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YE$$$$ that's exactly how I see it snowgeorgie :)
20 million shares !
i love dealing with serious and dedicated people. the people on this board !
you may not have too much green to spare now, but your future is green enough, IMO .
Rolling out an Independence Day quote haha I like it. I don't comment too much but I read this board every day. I've been invested in tirex for almost 2 years now and I've only bought shares (i'm somewhere in the 20,000,000 range right now) and if I had more green then i'd buy more, I also haven't sold a single one and don't plan on it until at least .01-.02 and even then it wont be much as I see Tirex "becoming a household name" in the months and years to come. :) GO TIREX! I've never been to Boston but a party next year or soon sounds great, NYC boy here!
There must be a SEC filing coming because I believe Tirex would have to notify them of a change of address. It appears this is multi use office space, which can including virtual offices which would be great for Tirex. It gives them office space, phone, fax and mail, services and meeting space for a reasonable price. It's a step up from a home office and PO Box. The company Regus has the whole 3rd floor, not Tirex.
big bash in boston in a year, if this WINNER ( ! ! ! ! ) hits ten cents by then .
seems like it will be to me .
I just emailed the address to my sister who lives in Westport (where the old office was), and asked her to do a walk-by and check the offices out.
Cheers, Charlie
I'm locked glocked and ready to rock. Let's kick the tires and light the fires big daddy.
Agreed . Brand new office space (an entire floor) in an upscale building like this tell me that if there are any questions around financing....they are so small as to not matter.
I also agree that these prices are a true bargain - its the time to buy or forever hold on to your future complaints about "I wish I'd bought more...".
These shares will never ever see these low prices. People better get them before it's too late, this thing is going to be like ford stock a 2010 winner. Txmc 2012 winner all will see.
2,000,000 on the bid. That's a good sign.
No doubt this means Financing is in place, thank you for info
Tirex's new office and
John L. Threshie Jr.
The Tirex Corporation
Office: 203-604-6755
Cell: 203-522-3247
Fax: 203-604-6701
40 Richards Ave. 3rd Fl.
Norwalk, CT 06854
Hey 1Crowley, could you post the new address and email. Thanks. GLTA
i have received his broadcast emails for years. but not this latest one.
maybe he lost his address book when he packed to move to the new Tirex office space ?
positive news for sure. he needs new digs, presumably, to receive partners and investors in an appropriate business setting.
instead of his home office
He sent out an emailing letting me (and presumably others) that Tirex has new office space.
Not exciting news....but I interpret it as positive.
not me either. i got the last one a couple weeks back. what's up?
What did it say?
I emailed John Threshie last Thursday asking about the additional shares, he replied they would be used to engage TCS investors and working capital. Also said there was lot's happening, with news coming soon. GLTA
Hahaha can't wait
we'll have a bash !
with more than 3 or 4 people, it'll take some proper planning . reservations, and maybe even a function room if i am feeling rich enough . filet mignon and tons of tira misu !
If this hits 10 cents I'm coming to Boston for dinner to I'm only north of the border
precisely four 5-day weeks , each MON - FRI , until this incredibly long Q1-2012 officially ends.
can't happen soon enough, but who's counting ?
i'll take the commuter rail from just south of boston - - the one that goes by university avenue .
i have not driven in or through boston since before the big dig . the train is easy cheap and fast enough . and it goes right by my house, literally .
Happy to drive you Howie.
Well heck guys, since we are pulling in everyone from the surrounding area I might as well throw my hat into the ring! I'm only a little farther west in.......Southern California! Don't hold it against me! haha.
I know you guys will have one heck of a gathering to celebrate the benefits of your wise and forward looking investment.
Even though I don't hold nearly as many shares as most of you, I will still be one happy camper!
boy, i'm gonna regret this
i lived in canton ( near easton ) for 33 years .
i am not far from canton now, in my second life.
haven't been to the North End since i worked at the Pru.
we'll have a crowd !
