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Question: Are you invested in other stocks, where the stock price is falling, there are delays in projects and the commencement of business operations, but the management team still make themselves available for conference calls to address shareholders' concerns?
Answer: I am and amidst this bearish market, global economic slowdown, rocketing inflation the management teams have made themselves available....
but there is one stock I hold ....yep the stock that has fallen from $1.50 to $0.001 where communication seems very limited
Now when was that last conference call the CEO of Smart?Metric conducted with investors?
Hmm. I hope it's good news
Just as a reminder this stock listed at $1.50
Yep, nice consolidation! it's down 29%
I love the symmetry - the company lists at 150 cents and now trades at 0.150 cents
So, what's your explanation for the last 16 years when it has fallen from $1.50 to under 1/5 of a cent
In technical analysis jargon how do you describe that pattern?
Do you think investors understood that the CEO would control the voting rights in perpetuity when they parted with their hard earned?
Who decided how Series B shares would be awarded?
Who decided the incentive scheme for the CEO IF the company ever generates revenue?
Who effectively controls the Board?
hmmm it's down 99.5% since IPO and we might see a bounce from 0.3 cents to 0.6 cents.... hoooray
DiluteMetric would be a better name
So who was the genius who set the price at $1.50 at IPO 15 or so years ago?
640 million shares now on issue
Authorized shares to double to 2.4 billion -- further dilution?
Share price at IPO was $1.50
Share price now is under 1 cent
One constant: the CEO retains majority voting rights
In which decade did she first say that?
Yep at first glance impressive... then you look into the 15 year history and the view becomes far less favourable
but down 99% since IPO
Listed in 2006 approx. 80 million shares at $1.50 - market cap of $120 million
2022: approx. 600 million shares at 0.6 cents - market cap of $3.6 million plus/minus
A success story?
16 year downtrend Ronny from $1.50 to under 1 cent
Provide a timeline Blazing Saddles
16 years after IPO and it's about to land?
Dear Blazing Saddles
You are confident we will see a working card
Put a timeline on it - are we talking 1 week, 2 weeks , 1 month?
Because all previous timelines over the last decade have failed
Be true to your conviction and put a timeline on it
Waiting for news!
Good one, most people have been waiting for a decade or more for some real news
Old news repeated for a decade
Where is the CARD?
More news? do you have a direct line to the CEO?
WOW! If consumers pay $60
If there is a 10% adoption rate revenue will be squillions
How about getting the card finished first before making pie in the sky projections
The bottom is in after 16 years!
Hooray, love your confidence
This was 4 cents a few days ago was it not?
How many shares did she issue at $1.50 15 years ago?
Where did she think the share price was going at the time if the company was just in its research and development phase? What was she telling the original investors at the time?
There was a pattern of promoting stories of near term commercialization to attract funds to the company
Successive waves of investors were duped and so here we are 500 million additional shares later... still waiting
Oh yes a strong finish today but the previous 15 years have been somewhat underwhelming - just down 99%
And year 15 since IPO about to come and go
15 years and share price down 99%
When's the AGM ?
How many people will be attending the staff XMAS party at Smartmetric?
2013 and the CEO has since awarded herself some Series B shares... of course, performance based
From $1.50 to 1 cent after 15 years
Agghh Blazing Stocks,
That certainly is a What the Beep statement.
You don't think a failure over 15 years to produce anything is relevant? It explains why the company is down 99% since IPO. It goes to teh character of the company
It also raises a serious question, as to why a company would list at a price of $1.50 when it was simply a development company rather than promoting itself as being on the cusp of doing big deals - something it has consistently suggested over the last 10 to 15 years
When a stock falls 99%, all of the shareholders that bought at $1.50, $1.00, $0.50, $0.25, $0.10, $0.05..have been diluted big time
This company is a reminder of undertaking proper due diligence when investing...
Will take your contributions on this forum more seriously, once the company actually writes some revenue
Down 99% since IPO... that is the sad reality and you are happy it is back above one cent!
Ok the stock trades below 1 cent
it's down here because-
a. the company has produced nothing for 15 years
b. it has consistently embellished its story for fund raising purposes
c. It's essentially a one person company with a corporate structure which clearly scares away serious money
d. long term investors have given up on the stock
Perhaps if the company finally produces a trial, contract, revenue.... ??
most people would exit if there were enough liquidity
Downtrend you say!!!
It's been in a downtrend for 15 years
When is the Investor day when we can ask all the hard questions?