Short interest is 1/5th of its peak -- 23,985 on April 15 vs. high of 130,059 last October.
This stock is dying not due to shorts but because it's a pump & dump, its only product is press releases -- look at their statements, is anything here TANGIBLE or is it just vapor...?
TNIB is so thinly traded that, as of this post, it has traded 200 shares today and gone up 10 cents, or 2.2%. The whole game is to be an insider, be granted 1,000,000 shares, and help the cause by buying these minor amounts when needed.
The float is only 6%, 2.2 million shares, and daily volume is only 17,000 ... why? Because the game is to EXTEND the window of time when insiders can bleed cash from the public. Honestly, does anyone think the public knows about this stock, what the company is claiming, its prospects? NO ... it's all pumps from weekly "advice" newsletters, allowing insiders to dump in slow motion.
The rest of the pump is buying "research" -- including WITH STOCK (see below) and working every day to suck real physicians on board, just as real environmentalists get sucked on board and real technologists get sucked on board to other P&D's -- because they're not used to sociopathic schemes and insincere people.
Take a look at TNIB's disclosure, now that they have one:
As of December 31, 2012 -- their last report:
1. 45 million shares are issued in total
2. 7.26 million shares were privately sold in the LAST 4 MONTHS of 2012, the company issued and sold 7.26 million shares (with each carrying a warrant to purchase another share for $1.00-1.50, no question restricted) for a total of $1,134,000 - an average of 15 CENTS A SHARE. During this time, the stock traded up from $1.34 to $8.02 on 12/31/12.
3. 6.96 million shares were "granted" for services, 6.46 of which were granted in the LAST 4 MONTHS of 2012. Look at the disclosure I linked. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? Researchers ... granted stock? Try newsletter pumpers. And one guy, almost half that stock -- GOOGLE HIM. See why he served time.
4. 20.75 million shares for FOUNDERS, all in the FIRST 4 MONTHS of 2012. NONE for the patents (for HOW TO USE something, not for that thing itself, in this case, a drug) that all their press releases are pumping in the last 4 months of 2012.
5. Everything above is RESTRICTED -- can't be sold without company permission.
5. 2.8 million shares "floating" -- I say this in quotes because I can't find shares to borrow, so I can short it. I'm aware the custodian of the majority of the float is not writing shorts -- he's part of the game.
When I first tried to find a short, this stock was $10. I gave up trying -- THOUGH IF ANYBODY KNOWS WHERE I CAN FIND SHARES TO BORROW, PLEASE TELL ME. The only way a short squeeze will occur is if shares are unavailable to borrow, to sell against the pump. So that's the key -- if they're out there, I'm shorting this dog.
BTW other commenters ... RAH RAH RAH ... which one on that list are you? Content free cheerleading ... Ummm hmmm....
This company has no REAL shot at doing drug trials. That takes HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS to finance, and they don't have any money to speak of (to play in that world)....