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John Bay belongs in handcuffs for the millions of dollars he cost investors here and any financial institutions that were willing to lend his wet dream a buck.
VRED had 2 microscopic contracts in the end...
VYON never had a farking thing...
When do we get an update? I believe that YOUR company is PROFITABLE and GROWING! WHEN the FARK will you C O N F I R M what I THINK IS TRUE with a FARKING update?
How many shares of VYON are you holding 8colosseo?
I held 1,680,000 as of January 1, 2010.
Looks ok as a punishment, but I'd rather bury John Bay in cement HEAD FIRST and then we all take turns beating his body like a Mexican Pinyatta. We wouldn't even hear him screaming if his head was buried in the cement, and afterall - the way Viyya has had so much trouble since 2006, his head has already been buried in the sand.
I can't scream these questions loud enough:
Why did he keep such expensive office space for so long IF HE KNEW DAMN WELL THAT THE COMPANY WAS FAILING WORSE AND WORSE from 2008 to the present day? FARKING DISGUSTING! I maintain that John was seldom honest with investors and the notion of selling more restricted shares in the Summer of 2010 may have been illegal DEPENDING on what the fool knew at the time! Think about that!
I guess that Google buyout is out of the question. LOL. John once said that that new search engine CUIL was only going to help Viyya in the end...Well, I guess CUIL couldn't help Viyya as Viyya could never help itself. FARKING DISGUSTING!
Did John Bay know that Viyya was DOOMED the day the DTCC halting happened BECAUSE he instantly knew (and expected) the investigation to begin with? I don't know, but I sure know that as a manager he sucked fark!
He should never be allowed to hold a job or start another company ever again. ANY future income he gets should be redistributed to VYON shareholders. We should all monitor his online appearances and HAUNT THE FARK OUT OF HIM. This disgusting betrayal of trust SHOULD NOT BE TOLERATED!
I'm going to be watching this situation very carefully from here on out. Specifically, will something very similar to Viyya's technology be marketed under a different name? The timing of Viyya's death at long last may pave the way for something else to happen...Is Next Issue Media still alive?
I thought John's "friends and family" lent him the much needed money more than one year ago. HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH?!?!
Is there a chance that the company has been robbed from the shareholders opportunistically as a result of the DTCC halting? I really wonder about this...Now that the company has "ceased operations" it seems like many things could be secretly cooking PRIVATELY behind the scenes that the shareholder will never know or benefit from. (When I say PRIVATELY I am hinting at the possibility of a NEW PRIVATE COMPANY - Just a THEORY here...)
Was Next Issue Media ever really associated with Viyya?
What happens to the intellectual property if Viyya has ceased operations?
Why did John travel so often and what did it gain the company (or the shareholders)?
Why did the DTCC halt VYON trading to begin with? (Come on John, you can tell us now - you have completely failed in every way at this point)
Will those that purchased VYON restricted shares in the Summer of 2010 get any redress for their investment? Afterall, the stock wasn't even trading and some investors took the ultimate chance and gave John more money. I say they deserve something back - like, ALL OF IT!
Unfarking believable.
Both Viyya and Virtual Ed. Link DECEASED.
Charity time -
John hasn't been paid in years for his work and I for one feel quite terrible about this. Word is, he hasn't eaten in 7 months and is down to about 59 pounds. This can't continue. Let's all send John $2,500 each so that he can have his much deserved (albeit belated) salary and a huge Thanksgiving Feast. He certainly has given all of us tons to be thankful for (including a failed spinoff and hundreds of delays and broken promises).
John Bay will get no more of my money and I hope no one here is foolish enough to give him another cent. Believe anything he says at your own risk from here on out.
Well with progress like that, I'm now convinced more than ever that Viyya is going to be worth BILLIONS. Get in while you still can!
Nothing to worry about here!
All is well!
A copy of an indictment?
"Can't get blood out of a turnip." - TRUE!
