre un EBITDA ajusté négatif de 1,8 million de dollars, ou 0,06 $ par action ordinaire diluée en 2012. Le tableau ci-dessous fournit des informations relatives à l’EBITDA ajusté de la Société pour les exercices clos aux 31 décembre 2013 et 2012, y compris une réconciliation de perte nette par rapport à l’EBITDA ajusté pour ces périodes, et une note d’avertissement concernant l’EBITDA.
Exercice clos le 31 décembre
% Variation
Perte nette $ (26.153.158 ) $ (6.736.737 ) 288 %
Réintégration :
Perte nette sur le passif 23.602.711 1.998.043 1.081 %
Dépenses d’échange d’options incitatives 3.736.313 - 100 %
Dépréciation et amortissement 144.289 198.406 -27 %
Intérêts débiteurs et amortissement des escomptes sur les dettes 748.605 1.494.545 -50 %
Rémunération à base d’actions 2.361.962 1.254.171 88 %
Remboursement du crédit d’impôt (122.024 ) - 100 %
EBITDA ajusté $ 4.318.698 $ (1.791.572 ) 341 %
L’EBITDA ajusté est une mesure financière non établi conformément aux principes comptables généralement reconnus (« PCGR »). La Société est d’avis que l’EBITDA ajusté est une mesure importante qui complète les rapports de gestion de ses opérations et permet une meilleure compréhension de ses résultats d’exploitation. Bien que considérée comme une mesure importante par la direction, l’EBITDA ajusté doit être considéré conjointement avec, mais non pas comme un substitut ou une mesure supérieure à, d’autres mesures des résultats financiers préparées conformément aux PCGR, telles que le revenu d’exploitation, le revenu net et les flux de trésorerie provenant des activités d’exploitation. Différentes méthodes peuvent être utilisées pour le calcul de l’EBITDA ajusté, et celle utilisée par la Société peut différer de celles d’autres entreprises.
Mise à jour des activités de 22nd Century
Cotation à la bourse nationale
22nd Century Group déposera une demande la semaine prochaine auprès de NASDAQ et de la bourse de New York pour la cotation de ses actions ordinaires sur le marché boursier. Au 31 décembre 2013, 22nd Century Group comptait un actif total d’environ 12,3 millions de dollars, y compris 5,8 millions de dollars en espèces, et son passif à court terme ne s’élevait qu’à 0,98 million de dollars. L’unique passif à long terme de la société est son « passif dérivé » (hors trésorerie) qui, en raison Programme d’échange d’options de la société clos au 12 décembre 2013, était seulement de 3,8 millions de dollars.
Produits de la recherche sur le tabac
Goodrich Tobacco Company, la filiale en propriété exclusive de la Société, est en train de clore une commande de 5,5 millions de cigarettes SPECTRUM® pour NIDA, une entité de la National Institute of Health. Le tabac présent dans SPECTRUM, les cigarettes de recherche du gouvernement, contient huit différents niveaux de nicotine, all
Au cours du quatrième trimestre 2013, Goodrich Tobacco a vendu 2 500 kilogrammes de son tabac propriétaire à très faible niveau de nicotine (« VLN ») à la FDA (Food and Drug Administration) dans le cadre d’un contrat de sous-traitance avec le gouvernement. La Société a l’intention de continuer de travailler avec la FDA sur d’autres contrats et a déjà déposé une soumission distincte auprès l’agence.
Acquisition de NASCO
Le 17 septembre 2013, la Société a conclu un Contrat d’achat de participations (« Contrat d’achat ») pour l’achat de toutes les actions émises et des participations en circulation de NASCO Products, LLC (« NASCO »), un fabricant de produits du tabac basé en Caroline du Nord et membre de l’accord-cadre de règlement Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement, également appelé MSA, (la « NASCO Transaction »). La finalisation de la NASCO Transaction est soumise à des conditions, dont le consentement des procureurs généraux des États signataires du MSA. NAAG a discuté de la NASCO Transaction avec un petit groupe de travail des États du MSA, discussion au cours de laquelle la Société a répondu à diverses séries de questions. Le groupe de travail a présenté la question à tous les États signataires du MSA avec un plan d’action proposé pour évaluation par ces États. Avec l’entrée en vigueur d’un accord d’adhésion révisé de NASCO Products, LLC reflétant la NASCO Transaction, la société estime qu’elle sera en mesure de finaliser la NASCO Transaction.
Achat d’unité de production
Au quatrième trimestre 2013, Goodrich Tobacco a racheté des équipements et des pièces d’équipements de fabrication de cigarettes, des articles d’usine, du mobilier et des accessoires de bureau, des véhicules et des logiciels de la faillite de PTM Technologies, Inc. (« PTM »), et des suppléments d’équipements et pièces d’équipements, de véhicules et d’autres articles d’usine auprès de la faillite de Renegade Tobacco Co. (« Renegade »), pour un montant total d’environ 3,4 millions de dollars. PTM et Renegade sont des sociétés liées basées à Mocksville, en Caroline du Nord, sous liquidation au Tribunal fédéral des faillites du district central de la Caroline du Nord. La Société n’a, par le passé, entretenu aucune relation, ni n’a l’intention d’entretenir des relations futures, avec les anciens directeurs de PTM et de Renegade.
Une vente aux enchères sera organisée par EttinGroup à la fin du mois de février pour une partie du matériel de fabrication non requis par l’entreprise.
Distribution nationale des marques de cigarettes RED SUN® et MAGIC® en 2014
À la finalisation de la NASCO Transaction, Goodrich Tobacco lancera la distribution de ses marques premium auprès de divers grossistes. Depuis le lancement des produits en 2011, les ventes et la commercialisation des cigarettes commerciales de Goodrich Tobacco ont été réduites afin de limiter les coûts et la complexité associés à l’adhésion au MSA.
Produits d’atténuation des effets nocifs du tabac
La société a l’intention de solliciter l’autorisation de la FDA pour la mise sur le marché de deux produits en développement, BRAND A et BRAND B, comme cigarettes au potentiel de risque modifié. 22nd Century a continué de recueillir de l’information supplémentaire depuis la publication par la FDA de directives sur le sujet (« Modified Risk Tobacco Product Applications Draft Guidance ») pour faciliter la présentation des demandes complètes pour les deux cigarettes candidates au potentiel de risque modifié. La Société prévoit de présenter ces demandes en 2014.
