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Actually, you addressed me and I responded. But don't let that get in the way of your narrative. The truth never has and evidently never will. And it is more jaw dropping, amazed, utter bemusement at your lack of common sense and rejection of logic rather than being a fan in the conventional sense. By the way, have you forgotten all the "fan club" PM's I received from someone with a little doggie that wears a hat?
"No one has been ghosted by me."
"In summation, I am fascinated by your continued references to me, I can tell you are a HUGE fan. Maybe when this is all over, I will hold one certificate share of UEEC stock, autograph it and mail it to you, to commemorate our stellar relationship. Given that I believe that UEEC stock will be somewhere between $5.00--$10.00 ++, and the cost of 1 forever postage stamp, this gift will cost me $5.75--$10.75, but you will need it."
I've always maintained there is a long history of FDA submissions to the contrary of what you are stating. Check my posts. In fact, this bullshit has been going on since 2017. What is missing is a copy of the actual FDA determination and actual reasons for rejection. I wonder why United Health Fraud never divulges that?
"no FDA submissions"
""FDA Selects HemoStyp ® for CtQ Pilot Program
Henderson, Nevada – December 4, 2017 –United Health Products, Inc. (UHP) (OTC: UEEC), manufacturer and marketer of HemoStyp®, a patented hemostatic gauze for the healthcare and wound care sectors, today announced that it is proceeding with its application for HemoStyp under the FDA’s new and innovative CtQ Pilot Program. The FDA selected UHP’s HemoStyp as only one of nine participants for the program. UHP management has scheduled its first face-to-face meeting with FDA experts for January 17, 2018 to provide the agency with whatever information it needs to advance the application for premarket approval (PMA).
The FDA has stated that it intends to work collaboratively with pilot program participants during the review of their PMA submission to define characteristics of the device that are critical to product quality, and how these characteristics are controlled in design and manufacturing prior to the postmarket inspection. For pilot program participants, the FDA would forego conducting the standard PMA preapproval inspection, and a postmarket inspection focusing on the PMA applicant’s implementation of the critical to quality characteristics would be conducted instead.
The CtQ Pilot Program was created to identify products that have a chemical makeup of demonstrated safe interaction with the body –as evidenced by years of prior product usage and studies-- to be approved for Class III internal surgical use. The program’s intent is to allow products that have demonstrated repeated safe interaction to enter the market in a more efficient manner. This application will run simultaneously with the company’s prior Class II application for expanded indication. The market for 2017 internal surgical market for hemostatic products is estimated at in excess of seven billion dollars, and is expected to grow at 7.1% over the next few years, to reach more than $8.3 billion by 2022. (
Concurrent with its CtQ Pilot Program participation, UHP reaffirms that its current Class II application – Expanded Indication submission with the US FDA-- continues to progress, and is in an advanced stage of review
About Premarket Approval Application Critical to Quality (PMA CtQ) Pilot Program
Top-quality medical devices help the FDA better protect and promote public health. And one of the top priorities for FDA’s medical devices center is a focus on quality.
More specifically, the FDA is working with stakeholders—industry, health care providers, patients, payers, and investors—to build a strong Case for Quality.
This program allows the FDA to identify device manufacturers that consistently produce high-quality devices. By doing so, we can better focus our resources helping other manufacturers raise their level of quality. This program also helps the FDA identify and promote practices that support consistent quality manufacturing, and align our regulatory, enforcement, compliance approaches with those practices.
The FDA launched the Case for Quality in 2011 following an in-depth review of device quality data and feedback from both FDA and industry stakeholders. The FDA’s analysis flagged certain widespread or common manufacturing risks that impact product quality. The review also showed manufacturers that focus on and manage those risks often become more productive, receiving fewer complaints, needing to open fewer CAPAs and investigations, and having lower quality-related product costs than their competitors.
In simple terms, the review identified that an investment in quality has long-term payoffs."
See not ghosting anybody
UEEC--No one has been ghosted by me. Yet, you still refuse to answer any questions as to your reason for hanging out on a board that you have no equity investment in. I know, next Zorax will chime in saying nobody has to disclose anything, yada yada yada. What you and the other one fail to recognize is that anyone that would have put any credence at your combined prattle, is long gone. Those of us that remain are here, and nothing short of FDA communication is relevant. This includes your incessant assertions that there were no clinical studies, no FDA submissions, no peer reviews, again, yada yada yada. All myth. Your response to this will be links to nothing, hyperbole mixed with conjecture and statements of falsehoods presented as gospel. We have all heard it before.
