Once every seven years I get a little "randy."
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So,then, all that has gotten done in the past 5 months is actually of no real value?
Is this the proffered opinion??
Spock...humans are brutal.
While I am very grateful for PL's effort to settle everyone's nerves...and I truly am, this is hardly a level of transparency I'd ever I hade hoped would be normal for what appeared to be a company that decreed transparency as something they believe in.
But I'm still buying more.
Spock....happy happy hour.
There has been zero increase in O/S in a week...and we have seen ytd is so within reason there is also zero chance any circuit breaker is going to trip .
Spending is completely reasonable for a company this size, actually it is well below.
Spock....so stick that in your photon torpedo tube and launch it.
I believe, yes, Shipley still in command.
Ditto.....I was close to bailing. I have tried for over a week to get any response at all from the company. Still haven't.
Since 1/7/21 BRTX has sold only $2.5M shares at current prices for this kind of company this is Nothing. Most of this could easily have been spent on company-authorized accounting and costs related to etting current. Maybe bring new people on board and getting compensation packages properly funded.
I an not seeing the kind of Dilution some seem to be cranky about.
Spock.... Neither is Sulu and he's pretty good at keeping track of this sort of thing.
Thanks one and all. Maybe the there is a slim slim chance my order was broken up.
I would ao love to do a deep dive to learn how and why Mrs do some of the weird things they do.
Their primary focus seems to be to provide investors with ample opportunities to experience patience over frustration.
Spock....can't wait for the day civilization no longer has use for money.
Hello to all. I have a question that nobody in the investment community seems to want to address or knows how to address. . Perhaps some member of this board has some insight.
I made a purchase this morning of some CLHI shares but there is no evidence of this transaction on the Ihub website that I can find. Nothing extraordinary about it except that it is not found.
Any reason why this would occur? The shares show up in my portfolio just fine, but if this is happening sometimes, how is it possible and does it indicate anything unusual besides not being findable?
Thank you,
a very curious vulcan.
Sterling, I do so appreciate your reply here. I do agree with you on the potential here.
I am coping with having been badly stung by at least two tickers that failed to communicate well with shareholders (TIVU,TMPS...there are a couple more.) And three that have gone grey mkt after SEC suspensions (COUV, WOFA, LAHO...)
I Have a significant position in HEME . I have a serious concern that if they don't get their house in order very soon, I'll get that unfriendly email after the fact,of course, that the big bat as struck HEME. Another pile of cash doomed to greyland....for "my safety."
My only other option is something I fi d a bit more difficult to execute: sell it off and set that proceeds aside while I watch ever so closely every move they make and then buy back in after prospects aren't in imminent danger of enforcement actions.
You always give me reason for pause. Thank you for sharing your wisdom the way you always do. I'd buy stock in you.
Spock.....rhymes with.....share....nope, that's not it.
Today I emailed IR. If I get no reply or a useless reply I will report it here for the benefit of all shareholders.
In such a case, my plan is to divest.this company has a decent plan in place but they are not being at all transparent. I do not tolerate silence when a direct response is called for but does not come together.
Spock....feeling testy at this point.
....and another thing before fall from my soapbox. How can a company keep issuing news about new patents or applications?
With a small team of on-the-payroll patent attorneys, which any company that invents stuff regularly already has.
Just saying....as I am now falling from said soapbox.
R55, I OFFER you the following information for your knowledge base: applying for and obtaining approval or allowances for complex patents is very expensive and it takes quite alot of research to put yourself in such a position.
While it might not be an exciting PR, it's definitely not fluff.
Spock....and his pal, Spinner.
I'll say this much: if the plan is to make shareholders sell, mission accomplished. Buys to sell are about 1: 5 today. Atrocious selling.
I may need to have my head examined for sitting tight and buying. I think at this point it's all a big headgame w tds. Seriously, the there is No logical reason for such a strategy other than to discourage shareholders. Even ad the company says they're ahead of target only midway through the month it appears few believe it. Actually I do, but that's because my position is so different from many.
As an aside I must confess I am not totally clear ad to why having legacy shareholders is a negative thing. What changes if i sold all my shares to none buyer? See? There is this hole in my Armour of knowledge.
Spock.....still crazy after all these years.
Ok, Jayman. Tell us if the number of shares added to the O/S is something that might normally occur in a well run company or if this number is anything shareholders should panic about.