X-22, prescription d’aide à l’abandon du tabac
Hercules Pharmaceuticals, une filiale en propriété exclusive de la Société, est actuellement en train d’identifier les éventuels partenaires de coentreprise ou de licence pour le financement des essais cliniques restants du X-22 . Lorsqu’un partenaire de coentreprise ou de licence aura été identifié, la Société sollicitera un rencontre avec la FDA afin de faire avancer son dossier de demande de drogue nouvelle de recherche.
Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter le site :
À propos de 22nd Century Group, Inc.
22nd Century est une entreprise de biotechnologies végétales dont la technologie propriétaire permet de réduire ou d’augmenter la teneur en nicotine et autres alcaloïdes nicotiniques (à l’instar de la nornicotine, l’anatabine et l’anabasine) dans la plante de tabac à travers des procédés de génie génétique et de sélection des plantes. 22nd Century possède ou est le licencié exclusif de 114 brevets délivrés dans 78 pays et de 38 demandes de brevet supplémentaires en instance. Goodrich Tobacco Company, LLC et Hercules Pharmaceuticals, LLC sont des filiales à part entière de 22nd Century. Les activités de Goodrich Tobacco portent principalement sur les produits du tabac et les cigarettes moins dangereuses. Les activités de Hercules Pharmaceuticals sont axées autour du X-22, une prescription d’aide antitabagique en développement.
Note d’avertissement concernant les déclarations prospectives : Ce communiqué contient des renseignements de nature prospective, y compris toutes les déclarations ne constituant pas des faits historiques, les convictions ou les attentes de 22nd Century Group, Inc., ses administrateurs ou ses agents à l’égard du contenu de ce communiqué de presse. Les expressions « peut », « pourrait », « sera », « s’attendre à », « estimer », « prévoir », « croire », « avoir l’intention de » et leurs variantes et les expressions similaires sont destinées à identifier des déclarations prospectives. Nous ne pouvons pas garantir les résultats futurs, les niveaux d’activité ou les performances. Vous ne devez pas accorder une confiance excessive à ces déclarations prospectives, qui ne sont valides qu’à la date à laquelle elles sont faites. Ces avertissements doivent être pris en considération pour toutes déclarations prospectives écrites ou orales que nous pourrions émettre à l’avenir. Sauf dans les conditions requises par la loi en vigueur, y compris les lois sur les valeurs mobilières des États-Unis, nous n’avons pas l’intention de mettre à jour les déclarations prospectives afin qu’elles reflètent les résultats réels, les événements ou circonstances futurs ou la survenance d’événements imprévus. Vous devez soigneusement examiner et prendre en considération nos diverses publications dans notre rapport annuel sur le formulaire 10-K pour l’exercice clos au mardi 31 décembre 2013, déposé le jeudi 30 janvier 2014, y compris la section intitulée « Facteurs de risque », et nos autres rapports déposés auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission des États-Unis qui propose aux intéressés des informations sur les risques et les facteurs qui peuvent affecter notre activité, notre situation financière, les résultats d’exploitation et les flux de trésorerie. Si l’un ou plusieurs de ces risques ou incertitudes venaient à se concrétiser, ou si les hypothèses sous-jacentes s’avéraient inexactes, les résultats réels pourraient varier significativement de ceux prévus ou projetées.
Le texte du communiqué issu d’une traduction ne doit d’aucune manière être considéré comme officiel. La seule version du communiqué qui fasse foi est celle du communiqué dans sa langue d’origine. La traduction devra toujours être confrontée au texte source, qui fera jurisprudence.
Redington, Inc.
Tom Redington, 203-222-7399
33 feet away
that is what dogs are for.
Send the dog out there..
Thank You
Our Decision Has Been Made
Jan 23, 2014 10:24 AM
Decision Diagnostics Inc (OTCQB:DECN) has been covered several times eloquently by a fellow contributor (see his 3 articles here, here & here). The contributor covered the compelling story the Goliath Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) brought several lawsuits against DECN, both of them potentially fatal, and against many odds DECN has prevailed and won favorable court rulings. By all means DECN (David) should have stepped up as the victor to claim their prize. In a sense DECN has, its stock price appreciating from its low of .15 cents to a recent high of $1.07, but unfortunately has retreated from its recent high to where we sit today at approximately $0.60.
Some may think that either they missed out on the quick 400% appreciation, or that this stock has run its course with little chance of recovery or perhaps they feel that they may have a long wait until the company adds clarity to its business and the stock makes its next run, it is hard to tell, but in our view, there couldn't be a better time to take a position in DECN as the story hasn't played out, it's actually only beginning. We feel like this is likely to be our best stock pick of 2014.
There is no question that diabetes is a huge and still growing problem worldwide, Companies competing in the at-home testing segment of the market share an approximately $23 billion annually. The market is expected to grow to $30 billion by 2017. The four largest pharmaceutical companies (Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), Roche Holding AG (OTCQX:RHHBY), Bayer AG (OTCPK:BAYRY), and Abbott Laboratories (ABT)) control over 83% market share, of which JNJ's product offerings, named OneTouch Ultra are used by 30% of all testing diabetics (3.405 Million diabetics in the U.S. who rely on J&J's Ultra glucose meters).
Decision Diagnostics "GenStrip" is a single use diagnostic, specifically manufactured for the aforementioned LifeScan OneTouch line of blood glucose meters. The company is targeting JNJ's market with a cheaper more accurate alternative.
Some may conclude that once a customer has established their routine in purchasing their needed diagnostic strips, they may not change to a different brand for a number of reasons. Customers aren't likely to seek out advice from professionals (if it ain't broke, don't fix it) and as seen in many other industries, there is resistance by some for a switch to a "no name" brand like GenStrip when J&J has had its own proprietary strips on the market since 2002.
Readers have already probably noticed that in most large pharmacies, the shelves are lined with dozens of "no name" brands of many popular medications. There is no mistaking that people are accepting of and desire and need cheaper alternatives to the larger name brand products, this is supply and demand, if there was no demand, there would be no "no name" brands on the shelves.
