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Hoping for a bounce off .30 support please
Or .20 or .16 :)
Today should verify if that hanging man candle is the sign of a bearish reversal or if that was just profit takers
In honesty IDK, or care I am just trading the chart. I sold my shares yesterday for a 380% gainer that's the second gainer I had here the first was 400+% back in Feb..
I am just trading it as it is a thin stock 3 million floater.
I do also follow MM WDCO (Wilson Davis) yesterday I noticed he was leading the charge, he more then likely shorting this pos now.
Did you see him, CANT and BMAK games end of day yesterday you can tell it was being shorted hard
Anyways back to your question I think its no coincidence that the runup started on Friday the deadline to enroll in the lawsuit according to the last PR from the law firm...
What's your take on the run up Troy, I would say it has something to do with the outcome of the lawsuits but don't know which way, how about you greenskeeper? regardless hope it keeps going. the property in New Mexico should be worth over 20 mil at today's prices and that's close to a $5 a share price for Sunriver minus what their debt is now, shouldn't be much though.
WDCO leading bid @ .49 $SNRV
Yeah Jbob .605 today HOD looking very good here
Jbob $SNRV 32 x 35 +25%
WDCO moved bid up from .02 to .15
$SNRV .21 x .26 @ .25 +16%
Interesting, back on watch.
Looks like a bullish trend forming
3 million float
You still in?
CDEL loading up shares $SNRV
Interesting day Friday for SNRV as the dealine matured and a 100%+ move
Since the PR being kept right in that 10-12 range it seems
IM just trading SNRV
Perhaps a new management team and an honest board can get us all there. Cheers to you! We're all hoping for a successful outcome!
I don't need but a dollar a share but see if he can prop this thing up a little more for us greenskeeper.
Wow, I'm stoked today as a tiny shareholder in Sun River. Just saw the Press Release yesterday issued by Hamilton Lindley (See under News Tab) when looking up SNRV on IHub. I will be calling him this week to see how we shareholders can get our value restored!
Bid/Support looking good $SNRV 99k@.11 x 5k@.115
I have no knowledge of any of the plaintiffs but I do know how to read and the court filings speak loudly. I, too, am a Sun River shareholder, be it a bit player, but I have no chance to see any success there with the current management and Board!
I agree with all your points. The NM property has great value from what I can see. Also SNRV is a "good ticker" after the RS its very thin and a low float as we saw from the .05 to .39 run a few weeks back.
IMO it looks like someone (hopefully a promoter/group) sees the potential here and is loading the boat with me..
With a 52 week high of $10 bucks
SNRV could have a serious ride up under the right circumstances.
PM for you btw
I'm just trying to keep greenskeeper straight, he has a vendetta on seeing Sun River go up in smoke and has hinted at what someone else could do with Sun's asset in New Mexico. It's not hard to see that he probably is part of the Plaintiff's lawsuit against SunRiver. We was half way back to my breakeven on the last rally in the .40's, a little good news and this could go again.
I am up to speed on your current SNRV position, sorry for your losses here but when I traded this thing from .05 to .39 a few weeks ago I made great profits. I am betting we see a similar if not higher ride again real soon.
This is pinky and Blue land here just play the game. Dont marry the bag.
I've made it clear that I was just a small shareholder in Sunriver who wasn't sure who to believe at first over the lawsuits but you have dug your cause in a hole as far as I'm concerned, greenskeeper.
Sunriver filed this just yesterday:
>This case exists because Colin Richardson and the plantiffs are seeking to enrich their current venture, Rangeford Resources, Inc, by gaining access to and control of Sun River's assets--to the detriment of the Sun River sharholders. As part of their ongoing scheme to litigate Sun River into bankruptcy.<
So my almost worthless shares, because of the litigation that has been going on since last year will probably be worth O very soon and you may end up with the New Mexico property.
I feel just like Little Bill when he told Will Munny, I don't deserve this, Will told him deserven got nothing to do with it and then he put him out of his misery.
