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Bid now 0.009.
IMO going to ZERO, common shareholders will be paid last.
There isnt enough money to go around.
Corr has scammed many people, he stole many peoples hard earned cash.
And has hurt many families in the process.
4 PR's in Sept, and 2 in Oct.
And nothing since then.
I wonder if they will sell Garden, to pay creditors or for cash to keep the company alive.
Their main route of raising money by duping investors seems to have dried up.
I doubt in this economy now, Apple Rush will be able to get any new financing or any new borrowings.
My guess, is when cash dried up (probably already), they will have to sell Garden, after that cash dries up they will have to go bankrupt if they can't pay their bills anymore.
Do you think this pps is gonna bounce back up?
Even if there were short positions, the volume has been massive lately; they probably already covered.
This stock will be worth ZERO, why would u hold onto it?
If theres going to be a date when CCTYQ becomes extinct, people should sell for any price 0.0001 or higher.
From earlier reports, LTC could be pumping out product now or very soon.
We need sales for the pps to rise, I just hope there aren't any delays that hold back sales until later this year or maybe 2010.
On the bright side, CTGI doesn't seem to have too much of a shorting problem like most other stocks. shows 55,100 shares shorted.
I have checked the site before in the past, and it showed about the same amount.
If we had scared hands selling, coupled with a shorting problem; that would do much worse for the pps.
Bottom could be 0.0001,
CCTYQ will be worth $0 at somepoint.
Where is Chrispy these days? hes been so quiet.
I think if Corr is not releasing PR's, probably screening his phone calls.
What has Corr done with the millions of dollars raised thru selling RSHN/APRU stock to investors???
People, go down there if you can, go see first hand to see if the company still has a heartbeat.
My opinion is that Corr has stopped using money on PR's and has hired a couple of full-time security guards.
If the Canadian stores are under the parent company as a subsidiary, I think money obtained from the sale would just go to paying off creditors. (top of the line)
Forget calls, don't let him hide behind the phone; the receptionist is probably screening his calls anyways.
People should confront him face to face, its more meaningful.
I recommend anyone who lives close enough to HQ, to drive down to HQ and ask to see Bob Corr (or anyone else who might have answers). I recommend you drive down to check out in person how things are going.
Politely ask to try to find out information about the Co, since it seems like they aren't releasing PR's lately.
I encourage anyone who is within driving distance, to march on up to HQ and politely ask to talk with Corr or whoever still works there.
RSHN I can't even sell.
APRU Divy , I can't sell either.
Either way its worth $0 to me right now.
Why, so Bob will tell me "2 Weeks".
I have phoned Bob, in the past. All he does is hype up his company and encourage me to buy more shares....because big things are coming.
Anyone live near APRU/RSHN offices?
If I lived near HQ, I would probably drive down there in person and ask to speak with Bob Corr or co, to talk about my investment and to talk about the future of the company (if there actually is a future)
Next 10-Q should be released sometime shortly.
if still profitable, I think this stock price will rocket to the moon.
Even if they sell their Canadian assets, why do you think the money will go to common shareholder's???
Theres a line (ranking) to who gets the money first.
More secured debtholder's will get the money first, the commons probably are last in line.
Creditors and bondholders are in line way before common shareholders.
My guess, people holding CCTYQ will have their stock terminated.
Alot of times when companies go Chapter 11 and emerge, the common shareholders could or could not be worthless afterwards.
But this is not emergence, they are liquidating their stores and assets. They are going bye bye, very different.
I wonder how fast this will go to 0.01 ?
APRU divy restriction should have been lifted around now, but who knows........
If that divy restriction is lifted, this stock might run to 0.0001 fast.
CCTYQ is back up, about over 4 cents now.]
Will it hit 10 cents?
Is it still possible for a buyout?
What about that Mexican billionaire, what happens to his shares?
How will they pay $700,000???
Dilution maybe?
Alot of folks hold onto their yellowpage book, its easier to find a local pizza joint or a local dentist or a local plumber thru the yellow pages than it is thru the internet.
If you try searching thru the internet, you might find a dentist 1000 miles away.
Shorts is a small amount.
RHD Can't buy Idearc, RHD doesn't have money and has more debt than us.
If they expand too fast, and have little cash; and are not profitable and owe debt.
They are at risk of ch 11, when they can't pay bills.
They may try to borrow more money, or dilute shares, either way this stock sucks. IMHO
If the commission on the trade exceeds the money I would get from selling APRU divy, than its not worth selling.
If they lift restrictions on the applerush divy.
I will most likely SELL SELL SELL.
How fast can this puppy dive to 0.0001?
Tax-selling is now over.
That might have been part of the price decline for CTGI.
I think we hit $1 by mid January.
Happy New Year longs.
Bankruptcy is likely, they are not profitable and don't have that much cash.
This is a pinksheet stock, beware, many are scams.
maybe bankrupt way before then........
$0.022 this stock sucks... IMHO
any updates about the La Jolla deal?
I hope La jolla won't screw us over like they did to other people.
Yes, with CTGI and other pennystocks. A wise thing to do is only invest what you can afford to lose.
Going all in on credit cards is a bad idea.
And didnt that guy buy in at a much higher price?
Wonder how he is feeling now.
I bought in not too long ago at $0.49, and thought it was a steal.
Going all in or buying in with your credit card is mighty dangerous.
Penny stocks is like gambling.
I agree, this stock was more than $20 before.
People can argue that it has alot of debt, but the company had alot of debt when it was spun off.
They basically had around the same debt, before and now.
But the pps has gone from $20 to 0.08$.
So the argument that the company is worth nothing is flawed.
Yes, liabilities exceeds assets. Think of it this way, in the past liabilities exceeded assets, why was it $20 ?
Well, not just CTGI is down.
Tons of stocks on the NYSE/Nasdaq have taken huge dives lately.
When the stock markets recover, so will CTGI.
I think it has alot to do with how the markets and the economy are right now.
When is restrictions for APRU divy suppose to come off?
When can I dump my APRU divy?
ask is $0.26, I feel like an idiot now; I bought earlier at $0.49
My guess is that next quarter will still be profitable, the most recent 10-Q; was a $70,000,000 net profit amount.
Plus the company is trying to trim costs. This company is a cash machine, its COGS isn't that high.
I wonder what will happen to the stock price, if next quarter still shows a healthy profit.
$0.025, this stock sucks. IMO
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