I am west of Boston, about 40 miles, will yyou buy me dinner as well???? Could eat into your profits!!!!
SARACENOS'S in the North end..... is a good place
So AM I , probably will hitch a ride with crowley I ma sure he is in the same city as I
Cheers !!!!
I'm south of Boston (Easton), will u buy me dinner too?
Do you guys think things happen over night?
Deals are often complex...multi-players....connections...etc.
I agree with Georgie. Be patient.
If you're worried....sell your shares....I'll buy them.
10 cents
in a year
DONE ! ! !
the bet is on
do you know how rich i'll be ?
Dinner and drinks - you have a bet. I'm close enough to Boston.
how about we give JT, for a deal announced early in the first quarter
until the end of the first quarter to close ( i.e., "finalize" ) the deal ?
seems fair to me .
i'm going on 7 years of waiting, and although the waiting now is murder on me ( i'm seven years older and that much slower ) i'm inclined to wait another month without too much additional suffering.
hang in there . . .
We should have had news on financing by now.
i hope you are correct, i really do. i am a bit more cautious by nature.
well, i have a bet with howielong on the R/S, we'll see how that goes. perhaps i'll owe him a night of drinks in the north end. are you local ?
how close are you to boston ? ( i don't want your exact address, just a ballpark figure ?)
if hits a dime in the next year ( without a R/S ), i'll take both you and howie out for drinks, AND DINNER , in boston. whaddya say ?
believe me, i want a dime. as much as anyone. if i get two cents, i'll be deleriously happy, but i'll take 10c or 20c without complaint.
excitement about about future prospects is a good enough reason for a stock price to skyrocket, it's just a little bit more difficult to objectively measure. revenues, sales growth, things with numbers - - - these i tend to trust more .
yes, i read what you wrote carefully, especially the part about the R/S. i addressed that in the red lines of my post, that you were saying the dollar would be hachieved after the R/S happened. i wasn't really sure that was precisely what you meant, so i am glad you clarified.
here's hoping you are right, and my caution is completely unjustified ! !
snowiegeorgie in the snowie northeast ( near boston )
Market cap can refer to a company's value either in the present or future. A high market cap can also speak to the potential of a company. What investors feel it will one day be worth.
As I have stated, and if you re-read what I wrote...there will be a rs.
10 to 20 cents will see a rs.
There will be enough excitement to drive the stock to that range based on the potential demonstrated by the news.
SERIOUS QUESTION, no sarcasm or other negativity here :
at 50 cents, and 3B shares ( which will happen soon enough ) do you really think this is a $1.5B company ? or, more importantly, at a dollar ( which you suggest might be possible ) and 3B shares, could this be a 3 billion dollar company ( market cap ) ?
((( perhaps you are saying, that at 10c to 20c, and after there is a R/S, the price will post split come up to a dollar as a result of the split ? not sure )))
i am infected with your enthusiasm, and that of many others who post here. and i have seen, BUT NOT PARTICIPATED IN, similar runs in the last coupla decades. so such things do happen.
a year ago, with my share count, i saw one cent ( we are halfway there ) and 2 cents as legitmate targets. indeed they are. and since the first of the year, i have been willing to consider 10 cents, and ( gasp ! ) 20 cents.
20 cents values a 3B share company at $600M . isn't there a revenue part of this equation that is being overlooked. even the facebook valuations i read about - - -
TODAY'S WSJ, Page B-16, top : ". . . Facebook has to validate its $100B target initial-public-offering valuation, which is 27 times 2011 sales of $3.7B. Twitter's most recent financing round put its valuation at $8.4B, or 60 times 2011 ad sales, according to estimates from eMarketer." ( emphasis mine )
shouldn't we be connecting our price estimates to some valid market measures, such as revenue, asset-value, profit, market share, rate of sales-growth, or the like ?
no single metric is valid for all cases, but shouldn't we tie our estimates to some metric, however speculative ?
snowiegeorgie, continuously optimistic, and always looking for evidence
0.004-0.005 is a great price. Yes, hindsight is 20/ why lament over opportunities lost at 0.0003?
