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Rs is bad for the longs and pps. But it may be a necessary evil that titan has to go through for MDT buyout. Maybe getting rid of Randall and rs is a milestone that they have to get to get the 10 million from MDT.... Just a thought.
Great questions and points. I hope mcnally answers some of these questions at the AMG. If he answers all of your questions, then the longs are set and the shorts are screwed. Vegas for the longs....
If you do see the medtronic sign take a picture and let us know, we will also sell our houses, dump my 401k, MD Ira to buy more shares also.
What news?....
No matter what sport19 says there is only one play for the longs. We have held this stock through the ups and downs and holding on and lowering pps is the best play. For all the longs, no one is going to get their money back since the pps is down so much since the 30 to 1 reverse. Now all the chips are in for the titan, their admin and long term investors. I rathe see and lose 35k shares to 0, than sell my stocks now and see it bought out for 20x or even 10x. We all know the risks and have done our DD, your comments are not going to change anyone in this message board. I don't know why you even try.... GLTA.. Long all the way.
You would think right now would be the best time to raise capital and pps. I mean all type of investors are pouring money into the market. It's crazy right now, why wouldn't mcnally try to get some of this free money and raise pps?
I wonder who purchased 19.6% of the company, and made sure not to cross the 20% barrier to prevent a shareholder vote and reveal their identity...?
The fact this report mentions trxc as a company to look out for in the field of robotics, tells me this is a bs report. Really trxc, really? What a joke.... ISRG, CMR, MDT and J&J yes, but not trxc.
Thanks for the reply. I got your point and like I said before. I am a long investor of tmdi and I hope tmdi does get bought out. But I think it's important to have realistic expectations from a new technology like the titan sport. Like I mentioned before titan is definitely in line and has positioned itself well to be BO by either J&J and MDT. We are very fortunate that these large companies are having a difficult time in coming up with their in-house robot.
Obviously, as you mention there are many different benefits of the sport compared to ISRG and newer addition. My definition of ground breaking is from laparoscoy to robotics. No matter how bad the tech was abck in the early 2000s. It was ground breaking. I did see the original DaVinci standard robot in the early 2000s and definitely a monstrosity in terms of foot print, but other than CMR versius system the foot print in the or seems pretty similar. One console, one robot and one tower. Same with sport, one console for the surgeon, the robot itself and the tower system (which may incorporate the hospital imaging system), which I don't think we know yet if they are compatable with other imaging systems.
In terms of cost? Tmdi has not mentioned price of the robot and they can't do so until fda approval. So as far as I know it could cost the same or more than intuitive. My guess is that they will price it lower, but by a nonimal amount. Just like trxc, they didn't lower their price point significantly compared to ISRG. For the amount of money it takes to build a robot, it's almost impossible to sell at a much lower price point and try to be a profitable company. Also, the cost of the device for the hospital is usually is the inital cost or the robot and service agreement. Yes, instrumentation does make a difference, but not by much. (by the way ISRG instruments have 10 lives). By increasing the number use of the instruments maybe beneficial for cost, but there is a reason why intuitive recommends 10 uses. I hope tmdi comes up with a better option, but my best estimate is that these instruments need to be changed for safety reasons and they do wear out due to the size of the instrumentation.
The videos of surgeons operating on tmdi, does seem reasonably function, but it's not ground breaking. The movements are not refined and out of this world. It accomplishes what it's supposed to accomplish. A 25 mm incision is nice to only have one, but it can increase chances of developing hernias. ISRG has a 3rd arm in the same size which can help with self retraction and more important for single port surgery, but tmdi does not. I hope that the next Gen may have a forth arm. The 2d camera helps to localize the instrument ao that. I'm not sure If the self cleaning camera is included in the mcnally version since the recent rehash and update. I hope they kept the function in, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was removed due to the new upgrades to the camera system.
I believe if titan really pushes the Enos idea, and to be placed in surgery centers, it can be a benefit and possibly profitable. There is still a lot of work to be done by mcnally and his team. I hope they can get there with MDT's help and guidance of what they want so they can get BO. There are definite goals and metrics they have to meet with MDT, and if they don't we are screwed and done for.
