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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
yeah at least its not a 1:10000 R/S or something ridiculous, I do think you will make your money back even though you are averaged at 0.0003, I'm at 0.0002 right now, I think we will make it back and more if they do everything they said they will
Hoping I at least make my investment back, definitely nervous but I think AVEW knows what it's doing
I like the "FINRA has been laying the hammer down on pinks by ensuring pinks don't dilute, RS, and dilute more"
Wow seriously? Did not know we could buy that low
Thanks for the update
I agree
AVEW is the real deal!
Very nice news today! Monster run coming!
Just playing the waiting game now.
Just weird that Ameritrade and Barchart are both showing 0.002
etrade is showing 0.0001 for me
AVEW brings a 1 stop shop to build a home from start to finish. That new house that just got built would love some greenery/landscaping I'm sure, so that's where Countryside comes in.
Soon! Share buybacks, $10 million in financing, closing of the countryside acquisition. Big days coming!
I think you are right, money is the only remaining factor. The deal is just about in the bag
I think its there because they know they will acquire them after the uplist, I think they have a deal already in place. All that's needed is the funding
Really hope so, did they ever mention how soon they can get the $10 mil financing?
Damn dude, I really hope you get your money back and then some.
Thing i'm worried about is they R/S and then take a while to get the 10 million, I'm not sure if they have a plan to get it right away or what. If they are getting it right away then I don't think we should drop
Yes, still holding 70 million at 0.0002, scared of what will happen after the R/S but gotta take some chances, I think its too late to sell any now anyways.
Yeah... just very quiet today, maybe everyone is still celebrating the holiday
Guess everyone is waiting for news?
AVEW is not required to file 8-ks
I think so too, only a matter of time before they get there.
"It has been stated AVEW will apply for a reverse split somewhere at or between 1:125-1:300 and when the final decision if made and approved by FINRA we will amend documents with Nevada accordingly. That is the current plan, current statement by me and subject to change between now and the FINRA approval."
July is correct "The purchase of the AVEW common stock comes at a time the company is finalizing last two years financial audits and preparing a QB up listing application and requesting a reverse stock split. The anticipated OTCQB application and an S-1 registration is estimated to occur at the end of July 2015. "
"Which Companies Don't Have to File Reports With the SEC?
Smaller companies - those with less than $10 million in assets, or fewer than 2,000 shareholders of record - generally do not have to file reports with the SEC. But some smaller companies, including microcap companies, may choose voluntarily to file reports with the SEC. As described above, companies that register with the SEC must also file quarterly, annual, and other reports."
Maybe that's where they fall in
According to Jay they are not required to file 8ks
"I understand one of them keeps harping on 8k’s when AVEW isn’t required to file them."
Once they uplist I believe they will be required, but as of right now they are not
I was super against the idea of an R/S (and still sort of am) I lost almost $9k in a different R/S on another stock and have $14k in this. However they have a plan to get $10 million in financing and will acquire countryside nursery after the uplist, so it may be a good idea.
Pegasus Portfolio
No bid because people are trying to sell all their 1s
I agree, people NEED to get off 1s, there is 230 mil on 1s. Just take it off and sell it higher, we will never move if people keep doing this.
We will all see huge $$$$ soon
I think they have a plan here to make sure that doesn't happen, after uplist they have access to $10 million + they can acquire countryside
And still 3 hours left in the day! 161 now
Maybe we'd move up if people got off the 1s!
Jay Ling (President) - 202,450,000 shares
Jose Chaves (CEO) - 203,950,000 shares
Michael Sharp (SR VP OPERATIONS) - 109,620,000 shares
Erric Davis (Sales/Marketing Director) - 25,000,000 shares
That is around 541,020,000+ total shares (just from these guys)
oh yeah, not settling for 100%, we are going to be making huge gains here
Bid will come, management is buying large amounts of shares
300+ mil shares bought back by management