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If we get a breakthrough PR, look for the pps to rocket to the moon.
It was up 100% or more on Friday, $0.03, or $0.04; your dreaming.
Its at $0.12, I think a big squeeze is coming.
There was about 39 million shares shorted, a little while ago.
I think people will try to cover those shares, do you realize how dangerous it is to short IDAR at these levels?
The company got cash infusions, that may lead to stock conversions. I agree, if you mean, none of the new cash is coming from dilution.
The company is losing money, but Corr and friends continue to get paid.
My opinion is this company is headed for Chapter 7.
It was already losing money before, now the economy is much worse heading into 2009. Jobs are lost, GM might fall, many banks have fell, The US is in a big recession.
Conditions are worse for APRU, not better.
Chapter 7, baby.
I think people are selling their shares, and people do sell shares thru MM's. There is also only a small short position on CTGI (
If people holding CTGI, need cash; they will sell.
I think people here know CTGI is a long-term play.
I don't think there will be a big rise in pps, until we know more about the revenue that LTC can bring in.
I would love to see CTGI trade at $10 a share, but until we see solid revenue and profits; it will be a waiting game with CTGI.
If you look at their financials, it lists wages on their most current 10-Q.
For 6 months, Corr paid out about $250,000 to him and his friends.
Im estimating $500,000 a year in wages.
So while many investors (and the fools who gave Corr loans), lost or will lose alot of money. Corr and friends continue to pocket home their wages; while the company takes huge net losses every quarter.
Corr and friends get paid while we lose. Corr will try to keep company running as long as possible, although the company loses money; Corr and friends keep getting paid.
Corr better keep the PR pumping machine going, the restrictions of the APRU divy might be coming off soon.
When that comes off, how low can APRU go?
APRU is low on cash and bleeding red.
If Corr can't sucker some new investors into APRU, he might have to file for chapter 11.
Either way doesn't bother me, I own a huge amount of RSHN shares. I can't even sell it at 0.0001, I can't sell it period.
I'd prefer Corr did a R/S for RSHN, rather than having it as a dead stock with almost 0 volume.
I think we will be trading at this level for a while, markets are in a bit better shape; but CTGI is more of a long term play. So if you enter in CTGI , it is a long-term investment.
Many investors currently might be looking for short term gains, or for flipping. This stock is usually thinly traded.
I hope Merill Lynch can help them out.
They have like 500 million in cash (Idearc), they definitely aren't going bankrupt anytime soon.
The CEO and CFO ain't dumb, they got cash, they have some kind of plan for the company.
I think if we can get some good news the pps will fly.
And since there is a huge short position, the shorts will be forced to cover.
I think we may hit $2, just my guess.
Up huge today.
I hope we can see $1 soon.
Its both both RHD and IDAR both started shooting upwards past 11am today?
In Sync? wierd?
Its up huge today.
IDAR and RHD up huge.
Out of nowhere both stocks decided to have huge gains today.
Is something up?
Are shorts covering? ( showed alot of shares shorted when I checked it last week)
LOl what does Corr care about shareholders, all this time he still draws a big CEO Salary paid by stockholders.
Corr lives a cushy life on the expense of investors, where does he get the money if the company is always in the red?
He dilutes shares, and the pps drops. When the pps drops he blames naked shorters.
But it was proven naked shorters didnt have too big of an effect on price, it was dilution.
I have read posts on google and yahoo, there are alot of pumpers and wishers out there.
I ain't believing anything until i read it in a press release.
Or unless its released from the company itself.
I read a post on google finance, some dude says his wife works for ML. The guy kinda says the same thing.
I wouldn't believe too much into rumors spread on message boards though.
Alot of people posting on yahoo finance or google, seem to just be wishful thinkers.
It doesnt make a difference, Corr is a conman; he has scammed millions of dollars. What does he have to show?
What did he give us? (APRU, how good is that)?
I hope ML does something good for the current existing shareholders.
You tried to report hopeful stuff before, and nothing panned out.
so now you don't have anything good to pump, which makes no difference. Same outcome, RSHN and APRU = losers.
wonder what they are hiring Merill lynch and friends to do.
You sound pretty negative, what is your motives here?
Don't you know the company is down only about 6% revenue from last year for the most recent quarter, yet you give a big gloom and doom speech.
Last 2 quarters they made 70 million + net profit, and thats profit after paying interest expense on their debt.
This stock is being shorted bigtime, so there are probably many people in boiler-rooms trying to create fear so they can cover their positions.
I remember IAR had a huge short position not too long ago, like 40 million shares short. I wonder when they have to cover. Do they have to cover?
Fear and doubt? My angle? I bought at $0.49 a share.
Its just a bit frustrating to see the price go down quickly from $0.49 to the $0.20's range.
