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Forgot Your Password?


Login Help/Password Reminder
  • Forgot your password? Obtain a link to reset your password by filling out the above form.
  • Getting an error message about Invalid Password? Make sure you are typing both your login and password EXACTLY the way you registered it. Passwords are cAsE sEnSiTiVe.
  • No error message, user/pass is right, but still not logged in? You probably have a cookie blocker on. Please allow to put cookies on your computer so that you can access to your account features and entitlements.
  • If none of this works, e-mail us. Please provide as much detail as possible about the problem. 97.6% of the time, though, your login issue is one of the above.
Get A Password Reset:

If you have forgotten your password, and would like to reset it, please enter your iHub Alias or e-mail in the appropriate box. We will send a reset link to the (latest) email address registered for your account. The link will be good for 24 hours.

If you need further assistance, please fill out a Support Request