As for diabetes testing, it is comparable to the razor-razor blade market in the sense that with razors, companies like Gillette (which was acquired by Proctor & Gamble (PG) in 2005 for $57 billion or $55.32/share) don't make money on the razor, they make money on the blades. With diabetes it's the same, there is little money to be made on the test meters, the money is made on the replacement strips.
Of course the acquisition of Gillette is not comparable to what an acquisition of DECN could be for several reasons. First, Gillette's market share had more or less already been established, but Decision Diagnostics is still working on establishing itself in a large and growing market. A better comparison would be when Roche acquired IGEN International Inc. (OTCQB:IGEN) back in 2003 for $1.4 billion or $47.25/share .
On November 25th, 2011 when the company changed its name from Instacare Corp. to Decision Diagnostics Inc. to better reflect the Company's emergence as a vertically integrated provider of at-home diagnostics and more appropriately reflects the growth initiatives in place going forward. The Board of Directors at Decision Diagnostics announced a 1 for 14 reverse split, effective December 1st, 2011 in order to help them qualify for their intended uplisting to the NASDAQ in early 2012 (see here).
Unfortunately for the company, they did not receive regulatory approval for their GenStrip product as early as anticipated, only receiving approval on November 30th, 2012.
J&J filed a patent-infringement suit against Decision Diagnostics and received a preliminary injunction judgment on March 19th, 2013 and DECN was prohibited from manufacturing, distributing or advertising the GenStrip before they ever began to fight (see here). The company all of the sudden had no way of generating any income and began to incur massive expenses for court costs.
The story is nicely covered in Forbes article here and again here.
"JNJ is estimated to be making over $2 billion in profits from its glucose monitoring business alone, so it is understandable why it's seeking legal action to block the sale of the competing product. Fortunately for JNJ, it could just opt to gobble up Decision Diagnostics and acquire the company's rising FDA-approved glucose testing strip called Genstrip. JNJ could eventually merge Decision Diagnostics with its Janssen Pharmaceuticals division."
Then on March 28th, 2013 the tables turned and DECN filed suit against J&J for Antitrust violations. The counterclaims assert violations of the Sherman Antitrust Act, which carry with them, if successful, awards of treble damages, attorneys' fees, and injunctive relief. DECN and their subsidiary PharmaTech allege that the LifeScan parties, which are subsidiaries of pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson, have violated both Sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Act. Section 1 makes illegal every "contract, combination. . . or conspiracy in restraint of trade." Section 2 forbids monopolization and attempts to monopolize a product market. DECN and PharmaTech allege in their counterclaims that both prongs of the Act have been violated, by among other things, LifeScan's instituting of baseless patent litigation against PharmaTech and DECN intended to exclude the Shasta GenStrip from competing in a market dominated by LifeScan (see here).
On May 29th, 2013, the company launched a strategically packaged version of the Shasta GenStripâ„¢ for sale to companies who service the "direct to patient" fulfillment (mail order and durable medical goods) channels. This channel, estimated to command a share in excess of 25% of all diabetes testing, takes on increased importance as a result of the federal Medicare program's mandated competitive bidding. Action by Medicare on July 1st, 2013 lowered insurance reimbursement of (diabetes) supplies and medical goods by approximately 70% and thus to lower market diversity in this important and traditional channel (see here).
On August 1st, 2013 Decision Diagnostics announced the filing of counterclaims by its subsidiary Pharma Tech Solutions, Inc. for false and misleading advertising against two of Johnson & Johnson, Inc. ("J&J") wholly owned subsidiaries, Lifescan, Inc., and Lifescan Scotland, LTD (see here).
Finally on November 5th, 2013, the U.S. Circuit Court for Federal Claims sustained the company's appeal, reversed the ruling made in late March 2013 by a District Court judge in Northern California, and removed the previous Injunction and most importantly ruled that the J&J/Lifescan patent rights (under patent 7,250,105) were subject to the doctrine of patent exhaustion because the J&J/Lifescan glucose testing meters substantially embodied the invention, citing the Supreme Court's decision in Quanta Computers, Inc. vs. LG Electronics Inc. (2008). This became the day Goliath was struck. (see here).
Decision Diagnostics Inc has built a very strong and experienced management team with a history of success together to properly direct and bring value to the company and its share holders.
CEO Keith Berman has a great deal of experience in the pharmaceutical industry and has been featured in Forbes Magazine and has served as President, Chief Financial Officer, Secretary, Treasurer and Director of the Company since January of 2003. For over the past 15 years, Mr. Berman has been involved in the development of healthcare software including Intranet and Internet systems. From July 1999 to present. Previous to that Mr. Berman worked for both Technicon Corporation and Boehringer-Mannheim Corp. where he acted as a development and program manager and introduced the first at-home testing product for diabetics, a business that now generates over $5 billion annually for the Swiss giant Roche. Mr. Bermans professional background provides the Company with business management experience and an in depth knowledge of our industry. Mr. Berman received a BA in 1975 and an MBA in 1977, from Indiana University.
Director Robert Jagunich brings 27 years of experience in the medical systems and device industry. Since joining Decision Diagnostics Corp., Mr. Jagunich has also served president at New Abilities Systems, a privately held manufacturer of advanced electronic systems used in rehabilitation. From April 1996 through December 1997, he served as a director of Cymedix Corporation, the operating division of Ramp Corp. (AMEX: RCO). Mr. Jagunich also has provided consulting services to such clients as Johnson and Johnson and has served as a senior executive in such publicly held companies as Laserscope and Acuson. He received his B.S., M.S. and M.B.A. from the University of Michigan.
Director William Lyons has served as a Director of the company from January 2003 through October 2003 and most recently from January 2010 to the present time. Mr. Lyons is currently President and COO of Beacon Medical, Inc. a company specializing in the development, manufacturing, marketing and distribution of medical devices and instruments targeted primarily to the Plastic Surgery medical specialty. Prior to that, Mr. Lyons was co-founder, Executive Vice President and Director of BioElectronics Corporation. Mr. Lyons has successfully performed as President or Executive Vice President of several healthcare startup communication technology and digital integration corporations. Mr. Lyons has also served in various executive positions for several fortune 500 companies such as American Sterilizer Company, Everest and Jennings and Allscrips. He holds an MBA in finance and a BA in Philosophy.