Is there any hope left for Rushnet/Apple Rush???
Does Corr tell you anything hopefully at all?
To any potential investors:
Please do your DD, this company is bleeding money; and is very unprofitable. Keeps trying to borrow and raise capital because it is taking huge losses.
They try to pump their stock across the internet, I think it might be a pump and dump scenario. They even paid Green Baron to try to pump their stock.
This stock went from $1.84 to $0.04
it might his sub penny soon.
I am sure you talk to him all the time.
What does Corr have in store for us?
Let me guess, 7-11 deal is almost done, Kroger's wants Rush products badly.
What else pump does Corr tell you? He probably pumps Japan and Korea.
Corr probably tells you, Rushnet/APRU will be a billion dollar company down the road. hahahaha
They have alot of debt, but they are still a profitable company; who are trying to further cut costs and shore up more revenue.
I don't understand how the price can be held down here.
There is significant shorting going on, and manipulation.
I think this stock will break out, I just have no idea when.
Im glad its kinda holding around $0.07 cents.
Can it hold at these prices????
At these prices, any Smoe Joe with some cash could buy out most of the common shares available for sale.
The economy for US is really bad, US and Canada are in a recession. Possibly one of the worst recessions in decades for the US.
Economy is not good right now for Canada or US, or the world.
Economy is bad, people are losing jobs, especially in the auto sector.
People are going broke.
Economy is bad, people are trying to pay rent and credit cards instead of buying hearing aid products.
Wayyy down to $0.04, with tiny amount of volume traded.
No one cares about this little company who is losing money.
The bigger picture is that the company needs revenue ASAP.
The faster we get money coming in, the better for everybody.
Okay Okay.
Can anyone get thru to Corr these days?
Or is he avoiding phone calls from angry investors?
Wheres his pumper friend Chrispy and solidgold?
It seems like the company is sitting by and doing nothing.
They are sitting on a bundle of cash, why don't they buy back the stock or pay a dividen; I don't get it.
Agreed, they have to start selling and making money; or the stock price probably won't go up.
This company might not be profitable for many years to come, might never be profitable; who knows.
I recommend investing in companies on better exchanges, who actually report stuff.
Buy companies that trade on NYSE or Nasdaq, at least they are bound by rules and file financials.
I would be wary of companies that do not file proper financials, they might have stuff to hide.
HRAL is a pupmping machine, yet the volume still sucks; people just overlook this one for better stocks.
When is the debt due?
Will Verizon help out Idearc?
I know, but theres no pressure on the bid.
We need some big money to scoop up all these cheap shares, we need to quickly force up the pps. And make shorters pay, by being unable to cover at cheap prices.
They keep having to borrow money or find ways to get money, it will eventually catch up with them.
Its unprofitable and its harder and harder to find credit these days.
The volume sucks, no one really cares about this stock.
This is a lost cause, they keep pumping it, and release many many PR's hoping to sucker in some much needed new money.
Many stocks on pinks and OTC are thinly traded.
There are so many stocks, that no one has really heard of.
The only people that care right now, are the ones posting on the CTGI board.
I hope CTGI holders are protected.
I have read some pretty awful posts about La Jolla.
I hope they have honest intentions.
I know revenue for print is down a bit from last year, but do you think the yellowpages print ads will suddenly go to zero??
I doubt it, people get the yellowpages for free. It is a great advertising tool for small businesses too. It is a great way for small businesses like restaurants to get their name out to the local market.
Another thing is, not everyone is as internet savvy as those wall street guys. Do you think everyone over 40 years old is really that handy with computers?
How many years have people been using High-Speed Internet? It hasn't been around for that many years. Before that, people had to use dial-up connections. Remember those dial up modems?
56k, 28.8k , 14.4k speed?
People were using 14.4k speed modems as recently as 12 years ago.
How many older people were using the internet 12 years ago???
Im just trying to say, many older people 40+ are probably not internet savvy enough to advertise online.
A few days ago, I checked and it showed about 40 million shares shorted for IAR.
Even the last day this stock was traded, in the morning it was trading fine at $0.08 and $0.09, then in the afternoon it went straight down to $0.06 and $0.05, and it appears it was deliberately forced down right at the end of the day to show it closed at $0.02. Then the 1st day on pinksheets the stock closes at $0.08
My guess is this stock was heavily shorted and manipulated, and with little resistance; shorters could do what they wanted.
I doubt it will go any lower than what it is right now.
I know print revenue might decline a bit, but not as drastic as the market thinks it will.
The company has plenty of cash, I think in the hundreds of millions of dollars; and it just posted a net profit of like 70 million dollars. At these prices, the company could easily buy back all the shares, if it was allowed too.