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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Send some of that over to DODAFASAP
Yes Yehaw!!!
At the bottom, of the last 24/seven news report at the very bottom in the gray shaded area it says kb could be paying up to $25,000 per month for six months for these reports. Am I reading this correctly?
Hoping for two PR’s this week, fingers crossed, let’s go kb
where are you?
what do you know?
are you hearing anything?
are u still in Vietnam?
And yankeeclipper, zinkfinger are you guys still following KB?
Where is zinc finger? Remember that guy ?where is he now?
Big Ass Moths
Bad Ass Mothers
Hoping for
Wham Bam thank you ma’am
Hoping for successful Bam 2 homo. news !
New 52 week high, yabba dabba doo!
Hey Mojo, I think KB has got some mojo now too!
Hope KB blends silk with alpaca wool too!
What will KB price be at opening of stock market?
Wow todaMoon!
Wow good day to be a robust KONG. !!!
Wow , the last 3 prs were great
The next three should be ROBUST and
HUGE !!!
The last three prs are the best ones EVER !
Next week and year will be VERY exciting.
Merry Xmas to all
FINALLY ????? a pr worth reading--maybe success is near ? maybe we get to 4,5,6,7,8,9 ... cents
maybe ?
So does this PR indicate that all of their problems are solved and they are ready to put the pedal to the metal and accelerate? Are we still planning on making bulletproof vest or just fancy clothing ? hoping the AF funding gets announced soon.
AF funding —when is this slam dunk supposed to happen?
thompson is a dairy farmer--hes got a cash cow and hes milking it good!
Why hasn’t kb told us more about the new robust worms? Shareholders want to know!
Good news Tues
705 am????
yesterdays pr wasnt a pr it was a help wanted ad !
come Kim--wheres the beef/silk?
we were waiting on a ROBUST pr about the new worms- not today i guess.
smh !
Any guesses on the next excuse for the next delay?
very nice video--thanks
Has The Scrooge SCREWGED us this year.??
Kim give us a Happy New Year.
Merry Xmas to Kim and all the KBLB supporters
Scrooge CEO--BAH Humbug !!
I hit #2 and left amessage--asking for updates and told them we were worried.
Little G
When I called KB #7346198066-- I think Jon gave a brief intro and then instructed me to pick one of three options
3- ? didnt hear it clearly--can someone call and let us know what this one said?
If I lived closer I'd knock on some doors !
Are the lights on ?
Anybody home ?
I called and left a message and emailed.
no responce yet and dont expect one-nothing-same with winning the powerball !
buy/hold/sell ?
If no PR today , ALL of us should call 7346198066 and email.
Come on Kimmy--give us news
705 am tues
who owns the other 800 mil ?
yes- keep the momentum going-accelerate !!
I thjnk they can do both "SOON" !!
I just emailed KB asking if we will get CC or SH meeting soon. They usually don't answer me. Can one of you ask too ?
kb stock
weak pr after weak pr !
week after week !
makes me weep and weep
when kb doesnt make a peep
makes me not want to keep
kb stock.
sorry folks-i was bored-please forgive me
Spiber is starting to scare me--they may be able to make it quicker,cheaper and easier for many different applications.
KIMBO u better get er done NOW!
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