For anyone who feels they do not have enough is the time to be buying.
I'll not have much sympathy for you if you are posting on here 3 months from now wishing you'd bought in when it was stuck at 0.004 for several weeks.
All of those price predictions are valid - .02, .10, .30......1$.... The only thing separating them is time. And between here and a dollar....I think there will be one RS....I am guessing between the 10 and 20 cent mark.
Ya still buying slowly and cautiously , if we get the news we need (which I think will happen) I think every will be happy with whatever shares thy bought at these prices!
i was buying from about 2005, to spring of 2012, when i stopped. i had hit my goal .
it seems like a lot, but to me, as i was buying, i never felt like i had enough.
at less than a half cent, IMO, TXMC is still a buy .
others on this board have many more shares, 20M, 30M and i think one with more than 50M or 60M, not sure right now.
i can't believe ( at times ) that i'll ever get more than a cent or two for my shares. but some think a dime, and yesterday, others were thinking 20 cents !
if it does go to a dime ( it could ) then the one-half-cent price today is the buy of a lifetime.
accumulate, slowly and steadily, just like i did. it can be done.
snowiegeorgie, nervously and always anxiously awaiting announcements
Hhahah ...... That's a very nice amount of shares! Wish I had that many
Just think if the factories are built? They have an endless supply of tires. Even if they paid people to bring them in to donate the tires, people would scrounge them up from everywhere and bring them to get some cash to recycle.
The whole world has a tire they aren't using that can be recycled. Come on people, if the factories get financing, we are all going to be rich men and of course women too.
my heart's still pounding a hard staccato beat.
thanks for that. the twenty cents i mean. i need a drink. going out .
snowiegeorgie, freaking out now
Actually I was thinking a 1 year all time high lol. Sorry for the confusion.
i have a bit over 10 million shares, as i said before .
and you think it will hit 20 cents ?
i'll have a stroke and never get to enjoy it !
I doubt we hit an ALL-TIME HIGH!!! The price would have to exceed $1 to do that!!! I would certainly settle for .20 though!!! GLTA
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300million scrap tire = 6Billion Gallons of OIL link
Video Add below:
22 Gallon of oil to make one tire
• Burning is wasteful of resources. It requires approximately 22 gallons of oil to make one tire ( If we scrap 300 million tires per year in North America, this means 6,600,000,000 gallons of oil. This is about 150 million barrels of crude which at, say US$20 per barrel translates to US$3 billion per year (old figure $20/barrel we are going to $100/barrel).
(Here is where gets interesting, the shredded tire has to have high quality to meet the standard to be used as fuel and here is where TXMC comes into play their technology has been designed for this separating the metal and creating the quality needed.)
Picture from website:
Microwave turns Tires into Oil Video
After the metal has been separated the product can be turned into oil/gas by a microwave system that can be added to the TCS system by Tirex (which uses cold air "FREE", doesn't use liquid nitrogen which is what is being used now and it is very expensive) .