Easy money is better placed on the CEO of Sun River, Donal Schmidt, going to jail for securities fraud, perjury and theft.
Easy money here swing trading SNRV for profits
nice pps channels
Anyone notice that SNRV has went from 4x4 MMs to 13x12 MMs?
SNRV good support and very in L2 now
Looking for a move here imo
SNRV - looks like a interesting company...will do some DD on it this weekend.
I don't own much, but bottom line on Sun River despite all the BS litigation and in-fighting the last year+ is that the huge, potentially hydrocarbon loaded asset in New Mexico is still owned by the company with no lease hold expense. No doubt, shareholders have taken a beating, but adults don't typically fight over something that's worthless. If this company ever gets the capital it needs to drill in NM, not sure a bunch of frivolous litigation will hold it back. The reverse stock split was not fun to live through last December, but if this company finds capital, drills, AND HITS, with only and approximate 4.5 mil. outstanding shares and a very small float, the stock could explode. $!0 a share is only $1 pre split, $20 is $2, etc., etc. Very undervalued here in my opinion. Will add more here in the .20's & .30's in anticipation of a nice run up at some point. Ask yourself what that 200,000 acres is worth, which is in the same area where a major is already drilling and building an infrastructure!
I'm a share holder who has lost his money and I'm being called a weasel? You've shown support here for the people who most likely are the prime reason for the downfall of the stock price in my opinion. You'll meet your maker one day and he will set you right on who was the weasel. No more private messages, call me anything you like on this open board. Remember Ihub can see your private messages
Invest what? hand over the New Mexico property. In the past the plaintiffs as in this other company was good at making money for themselves but not the shareholders, seems I got left with crumbs while they all sold out at high levels and got the sec hot on their trail for insider trading. A board of director doesn't sell his stock when asked/advised by the company not to and then end up in an interview and then stock goes downhill from there. I don't think I'll see any of my money I have in Sunriver but I'll bet you one thing , if whoever has bought into the float of the plaintiff's company doesn't get out at exactly the right moment they will be milked just like I was and by the same people most likely. Please no more private messages
So the Officers and Board at SNRV that don't know how to run an E&P Company sue the Plaintiffs who have taken them to task for their fraudulent transfer of the company's major asset. Seems like their most prudent move might be to invest in them in an attempt to right the ship. Their shareholders would certainly like to see some success come from their investments.
greenskeeper, can't believe you would think I'm an employee from my posts, but looking back on your posts it seems you are not an investor or employee but someone who does not care for this company.
If this stock can rally a little more I'm gonna move on, if not I'll move on anyway but without my money.
I can't make that judgment, I only see what is public information and some of that you can't believe. Why the private messages? I doubt if anyone will delete your posts here no matter what you say.
I can't reply to private messages without giving these guys what $8.95, so let me just say I agree totally Sunriver has no income to report most likely. This lawsuit has brought them down. The only asset worth something was being used to guarantee their salary since no money was in the pot to pay them.
My thoughts on this whole mess,
for a while I was just a very small shareholder sitting on the fence and could lean either way as to who was to blame for the falling share price of this company but now as they are not exactly squeaky clean I feel that the management was not at fault but the ones who are at fault are the plaintiffs. Looks like they sold stock in sunriver against sunriver's wishes as they were insiders holding insider information. They got booted out by sunriver's management so they wanted to get even, it just happens that all the rest of the poor old shareholders get screwed as usual.
The new company they started and is named in Sunriver's new lawsuit on Feb 7 is a joke, over 9 mil shares and just over 100 thousand float trading over $6, no cash, no income, no assets.
If I were anyone owning some of the 100,000 shares I'd sell them if possible.
I made a post on the board over there about the pending lawsuit and it was removed right away, wonder why.
Maybe still some hope for Sun's share price as it started going up on the 7th with lower volume than the days before so it was being accumulated while still low by someone.