In summation, I am fascinated by your continued references to me, I can tell you are a HUGE fan. Maybe when this is all over, I will hold one certificate share of UEEC stock, autograph it and mail it to you, to commemorate our stellar relationship. Given that I believe that UEEC stock will be somewhere between $5.00--$10.00 ++, and the cost of 1 forever postage stamp, this gift will cost me $5.75--$10.75, but you will need it.
And you said I’m being ghosted by him lol… what are we 15 years old??? You sure you’re old enough to have a brokerage account lol…
To think I always thought of Shangri-La as mythical.
Wow that’s a lot to grasp from me saying Sporty I can’t get you on private
.. you still avoided my question
and you really need to dedicate your time to something better
Wow that’s a lot to grasp from me saying Sporty I can’t get you on private.. you still avoided my question and you really need to dedicate your time to something better
First of all, you cannot even figure out you have been ghosted by Sporty. So it is beyond question you cannot figure out he is screwing around with you, by inviting me to post, since you have been PM'ing him to do the opposite. You have no idea that you could chop a couple of fingers off and still count the number of authentic shareholders, who have posted here, with one hand. If I were in your shoes, instead of worrying about my motivation, I'd be trying to figure out who is shooting me straight and who is playing with me. If you could do that, you might, god forbid, garner a morsel of respect. Right now, you are being played for a total fool at every level and don't even know enough what to ask, let alone who to trust. Do I have that right?
"You won’t admit to owning… not owning.. or shorting the position either.. let’s hear it.. what is your position in UEEC????"
Sporty; name one time you have been right about this POS stock scam? Just one?
I thought you would have learned by now...after all these years of bullshitting yourself. Maybe I am giving you too much credit?
Re: Scumbag Fraudsters post# 10908
Wednesday, January 11, 2023 9:36:42 PM
Post# 10909 of 12746
Pre-Market Approval NOW CONFIRMED. Thank you
Re: None
Friday, March 22, 2024 10:21:58 AM
Post# 13242 of 13566
Looking for UEEC to either be bought out, or announce a deep pocketed partner to finance manufacturing and production. Only going to cost companies more money as time goes. The longer they wait, the more us shareholders make.
UEEC--Shoondale has been covering his shorts.
This is dead nuts wash trading by insiders to attempt to show interest in a scam company.
One officer sells 5,800 at .18 then another officer buys 5,000 at .20 and it jumps. Or the company ceo buying and selling to his own accounts. This matches whats been going on for the last month or so.
Hilarious. They don't even care how obvious it is.
Oh man, this guy is seriously traumatized over a “summer” post. Call a dr5 and get him the help he needs.
Trusts bombastic(and wrong)political predictions:
Re: DR5 post# 4494
Thursday, 02/20/2020 11:02:34 AM
Trump won't break a sweat getting re-elected. Not only that but you won't see another democrat win the presidency for the next 20 to 40 years. That is the kind of damage those dopes have done with their sulking attacks on this president. The democrats are finished as a party.
Wrong wrong wrong again
I have one question how did low life get a hold on the bottom of the board to post??/
Regarding your opinion of all the other longs on this board, my inbox would prove you wrong. You travel in a tiny circle of people afraid to offer you anything but what you want to hear.
I know for a fact that many longs share my views or at least appreciate them as debatable views.
To the longs that do private message me and ask me to reply directly; my free membership doesn’t allow replies.
Also, don’t be afraid to post your opinion on the open forum. I’ll protect you from any backlash from trust and his little group of mean girls.
But you do read my posts.
My posts are accurate and fact based. Yours are loud and based on your broad reaching uneducated views.
Why are you so mad if anyone has a different opinion than yours.
I post your old posts as an example of your bullying tendencies.
I will continue to do so as long as your only debate technique is to tell people they are shorts, disgruntled employees, trolls etc.
Did you ever think some people just have a different opinion than you.
Can someone get Trust some therapy for the depth my “summer holiday” post has affected his life.
