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This mgmt team has finally saw the light in that with their recent history, they cannot continue as a going concern.
However, considering the default judgments against Helix and those lawsuits that will probably end up in default judgments, I just don't see any partnerships or buyouts. What I do see is a third party maybe buying Helix's patent. But then again, it wouldn't surprise me if a court places Helix in receivership in order to keep them from selling off certain assets before settling their debts with those who have won judgments against them. jmho
I believe you are way to optimistic. They have no revenues; no orders; no production. And even if they did, they don't have the resources to produce.
Per the 10Q - The Company currently has insufficient capital and personnel to fulfill orders for its products...
For those who currently own this stock, I'm sorry to say, but its time to bite the bullet and dump it. There is 'no' hope whatsoever in this stock, unless they are bought out. But even at $1 million, which would be very generous in my opinion, that's less than .0006 / share. This stock is a money maker only for Helix mgmt and St George, and that's only if people keep buying this stock. jmho
Eagles stadium - this can now be put to rest. Helix did not receive the contract.
The Company receives a deposit for up to 50% of the sales price when the purchase order is received from a customer, which is recorded as deferred revenue until the product is shipped. The Company did not receive any purchase orders from domestic and international customers to purchase Company product during the quarter ended March 31, 2011. The Company had deferred revenue of $0 and $34,494 as of March 31, 2011 and December 31, 2010, respectively. The balance from December 31, 2010 was reclassified to accounts payable as production of units has currently been suspended.
The Company currently has insufficient capital and personnel to fulfill orders for its products...
The fact of the matter is that Helix has no future in this market as Helix. They had their chance with the Oklahoma Research center, but screwed it up and lost the contract because they couldn't get financing to manufacture 25 turbines (and that's with the required 50% down). Today, Helix is nothing more than a financial travesy. With other wind turbines on the market with a proven track history, Helix's only chance is for another company to come in and buy them (or their patent) out.
Just look at their history. What company would risk hundreds of thousands of dollars on Helix's turbines when they can get similar turbines and reduce their financial risks with another company with a proven track history. jmho
I wish the SEC would investigate the relationship between Helix and St George. Helix mgmt and St George are the only ones making money on this company. Even though Helix has a patented product, they are not producing anything and I have my doubts as to whether they are really going out and trying to market their product. If they have no cash to manufacture the product or defend themselves against lawsuits, then they have no cash to market their turbine.
Helix and St George's business plan appears to be just signing lucrative loan agreements and paying them off with discounted shares. And as long as people continue to buy this stock, Helix and St George will continue this charade.
As I've stated before, I've lost money on this stock and don't plan to reinvest back in it until mgmt get serious about marketing their product. Until then, I'm on the side lines. glta
Okay, I've been able to average down to about .0046 (still down 50% at current prices) and am out of powder for the time being. Now I'm ready for Stan-the-man to take off and gives us some news...good news at that! glta
Unfortunately I don't believe that will happen. Helix is already in default of their Purchasing & Exchange agreement because the average trading value has not kept up with the $25k minimum requirement for the past two weeks. jmho
I don't believe Helix will trade higher than .001, if it even gets that high again. Today marks the 6th consecutive day in which Helix has not averaged $25k in trades. Using .00075 as an average, Helix would have had to trade approximately 33.3 million shares today. As a result, Helix is in default of their note with St George based on how I read the 8k filing dated March 23rd. Once the A/S is officially increased to 5 billion, mgmt will start up the printing press again. Unfortunately, the only thing I see in the near future for shareholders is dilution. jmho
I don't have any here right now. I sold last fall and cut my losses. But I was hoping to recoup some of it. Doesn't look like that will happen though. gltu
Helix has judgments of approximately $758k against for which it has no cash to pay and approximately $4.1 million in new lawsuits against it for which it doesn't have the cash to defend itself.
The Company does not have the cash to pay the judgment and expects the default judgment to have a material adverse effect on the Company and its assets.
We have numerous lawsuits pending against the Company, several of which have resulted in judgments against the Company, and insufficient capital resources to retain legal counsel to respond to the lawsuits; we expect additional lawsuits to occur from unpaid creditors of the Company.
Who is going to risk doing business with Helix considering all this baggage. Helix has dug itself such a deep hole that I don't believe they will recover. For such a great product, this is really sad. Even if the company gets bought out, the shareholders will get "nothing".