This site open to the public and this filing on Feb 7 by Sun River tells the whole story of what is going on, you will have to look for yourself. Looks like the stock price started to jump after this was filed. Shareholder Lawsuit in Texas Court DC1206318 , Dallas District Court.
do a ctrl v for paste of the case # into box at site, it won't let you use your mouse
SNRV up at one point today 800% off its .05 lows
I see that the court case is going very well for the plaintiffs in this case as the Judge has now issued a Temporary Injunction against SNRV Officers, Management, and Board for Breach of Fiduciary Duty and Fraudulent Transfer.
Shareholder Lawsuit in Texas Court DC-12-06318.Dallas District
Orders.TI.DC12-06318 01.pdf
It does seem to be a death spiral for the shareholders in the end as usual. Would be nice to see the law suit against McMillan and Cicerone settled and given to the shareholders, hell may as well sell everything and divide it up to the shareholders and close the doors.
Shareholder Lawsuit in Texas Court DC-12-06318, Dallas District
Everyone should be well aware that there are numerous undisclosed lawsuits involving Sun River Energy that the management of the company has chosen not to disclose to the investing public.
One of the most significant is a derivative shareholder suit in the Texas State Court, Dallas District. The case number is DC-12-06318. The court filings are available online through the Texas public records system at the following:
Everyone who has ever thought about buying shares of Sun River, or has traded shares of Sun River should take a look at the court filings. Read Amended Complaint filed by Colin Richardson on November 12th, 2012 and see what they claim the management of the company has really been up to.
According to the complaint, and Sun River's own SEC filings, the management of Sun River has mortgaged Sun River's only asset to themselves for back salaries at a fraction of its true value.
There is more, this lawsuit alleges self dealing, misrepresentation of material information, and financial mismanagement. This is just the tip of the iceberg as to what has been going on at the company.
If you have lost money in Sun River or received any promotional material suggesting you buy shares of Sun River you should contact Fort Worth office of the SEC, which has been investigating Sun River. The regional director is David Woodcock, the telephone # is 817-978-3821
The property in New Mexico may well be worth a lot of money but fortunately, all that it be worth to the guys behind this scam is about 15 years!
Management not doing anything but sitting still or so it appears.
They may just announce that the company is up for sale. What is the property worth in New Mexico. The coal, gold, and silver rights was sold for half mil and then half the shares of maxe (locked up until next july). Right now just that is valued around 13 mil, $3 share for sun river shareholders. The rest could be sold from anywhere from 15 mil to 25 mil depending on how bad someone wanted the new mexico gas rights. I don't think they will do this at this time though but it is possible.
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Dallas, TX -- (PRNewswire-FirstCall) -December 13, 2011 -- Sun River Energy, Inc. (OTC:BB:SNRV). On December 13, 2011, Sun River Energy, Inc. (the "Company" or "Sun River") announced the termination of its consulting agreement with Cicerone Corporate Development, LLC ("Cicerone").On December 12, 2011, the Company terminated the consulting agreement between Cicerone and the Company. Cicerone has been providing consulting services to the Company since approximately July of 2009.
SNRV approves reverse stock split(R/S) within a range of 1-for-2 to 1-for-10 at any time prior to January 31, 2013.
(Nasdaq Approved SNRV 'S application for a listing - stipulating the stock maintain a PPS of over $4.00 for at least 10 consecutive weeks) The PPS began a freefall as It slid from over $5.00 PPS to under a Dollar
Feb 24 2012 SNRV terminated the service of another board member, Dr. Steven R. Henson, as a result of his disregard and failure to comply with the Company's Code of Ethics and Business Conduct.
The Company terminated Dr. Henson's service on the board following a series of recent events which the Company determined were in violation of the Company's Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. Those events included, but are not limited to, the following: (1) selling securities while in possession of material, nonpublic information (2) unauthorized disclosure of confidential information regarding the Company; and (3) unauthorized communication with the press.
Who is behind the newsletter? (it comes with the "usual disclaimer")
The One Thing For Certain Is That The SEC Is Watching!
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