So for all you negative Normans on this board. Sorry to bust your BUBBLES, but this IS trading normally. So the short or week hands whatever you want to call them that dumped 3 million or so shares the last couple days. Did so to bulls. Who apparently Ain't selling. So. Good luck on trying to cover and find shares to do so with. This is on hold waiting for news. Good buy point. Actually excellent buy point. Bought another 100k myself, and if my calculations are right, 3-5 million of the float of 15 is being held by bulls. That means when it moves it will rocket. Confirmed that this morning 24% with little to NO selling. HOLD and be fully rewarded. after all whats $1000 of buying shares if you loose it in a lifetime. the odds of making 10- 100X that investment in this are ramping rapidly, especially when and sorts realize the O/S IS STILL 15mill. million share short and good news OUCH. but the broker will be happy with your, their new house, your car, and the rest of the loan youll have to take out when this passes 0.05- 0.10 cents. BUT shorts are gamblers and they know the risk?. RIGHT?