I am just calling out what I see and wish the best of luck for every long tmdi investor, because I'm one of them.
No. Not competition. Just an investor and some one who is interested in robotics and have been looking the robotic world for many years. I feel that tmdi is in line to get bought out, as there are very limited options for the big players to get a full robotic system to compete with ISRG, as they (j&j, MDT) are getting further and further behind to ISRG. Tmdi makes sense and most ready compared to competition. I'm just saying that it's not ground breaking and won't change the face of surgery and patients. Just my opinion, unless I see something otherwise from mcnally and group.
I'm a long and looking at the sport robot there is nothing really truly ground breaking that I can see. There are definite advantages, but ground breaking it is not. unless there are some ip we don't know about, from the videos I have seen the robot seems like any other standard robotic system. Not knocking tmdi, and I hope they get bought out by mdt, but not sure if tmdi is truly ground breaking. Just being honest. I definitely see some issues and limitations with the end effectors during surgery. I hope the new changes they are making are addressing these issues. I hope MDT can really help to cllose these gaps. I'm sure this post will get roasted by everyone who is a supporter of tmdi, but there is much work to be done to be called ground breaking.
Well, when the first robotic prostatectomies were done, Dr. P. Walsh, who was the world famous open surgeon from Hopkins bashed the robot and said that it wasn't useful and ONLY A FAD. Boy was he wrong. Not saying Dr. Patel is completely wrong, but we need more reiterations of the sp robots and will get there. To Dr. Walsh's credit he did come around, but he was very late.
Well, when the first robotic prostatectomies were done, Dr. P. Walsh, who was the world famous open surgeon from Hopkins bashed the robot and that it wasn't useful and ONLY A FAD. Boy was he wrong. Not saying Dr. Patel is completely wrong, but we need more reiterarions of the sp robots and will get there.
Yeah. Definitely those were unlikely expectations. I have held titan for about 4 yrs now. I have no idea how the other guys have held for so long without going bat crazy.... I just want it to end. I was dreaming that today would be that day.
I figured nothing substantial would come out of this conference and titan or medtronic presentation. But one can dream... One day my long day. Till then will just have to buy up more shares...
Medtronic had their presentation. No buyout today longs.... Maybe next week.
Well... I would like to report that there was nothing new added from McNally's 9 min presentation. Jesus, he is such a terrible speaker and presenter. I hate saying this, but presentation was a dud
.... Nothing about time line, Enos, new instrument enhancements, medtronic,... Not good. We are heading back down on Monday for sure. Such a vague presentation...
Because it's titan and mcnally...
I bet titan and mcnally were keeping ENOS quiet until staurday's presentation. Especially with the new announcement of the robotic enhancements. I bet McNally is going to say, not only do we have the single port, but we also have added ENOS = endoscopic natural orifice surgery mode that was added for for endoscopic procedures like colonoscopy and upper gi endoscopies... I hope then medtronics backs that presentation up by stating that they have acquired titan for an undisclosed amount and to be finalized in the next coming weeks.... Wouldn't that be nice.
What is this S-8 filing? Is this really important right now? How about our time line to IDE? Human trials? And fda? Come on McNally...
Let's hope tomorrow is another good rally day or BO... Longs stay strong and hold until BO. GLTA
The number of sp robots sold is important, but not as important as feasibility and safety of the devices for all types of pts and pathologies. I know there has been an increase in usage of sp technology and there has been good progress made by surgeons from all specialties. For me it is the natural, progression of surgery, open to lap, to muti port and single port. I know tmdi and executives has burned you sport19, but looking at the landscape there are no other companies that hold ip and device ready to sp to challenge intuitive. I don't know for sure and nothing is ever sure, but looking into the future tmdi has the best probability of being BO from one of the larger companies MDT, JnJ, Stryker, etc... To be able to compete in the robotic market. It's a matter of time and the other players don't have much time to catch up to intuitive.
So it's not too late sport19, you can see the big picture and join in the fun of a potential BO and big win, rather than watching pennies daily...
It was almost better when site was down. At least there was speculation, theories and hope. When reality hits and the site has no new changes, all our hopes are settled with dossapointment again. And you wonder how unprofessional titan and their team is as a company to let the website be down for 1 whole day without any explanation. No self respecting company and executive would accept this... But again we are talking about McNally...
