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personly it is beyond a come back they scrwed it up along time ago to do anything that will make this company profitable and I beleive it was done on purpose, for what ever reason I have seen to much over the last 10 years to make ke beleive other wise.
When are all of you going to give up on this doctor deal, it doesn't mean nothing,you are beleiveing in squat.
I still beleive that the Doctor thing buying in to neom was another ploy-game that YA is useing some how to just bleed this out more to line there pockets with investers money, my opinion, but I have been here a long time and I can't put any thing past them any more.
NEOM has nothing with out the pat., and YA has controll over thoese, so if neom defaults or bk they have nothing, becouse they are nothing without pat. I mean what else do they have to sell. nothing!!
I finaly figured it out why the good doctor bought,he found this board and he figured it would make for cheap entertainment to see all of the speculation why he bought
It might be weeeeeee off of the cliff!!!
As crooked as we know YA can be could this be just some kind of another ploy to sell as many of there shares as posible by some how useing this doc. thing to do it , just something I have thought about.
None of you or me has a clue as to what is going on with any of this,including what the doc has planned or not planned, I have never seen so much speculation in all of my life. This is a great way to get burned,believing in all of this speculation,geesh.
Because at that time I was still at cost average of 15.00/ps.
as far as I know, but who really knowes anything really for sure.That is alot of the problem to much silence!
Hey all of you that replied to my message, I was just trying to point out that this has been so misleading in so many ways it is on real. I have been in this for almost nine years now and have seen alot of crap and misleadinge it is on real,The tec. is what I beleive in, not the company or the financer, they suck I can only hope with this latest development of the doctor is real,but when you have been lied to so many times, you get a little gun shy. Like I said Be care full not to beleive everthing you read, because it could be a lie. I only whis the best for all of us.
I have been in this stock since 2003, and have never sold a share,have only kept averging down. I was at an average of .15 before the reverse split witch took my average to 15.00 p/s, I have once again averaged down to aprox. .10 p/s if it ever gets their , I am out of here,I have said all of this to worn newbies of how dangers YA is and the management of this company has beeen the worst I have ever seen.They are nothing more than a snake in the grass to bite your ass and to suck your money dry. I still beleive in the tec. But when you have bitten by the rattle snake one to many times, you get very leary of what is going to happen next. I would like more than nothing to sky rocket, but in times past have been sorly disapointed. Buyer be ware is all I can say.
You guys are sure putting alot of faith in this good old Doctor aren't you, watch out you may get bit.
what happened to your end of day of .04, power hour choked!
100% in agement with every thing you said, they relly don't have a clue.
You have been saying that all week,but it just runs backwards,what is wrong with this picture?
I was here then also the newbies don't have a clue how shrewed Y A can be when they want to.
Has anyone stopped to think this could be another one Y A ploy to finish bleeding neom out before they file BR?
does anyone know why this is running up?
They are putting the final touches on LM basement for the new office.
Is their a confrence call today, I can't find any info on it.
I seen on fox news Herman Cain's bus had a code on the side of it.
This by far the worst run company that I have ever seen, and they pay them, what a joke.
This rs sure came from behind the curtins,no warning
what so ever. Did anyone see this coming?
That is what I think will happen again another RS.
you all are funny and do not have a clue how this stock trades.
I need 15.00
all of this looks like a road we have already travled does'nt it.
we sure have some dreamer's here today|
Wow this stock and board have nearly died, it used to be you could'nt keep up reading the post on this stock, what a shame what this has become.
Sh said because of the sucesse she was having she was staying ceo full time something to that effect.
It sounds like what ever money that come in goes to Y.A.
my guess is you have not ben around long enough to know how they opperate.
What else is hidden under the rocks??
what happened here today anybody know. thanks, Steve
Try 15.00 to break even and I can not bring my self to try to average down, because we have know idea what is going to happen, I averaged down from .26 to .15 before the split can't bring myself to do it again.
Well I orginaly bought in at .26 then average down to .15 and then the r/s, now my average is 15.00, do you think I will ever see that, no, it was gone before he ever filed the suit.end of story.
I personly do not believe he help to destroy it, it was allready done, he was only trying to save what little was left.
Just my opinion
I am sure that clawman was instructed by his lawyer's to say nothing on this board, surley you can understand why. Besides this company and who runs it has ben a piece of crap for a long time, I know I have ben here a long time.