Click Here for Press Release Tirex has developed and owns the technology that is a U.S. and Canadian patented, semi-cryogenic tire recycling process, known as the TCS System. It is environmentally friendly, economically viable (even without tipping fees), and reduces scrap tires into -5 to -30 mesh (or finer) clean crumb rubber with a uniquely smooth morphology and saleable, intact steel wire and fiber. Tirex's proprietary process, that doesn't use liquid nitrogen, freezes the rubber and then passes it through it's patented "fracturing mill" which "breaks" the rubber apart, instead of cutting it, exposing the whole strands of steel and fiber, and leaving a value added crumb rubber, we call RutexTM, that is best suited for extrusion molding recycled rubber products and higher end performance surfaces. Tirex's full scale TCS prototype was accredited in 2001 by Recycle Quebec. In 2002 Tirex awarded Simpro S.p.A., an internationally certified high tech manufacturer and supplier, with a license agreement to exclusively manufacture the TCS technology and nonexclusive marketing rights. Tirex and Simpro welcome all governments, companies and investors interested in our business of bringing to market what we believe is the most economically viable and environmentally friendly tire recycling process in the industry. Article on Tirex by The Connecticut Post Safe Harbor Statement: Certain statements made in this release may contain language describing the plans, goals, strategies, intentions, forecasts and expectations of The Tirex Corporation that may be referred to as "forward-looking statements." Several important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those in such forward-looking statements, and Tirex could encounter unanticipated obstacles and delays in developing products, service offerings and markets. |
![]() | Rubber, steel and fibre coming out of the fracturing mill on its way for separation. |
20-30 mesh Crumb Rubber | ![]() |
![]() CLICK ON THESE TWO VIDEOS SEPARATELY TO VIEW: 1. Video of The TCS prototype in operation (If you have a slow internet connection, you may prefer to right click on link and save for viewing later) |
Company Overview:
The Tirex Corporation (TXMC) is engaged in the business of developing for sale, license or lease an environmentally safe patented "turn key" cryogenic tire recycling system, known as the "TCS System" The TCS System was designed and developed by us and separates tires into clean and saleable rubber crumb, steel wire, and fiber. The Company was incorporated in Delaware on August 19, 1987 under the name "Concord Enterprises, Inc." The Company's name was changed to "Stopwatch Inc." on June 20, 1989 and to "Tirex America Inc." on March 10, 1993. On July 11, 1997, the Company's name was changed to "The Tirex Corporation". Since 1993, our core business has been to develop and to initiate marketing efforts by sale or license of an environmentally friendly cryogenic tire recycling system, which we intend to sell to recycling companies and governmental agencies to enable them to recycle tires. We have devoted much of our earlier efforts to completing the design and development of our first production model and raising the financing required to do so, but for the last four years, our efforts have turned to marketing. The Company has generated only very limited revenues from operations and is still in the development stage.
The TCS-System (as copied from Simpro S.p.A.'s web site)
Simpro also means ecology. An example is the industrialization of this plant, capable of recycling rubber from used tires, by separating the former from both steel and fiber of the structure.
Doing this, the steel can be reused in foundries, the fiber returns to the textile industry, whereas the high-purity rubber is shredded into multi-sized rubber, according to the intended use: the preparation of bitumen for asphalting streets (so as to reduce the noise level), as well as the rubber industry (as processable raw material), are the major applications. The technique is based on the very-low-temperature cooling (through refrigerated air and without using nitrogen) of tire parts previously shredded, which, once they have become crystalline due to the cold, are fractured by a special-purpose mill. After this, a system of vibrating sieves, together with electromagnets, separates rubber, steel and fiber. At the end of the line, one or more mills, depending on the plant capability, pulverize the rubber into the wanted size.
There are different versions of this plant, according to the number of tires to be treated. The systems, in any case, are custom-made according to the customer's requirements.
The plant is turnkey supplied and complies with the law in force within the Country in which it is installed. Simpro offers, also for this kind of plants, a complete after-sales service, including the training of the involved personnel, the periodical maintenance, if required by the customer, as well as an emergency service in case of failure or breakdown.
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TCS System vs competing technologies
- Ambient technologies tend to produce coarser crumb rubber, lower rubber yields as well as higher rubber contamination levels. This translates into lower revenues generated per tire processed. - Ambient technologies require extensive equipment to shred, cut and granulate tires which involves very significant maintenance costs and down time (frequent knife and blade sharpening and replacement, for instance). - Ambient systems generate high energy costs
- Tirex cryogenic competitors need to freeze tires with very expensive liquid nitrogen. - Tirex has proven that to produce crumb rubber cryogenically, all that is needed is to freeze rubber below its "glass point", i.e. the temperature under which rubber can be shattered like glass. Any additional cooling translates into costly wasted cooling energy. - The most important difference between Tirex cold air based system and liquid nitrogen is the very cost of liquid nitrogen, which is 2 to 3 times more expensive than cold air. In addition, liquid nitrogen is not readily available everywhere in the world (contrary to air !)