So much for me trying to recoup some of my losses. jmho
10K is out and it is not very promising. It looks like more dilution on the way. As of Dec 31st they had $3.2 million in convertible debt which they plan to convert to shares. Not good at all. jmho
The Company has significant outstanding indebtedness. As of December 31, 2010, the Company had a gross aggregate outstanding principal balance of $3,199,919 in convertible debt obligations. If the lenders under these convertible notes do not convert their notes to common stock and demand repayment, the Company does not have sufficient cash to pay its debt obligations.
Additionally, as described in more detail below, the significant dilution to the current number of outstanding shares of Company common stock, which is expected to occur from the conversion of the Company’s currently outstanding convertible promissory notes and warrants makes obtaining additional financing very difficult.
Their 10k s/b some intersting reading. Hopefully, the new CEO will be able to share his vision for Helix.
I received the standard reply from Helix referancing their product and info in the filings. I got the same response when I asked them another question last year. I'm not sure they even read these emails.
St George doesn't want the company. They loan to Helix in order to get the high interest rate and 125% of their loan if Helix defaults. As long as people continue to buy this stock, St George will make money hand over fist. Generally, Helix discounts the stock they issue to note holders by 50%. Hence this is a cash-cow for St George when Helix defaults. It was only a matter of time. imo
Per the 10Q,
* Oct 1, 2010 - 150 million shares were issued for a consulting agreement (to be issued in the first calendar quarter)
* Nov 1, 2010 - 800 million shares were issued to two top executives. It didn't name the executives.
* Jan 1, 2011 - 150 million shares issued for Alberta Scaffolding
Not a good day! The next PR will contain allot of info including:
- announcement that the A/S has been increased to 5 billion;
- Helix has defaulted on its Purchasing and Exchange Agreement; and
- issuance of xx millions of shares to convert this note to stock.
Not good at all. jmho
DB2, I wouldn't hold my breath on new fuels. Wasn't it Jimmy Carter that created the Dept of Energy to come up with a program for alternative fuels so that we can reduce our dependance on foreign oil. That was back in the late 70's when we were 40% dependent on foreign oil. Today we are no closer in developing alternative fuels and are now 70% dependent on foreign oil.
The problem with Helix is that the company has no credibility and lacks a history of success; but rather a history of failures and inability to perform. What customer is going to do business with such a company, regardless of product. There are similar products out in the market that can compete with Helix's wind turbine who have the credibility and successful history that customers are looking for. Until Helix can sign some small contracts, and then execute those contracts, there will be no large contracts. This may take a few years or longer, depending on whether Helix can perform on these small contracts.
I mean good grief, the ink isn't even dry on their newly executed Purchasing and Exchange Agreement and they are struggling to perform on it. If Helix doesn't average over $25k in trading volume today, they risk being in default of this agreement.
I'm not a nay-sayer, just voicing the obvious. I've lost over $15k on this company and would like to make some of it back. I hope Helix's luck turns, but it doesn't look very promising at this point in time. jmho
Yes, tomorrow will be day 5.
Helix has 45-days to increase the A/S to 5 billion shares.
The Purchase and Exchange Agreements also contain numerous affirmative covenants on the Company, including, without limitation, a requirement for the Company to maintain its SEC reporting status, timely file all SEC reports, and increase its authorized shares of common stock to 5,000,000,000 within 45 days of the date of the Purchase and Exchange Agreements.
Only 11 million shares traded today. That's not good at all. Hopefully the volume will pick up tomorrow; otherwise St George may consider Helix in default of their Purchasing and Exchange Agreement. jmho
26.7 million shares traded. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that it achieved the minimum $25k average daily trading value. Using .0009 as the avg trading value per share, approximately 27.7 million shares would have needed to be traded. This represents the third consecutive day the average daily trading value is below $25k. Two more days like this and Helix will be in default on its Purchasing and Exchange Agreement, and then the dilution begins all over again. Not a good sign for shareholders. jmho
Between Helix mgmt and St George, they control more than 51% of the O/S. Therefore, they have the majority and have moved forward. jmho
Volume and interest in this stock is falling. The volume has to pick up for Helix not to default on their Purchase and Exchange Agreement. After today, Helix will have two consecutive days in which their average trading value is less than $25k. If next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday trade less than $25k on average, then Helix will be considered in have defaulted on their Purchase and Exchange Agreement. Great for St George, not so good for shareholders. jmho
Don't stop, we need to volume to pick up. lol
Db2, I believe they currently have more than 51% of shareholders approval. Who did Helix issue 1.7 billion shares to over these last few months. I believe it was St George. So if St George has the majority of all these shares, then they already have approval.
