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Very troubling. I smell a rat.
Amen. I've been saying this all along. More of the same w/ EDEX. The big 2008 is a bust so far. No word on funding, no updates on any projects, more excuses about weather, Geo pumped than ran, Dragon still stating .80 by EOY, no uddates on listing, etc..... The frustration by many is shared.
Enlighten us and tell us what a "Jim Dial" compnay is.
You in the tail spin zone.
This stock continues to baffle. I am starting to get an uneasy feeling.
Top, I share your view. We have to prove something very soon. Those with deeper pockets are on a land grab and the leases will disappear. The longer we are on the sidelines the more it will hurt. The bottom line is we need revenue. we can't afford to keep robbing Peter to pay Paul.
The cheapies are there every day.
Does not mean a thing if EDEX is in the sidelines.
Why no PR on Ill and Neb? The last PR's clearly state drilling will have commenced by now!! Again, why should I have any confidence whatsoever if we remain completely in the dark. Drilling was supposed to have started in April. It is now 5/14 and we know $hit. More of the same.
You may have a point if someone like me wants to lower their average SP. I just feel like I'm chasing my tail.
Probably with stock or an interest in the well. Not 100% sure. Our interst in these wells is usually diluted.
Dragon, I own a hefty load. I've been in the no spin zone too long. I want to be in the oil zone.
We can all either choose to laugh or cry. I'll laugh. Sorry for the flippant posts as my attempt at humor may not be well recieved. I feel like we are stuck in a plugged well!
The money is being delivered by pony express and the weather has slowed the pony from getting to California.
What proof do you have that he is doing such? He may very well be, but why not inform the shareholders?? I really don't care if a PR costs the company a few bucks. Tell us what is going on and how Tom plans on getting Dragon to his .40/share.
If Tom has the money (no PR to state such) then lets get the party started.
A lot of big time predictions and promises were made that have yet to prove out. I'm in for the ride, but unfortunately we've been going the wrong way for a long time.
Dragon, as I have always said...I like your outlook and wish I was as hopeful. I've been in this thing a long time and done nothing but watch my investment shrink to nothing. I took the risk and bear the responsibility of the choice. On the other hand I read this board and read every one of Geo's posts and bought it all hook line and sinker. I'm feeling now that I was suckered and I have a bad taste about that. EDEX has yet to bring a well to successful completion so I have every right to be synical as do many others. Again, the fault is with me. I'm in too far to sell and hope for a miracle, but as the price of oil rises and we are on the sidelines watching, nothing good will happen. Without any PR's my outlook will not change one bit.
Down we go. I guess all of you have jumped off this sinking ship. I was feeling real good when we hit .30! Please tell me this is not a scam. Even if it is you can go ahead and lie to convince me I have not thrown my money away.
I'l bet the horse Wildcatter will not make it out of the gate.
I have some oceanfront property for sale in Arizona too. More of the same here and still no PR's to tell us where this company is going. I won't call Tom and get it from the horses mouth because horses don't talk. More of the same here as with most days.
PIP- Passive Induced Paralysis
If you read the Yahoo message board there are those that are absolutely slamming this stock despite the obvious success. There are many weak holders who are happy taking a modest gain, therefore they have sold off since the recent spike. I'm not in this to make enough for a new TV like most. I'm long because I belive that the TPB is an outstanding play and will drive solid revenue as a result. Let the weak sell and move on.
Anyone home? A lot has happened over the last few days and this board is dead. Has everyone jumped ship??
Good news out this morning. If you are a basher it is hard to deny the success in the Texas Permian Basin. The revenue will increase as more wells come online and the SP will as well. If it dips today I will buy more.
I'm hoping we get a great PR on all 3 wells in progress. That would be big.
With this lengthy stretch of no news I can't see any new investors jumping in. I would hope EDEX had cash for a PR to update the shareholders on any progrees in funding and the progress (or lack thereof) in Illinois. Nebraska, and NM.
They may be holding back on the PR for the wells in progress. A good PR may counteract any selling 5/2. I don't this stock going backwards. If so, I think it is short term. They have a home run in the Texas Permian Basin. More wells equal more revenue.
How about the wildcatter does a PR and inform ALL shareholders?
Any scoop on when we may get some news on the drilling in Illinois, Nebraska, and the completion of Mesa? I went back through some old PR's and thought we'd have some news by now. I know this is par for the course, but thought maybe Dragon had his weekly chat w/ Tom.
Solid. We are due some news any day now too. Thought we would have had it by now.
Spoke too soon.
Don't blink. We are up! This stock will be my undoing!
OT: Dragon must be on vacation or he drove out to visit Tom???
Heck of a day so far! I hope we hold and build from here. As I stated earlier that news is forthcoming and that may help fuel the run. Run Forest Run!!
Nothing wrong with a hunch. Other than good DD, the faith in a penny stock has a lot to do with hunches and feelings. A lot like gambling i guess.
Very strong last week. Steady climb back to .20. Should we have news any day now on the completion of the 2 wells and the re-drill??
King, you sound like Dragon. It is almost inevitable that we hear something soon because nothing has been said for months! I hope you are right. The lack of communication has been my biggest complaint. Maybe you are referring to the funding that was being sought?
Lets just get some news as to where things stand. Nothing wrong with a PR to update the shareholders on the status of financing, projects, leases, anything!! No BS. Just the facts. We are just about into May and not a peep. Sorry for the vent, but this is old.
We should have news soon on 166-3 and 166-8. It would be nice to head into the weekend with news of 2 new successful wells!! Secondly, the drilling status on the repositioned #10 well should also hit soon. I hope we have a good next week!!
Down we go. Not so sure I'm glad I picked this dog up. I hope this is just a hic up!!!
I've connected the dots and I see no real change in SP. Until we see an official PR from Tom I remain as cautious as Nellie. Tell us something new. I want nothing more than to be at .80! Those dreams were somewhat dashed when Mesa did not turn out as promised. I had information that financing was falling into place, but as usual, nothing "official" from the company....yet.
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