Working Capital:
There has been much misinterpretation to DECN's recently announced line of credit, so we thought we'd cover it here. Though the details of the recent $12.5 million credit line has not been publicly disclosed (see the PR here), many have speculated that at worst, the deal is inline with a previous line of credit which had been established with a 24% annual interest rate (which does not sound favorable for anyone who has ever had a line of credit, a mortgage or a credit card that charges 18%, but the application in this situation is not at all the same and as it turns out, is actually quite good).
The company has made many strides since its introduction of GenStrip. To finance its on-going sales, DECN excepted a commercial credit arrangement with the New York based credit fund Platinum Credit Management LP. The agreement with Platinum's subsidiary Alpha Credit Resources is a revolving commercial line of credit and is not dilutive. We recently contacted a representative of Platinum and asked for details of this line, and although Platinum declined to provide many details, we did learn that the annual interest rate underlying this line is 50% lower than DECN's 2007-2012 line of credit and includes no origination fees or discounts and interest is assessed daily not monthly and in no way compares with the much more expensive factoring and flooring credit programs so prevalent in today's capital starved environment. This of course, is music to the ears of equity holders.
Further, the Platinum direct line is not really understood by some, as they only fix their eyes on the possible interest being paid per year. But as with everything, one has to break it down to the cost point based on what the text says and then of course for professionals the deal when compared with other financing deals contains excellent company friendly terms.
The assumption is that the interest rate will be equivalent to factoring rates, lets say 24% per annum. However, DECN is a velocity based products company and turns its borrowings over 1.8 times each month. We will take the hint from our interview of the Platinum representative and use a 15% interest rate, or 1.25% per month. Using velocity of money concept, this means that DECN would be paying a little more than one-half of the 1.25% interest rate per month on each of its transactions, thereby bringing its effective interest cost down into commercial rate territory of 8%. If we compare this deal with the ever prevalent factoring deals, which cost on average 7 % per month (92% per annum), then I can only congratulate DECN that they took their story to a credit company who understood their velocity based model.
Those who do not understand velocity of goods may be lost, but actually it is very easy. If a company sells products for $1 million and has to wait between 30 up to 60 days to get paid, these missing funds cannot be put back into production. So most companies sell their account receivables (invoices) to a third party, called a factor at a discount. Those costs on average amount up to 7% per month. DECN with a credit line at hand, carries costs of 1.25% or less per month with a velocity ratio of 1. However, if we take their standard ratio of sales turn-over of 1.8 their interest monthly cost amounts to 0.7%. Not exactly a heavy cost-factor to add to their cost of goods per month (COG).
If we then take their velocity of 1.8 times and multiply the velocity by the $12.5 million credit line limit monthly, the Platinum line can then finance annual revenues of roughly $250 million and with less than $1 million cost of interest. This kind of low interest cost model explains, among other factors, why DECN believes that their pricing model leaves not just healthy margins, but allows for increases in velocity as they better control their distribution channels. The old banking saying, "keep the financing costs low and turn the goods quickly around," well explains the Platinum arrangement with DECN.
Of course, if DECN receives a favorable ruling in court and receives monetary compensation from J&J for damages and court costs, which could work out to an amount in excess of $37.5 million, there will be no need to turn to the credit line for financing and be a significant catalyst for the company.
M&A Business Strategy:
Those familiar with the Merger & Acquisitions (M&A) business strategy of J&J and others know, that the chances for DECN to be acquired down the line is extremely high, as it is as well dictated by common sense. The market is just too big to allow upstarts with access to huge caches of capital to survive. In the M&A world it is all about market potential in the years to come to fix a premium to justify a price. If J&J or others fix the potential within 3 years around the 1% or 2% penetration conservatively, they will have to move, so as not to be dictated by the market.
The capitalization of DECN of roughly $15 million is out of whack and very small, therefore a lot of small-cap or medium cap funds a hindrance to building a stake. However if the market for equities like DECN see the money signs at the end of the line, they will not wait until the company reaches its cap.
What then will or could happen, are dictated by past transactions on Wallstreet. However for history lets take a look at the Taser (TASR) case as a study. In 2002 Taser was nothing more than a venture funded, low capitalized company with a moribund stock price. However when their Taser model and the market potential became recognized by some (and as catalyst there were 2 orders out of California and Israel ) the stock moved from below $0.20 and within one year was trading as high as $30 per share. The market priced in market potential of almost 5 years into the future. Taser today is a $720 million company.
The market tends to move ahead of the possible expected revenue potential, and in the case of DECN we are talking about selling into a market estimated to be approximately $23 billion today and still strongly growing, which is certainly bigger, more secure and stable than the market Taser moved into.
So the question is, what kind of catalyst is needed to catapult DECN - which already is on the radar of almost every traders desk and fund manager thanks to Forbes - closer to a $100 million market cap.
There is a nice little bond that the courts placed on JNJ of $12.7 million out there. If the court award this amount to DECN as repayment of damages suffered, then this could be a catalyst for DECN stock price appreciation, as it would present roughly 64% of the present capitalisation and indication for getting on board as quickly as you can, but imagine DECN would get a treble compensation.
In the Event the court rules in Decision Diagnostics favor and J&J has to pay the bond in the amount of $12.7 million, one could expect the stock to react immediately. Broken down to the O/S this would mean approx. $ 0.42 cash per share in favor of DECN.
But if all goes according to the script, DECN could (if not already done) receive upwards of $40 million. DECN would have a very strong cash-position for financing their business or if we take the figure, approx. $1.26 per share.
News/Signs on the wall:
In 2013 Wallstreet showed a record year of stock-buy backs. Why: companies that have too much cash and no acquisition on the horizon it is believed better to retire shares as cash has no return. Then we had companies who increased their dividends but paid the dividend through the issuance of a bond, companies like Apple (AAPL) for instance, not because they were low on cash, but rather Apple's cash is off-shore. It became cheaper to borrow cash through the bond markets, rather than to pay the tax rate had Apple decided to repatriate the off-shore cash. So the cost of a bond is cheaper than the cost of the tax. And then we have companies who need cash and either through a consortium sold shares at a discount or if not in the big leagues did the selling by themselves into a buyers' market. Those companies are building a war-chest to finance clinical trials, R&D costs for new products or for acquisitions.