What is your point here?
Gee whiz. That looks as though not even 1 share has been diluted.
I,too, wish we were at a higher position but I have zero regret about taking a long stake in this company. They are well run and making money. The management us smart and informed. I'm staying in this one for quite some time.
Spock....then im going on vacation.
R17 One hard and fast rule of mine Is that I do not buy companies whose CEO will not talk to shareholders. They have absolutely no interests of the shareholder in mind.
Now, as for our very dear TDS, I am not at all certain whose best interests drive them besides their own. So far, i think they dislike Americans, like myself (still have no idea why, nobody ever jumps in on that assertion) and they may be jolly well chuffed if they can screw me..which certainly will not occur now that I see their game.
Bottom line is Spock's Rule #2 for the otc is coalescing into something useful. If the CEO treats you beautifully on Monday when you buy and want to cast you asunder on Friday when you ask a reasonable question, this may be a company you want to liquidate from your portfolio. Life is too short to have to be pissed off by people who have no fragment of a conscience.
SPock/ Friday afternoon/ not yet drinking/ recalibrating my investment criteria
DOn't know how much of a factor this is, but it shouldnot be ignored; it's the second day of trading with the new SEC shorting rules. Helps out the little guy in my opinion.
Spock... Shorting with a well-charged phaser is more effective, though.
I continue to acquire new shares. Others do as well. regardless of how this British firm feels about Americans he cannot easily treat shares purchased by his UK besties differently from his US parasites.
At this point I cannot even be 100% certain the RS disclosure was in any way accidental.
At this point he must, as R17 posits, recapture the trust of everyone or watch his dream fade ever so slowly into a sort of obscurity. I feel some anger every time i read about how the company is all about transparency.
What I do think will happen here is that the company will grow, it will recapture some lost trust, will excite newcomers to the stock despite what the chart tells, will bring fresh new ideas to the sector with or without AI. SO, I anticipate seeing days again when my CLHI holdings about to hundreds of thousands of US dollars or more. This will likely happen sooner rather than later.
Spock.... And Kirk may get a mohawk.
Zero Dilution, too. BONUS.
O/S 2,862,240,135 1/7/21
O/S 2,873,363,991 2/26/21
O/S 3.016B 3/8/21
O/S 3.025B 3/18/21
0.163B shares ($1.73M usd, approx. at $0.011/share ) since 1/7/21
float 6.979M shares, no change
Not very much dilution in the past 10 weeks at all. If I did my math right, Looks like they're running a tight ship here.
One of the behaviors I can only theorize about is how the market behaves with this stock. Wednesday was nearly ALL buys at $0.30. Today was almost all sells at $0.30.
Is my window of observation tainted by the changing SEC rules on shorting? Is someone controlling a group and telling them exactly what to do and when so they do it? Is there a fluctuating price in currency internationally that makes all of this logical?
Any thoughts anyone?
I continue to buy because I think for some strange reason that TDS wants to annoy an many US buyers as possible while the company continues to grow.
Feel free to jump in. I promise not to misbehave.
New 52 week high again today!
Just saying.
I'm not sure I agree that uplifting to QB status will be the big catalyst some expect it to be. Most of the time when a stock makes such an improvement the market seldom takes notice.
Different,of course, if moving from otc to big board.
To me, I think even moving up to QB is awesome. I love it, but it usually does not amount to as much as it should.
Spock....Kirk says it's like going from tap water to bottled.
So, again, here we sit with another corrupted timeline, courtesy of the company that established it.
Reason given for said corruption: it might have some meat on it.
Boy, thank God those attorneys caught it in time. Otherwise a PR that could've helped to re-establish at least a little bit of shattered trust might've slipped through. Phew! That was a close one.
Spock, I guess.
From 1.7 21 to 3.1.21 there has been only about 1M USD in Dilution. For a company this size working on what it's working on is like.....nothing. we can let tales about Dilution vaporize for now.
Might one ask why....why.....why. British companies dislike US money supporting their shells and-or companies? Any thawts?
Also, their must be many UK investors with their hats in the ring who must be trying to cope with TDS's rather appalling lack of desire to make things as good as possible for ALL who might regard themselves as investors here.
This business of constantly undercutting the ask appears at this point to be nothing more than a longterm psychological game of war to make as many walk away from this endeavor in complete disgust and frustration. Maybe it's time to get Reddit involved.