"Viyya couldn't market a single product in 6 years." - MORE TRUE!
"There are many angry VYON shareholders." - MORE TRUE STILL!
"FRAUD IS ILLEGAL." - TRUE TRUE TRUE! (Can you help us SEC?)
Richard Perine for President in 2012!
And frankly, the company failed. THAT is WORTH talking about.
And there is CERTAINLY FAULT somewhere!
Surfkast - NOTHING is slanderous in POST #7029.
Learn to R E A D.
I guess PCX was a flash in the pan...Weren't they supposed to fund Viyya as a private company?
If VYON was never at fault for anything (and that is a HUGE IF) then the DTCC should be liable for this mess. By not allowing an "innocent" company's stock to trade, the company FAILED.
ANSWERS to THESE questions are DEMANDED!
Anyone else agree?
Check out this merciless rant from December 2008:
He really called it. LOL.
He was hired by Viyya in 2006 as a World Class Technologist...Google his name and Viyya and you can read the 5 year old PR...He later had some type of lawsuit that he did not follow through with...I'm digging for a link to share.
Disgusting. He put up that website showing all those handheld devices and never got a cent of revenue from Maggieme...WTF? Maybe he just needs more financing and everything will be a-ok in 30 days. (sarcasm intended) I'm sure there are major ISPs just waiting to negotiate with John. (sarcasm intended)
Me thinks RICHARD PERINE was onto something when he attempted to sue Viyya and John Bay for FRAUD. Me thinks the DTCC was onto something too. (NO SARCASM INTENDED WHATSOEVER)
I also question the Yahoo JADA bashing.
Why pay SO MUCH attention to a stock if you don't believe in it.
Nothing is concluded here.
I await 2012.
Very very interesting articles - thanks for posting them.
I will not sell any of my JADA shares as I have never thought the rise to 1.09 was a fluke. It may take time, but with new regulations coming on Chinese stocks that trade on US exchanges, I think we're all in for a nice surprise...and don't forget the 50 year contract to that mine.
JADA is not going anywhere and neither is Jade demand.
I think the wind is shifting to our backs.
Anytime now Welchkins...this is starting to smell like a Chinese stock scam? Can you morons at Bullzi Security P L E A S E release some news to the CONTRARY?
It's up to you. Start releasing news and I'll stop demanding it.
Speaking of BK, I traded CHINA in 2010 and 2011 and they just declared bankruptcy this past week...never saw that one coming.
JADA hasn't declared anything, so I maintain hope and optimism as huge bidders have shown up, accumulated, and continue to do so.
I hope this new SEC/DOJ action benefits the JADA shareholder.
One thing I'm certainly seeing in my own opinion is BARGAINS all over this crummy market:
HDY - 52 week high 7.78, now 3.40ish (and the company is at the threshold of their pursuit drilling new oil wells THIS WEEK!)
DCTH - 52 week high 11.00-12.00, now 3.30ish
AXAS - 52 week high 6.00ish, now 2.30ish
CHINA - 52 week high 4.93, now .86
XING - 52 week high 4.00ish, now .67
CYCC - 52 week high 1.80, now .39
Many stocks have not rebounded from the August market decline and are trending lower now...but I believe many bargains are out there for the patient and the wise. I especially like HDY, DCTH, and AXAS in this regard.
Does anyone agree that it is time for the company to address the deteriorating shareprice? I feel like smashing skulls apart...but maybe it's just me.
Thanks. I believe a solid rebound is coming, but as to when, who the heck knows. Europe seems to matter more for the American stock markets than America...
The bleeding just won't stop here. I added 2,000 shares and hope that you're right regarding a return to .50...but .50 is not cause for celebration considering that CYCC was reached 1.80 only a few months back.
What is the real reason for all of the selling? Any ideas?
They are definitely winning, regardless of what they are hoping for.
Isn't .50 a good pps to start covering?
Darn I wish I got more at 1.36...What a joke!