I told you douchebag that I don’t read your post but it’s nice that you’re taking the time out from what I hear to read all mine and then respond to me which never get read. You’re like a little child who has to be told the same thing over and over again. You have no more credibility here after your summer holiday, bullshit story. I would think you would have enough brains to realize that, but apparently you don’t. The simple facts are that you or nobody here has any knowledge of any conversations between the company and the FDA. You have absolutely no knowledge of when the FDA or if the FDA will approve their application and you never will. You’ve been talking out of your ass for the last two years and the sad part is you think posters here are actually listening to you which they’re not. At this point you honestly just sound like somebody who doesn’t own any shares and stands to lose when Surgisgit is wiped off the face of the planet by this product. I think you ran out of money, and whatever shares you had at one time you sold and now you’re just bitter. You’re definitely bitter than nobody on this board that’s long give a rat’s ass about anything you have to say after your summer scam story. That’s much I know. Even the local board bashers think you’re a douche bag that should tell you something.
As all can see by reading these posts, I am clearly not the miserable one.
Every bully needs a good smack once in a while.
Consider yourself smacked.
I never said douchebag that I wasn’t wrong about a lot of things unlike you who has no balls between your legs and can’t admit you are scam artist. I told you, you’re finished after your summer scam story. Nobody here listens to anything you have to say. So drag your miserable ass back under your rock and stay there.
Trusts recent stocks and posts. It’s toilet bowl time. It’s laughable that you still have the nerve to call out anybody.
TPTW- fail
Trusts quote….
“So what does all this mean? This garbage share price might actually go up or will it stay at this embarrassing level forever? I've held onto what I have. There is no point selling it. It's worth nothing…”
Trusts quote….
“It might help if the buffoons running this company put out press releases more often than 10 to 15 weeks. Just saying. Holding but when you don't release news often, people tend not to think the company isn't going anywhere.”
“Gtii back to sucking. Lol. Why am I not surprised. I honestly don’t know how people make more money keeping a stock down on the OTC rather than if they just ran it up”
GVSI- fail
“There was no news. A real company actually does a press release so people can see it. Companies run by a lawyer not a real CEO use social media to release some nonsense news”
BIEL- fail
“It's not going anywhere when you do 2 or 3 press releases a year. Sorry, but the people running this company have no clue how to raise this stock to .05 and higher. It's obvious. Yet, I still hold hoping somebody running things will get a brain one of these days.”
“Back to a pile of garbage. Why O why do I ever believe in this stock.”
QTMM -fail
“Let's hope this stock doesn't suck in 2020. So far they haven't realeased much to the shareholders. No issue with that as long as they aren't screwing things up.”
Yet I’m told the tool is still responding to me. You would’ve thought the hubris jerkoff would have given up trying to get longs to panic and sell by now but he still keeps trying. I doubt he even owns any shares at this point.
Stay away---FAR AWAY!!!
Wrong again Trust (or do I have to start going to your level ..,trustthedouche.)
But that would be too easy and really lame.
So just a simple - wrong again Trust.
I have only mentioned the 180 days once, and that was a direct quote from the FDA.
For some reason the phase “..up to 180 days” really upsets you.
Are you so incredibly negative that you can’t see the “up to” part.
Quit seeing the glass as half empty. Maybe the “up to” part comes true and approval (if granted) comes in 154 days, or even 142 days would be nice.
So when your night shift is over, get a good sleep and start the day with a smile.
Yet, the fool still keeps trying with his FDA nonsense. I don’t even read his worthless crap but when I’m told he posted something it’s always the same old b.s. 180 clock which he’s never been correct on.The FDA has a huge problem with Surgishit and now they have the solution to rid themselves of it forever. I don’t think they will be taking their sweet time doing so. Time will tell. The one thing I do know is Wavedouche hasn’t been right on anything in forever. He just tries to stretch guideline timeframes to make them seem like absolutes. Got old 2 years ago.
These sound (or is it read) like the words of a short trying to get everyone to sell.
Re: Chrism0000 post# 11667
Tuesday, 06/27/2023 6:32:10 PM
Are all the longs still alive? Waiting for the clown college at Ueec to finish something. Lol.
So you’re saying there’s a chance.
Again, it is in your best interest to read all of my posts.
This has been a busy day…
First there are no employees. Then I find out I was an employee and was fired. I hope I got a good severance package.
But wait, another insinuated that I also associate with Thom through my company Waveny Partners.
Last week I was a short.
My goodness this is a lot to keep track of.
How much were they paying me? Was I possibly getting $15,000 a month like Thom. Paid via shares if needed?
Wait, if Thom is my associate through Waveny, am I not entitled to some of the 15,000 a month he currently makes.
Hey now, hold on a second, If I am a former employee, clearly I would have been the smartest employee and thereby be the CEO.