In the case of DECN, we have 2 deals and both of them were announced:
1.) A $12.5 million credit line to finance production so as not to rely on financing.
2.) The creation of a M&A basket in the size of $2.5 million. This means to us, that the company has a target for acquisition. If our interpretation of the statement given by the CEO from late fall is right, then an acquisition is in store and would add value to the balance sheet. Equity financing for an acquisition would further bolster the asset side for DECN. Once the dust has settled and we know what kind of target DECN has in mind, we're sure the stock will appreciate substantially (see here).
"With a large and timely credit line coming into place, the company is now considering an offer for a $2.5 million M&A pool."
3.) Those pessimistic towards DECN should keep one thing in mind. The lender who put up the $12.5 million certainly has made a proper Due-Diligence as it is not the business of lenders to invest and risk their money on a company with no prospects. Anybody who has ever had to negotiate a credit line with a bank or a private-equity firm would know this. The hurdles for such loans due to new regulations are very high.
Recently it has been PRed that Decision Diagnostics intends to uplist to OTC QX, it's unclear if that will be the regular uplisting or Premium, which has a minimum requirement of a $1 ask price. We feel that it will be Premium as hinted to here (find details on uplisting to OTC QX here). There are many short term catalysts that would cause the stock to appreciate over $1 and never look back.
"the company's Board of Directors has approved the company's uplisting to the OTC QX, the Premier OTC Market Tier"
Recently posted publication on DECN brings light of several developments and prospects in the short term which should reward current shareholders handsomely.
"When we uplist, I think we'll get [M&A] interest," Berman said, adding that Decision would be open to considering a buyout"
"Once Decision's turnaround effort bears fruit, Berman believes the company may become an attractive target as a small, lower-cost player in the diabetes care space"
At the moment, managements job is to increase business value and gain market share in order to properly negotiate a reasonable buyout. Recently, they have closed a 5 year $12.5 million (non-dilutive, equity free) credit facility with a division of Platinum Credit Management (as previously discussed) and are in the final stages of establishing a line of credit for litigation to pursue J&J in court for an Anti-trust suit. Winning the suit can be a catalyst for the company (see here).
The implications of Medicare competitive bidding is much larger than anyone may realize. Prior to July 1st, diabetics would purchase their strips "status quo" but anyone buying the following day would be in for an awakening when their purchase of strips cost them about $26 more than before. The other impact we will see is that hospitals will be forced to stock GenStrip as opposed to J&Js LifeScan strips.
"Competitive bidding among Medicare suppliers has had a drastic effect on the diabetes testing industry. Congress implemented competitive bidding on July 1, setting certain Medicare reimbursement prices and challenging companies compete to provide affordable products.
That day, the Medicare reimbursement rate for the product Decision sells, glucose testing strips, dropped to $10.41 from about $37 earlier this year, according to the National Community Pharmacists Association.
The rate is expected to remain in the same range or to drop as low as $10.22 when prices reset in January."
Furthermore, not only is the GenStrip the cheaper alternative, it also gives more accurate readings for diabetics.
"Decision's testing strips have a 97.5% accuracy score in testing blood glucose levels, while J&J's comparable strips only score 88%, Berman noted."
DECN is actively working to penetrate the market, GenStrips are already sold in Walgreen (WAG), Amazon (AMZN) and eBay (EBAY) and it is believed they are working with several large distributors such as Wal-Mart (WMT), Target (TGT), Costco (COST) and CVS (CVS). Disclosure of a new large distributor is likely to be another sizable catalyst for the company.
"Now Decision can focus on trying to gain market share for its GenStrips, which also have the potential to garner a wider distribution network. In fact, Decision is in "end-stage" discussions with multiple retailers, including "the largest retailer in the world," to sell GenStrip under their private-label brands, Berman said in a phone interview. "
"Berman hopes to announce a first private-label deal in January that would move hundreds of thousands of boxes of strips each year. "
It's interesting to note that shortly after the court ruling in the face of a new competitive product, J&J took immediate action to merge its LifeScan diabetes testing business into its Janssen Pharmaceutical subsidiary (see here).
"Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) told today that it plans to make an unspecified number of job cuts, consolidate facilities and change the reporting structure on some of the sales units within its diabetes unit to "get in front" of pricing and reimbursement pressures."
Mr. Berman has disclosed that he plans to solicit some of the smaller entities in the industry to avoid antitrust concerns.
"If Decision ends up hiring investment bankers to evaluate M&A opportunities in the future, Berman would want them to approach companies such as Medtronic Inc. (MDT) and E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co. (DD) Why? A takeover offer from the big four - J&J, Roche, Bayer, and Abbott - might raise antitrust concerns, he explained."
The company is also awaiting FDA approval on other diabetic test strips targeting the other 3 large players in the industry, which isn't expected to face the same type of litigation that J&J brought against GenStrip in light of recent court rulings.
"Meanwhile, Decision is diversifying its offerings away from reliance on J&J's meters. The company is developing two new products that are expected to conclude trials and seek FDA approval in 2014."
And the company is looking to become self reliant in the industry with its own glucose meter and strip combination in the future.
"The second product Decision is working on is a glucose meter and strip combination that will have a sleek, pocket-sized design geared toward more mobile testing.
Berman recounted a business meeting he had this year in which four of the people at the table had diabetes, and all worked for diabetes products companies, but none felt comfortable testing their glucose levels during the meeting or stepping out to do so. Berman also said his wife, an elementary school teacher, has told him that glucose testing was a burdensome process for her students.
Berman plans to market the new product for business people on the road and kids at school and extracurricular events. "
Technical Analysis:
(click to enlarge)
As with all OTC stocks there is a certain amount of risk, that is no different in the case of DECN. The company attempted to uplist once before back in 2011 unsuccessfully, but we believe they are taking smaller steps this time around and are likely to succeed.
There is also the chance that the product doesn't catch on as well as expected, there has been several other companies who have tried to penetrate the industry with little success.
There is a slew of catalysts for DECN in both the short term and long term, we expect to see that will dramatically drive the price per share much higher than the current price.