Of course I'm probably wrong, but it sure has seems as though plenty of other things are getting done DESPITE having to make sure the ever-present legal staff, who forbid management from ever saying so much as "oops" impose...then modify...then remove restrictions internationally.
This is a game I have not quite figured out, but winning it might be deceptively easy. If it's a matter coffee simple patience I will win, but I sure would like to see the master plan wouldn't all of you??
Spock.....playing with my time- variable equations and Freudian philosophies.
Maj, I so understand your frustration. I truly do.
I thank all of you for your posts. I have a very thick skin, especially when it comes to things said or done by those who imagine themselves to be better than me.
I came here to invest. I expect first class treatment from those I support with my money. When such treatment is not forthcoming, it is the problem of those who are supposed to extend that treatment but do not.
If they cannot overcome this fault I tend to move on over time. Such behavior tends to erode the otherwise best attributes the company has to offer. That may happen here. A point may come where I will need to move on.
Despite the shortcomings I presently see with management I am a Happy Vulcan who is making money.
I do think it is time to let this go... on the Social Media level.
From this point forward, I expect the company to change to a company that ONLY seeks to increase shareholder value---ITS PRIMARY FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITY. I expect it to occur in a completely candid and transparent manner. No more teasing about things to come, no more rubbish about anything, just smart business and 100% total respect in every way for those who buy the shares. Anything less is unprofessional, disrespectful and in all ways uncalled for.
In fact, I would dearly love to learn how this RS was ever supposed to enhance shareholder value. And I would love to feel the explanation is delivered with complete honesty.
If the shareholders continue to be treated as "less than" and we continue to remain shareholders then we get what we deserve. But let's be honest, there are other great plays to be had and they come from companies that treat all others, including those who purchase common stocks as equal, not less than.
I chose to treat ALL others fairly, even those whop do NOT treat me fairly and I have more than one good reason for doing so.
Dude, look. It is hardly my first rodeo. Ive been directly involved with a number of suspended stocks over the years and I know perfectly well how they come OFF suspension. So, Yes, This post of mine is exactly how I intended to proceed. As it is, there are very few posters here at all so I felt more that free to amuse myself...as I do on MANY of my posts, which you can examine ate your convenience by seeing my recent posts here on the ihub archive.
There's really nothing more to say about any of this. Ball is in your court, my friend.
Just wanted to see if anybody was paying the slightest bit of attention. I don't care about any backlash or insults. I'll disregard the fact you could've chosen a much, much better way to address your observation.
Have a happy, very HAPPY day.
For those unwilling to look up this information on their own, trading does not resume on Friday, but today @ 11:59 a.m. Eastern Standard Time.
Not Wednesday or some other day, but today. This actual calendar day. CURRENT ERA.
And not daylight saving time or mountain time or central time or pacific time or Coordinated Universal Time.
Not 11:58 a.m. or earlier.
Not noon or later.
Again, 11:59 Ante Meridian, a.k.a. A.M.
This information ought to help some folks nail things down with a bit more precision. Note: The SEC made no specification regarding the number of actual seconds either before or after 11:59 this morning. I will be calling to address this egregious oversight.
Yes, trading resumes @ 11:59 Thursday morning.
New 52 week high today. Yes!
Ok, how I hope everyone has taken their money and run. If you haven't noticed, the second and otc are cleaning house. Certain companies have been made examples.
Take yer dough and move to transparent, honest operation or get your money stuck in a Grey market hole for eternity....or until you decide to take the loss.
AUDITED FINANCIALS! Quite expensive and just as valuable for reasons beyond the data they contain. Such documents tell the world the company is to be taken seriously and that they know who butters their bread. Next, FORM 10. Hot damn.
I dint much care what market I buy their shares from. They're not letting bureaucracy cut them down at the knees.
Forward ho!!!
Spock.....I love COUV.
I love this stock. It has MOMO like nobody's business and it's just getting started. Buy it and hang on tight. If the GME crowd comes and tries to piss on our parade, ignore it.
SPock... in the meantime I am going to go get bombed with at the HH on holodeck three. Mr. Scott has some concoction he exposed to dilithium ions that gets you whacked in about three minutes, lasts for a day and leaves no hangover. I gotta check this stuff out.
GME blowback continues. Grab your cheapie shares right now .
Um, No, tyhub. Please don't do that around here.
Yer delusional, my dear friend.
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