This is SPECULATIVE INVESTING - YOUR JOB IS TO MAKE MONEY, NOT TREAT YOUR INVESTMENT LIKE A BLUECHIP. Sorry to go into lecture tone there Eagle. If speculation un-nerves you or you think the promotion will bring the price down, then sell. If you think it will rocket it up, then don't until later. Plain and simple.
AMRE has seen absolutely phenomenal appreciation in the past FOR THOSE WHO KNOW HOW TO TRADE IT, and it has provided some of the best returns I've ever seen. Do it right and you'll possibly be a very rich man (or woman). Muff it and you could lose a little $$. I believe AMRE is in the perfect part of it's cycle. There is promotion coming (it seems), it is near it's lows, it has under 100M o/s, we saw the tax-selling end on an up-tick, it has survived what I believe to be massive shorting by SCHB among others, one of it's subs (RBSY) is appreciating bigtime and seems to be on the cusp of something. Need I remind you to visit AMRE's chart of last May. It's not the time to sell AMRE in my book, no matter what you think of the RBSY promo.
My unprofessional advise - don't lose the forest for the trees and see if there isn't some phenomenal news in the works for RBSY and AMRE. I have a hunch there is, and that we'll NEVER see these absurdly low prices again.
All just my very unprofessional opinion. Could I be wrong? Absolutely! Do your own DD. SS