What is happening here is that another company chose to purchase this existing ticker symbol to incorporate into their "new business" which is most likely a scam to pump and dump their shares.
On the other hand this new 'United We Smoke' company maybe a legitimate company that saw an opportunity to pick up a cheap ticker without having to spend a fortune to get their own, this symbol will most likely be considered a merge and change symbol causing a split of some sort.
It would be wise to sell when the run starts to avoid getting locked into a ticker change and split which will result in the loss of all of one's funds.
One should take into account that six years ago the company had its pump and dump and spent the past five years collecting close outs (people whom simply gave their shares back in hopes of a partial credit)with out any mergers, ticker changes ... so what they did was get most of their shares back for less than or equal to $0.0001 and then put a large order in for $0.0001 which caused the sudden increase in volume. Now, a new order is put in at $0.0002 to raise the share price to make it look like something is happening, once they manipulate the stock to move up to a tenth of a penny per share they will put another big order in for around half of a penny which will cause the stock to increase significantly. Once it reaches that point they will unload everything at market price and she'll go back to $0.0001 indefinitely.