And the CEO was fired (stepped down.) Hmmmm
I’m almost 100% positive he was fired by the company and ever since then he’s been a bitter troll trying to get longs to sell and no longs are selling. Not now, not ever until we cash out. I told you to put him on ignore and you should do so. Also, I remind you that douchebag wave was the fucking scumbag who has been trying to tell us they were going to reset the 180 clock for two years and made up all that bullshit right before the summer holiday. Why you even entertaining that douchebag is beyond me. That tool hasn’t been right on anything in over two years.
You'll notice a large concentration of NY, NJ "investors" too.
A bit arrogant. But I'll accept that given you spotted my error/brain fart. I'll respect that. Bear in mind we don't really know why the multiple PMA's were rejected (you might). It puzzles me why a legitimate concern would hide the FDA rejection and reasons from shareholders. And I am also noting that no one knows if there is any employee, let alone knowing the one who modified this gauze (originally purchased from a Chinese company). Also do you have any comment on the bandage's ability to withstand dissolving?
Although I am noticing you are selective about which questions you answer. I'll also give you credit for remaining calm. Ask someone else a question, they flip out with anger (could there be a bigger clue of a scam). The one who threatened me with a lawsuit can't even remember all the threatening and denigrating PM's he has sent.
Ok Master!!. Do you ever see us ever making any money on this stock in the END????????????????????
Again, it is in your best interest to read all of my posts. Yes, all of them.
Waveny Partners on his Butler write up
I have noted many times that this company writes deliberately vague PRs.
I am the only one that seems to be able to read them with an open mind and interpret them correctly.
They have had one PMA that made it to the in depth review stage.
It was deemed Not Approvable.
Conditions were not met in a timely manner.
March 21 new application submitted.
We will now wait for UHP to let us know if/when it is filed.
It will then move to the substantive review.
I suggest you go back and read every single one of my posts.
Zorax too.
You’re never too old to learn from the master.
Multiple PMA rejections? With the reasons unverifiable except for UHP's word? With no copy of the FDA rejection distributed to shareholders? Do I have that right?
Funny Thom lists his association with Waveny Partners on his Butler write up, listed at his home address on a separate webpage, but doesn't list CEO of UHP in his Butler write up. It is confusing. On the other hand, Thom is listed as part of Butler's Capital Placement Team.
On another wavelength, I always wondered how this stock price is so substantially high given UHP's performance over more than decade. No one ever explains any of this on this website. They just get angry.
They have outlined the reasons it was Not Approvable in PRs. At least to the extent required.
Unfortunately, they weren’t able to correct the issues in a timely manner and therefore put in the position of a new submission.
I have noted many times that this company writes deliberately vague PRs.
I am the only one that seems to be able to read them with an open mind and interpret them correctly.
Yes, among one lie after another. And notice the shipper had to even make a payout on the transfer of the material. I'm very curious who UHP has been in discussions with all these years for mergers and acquisitions. Notice there is never disclosure of employees. Could there be a few who only post on the internet?
One thing that substantially bothers me, is the desperation from certain parties, starting with the one who always threatens me, to raise the stock price through the use of the internet rather than focusing on the company's actions.
Is thom the brokerage guy. Would his brokerage deem it proper to be promoting his own company and selling stock while on brokers time from his own account?
Should I drop it a couple of grades just for you?
But wasn't their try a lie about false sales of a non existent pallet of product?
Not approvable on what grounds? That little detail matters. And is it verifiable? Going back to 2017 there have been multiple rejections. What are the grounds for each? And the public has never been notified to my knowledge. And I am noticing you are selective in which questions get answered and which are ignored. Employees? Who worked on or modified this gauze or packaging? This is fishy? Was it Thom? Is he the only employee? Did he take a leave on his position at Butler?
Whoa, total burn!
Have you ever heard a person that can “speak to an issue.”
One doesn’t say/type “I can text/write to that issue.”
Are you filling in for Trusttheman with grade school logic?
Their last PMA was deemed Not Approvable. Hence, the new PMA submission with updated product testing.
Who are the employees? I am not coming up with a functional company in any form?
I'm coming up with WA state residence for the former CEO. Maybe NV is a second address. This kind of goes against the theory he is out of the picture, doesn't it? Big acquisition? That has been talked about for years. Have you ever seen any of the FDA rejections of previous PMA's? None of their explanations are verifiable. If this product worked so well; why didn't the dabs they put on band-aids sell over the counter? They did try. The SEC indictment demonstrates the attempts.
I will answer you this time, as I know I am the only one qualified to speak intelligently on the topic:
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