If this is the case, then I really believe there could be a conflict of interest here with Helix and St George in bed together. jmho
I think that was a great catch on your part. I've read this in their other filings and never thought of it. I just zeroed in on the numbers. I will let the board know if and when I hear back. If it was accidental, then they will issue an 8k but if it was intentional, then I don't expect to hear back from them.
Here again, I think Helix has a great product but their mgmt team leaves allot to be desired. They are in it for themselves and I'm not so sure if they really believe in their own product. That is, their 'sales' history doesn't support that. jmho
I've emailed Helix of this error and requested clarification. Technically, I believe they are required to issue an 8k clarifying this error if they plan to continue to maintain their SEC reporting status (which, by the way, is also in the Purchase & Exchange Agreement). glta
Interestingly enough, in business law...words take precedence over numbers. When looking at this financing agreement and the ones previously executed, they all have the same error and legally, were in default within the first 5-trading days of their execution.
Hopefully that's not what they intended, but their attorneys s/h caught that. For attorneys, this s/h/b an easy catch. jmho
Hey DB2, an added concern that shareholders s/h is the fact that St George changed the triggering events for a default to make it easier for a default to occur. They changed the average dollar amount traded per day from $10k to $25k. If the volume doesn't pick up today, then we will have our first day in which average dollars traded were less than $25k.
St George knows this has been a sweetheart deal and now that stock is trading around .001, they stand to make more money from dilution (e.g., loan default and then coversion of debt to shares) then from interest.
I think St George should go public so we could invest in them. lol
Correct, I believe in the newly released 8k, Helix 'must' increase its A/S to no less than 5 billion within 45-days of the Purchase and Exchange Agreement date or be in default of the notes. gltu
You've heard it say, "Silence is golden." Well, this silence is killing me. Come on Stan...are we headed to war-torn / disaster areas to help rebuild or are we getting ready to imbark on an energy venture??? Either way is fine with me, but let's gooooo...
If it only holds .001 then it has to trade an avg of 25 million shares per day. Otherwise Helix risks being in default on their loans. Helix needs to move up and continue to maintain volume. And to accomplish that, Helix needs to announce a major marketing push to get the market and customers interested in their newly 'patented' product. jmho
I see Helix has replaced their previous financing agreement with this new Purchase and Exchange agreement and they have increased their A/S to 5 billion. This should give mgmt the ability to generate interest in the market place 'if' they can come up with a good marketing strategy. They haven't done a very good job of that to-date.
My only concerns with the info in this 8k are twofold:
1) The triggering events were revised in that a default is now considered to have occurred if the average daily trading value falls below $25k over 5-consecutive days. That's up from $10k.
2) Another lawsuit in the amount of $4 million was filed against Helix. If the company doesn't defend themselves against these lawsuits, then this company will never stand a chance. This brings the amount of lawsuites / judgements against Helix to approximately $5 million. Helix has to start defending itself...if nothing more than to at least try to get the judgements reduced. jmho
Every time I've contacted Helix, whether email or phone, I get the same standard message. Helix will not come out and state what their plans are or are not to any individual investor. They always refer you to their filings. As for as a R/S, they have 1.75 billion shares O/S and the A/S is maxed out. They have little choice but to raise the A/S and/or do an R/S. Until then, Helix has no way of raising capital to finance any operations or pay for their administrative costs.
It helped to bring my average below .006 Hopefully we will get an 8k in the next week or so. It would be great if we got one tomorrow after the bell.
I bought another 250k, but will hold off any more buying in the event it does go below .002
Not a good day. Less than $10k in trading volume today. Helix needs to trade over $10k per day or risk defaulting on their loan with St George.
The Trigger Events include the following: (i) a decline in the five-day average daily dollar volume of the Company Common Stock in its primary market to less than $10,000.00 of volume per day; (ii) a decline in the average VWAP for the Common Stock during any consecutive five (5) day trading period to a per share price of less than one half of one cent ($0.0005).
Very quiet morning. Is this the calm before the storm of 8k's? I'm ready for some good info.