I NEVER expected this. I wish you all the best.
Bull spit. It shows resistance from .04 to .13. .45 is NO WHERE in sight.
Where did you come from?
Go eat some corn pone, pick some cotton, whine about the Southern economy, pull out your Confederate Flag, and mow the grass on your plantation FARKBRAIN.
VYON is deader than SH IT.
Thanks John. Or should I say John C. Calhoun? Your shareholders are slaves no more. PCX will set us free. LOL.
VYON has only been halted for 16 months. I've read that the DTCC can take 3 years to resolve these cases...Only 20 more months to go. (and the Civil War lasted for 4 years).
Can we grow a good cotton crop in 20 months to make "GOOOO VIYYA" T-Shirts? Heck, if John gets his "much needed" financing (same old sob story as always) VYON could be trading any day. LOL.
Every Viyya shareholder is a survivor and a veteran, but John isn't handing out medals.
Unbelievable. This pps makes the offering at 1.36 look like the heist of the century. Can the buyers of the offering short the stock with warrants?
That's how it's done these days to hedge bets.
Come on Welch, get your head out of your bung box.
I'm not sure who you're referring to perspective, but John Bay is the NUMBER ONE CANDIDATE of IGNORANT.
IGNORANT in dealings with the DTCC.
IGNORANT and NEGLIGENT in dealings with shareholders.
IGNORANT and NEGLIGENT and FRAUDULENT in setting up a failed spinoff that never paid dividend shares to L O Y A L VYON shareholders. When I bought 7.7 million VRED last September in the .001-.0013 range and traded them all for $1000 in gains, I had no idea that the company would be trading for .0001 in April (only 7 months later).
Anyone who agrees that John is a boneheaded farker, please clap your hands.......
Is that clapping I hear all over the world?
I thought so.
When the BID was .016 and the ASK wsa .019 several weeks ago, I didn't hesitate to buy at .019...I feel like buying some more tomorrow. Deeply oversold? I have to agree as it fell from .06 to .04 and then .03 very quickly in the Spring. With the low float, I am not expecting anything below .01 ever. Sure hope they report...
JADA soon move to unbelievable level. Early bird get the worm.
Sounds good to me.
Hey Romgak.
Maybe albofalfa will be happy with the next PR stating that the company is showing Winter's Wind to all shareholders first (with free popcorn and soda for all)!
From where I'm sitting, there is very little hope here. Since the reverse split, the pps has only reached .025 and only then briefly.
Seeing bids under .01 now at .008 and .0095 is not very encouraging, not to mention minimal volume...
Agreed. We have all been scammed. Instead of Winter's Wind we get to smell Veve breaking wind everyday now with the pps sliding under .01. As a production company, they have produced more unhappy investors than anything else.
Cowboy Mining = FAILURE
Winter's Wind = FAILURE
Thanks a bunch Veve.
Presentations are fine and the company has done many of them in 2011. What I want to hear next though, is that there has been substantial progess made with the regulatory agencies like the FDA here in the United States and similar agencies abroad.
BVTI trading in the .40s (or .30s!) is becoming quite tiresome.
Keys is from the South.
His posts make little or no sense.
Any anyone here is surprised by this?
Give me a break.
The Civil War ended 150 years ago, but some Southerners have yet to hear...
Thanks for nothing Haystax.
Hi gentlemen. I see the disgusting performance of Veve and his company have not changed. My main observation is that since the split, we have only seen a high of .025, equivalant of course to .0025 presplit...and I remember buying at .0005 thinking that was a good buy, but .05 now?!
Never gonna happen.
Thanks Veve. You should go to China and start a few reverse mergers...They can't all be frauds right? (Just the ones that have Veve in charge).
Anyone ever consider s h a r e h o l d e r l a w s u i t?
Haystax, an update from you as to what the company is doing would be very much appreciated. Can you offer any insight as to what is happening with BLLZ or what we might expect by 2012?
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