likes to run with the Old Dogs.
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Belts are turning by outdoor installed motors with their weatherproof connection boxes open to the environment. Probably won't be needed though cause it only sweeps mounds on the conveyor belt to the side...
Everyone knows what that opinion is worth!
Maybe if the OS were still 500M it could move up like ya tout, but the OS is 3.6B and no one is buying this crap. I wouldn't be holding my breath...
How can short volume be of any significance when total volume is 1/1000 of the outstanding share count?
Thanks for the clarification. Fits pretty well.🤯
Asia Broadband Doubles Gold Production In 1st Quarter, PRIOR To Ore Stockpile Processing Plant Completion"
Kindly splane how this is possible since it is Feb. 4, which is less than half way through the 1st Qtr. Is this some more of that great DD from company PRs? Maybe ya can provide a link or something.
As far as the rest of those pipe dreams that have been pumped for months, no one is buying them as evidenced by the trading volume.
Me taking a 1 oz gold coin and trading it to a mechanic to put in a new engine, what's that?
Something that will never happen.
Decentralized as in unable to find, verity, or use any gold token...
Fat chance on exam. They are all waiting for their walking papers...
So, if they are shorting billions and billions of shares, why is the daily trading volume so abismal? It has taken 4 years for the OS to reach 3.5 billion shares.
The only misleading and false information put out here is that there are billions of shorts and that the company has accomplished anything of value.
The new iOS app has problems with the unread message count displayed on the Favorites screen. It doesn't show the correct count, and doesn't update when a post is read. The previous version of the iOS app was far superior to this version in respect to this.
What if Hedge Funds/MMs is just a pseudonym for Whitecastle Capital Corp. /Clive Mendenhall?
Will gold "mined in Mexico" be subject to tariffs when reported on a US "companies" tax filing? Only a 25% haircut...
On man, those MAGAt Monkeys ain't gonna like how this plays out..
That URL and number link to a -500 error on the subject site... Your mileage may vary.
The PR was nothing more than a bunch of forward looking clap trap, like all the company releases. They use a bunch of wiesel words to make the monkeys think they are doing something, when in fact nothing ever gets accomplished.
Ya gotta know how! Soma do, soma don't...
So, maybe they have some super duper process to recycle the liquid used to produce the rock. What will the do with the >95% worthless rock left after the plant does it's magic? Maybe this is the revenue stream to take the price to $8... crushed stone, they can offer stone backed coins...
So, when has everything gone as planned for these morons?
So many projects and none ever complete. Seems some would wake up to the facts before their eyes...
When in fact none of the projections have materialized,,, Not One, And the OS is effectively maxed out, to the tune of 3.6 billion shares...
Amazing, isn't it?
They walk among us....
Well, if you read it in X... Totally true...Lol
Volume uptick due to company PR...
Big thing like a AS increase for Christmas. They could also wait for New Year. It's your guess. There's less than 5mm shares left to sell to Clive at $ 4/10000...
Come on, make it simple for us... Allow selection of a word or phrase on a post, using the standard selection method, instead of just copying the entire message. The rest of the world does this...
So, has anyone seen anything posted to EDGAR regarding this new issue? Seems like there should be,,,
Oh yeah, that short interest is 0.0000733963 of the outstanding shares here. It's really significant, don't ya think?
Maybe it was decided by your boy to wait till a new administration takes over to continue with the feds...
They reported sales of $4.5 million in 2023 on their tokens. Pretty sweet for just a few PRs. Why not play it again with silver? Criminals gotta crime...
Bout time for a new pump... News didn't help.
Third quarter report looked very nice..
So, one year since they announced a share buyback and debt retirement negotiations and nothing has happened on either front.
Still missing pieces of the much anticipated processing plant equipment with no delivery information.
On the favorite page how about removing the circle with two letters and replace with smaller text containing the entire symbol. Right now I have several instances of identical circles because of similar names.
Why are users not allowed to select message text to copy in the IOS app?
You mean the Regis rent a office address in Las Vegas?
There is no gold coin. Nothing more than an unregulated marker in a computer somewhere...
It's a new method of cost accounting., known only to them. They sometimes have issues with their accounting software. It often fails to add and subtract correctly.
Oh, ya missed a few of management's weasel words in that PR. They are still facilitating and planning...
Management has been diligently working towards this debt resolution for sometime and is now in the process of finalizing and planning the details of the settlement arrangement.
In recent months, the Company has been facilitating the Buyback setup and logistics in anticipation of beginning the Program.
I'm sure every merchant in the world is wanting another payment system to deal with. Especially one where they can't get their money.
Had to shut app and relaunch to get it going again.