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Well, when ETIM released news that they had maxed out their 504's at 2bil shares, they went from .0009 to .005+ with a much large float out. Tomorrow should be interesting.
what are you talking about? RBCM has been on the ask at .05 for days, even during the run. What is your point?
I didn't say they were dumping yet. I said that they may be in the process of raising the authorized to issue new shares and then dump, which may be the reason they killed the interest in the stock.
Personally, I think the company might have sent out that pr because they have no more shares to sell. So, until they can authorize some more, they decided to kill the interest in the stock.
I don't buy that at all. They didn't have to release that pr to make that point to a business/company they are in talks with. The tone of their discussions and how they proceeded within those discussions would be enough to tell the tale. I believe it was intentionally released to manipulate the stock's price, but because they are obviously amateurs at running a company, they didn't realie that in doing so, they totally crushed the momo that the stock had generated after such a long lull. Still very stupid no matter how you look at it.
Companies don't "silence" rumors. They ignore them and go about their business of taking care of business and releasing important news as soon as it is available. This company is playing games, and I don't know if it's at the advice of their lawyers or not. They need to stop, however, and realie that people have their money invested in their company and expect to realize any appreciation possible, which can't be done if the company sabotages their own stock with stupid prs and poor management decisions...or bad legal advice.
Yeah, ask them why they put out that pr last week. Tell them that it ain't unusual for pinkies to go up without news...that it's called momentum and that the increase in pps and volume was reflective of increased interest in their stock. Tell them they have killed the interest with that nonsensical pr that only brought negative attention to themselves. Tell them it looks like they are trying to manipulate the stock price with that kind of press and that they need to get their act together.
I'm beginning to think that the company doesn't really have any news at all. I can't imagine any "lawyers" telling a company to sit on news. Anybody been successful with calling or emailing the company?
To attempt to distance themesleves from rumors. That is what tells me that they are amateurs. Even the big cap stocks are subject to rumors, but they don't read chat boards and hold news according to what is being posted. That is just ridiculous.
How can 2 killer pr's be "in the works" for a couple of months. A lot of that is hype. I don't know any legit company that sits on material news for 2 months because of what some message board posters are saying. Indicates amateurs at the helm here. I hope they do read these posts if any at all. They need to get their crap together and do their best to increase shareholder value. That is all they need to be worrying about and stop trying to manipulate events and news against stockboard posts. That is very immature and illegal, if I many add that again.
Well, I think if they do that, it will make them seem even more guilty of trying to control this stock. That is illegal. The management of this company is not getting sound legal advice if you ask me. They are basically destroying any opportunity for this stock to reap any benefits from any good things the company is doing. They need to stop reading these boards and focus on their business. Put out the news as it becomes available and leave the rest alone. If I am not guilty of "leaking" news, what do I care what people say. This all seems too manipulated, which is dangerous and in very poor taste. If they have material news to release, then they should not be sitting on it. PERIOD.
That was just idiotic of him.
Hoping CTTJ will move as smoothly as SMAS soon.
1 .0006 x 1 ..0007
Icky, was that post intended for a different board? I think it was. We have no 5 x 15 spread
I tend to agree with that given the way this has traded today. It's all very interesting. Something is going on here for sure from the looks of it all.
At least it doesn't look like dilution. It just looks to me like some big holder dumped. I guess that is a little bit of a relief.
I see. This doesn't look good. I am disappointed that the company felt the need to release a statement last week. They must not have known any better.
If you and/or others get filled at .0005, I'd take that as a bad sign. I never see a stock on it's way up if people are getting filled at the bid. I hope you don't get filled.
I would love to know who is selling here. Any guesses?
I thought that it sounded eerily truthful. Based on the poster's history there, he doesn't seem like much of a pumper. Tomorrow should be interesting.
Did anyone see this from Raging Bull about CTTJ? Is this RB poster someone on this board? Just curious.
By: allenlewis4
27 Apr 2007, 02:41 PM EDT
Msg. 82 of 91
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RE CTTJ I just spoke with the company. 1 or 2 of the PR's is finished by their Lawyers and they will be releasing 1 shorty. It will be before the bell. The other will be on Monday morning.
By: allenlewis4
27 Apr 2007, 02:54 PM EDT
Msg. 83 of 91
(This msg. is a reply to 82 by allenlewis4.)
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CTTJ 1 pr will be about them being bought out or a reverse merger type. it will be very big news. me and my yahoo group have and will be dropping some bones into this.
By: allenlewis4
27 Apr 2007, 04:22 PM EDT
Msg. 84 of 91
(This msg. is a reply to 83 by allenlewis4.)
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My lawyer just got off the phone with theirs. Change of plans. PR's will be Monday and Tuesday accordingly.
I will say that perhaps it is a good thing that the company prefaced any upcoming news with Friday's pr. If the news is hugely substantive and market price effective, this stock could see a very significant rise in price. Management may not want to stifle this effect, so they sent out the public message that they are doing everything above-board. Whoever the guy that came to the board and said that Robin Moody said the news was "great" caused them to send out this pr, I think. In any rate, I'm being optimistic and hoping that next week is gonna move this toward .002-.005.
I bought 2.85 million shares of this yesterday afternoon. I hope that the company has something good up their sleeve for Monday. I am just wondering why the company would say the news is great and then release pr that says there is no reason for the stock to be up. They had to know the market would internalize that negatively.
Did you call Robin back &ask why he lied.
Found it. What happened to the ''great news''. Forgive me, my question mark key does not work.
Who is the person that said ''great news'' was coming today .
This stock looks strong. It seems to be heading up in a nticipation of tomorrow's news.