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I rarely talk bout TA here, but spx
is formation a broadening top as in following chart. The top end at spx 2050 +- 5. It might have ended at spx 2046 as GS order. It can also end at exact GS target 2050 or overshoot a bit to 2055 next week.
Again, this is the top you don't want to chase once it finish. The endings of QE1 and QE2 in 2010/2011 were actually very similar to now. So not too surprise to me.
Goldman refuse to let the market go,
the logic now is, since GS control this Casino and knew a lot individual put gamblers betting against market, to kill these puts, GS will push market near high before next Friday option expire. I can't find other reason.
The post QE3 run down has to start anytime soon.
GS above the law is throw some helps,
Paulson - cancel short sell uptick rule in 2008, so GS can switching the shares between accounts with long/short freely to direct market direction.
Bernanke - QEs scam, his dissertation for 1929 market crash based gambling theory.
Obama - only US president allow fed chairman to process the QEs scam which printed 4.5 trillion USD.
American people - voted obama 2008, 2010, 2012 in blind to let the whole scam happen.
Can GOP win finally stop this GS controlled scam and bring back the free market. No guarantee yet.
The real mess will start when majority GOP sworn
in senate and house Jan 2015. You have little of one ad half month to run.
Oil down to exact GS call $75, eom.
Good thing is, all GS orders filled.
Any drop will be the signal of start of post QE3 run down. Watch the spy volume. Under 100M (GS control least 50M), rally may not be over yet. Heavy volume would be a good bet.
ah: I have feeling goldman
want to get its call spx 2050 badly this time. So when GS ask people to jump the cliff, no one will question GS.
GS spx 2043 order bingo, do
I hear 2046?
Well, unless GS sure more QEs to come from yellen,
I am not sure about this yet. Eventually goldman call will become a big lie to sock in moms/pas at the top. GS called the oil $200 when oil near $150 in July 2008 is one good example - oil downed to $35 after the call.
I am not sure if this is "the top". "Can yellen flush more QE under GOP" is the question. As I said years here, every trillion QE, spx rally 50% - 30% now.
Still early, but GS new order at spx 2046,
well, look like GS has to get his year end target call spx 2050? This void my 2044 call.
juman: ZH has been bearish at market for years which
was dead wrong. Not sure why people here keep follow Zerohedge?
Use to be, don't fight the fed, it's actually
don't fight the goldman. Goldman let people believe this BABA scam right at the market top.
Bernanke failed to let dem maintain senate control with perfect planed QE3. Now my hat off to GS, not bernanke.
Anyway don't fight the 1-2 point for GS spx 2043. The post QE3 run down is anytime from now.
Exact 50M spy shares, too bad,
didn't fill 2043. Again, GS new order is the only thing can overwrite my call spx 2044.
I have feeling GS the only one
left in the markets by changing 50M spy shares between accounts.
I prefer goldman fill its order 2043 before
it let the run down start or you know it will come back sooner or later since 2009.
Well, GS new order at spx 2043,
Does GS follow my post? A bit scary now.
odd: it maybe a good guess based on TA, but
it all depends on further QE, can yellen issue more QEs to keep this rally going? Despite the GOP win, I can't figure this out yet.
Post QE3 drop is pending, the question is,
when and where goldman will let it starts. The rally from Nov 2012 to now due to QE3 must be a record.
BABA 10B revenue with 300B market cap? Even in year 2000
internet bubble, most bursted stocks only allow 15 times market cap to sale. AMZN is bad with no earnings, but 140B cap with 90B sale isn't so ridiculous.
I guess only BABA underwriter goldman can answer this question.
gdl: spx 2037 bingo, the best I can see is 2044 as
I said. I rarely change my calls.
Goldman push up market for
CHINA APEC meeting which promise to link CHINA stock market wit HK $HSI. Tomorrow 11/11 will be largest internet sale for CHINA/BABA (all singles stay home shopping online). Don't tell me goldman control CHINA markets too?
Just get to spx 2037 and get over with it.
Lie can't go on forever, under obama,
US job participation rate (jobs/population) never recover and at the worst level since 1980.
Look at GS, BABA, YHOO, AAPL all near new highs,
you know goldman just toy the market around. Wait for spx 2037. If not today, early next week.
GS new order at spx 2037, but as I said,
market can turn down anytime now. Most earnings are weak revenue wise. He only one has blow out earning is aliBABA (goldman is underwriter). But I won't trust BABA earning at all.
ah: I know GOP is no better, but GOP is
the only chance people have to stop this QEs scam or suffer 2 more years to 2016. Again, obama can veto and yellen can continue flush QE if she doesn't care about her 2nd term.
Nothing is guarantee yet. But if dem maintain senate control, further QEs and Dow 20K would be guaranteed.
Should not front run goldman, but
I don't think spx will break 2044 (25 point about 2019 as I said). You only have 13 point upside left. Again this is only my guess. GS orders overwrite everything.
ah: after throwing 4.5 trillion USD to top 1% riches and
double US national debt to 18 trillion, you tell me obama is doing everything for middle class? At best, obama doing everything for top 1% and bottom 1%, not the middle 98%. The participation in job market at lowest in 30 years (this is why upemployment is dropping) and top 5%/bottom 5% income gap double.
GS spx 2031 filled,
Yesterday GS order 2023.8, today GS order 2031. GOP need to audit these nonsense. Too scary?
Again, even GS has unfill order spx 2031, but
as I said, it's too late to chase this limited top.
GS new order at spx 2031,
EBC promise to do more QEs. JAPAN and ECB are helping fed QEs scam to the limit. Why didn't they do their QEs early, but right at the end of QE3?
No doubt, medias sounds like
everything is good for stock market no matter what happen. Sounds too good to be true.
Goldman refuse to let end of QE3 correction run its course? I doubt. QE4 has no sign yet.
spx 2023.77?
Anyone left in this market beside goldman?
Correction, the exact order is spx 2023.8, not 2026.
GS new order at spx 2026, don't
even ask why. It never fail since 2009.
Gold $1100? my patience is almost
wear out.
The only thing goldman left is the fraud CHINA/BABA?
Election result is against goldman (65% Jews voted for DEMs). Let go the markets.
Hope at obama? No no no, I have no
hope at him. Just that obama has to face the real problems than than just printing m0ney and do nothing.
DEM totally crashed in house and governor (2 to 1),
now obama have to man up than hiding behind DEM controlled senate in rest of his term.
Once GOP win both senate and congress, run
as fast as you can. It doesn't guarantee no more QEs - obama can still veto it and yellen can still issue more QEs if she doesn't care about her 2nd term.