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Ron Paul: Audit the Fed, Now or Never!
please make the link a sticky, and permanent. Thanks.
Monday, August 29, 2011 2:52:51 AM
Re: None
Post # of 10216
This board hasn't been very active lately. So if anyone is so incline, come visit the Anti-Globalist board.
If you like what you see, join up and give us a shout!
This board hasn't been very active lately. So if anyone is so incline, come visit the Anti-Globalist board.
If you like what you see, join up and give us a shout!
Let’s Bury These Phony Myths About World War II
Truer words have not been spoken in many thousands of years.
this world needs to be cleansed with TRUTH.
It's coming. No matter if you're prepared or not. It will not and cannot be denied much longer.
This is and will be HUGE!
Please spread the word near and far
30-year Anniversary: Tonkin Gulf Lie Launched Vietnam War
Nikola Tesla Patents
UK Bombed German Civilians For
Months Before Germany Responded
Hitler responds to Churchill's decision to Genocide German civilians at the beginning of World War 2 after three months of British bombing of German cities...
how effective are they in this realm?
The smart way to keep people passive and obedient
is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion
but allow very lively debate within that spectrum
even encourage the more critical and dissident views
That gives people the sense that there's free thinking going on
while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced
by the limits put on the range of the debate..
~ Noam Chomsky ~
Political correctness is the narrowing of the range of acceptable opinions
to those held by a small group that enforces it
It is a attempt, often successful
to coerce the majority to accept the opinions of the enforcing group
by suppressing any contrary opinion
and making independent thought unacceptable..
The most dangerous man, to any government
is the man who is able to think things out for himself
without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos..
~ H.L. Mencken ~
Is THIS what has gone wrong? Has the State moved to assume the mantle of authority over the people?
If so, it is time to seek the means to correct this grave error.
"The defining mark of the state is authority, the right to rule. The primary obligation of man is autonomy, the refusal to be ruled. It would seem, then, that there can be no resolution of the conflict between the autonomy of the individual and the putative authority of the state. Insofar as a man fulfills his obligation to make himself the author of his decisions, he will resist the state's claim to have authority over him. That is to say, he will deny that he has a duty to obey the laws of this state simply because they are the laws. In that sense, it would seem that anarchism is the only political doctrine consistent with the virtue of autonomy."
- Robert Paul Wolff, In Defense of Anarchism.
"A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
~ John Stuart Mill
the National Health Federation
Dee Nicholson - National Health Federation Canada
What the Fed's $600 Billion Plan Really Means
Posted Nov 03, 2010 04:19pm EDT by Daniel Gross in Investing, Banking, Politics
Related: tlt, tbt, ^tnx, tip, ^dji, ^gspc, spy
EmailPrint.The Federal Reserve Wednesday announced its latest effort to spur economic growth: a plan to purchase up to $600 billion of government bonds through June 2011.
Why is the Federal Reserve buying bonds?
It wants to lower interest rates, in the hopes that doing so will loosen the supply of credit and spur more economic activity. The central bank’s main tool for reducing rates is to slash the short-term overnight lending that banks charge to one another, the so-called Federal Funds rate. Bring short-term rates down, and long-term rates tend to follow. In normal times, that’s as far as the Fed usually goes. In the past three years, the Fed has reduced the Fed Funds target rate 10 times, from 5.25 percent to between zero and