TCS Technology advantages in a nutshell
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![]() POLITECNICO DI TORINO DIPARTIMENTO DI GEORISORSE E TERRITORIO To kind attn.: Mr. Mauro Gallo Rosso Simpro S.p.A. Via Torino 446/A 10032 Brandizzo (TO) Turin, 31st October 2003 Re.: "Theoretical certification of the Cryogenic Tire Disintegration Process US Patent No. 5,735,471" In comparison with other disintegration processes, the innovations of the Cryogenic Tire Disintegration Process, US Patent No. 5,735,471, are: · Conventional cryogenic systems make use of chemicals for freezing the tires, firstly shredded by means of blades and then subject to a further disintegration phase within a hammer mill. Through this operation, rubber, but also steel, are pulverized, fibers are chopped up to such a size that the sieves get clogged and the rubber is trapped. Maintenance costs and energy consumption of the hammer mill are high because the system, besides the rubber, also disintegrates the steel which, being in such conditions, does not have any economic value. The fluff separation requires an air suction system able to remove also 15% of the crumb rubber. Liquid nitrogen or other chemicals are very expensive and dangerous when stored and used. · Room-temperature shredding systems require cutting and grinding systems. In such conditions the energy consumption is very high, as well as the investment costs needed for the machinery. Through this solution, rubber, but also steel, are pulverized, fibers are chopped up to such a size that the sieves get clogged and the rubber is trapped. Maintenance costs and energy consumption of the hammer mill are high because the system, besides the rubber, also disintegrates the steel which, being in such conditions, does not have any economic value. The fluff separation requires an air suction system able to remove also 15% of the crumb rubber. The crumb rubber being obtained is generally a very bad quality product. · The cryogenic tire disintegration process, US Patent No. 5,735,471, consists of 2 parallel lines (one for the tire sides, one for the treads) equipped with a cryogenic chamber, cooled at -90°F through cold air at -170°F, in which is a fracturing mill (subject matter of the patent) made up of two contra-rotating cylinders supplied with projections which enable a selective rubber fracturing by leaving the steel and fiber sizes basically unchanged. Therefore this solution generates a remarkable energy saving, a high-quality and high-output crumb rubber and makes the steel saleable, as it is not disintegrated during the shredding operation. The Geo-Resources and Territory Department of the Polytechnic of Turin intends to perform some tests on a pilot system which is going to be manufactured at Simpro S.p.A. in order to assess the quality of the products being obtained and to assign a corresponding market value. In consideration of the installed technology, in any case, the separation of the three different phases - rubber, steel and fiber - is certainly optimized, thus obtaining products with a better quality in comparison with the ones existing on the market. Such theoretical analysis is furtherly confirmed by some documents (LBHA Inc. and Xerus Inc., see enclosure), certifying the quality of the rubber produced through the cryogenic tire disintegration process, US Patent No. 5,735,471, by a pilot system of Tirex Corporation located in Quebec, Canada. On behalf of the Polytechnic of Turin, Geo-Resources and Territory Department Prof. Mariachiara Zanetti Prof. Giuseppe Genon |
Importance of the Patent. Breakthrough patents, which explore whole new areas of technology, or are the first to find answers to long-standing problems, are the most valuable. Examples of such patents are Edison's light bulb, Benz's automobile engine, Cohen's polymerase chain reaction (PCR) patent, the first photocopier, or possibly an invention yet to come, such as a definitive cure for AIDS. In these cases, the patents would be so innovative that they give the owner a complete monopoly over an entire industry and are extremely valuable, often worth billions of dollars. Although most patents never reach these heady heights they are nevertheless valuable in that they can force a competitor to start innovating to keep pace with new and improved technologies and products in the market, or conversely to a license from a patent owner who has will to do so. Incremental patents, which make only small advances over existing products, are usually the least valuable though this may not be always so. A question that is often asked in relation to an incremental or breakthrough patent when endeavoring to put a price on it is 'How much would my competitors pay to use my protected product or process?'