I am not overly impressed with virtual incision, but happened to colubris Mx. Their tech is very similar to titan? They were supposed to file for 510k also, wondered what happened to tech? Their website is down also...
I see. I hope titan gets the Enos trademark.
I was thinking endoscopic natural orifice surgery...something related to a natural orifice like Notes surgery.
So does titan have the Enos trademark yet? And also what does Enos stand for?
Please no more posts about covid19 and politics. We get enough of that from what we call media. Its stressful enough with Tmdi pps going down, and all the speculation about BO, 13G filing, McNally doing his job, etc... No need to heighten the stress level anymore.
Too good to be true for titan. Another typical day in titan. Rinse and repeat with RS talk and longs are going to get washed out again. Should have sold out years ago, the agony of waiting and hoping is not worth it anymore... McNally do something so we don't have to RS again. Your promises to the last RS have fallen through and there is no way I would fall for it again. Single port is the future and Sport is a good technology, but the machine doesn't market itself... There has to be some executive plan and that plan needs to shared with its shareholders and the market. 12 years... How much of the investors' money and time are you and your team going to waste, McNally? JESUS...
I don't see any filings in the SEC website... Anyone have any idea?
So who bought titan? Where is this schedule 13? Is today the day?
Everything is speculation at this point. Who know whats really going to happen. But if you believe that titan is not going bankrupt and MDT is involved, then you either hold with current position or double down and scoop as much while pps is down.
I hope tomorrow the schedule 13 is revealed and the identity of the mystery buyer. It's exciting times... GLT all the longs.
Holy cow...thats a big find. If zaring was compensated and still holding the warrants then the MDT buyout theory likely true. And if sport19 was lying or spreading misinformation about this fact then he is truly a short and/or he is just salty about selling his position early.
Sport19 just buy in now, when pps is low. You don't have to hate on titan and the longs because we are holding tight and with conviction.
If titan gets bought out MDT and this zaring and serefino theory comes true, then I'm buying into venus concepts also. They are also kicking the can like titan...
For once titan going down just like the rest of the market... Finally a positive correlation with the market.
I just we get some kind of news regarding the schedule13. It will help stabilize the pps and maybe push back up.
Thanks for your info HC, I agree that theory seems a bit over the top, but as a long in Titan I feel like we have been burned so many times... There is no bottom to this endless pit called titan.
Appreciate everyone in this board for their input and keeping eberyone sane. Even sport19, although we was wrong big time, there were times that he had some correct predictions.
What if this was some kind of handshake ploy between mcnally + BOD and MDT. MDT takes all the IP for a small amount of ~30MM and McNally is promised that titan will get a slow prolonged death with small injections of money that Mcnally and team get continue to get paid and he gets to keep his reputation as CEO. It will make look like mcnally and his team to have succeeded in getting a deal with MDT, when in reality he sold the company for 30MM. He can say that he tried to bring titan back to life with a deal with MDT, but was just not able to get it to the finish line and MDT gets all the tech and up for a small price of 30 MM. This would be terrible... Where is the schedule13D that someone is supposed to report within 10 days? Where is Zaring? I hope the longs are not getting slighted again....
Unless there is some news about MDT being the purchaser of 30% of tmdi or some new time line to fda, longs are going to be toast. I belive titan and mcnally will wait until price drops below $0.50... This is going to be another painful ride.
I hate the fact that we are at the mercy of titan and their dealings. It's beyond frustrating when they are sitting on information and not helping the longs... Haven't we suffered enough. I give McNally credit for being able to pull one out of nowhere. But withholding information to the longs is total disrespect. I don't know if he is a genius manipulator or he know diddly squat about running a company like MDT in or are we in the hands of shorts again.
All my other stock investments are going up, except tmdi... as expected. I wouldn't ask for more.
God, I hate myself for buying more into titan. I feels like I'm just giving a free pass and check to McNally... Definitely frustrated and hoping for the best for longs... GLTA
Unfortunately, I think sport19 is coming back... They keep pulling him back in...
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