- 2013 should show constant growth on a quarterly basis confirming the business model of DECN and should show drastic improvements to their bottom line, providing a new solid base to build upon.
- The counterclaim suit against J&J can provide much needed cash infusion as high as $1.26/share.
- Uplisting to OTC QX or OTC QX Prime should bring more attention and new investors into the stock.
- Noticeable impact from Congress's competitive bidding may dramatically increase volume.
- New contracts with large distributors such as WalMart, Target, Costco or CVS may drive sales of GenStrip to new levels.
- Approval from the FDA for new strips designed to work with other diabetic meters will increase market share.
- Release of their own glucose meter and strip combination.
- Sale of the company to a larger entity.
In the event the courts rule in Decision Diagnostics favor, we can expect an appreciation of 67% over the current share price of 58 cents (which would bring us to 96 cents) which we expect to be more than enough of a trigger to break current resistance levels and propel us up to the following resistance level of $1.25 per share.
With a favorable court ruling of only $12.5 million, this could attract some bidders for the Company and as a rule the expected Revenue base over a period of 3 years could be taken as guidance for an offer. If we would take a conservative Approach of 1 % market Penetration (with a conservative 10% net profit), then the basis model would have to come up with a Revenue figure of approx. $300 million or roughly $10 per share.
If the company were to sell today factoring in the potential market penetration of 1% to 2% (based on 15% net profits) with a fully diluted share count of approximately 34 million shares, we could be looking at an acquisition price between $20.29/share and $29.41/share.
It is believed that the cost of Lifescan defending an anti-trust suit against Decision Diagnostics could cost in excess of $30 million on-top of which, it's unlikely that the courts will rule against DECN as the suit is self-evident. The most likely outcome is a settlement by J&J in excess of $40 million dollars (especially in lieu of J&Js recent offer by Carlyle Group (CG) to purchase J&Js Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics business for $4.15 Billion, see here)
Of course, if there are other catalysts that emerge prior to acquisition, we could be looking at even greater returns. There are many circulating rumors that DECN will release new developments during the last week of January, only time will tell.
If DECN manage to stay independent, they certainly will grab a very high percentage out of this market. They could within 3 years control 2% of the current $23 billion market or roughly $460 Million Revenues from a $30 billion market (which we believe could be leaning on the conservative side, as the impact of Congress's impact alone could realize more than 2% in itself). Our estimate is, that DECN will net in roughly 10% to 15% which would mean $46 to $69 million net profit. At present companies with this kind of profile are traded with a Price-to-Earnings-Ratio (P/E) of 15% which would imply a market cap in the size of $690 million to $1 billion. One should not neglect the forecast for this sector that predicts that the present market volume of $23 billion should grow to$30 billion by the year 2017.
The current capitalisation of roughly $15 million presents an excellent entry point in a company with strong growth potential ahead.
Disclosure: I am long DECN, . I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
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DECN will Have A Very Special Valentines Day!
18 trading Days Away;O)
What if they held an Olympics and nobody came?
Sochi still scrambling to sell Olympic tickets.
LONDON — What if they held an Olympics and nobody came?
The situation isn't that bleak, of course, for the Sochi Games. Yet, with less than three weeks to go until the opening ceremony, hundreds of thousands of tickets remain unsold, raising the prospect of empty seats and a lack of atmosphere at Russia's first Winter Olympics.
There are signs that many foreign fans are staying away, turned off by terrorist threats, expensive flights and hotels, long travel distances, a shortage of tourist attractions in the area, and the hassle of obtaining visas and spectator passes.
"Some people are scared it costs too much and other people are scared because of security," senior International Olympic Committee member Gerhard Heiberg of Norway told The Associated Press. "From my country, I know that several people and companies are not going for these two reasons. Of course, there will be Norwegians there but not as many as we are used to."
Sochi organizers announced last week that 70 percent of tickets have been sold for the games, which run from Feb. 7-23 and represent a symbol of pride and prestige for Russia and President Vladimir Putin.
So what about the remaining 30 percent?
"We are keeping a special quota for those who come for the games, so that they can indeed buy tickets for the competitions," organizing committee chief Dmitry Chernyshenko said.
Chernyshenko said about 213,000 spectators are expected at the games, with about 75 percent likely to be Russians.
"Tickets are being snapped up fast with the most popular events being hockey, biathlon, figure skating, freestyle and snowboard," the organizing committee said in a statement to the AP. "With 70 percent of tickets already sold and another ticketing office opening shortly, we are expecting strong last-minute ticket sales and do not envisage having empty seats."
Sochi officials have refused to divulge how many tickets in total were put up for sale, saying the figure would only be released after the games.
However, according to IOC marketing documents seen by the AP, Sochi had a total of 1.1 million tickets on offer. That would mean about 300,000 tickets remained available.
By comparison, 1.54 million tickets were available for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver and 97 percent (1.49 million) were sold. For the 2012 Summer Games in London, organizers sold 97 percent (8.2 million) of their 8.5 million tickets.
Heiberg, who chairs the IOC marketing commission, said the Russians have cut down by 50 percent on the number of spectators originally planned for the mountain events for security reasons.
"That means there will be less people and probably less enthusiasm than we had, for instance, in Lillehammer," he said. "I hope the Russians will fill not only their indoor stadiums but there will be enough people in the stadiums for the Nordic events."
Heiberg organized the 1994 Lillehammer Winter Olympics, which stood out for the colorful atmosphere generated by passionate Norwegian fans.
Sochi's ticket sales began in February 2013, a year before the games. Tickets have been sold on Sochi's official website on a first-come, first-served basis. Box offices are now open in Moscow and Sochi.
The cheapest tickets go for 500 rubles ($15), the most expensive for 40,000 rubles ($1,200). More than half of all tickets cost less than 5,000 rubles ($150). The average monthly salary in Russia is 30,000 rubles ($890).
The one and only authorized ticket office in Sochi was busy on a recent afternoon, with three dozen people lining up at what once was a waiting room at the city's railway station. Many, however, complained that all the cheap tickets were already gone.
"Prices leave much to be desired, but what can you can do?" said Sochi resident Yana Ivolovskaya, who bought two tickets for bobsled for 2,000 rubles ($60). "We're not going to get another Olympics in Sochi so I thought I should go."