20-year potential monopoly. Patents that are just beginning their life and which have longer to run on the their potential monopoly position understandably will have more value. It is rare that a patent nearing the end of its term will cause a great threat to its competitors. It is almost certain that they will have devised technologies or products of their own by then that will not interfere with the patent owners monopoly position. In addition, one has to take into consideration the potential business life of a patent, i.e., the duration which a patent is likely to be economically useful, if other subsequent patents are providing better alternatives to it.
Patent Significance. Every patent has its own significance in a particular area and will usually form part of an overall IP strategy either to maximize its earning potential or to allow other patents to maximize theirs. Examples of such patents are those that are used to block other key players from gaining a foothold in a market. Yet other examples are those patents that are additional to an original patent and rely on the protected matter in the original patent to successfully operate. It not uncommon for drug companies or telecom companies to take out further patents protecting a strong first generation of patents, thus securing a big chunk of a market and the ability to negotiate licenses and royalties from the protected, but much desired technology.
Tirex Employees:
The management structure of Tirex continues to reflect the focus of the Company, to wit, a provider of advanced technologies to the environmental protection and remediation sector chain. As the Company progresses through the various stages of vertical integration, key personnel will be added with expertise in those functions which are not yet part of the current managerial requirement.
John L. Threshie, Jr., President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board
Common Shares Outstanding:
Market Value1 | $761,400 | a/o Feb 18, 2011 |
Shares Outstanding | 2,233,499,756 | a/o Mar 01, 2011 |
Float | 1,008,296,487 | a/o Mar 01, 2011 |
Authorized Shares | 2,500,000,000 | a/o Mar 01, 2011 |
Par Value | 0.001 |
Share Structure A/O 03/01/2011
2,233,499,756 Outstanding
- All directors and officers as a group (4 persons) 225,203,269 15.48% (10K 03/31/11)
- % of Shares Owned by all Large Block Holders 999.99M
- Projected Float= 1,008,296,487 (Distributed between 670 shareholders/float = less then 2million each)
2,500,000,000 Authorized
The Road to Sustainability Rubberized asphalt is a high-performance alternative to traditional paving material. As a mix of asphalt and recycled rubber derived from scrap tires, rubberized asphalt is longer lasting, safer, less costly, and friendlier to the environment.
Resists cracking and rutting.
Cracks in asphalt are caused by vertical or horizontal movements beneath the overlay as a result of traffic loads, temperature fluctuations, and shifting earth. Rubberized asphalt reduces the occurrence of cracking with superior elasticity. Rubberized asphalt is also stiffer than conventional paving, which resists rutting and increases pavement life.
Improves skid resistance. Decreases splash and spray.
The safety of rubberized asphalt is greatly improved as a result of several unique attributes. Pavements made from rubberized asphalt exhibit greater skid resistance, and decreased splash and spray in wet conditions.
Decreases maintenance costs. Requires no additional capital investment.
In use for more than 40 years, rubberized asphalt is laid using the same equipment as traditional asphalt in most cases and the longer lasting properties reduce long-term maintenance costs. Plus, utilizing recycled rubber derived from scrap tires provides a reliable and consistent supply of material.
Rides quieter. Reduces stockpiles of scrap tires.
Noise pollution on highways and interstates continues to increase as traffic levels increase. However, rubberized asphalt is proven to reduce noise levels by upwards of 5 decibels. And rubberized asphalt provides an outlet for between 500 and 2,000 scrap tires per lane mile of pavement. So, for a 1-mile section of a four-lane highway, between 2,000 and 8,000 tires are creating a longer-lasting, safer, and more cost-effective roadway.
Contact Information:
Tirex Corporation
1771 Post Road East
Westport, CT, USA 06880
Phone: 203-292-6922
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