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Do you not realize that was nothing but a submission by an unknown person to the SEC? It's mindless conjecture. Like everything you and RMS post about the non-existent shorting problem.
Unrestricted, as of today--
As of December 31, 2022, the number of shares outstanding of our Common Stock was: 3,570,806,557
As of March 31, 2023, the number of shares outstanding of our Common Stock was: 5,055,401,557
Bullshite. It's non-existent in these OTC junk tickers
As far as shorting goes, read and maybe STFU, fool.
That is a lie.
Nonsense. Your scuzzy CEO has raised the o/s by many billions of shares, just in the last year.
That's where the blame lies. Not in a freakin myth.
Of course, no hedge funds are interested in this sad story.
Since AABB has no gold to speak of (if any at all), that link has zero relevance to this sham company.
Yeah. You're right. Doesn't much matter, as all non-SEC registrant public companies are crap anyhow
It's Expert Market, dark and defunct.
That's CE, fool.
Time will tell, but DragonLady has been spot on so far.
You are one deluded sad sack maroon, right in lockstep with the dude with no loot. The SEC nabbed SAEI, the precursor to SRGE which also was busted. Iirc, CRGP somehow avoided direct action. But AABB has gifted more $, appx $150m worth, than those three sister scams combined...from you sad sack bagholders.
Keep playing with the mythical Shorting's all you bagholders have.
Point us to one, you maroon.... Meanwhile, the company and Beener do nothing but lie.
Ummm, we had this farce pegged from the get go, damn fool newbie that you are.
Nothing has been uploaded to OTCM for 2.5 years. Why anyone would want a dirty shell, I dunno.
The dumb is you and your scummy pumper clowns. Beeno and the company insiders, whoever dafuq they are, are the ones to blame for the stock's pathetic performance. They have no fear of jail time, but, if the SEC would do as they should and suspend this garbage, at least there would be that.
Three more trading days before we all get to excoriate BeenerMomoCrapper if he dares to show his sad sack face
Sadly, as this scam is not an SEC registrant, it can't be revoked. But, if it is inactive for a long enough time, FINRA may simply remove the ticker.
Could care less about Miller. Of course, this scam never made the first baby steps toward mining anything but pockets.
At least there's a few other dweebs left to laugh at.
I will let time tell the truth for the shareholders of KEGS
Some things never change.
I'm guessing you've never been in a stock that split 1:1000..... Good luck. It hasn't been and won't be pretty.
So much logic in one post. Agree 100%.
It's beyond me how anyone can defend and support this serial r/s offending, toxic convertible financing happy debt laden POS...
Sure, it has some business, but the revenues are miniscule
You wouldn't know truth if it hit you up side da head...
Put a sock in that naked shorting nonsense.
I simply know what happens after reverse splits. This will be no different.
Excellent post, hawk! Thanks. I was aware of the basics. Very impressive! Biden is just odiferous... and needs multiple daily diaper changes, it would seem...
Pure horseshite is all you spew.
Thanks for that, shitforbrains...
LOLOLOSSIMO....!! Nice we have Borowitz and The Onion to inject some levity now and then!
OrangeShittyPants brought it all on himself. He deserves to have the book thrown at him, many times.
Couldn't happen to a more deserving ______ fill in the blanks...
What laughable nonsense.
GETTING CLOSE TO GAME OVER For you, yep. Be a man and leave as your promised. And don't come back.
AABB is still a garbage scam.
And THAT will never change.
No NSS, No Fails-To-Deliver, no air shares, no nothing but endless dilution.
That’s just another conspiracy theory.
Yes...and it is spewed by bagholders of damn near every downtrodden stinkpink garbage
dbmm is one of the worst.
Wow. So more suckers paid .0002 today... right away, their shares are worth, at most .0001....Sad, really.
BlaBlaBla. Keep repeating all that...maybe this won't go below effective .00001 pre-split effective, in six months or so...
Followed your link. Thanks. Vast and Prelea sound legit.
Maybe there's a chance that SDRC will break the mold--that being that no OTC "mining" stocks are worth more than two bits.
Give it time, it will be below .002. It's a scam, pretty much. Will never mine anything but pockets.
Bully for you.... it won't last.... If I were you, I'd hold for six months after the r/s. By then, you'll be hard pressed to get the equivalent of .00001 for your about to be damn near worthless shares.
Of course, I'd never be you, as I don't promote companies with sordid histories like KEGS
You might... but it will always be at .00005 or worse
And they will be decimated yet again, after the next r/s drops
Time has already told the truth for KEGS investors.
They were decimated.
Seeing as they haven't uploaded anything to OTCM for almost a year, I'll again say that WSRC is long gone, never to be heard from again.
Time is running out for BeenerMomoCracker too... He said he'd leave for good if the stock isn't a nickel by May 1.... That clearly ain't gonna happen.
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