Fans outside Russia buy tickets from authorized dealers appointed by their national Olympic committees.
Attracting foreign visitors has been a challenge amid all the headlines about Russia's law banning gay "propaganda," human rights issues and — particularly — the risk of terrorism.
Back-to-back suicide bombings killed 34 people last month in Volgograd, about 400 miles (640 kilometers) from Sochi. On Sunday, an Islamic militant group in Russia's North Caucasus claimed responsibility for the bombings and posted a video threatening to strike the Sochi Games.
CoSport, the official ticket reseller in the United States and six other countries, said the Sochi Games generated "good demand" for tickets and packages.
"We experienced demand at expected levels," spokesman Michael Kontos said, without giving figures.
Flights to Sochi are expensive, and most international travelers have to go through Moscow, with direct flights to Sochi only available from Germany and Turkey.
Western travelers must navigate the time-consuming visa process and requirement to obtain a "spectator pass" along with their tickets. This requires providing passport details that allow authorities to screen all visitors.
"What we are hearing is that the bureaucratic complexity, with spectator passes and visa and so on, is what scares off fans, more than worries about security," Austrian Olympic Committee spokesman Wolfgang Eichler said.
Jan Serenander, managing director of Jet Set Sports in Norway, cited a lack of tourist attractions in the Black Sea resort.
"When Sochi was announced no one had even heard of the place," he said. "They had to get out their atlases."
Die-hard winter sports fans, however, will not be discouraged. Orange-clad speedskating fans from the Netherlands are always among the most visible spectators at any Winter Games.
"I expect it to be orange," Jeroen de Roever, manager of official Duch ticket seller ATPI, said of Sochi's speedskating venue. "We have been sold out for quite a while."
Associated Press writers Nataliya Vasilyeva in Sochi, Eric Willemsen in Vienna, Matti Huuhtanen in Helsinki, Mike Corder in The Hague and Nesha Starcevic in Frankfurt contributed to this report.
must be using dogs
Sochi starts next week
IMSC did not convince the Russians .
Johnson & Johnson Pays $158 Million just in civil
fines in civil suits. Let alone the Judgements where they
have Lost Billions!
"From the following list and the ones with the * denoting criminal activity, which one is respectable? Fines for companies with no prosecution of the executives is merely a cost of doing business item on their P&L reports. At what point does GlaxoSmithKline understand that what they are doing is 'illegal'?
Company Civil Fine ($)??"
GlaxoSmithKline* 2,000,000,000
Johnson & Johnson* 1,720,000,000
Pfizer* 1,000,000,000
Bank of America 1,000,000,000
Tenet 900,000,000
Abbott* 800,000,000
HCA* 731,400,000
Merck 650,000,000
HCA* 631,000,000
Merck* 628,000,000
GlaxoSmithKilne* 600,000,000
Serono Group* 567,000,000
TAP Pharmaceuticals 559,483,560
New York State and NYC 540,000,000
Astra Zeneca 520,000,000
Ranbaxy Laboratories* 500,000,000
Pfizer* 491,000,000
Schering Plough 435,000,000
Eli Lilly 438,000,000
Abbott Labs* 400,000,000
Fresenius Medical Care of N. America* 385,000,000
Cephalon 375,000,000
Bristol-Myers Squibb 328,000,000
Northrop-Grumman 325,000,000
SmithKline Beecham Clinical Labs 325,000,000
HealthSouth* 325,000,000
National Medical Enterprises* 324,200,000
Gambro Healthcare 310,000,000
Schering-Plough* 292,969,482
Mylan 280,000,000
Roxanne 280,000,000
AstraZeneca* 266,127,844
St. Barnabas Hospitals 265,000,000
Bayer Corp.* 257,200,000
Schering Plough 250,000,000
Quest Diagnostics? 241,000,000
First American Health Care Of Georgia (only fractional payment actually made after bankrupcy) 225,000,000
Amerigroup 225,000,000
Deutsche Bank 202,000,000
Actavis (global settlement after verdict) 202,000,000
Oracle 200,000,000
McKesson 190,000,000
BankAmerica* 187,000,000
Laboratory Corp. of America* 182,000,000
Aventis Pharmaceuticals 180,000,000
Beverly Enterprises Inc.* 170,000,000
Zimmer Inc. 169,500,000
Purdue Frederick Co 160,000,000
Citigroup 158,000,000
Johnson & Johnson? (verdict) 158,000,000
Par Pharmaceutical 154,000,000
Pfizer/Warner-Lambert* 152,000,000
Medco 150,000,000
Sandoz 150,000,000
United Technologies 150,000,000
Maxim 150,000,000
GlaxoSmithKline 150,000,000
Blue Cross Blue Shield Illinois* 140,000,000
Wellcare 137,500,000
Caremark 137,500,000
Mario Gabelli et. al 130,000,000
NetApp 128,000,000
King Pharmaceutical 124,000,000
Northrop Grumman 111,200,000
Shell Oil Company 110,000,000
Vencor Inc./Ventas Inc. 104,500,000
National Health Labs 100,000,000
Oracle / PeopleSoft 98,500,000
Burlington Resources/ ConocoPhillips 97,500,000
Quorum Health Group Inc. 95,500,000
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals 95,000,000
Chevron 95,000,000
Staten Island University Hospital 88,000,000
Lucas Industries* 88,000,000
GlaxoSmithKline 87,600,922
PacifiCare Health Systems 87,300,000
Teledyne 85,000,000
Depuy Orthopaedics 84,700,000
Damon Clinical Laboratories* 83,700,000
Litton Settlement Amount 82,000,000
Northrop Grumman 80,000,000
FMC 80,000,000
Watson Pharmaceuticals 79,000,000
Staten Island Community Hosp. 76,500,000
General American Life Insurance 76,000,000
Kyphon/Medtronics 75,000,000
Boeing Company 75,000,000
State of California & Los Angeles County 73,300,000
Beth Israel Hospital 72,000,000
New York City 70,000,000
Novartis / Sandoz 66,000,000
Philips Electronics* 65,300,000
Peter Rogan / Edgewater Medical Center (verdict) 64,200,000
Tenet Healthcare (Redding, CA) 62,550,000
Northrop Grumman 62,000,000
Tremco and RPM International Inc. 61,000,000
Cox Health 60,000,000
General Electric* 59,500,000
Mylan 57,000,000
Nine Miami-based companies owned by Luis Soto 56,500,000
Shell Oil Company 56,000,000
Singer 55,500,000
Hercules 55,000,000
DaVita 55,000,000
Tenet Healthcare Corporation 54,000,000
Boeing Company 54,000,000
Gambro Healthcare Inc. 53,100,000
Omnicare / Specialized Pharmacy Services 52,500,000
Arthur Radley
Hope is not a strategy.
Start playing chess.
Thank you for your post. I`m doing DD.
Your post are factual. Real events in this companies
I will read all of your post as you hit the nail on the head
in real time on the total waste of DSNY`s cash.
I am beginning to understand why there is some one out there
that is continually short this stock.
No Marketing and no sales team and steve has convinced some he can still sell this product?
DSNY did a stock repurchase plan with their very limited cash?
This is black comedy.
What is going on with DSNY?
Shaking my head.
I think that makes Van a very good
investment advisor as he knows what is needed.
When executives do not live up to expectations,
time to find new executives that know how to deliver.
Experience counts.
DSNY refused money to launch product?
No wonder Van is calling for new managment.
I second that.
Wow That is a blockbuster.
Naive management to say the least.
Already proving very costly before they even consider rectifing the situation.
"DSNY needs marketing horsepower. They refused a money raising offering which would have filled their till and given them plenty of dough to do a first rate intro of Clipstream and at the same time provide IB support of the stock price and thus expedited their NASDAQ aspirations.
And pressured the shorts."
I do not control the share price.
Frustration is a very large part of this game.
Better get use to it.
Just saying
The units Russia purchased have been on the market for 10 years.
Reverse stock splits = Negative
"Charles Kaplan, president of the investment consulting firm Equity Analytics, told, "It is usually a very negative sign when a company reverse splits their stocks." But how the market reacts often depends on what else the company is doing to reverse its fortunes. If it simply declares the reverse split and goes on with business as usual, investors may see the split as nothing more than a smoke screen, and the price may go right back to falling as they sell their shares. But if the split is accompanied by serious changes in management, structure or strategy, investors may give the company more time to right the ship."
"I'm just asking what are the negatives associated with a reverse split."
The stock price retreats to the pre reverse split price or lower!
Very normal for reverse stock splits!
That is really old data.
Jan 31,2013
Does Fido still Own?
Who Knows?
Today is Jan 17, 2014
Overpayed, overpayed ,overpayed.
McGann and Jones and ,Glenn
Half a million a year, a piece, for
their totally overestimated abilities to sell these
Sell the company before DMJR takes another 10 or 20 million
of IMSC shareholder equity.
Thank you.
I agree DSNY needs a sales force.
They also need a marketing plan.
DSNY could use some corporate gov`t as well.
Asking for a Revese Split at the same time
Steve says: "We have not decided if we will use it!"
It does not take any outside critic to see the confusion
at DSNY.
Palindrome !!!
8 handhelds? Not 5 ?
Sounds like a Material difference?
In that case ,Congratulations IMSC:o)
Good luck
however it looks
like he needs a sales and marketing organization.
When I listened to that CC steve is very unsure of himself from a
psychiclogical perspective. He is confused on how to market this invention.
And he sounded like it is still not bug free.
Listen to that CC again you will hear what I mean.
Russa spent $50 billion for Sochi
Thank you IMSC for hiring that russian lady;O(
You sold 5 handhelds?
What did IMSC give her?100,000 shares?
I did not ask steve about Sony.
Some other poster here did.
Steve said
He knew nothing about it.
I thought he should know the competion.
just saying.
This report is 2 years old.
Your correct NOTHING, nothing has changed.
Here is the problem perfectly descibed by stpioc:
" I said indicative, as it might perform differently in different circumstances, but at least you have an idea."
Houston We have a problem.
The product does not seem ready for prime time
as Steve admitted on the CC.
When facts change , does your opinion?
Some times things do not work out like we
would like them too.
Do you or anybody know the competion in this space?
Are there any competing products out there?
Thank you
27 Trading Days Away From Reverse Split.
Most people in this time line will be picking the super bowl
not watching a company that had almost zero growth.
Not to mention at the start of the CC steve said customers could sign up for $20?
Did I hear that correct?
Corporate customers for a $20 fee?
Then scale up in incriments if they liked it?
Sounds desperate if I heard it correctly.
I did not hear anything about that in the CC.
"if anyone had confronted the CEO with questions about it"
The CC sounded like a inspirational talk for the doubters.
The Supreme Court's ruling on Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank Int'l is anticipated in June 2014. As a result, the Bascom Research Markman hearing date is expected to be rescheduled after June 2014.
Dive ahead.
There sales were down from negligible to almost nothing.
You said "patents were unbreakable and took unprecedented measures to assure it."
So if Sony challeges the patents, DOES dsny HAVE THE MONEY TO FIGHT A PATENT FIGHT?
Game over without patent litigation insurance.
Sony would win because DSNY does not have the means to fight,ie millions of dollars.
I have not read about any patent litigation insurance fron DSNY!
Or Vice Versa
When you play with the big dogs
Sony has an extensive patent portfolio.
If Sony challened DSNY do they have the money
for a patent fight with Sony?
I wish Steve did know what Sony is up too.
I hope Sony does not have the same tech,how would we know?
Ignorance is not bliss.
After the BOD determines the Reverse Split ratio
they have to take into account the price of the stock could go DOWN.
If the stock price does go DOWN after the reverse split the BOD still wants the stock price above the listing requirerments!
So logic tells me they will do as they stated.
What is your REAL reason for being here?
Take it to the bank
Reverse split 5 for 1.
No news is going to negate this announcement.
This is one of the most wishy-washy Reverse split annoncements I have ever read. But I have never seen a cancelled Reverse split work. Have you?
Here is a cancelled Reverse split:
From the horses mouth:
"Currently, the Board of Directors intends to implement the Reverse Split as soon as practicable following approval by the stockholders and the TSX Venture Exchange."
Reverse split 5/1
meaning exactly what they said in the first paragraph.
Why are you confused?
good for you