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'lmcat' ...SIRG...You can be assured of that ..As I watch level II... I know I am one of the most agressive ask smackers out there when the time is right ...SC
Welcome aboard, good buy at .002, but next time please hit the Ask!
'lmcat' ...I have been watchin' SIRG for some time and just for chatter I was filled for 500,000 at .002 on Friday I believe! So there ya' go! I did notice the extreme fluctuations of the PPS so I put it out there for a couple of days ..Obviously I am not complaining ..BUT it is a bit unusual... I think the time for SIRG is still to come and is currently undervalued...SC
Might be your broker? I use fidelity and have never had the issue that you are talking about.
I posted earlier that my broker issued an alert that they were having problems but even after they were corrected it did not fill. I changed the order to 25,000 at market.
2012-02-24 15:51:37 ABKV2358 Buy SIRG 25000 0.0027 2.50 70.00
lmcat i'm pretty sure you are having latency issues, latency will kill your trades.
Enjoy the game!
Divergent opinions are always welcome, but they are appreciated and respected when they have facts, not just 'IMHO' suppositions.
I will return next week right now I'm forced to go to sports bar to see NYR @ NYI see you all on Monday
The CEO is not dumping. He was elected the new CEO after the sudden death of our 45 year old CEO the end of Aug. (I hope GEAR has "key man" insurance on Dale since he is the do-it-all guy!)
The convertible notes were used to buy their share of the copper mine, not wasted on exploring for ore, administrative and consulting fees!
The BOD voted down the funding and some notes got converted along with shares held by the previous shell owner.
The economy has made borrowing funds close to impossible. Our CEO is pursuing a pre-sale of ore to fund the $5 - $7M needed to return the mine to production. That kind of funding is more difficult to obtain.
I have no clue but have seen a pattern of the MMs filing an order and then dropping the Ask. I had an order in at .003 and it was never filled, yet the Ask showed 5,000 shares at .0029 and 5,000 at .0030. There is no explanation for that order not being filled.
I'm confused why you keep saying 'dumping', when you can call the Transfer Agent right now and confirm that the Outstanding Shares have only been minimally increased? (which means very minimal 'dumpage')
I agree, it doesn't mean that he won't do this in the future, but they haven't significantly diluted the o/s, and perhaps they will not need to.
So what you are saying is a trader changed their order, so the "MM" now post the new bid and ask price.
Maybe someone is posting phantom trades to mess with the board?
Maybe you can tell me if they're so rich why can he not find any money, so he must resort to dumping
Perhaps you would like to use your math skills and give us a fair market value on SIRG. Start with the copper reserves, add in the copper and zinc in the tailing piles and don't forget the $2M worth of infrastructure onsite. What's your best guess?
I do not bash SIRG I just tell people what they get for the money they bring into the SIRG and if it is nothing what is left
Then don't waste your time here, move on back to the golf club stock with the lying CEO, the one who defaulted on his funding committment.
You are absolutely right I only know what I need to know and that is that SIRG during March will dump stocks to raise money and it can only mean one thing and that is 0,000?. SIRG could indeed be on the DOW it will still hit the bottom.
My guess is one of our more vocal amateur investors without patience.
I'll let you guess who.
Could have been someone who bought a couple million at .001 or below. A double is always nice, wish I had grabbed more at those prices.
Someone dumped 2.4 million shares on the bid.
Yes the AS shares were increased and there remains a convertible note but you know nothing else about SIRG. But SIRG is OTCBB and not a pinkie like other fake mining companies that have zero assets verified.
This is regardless of how many values SIRG has, he can find no money and has therefore felt obliged to make a expansion of 1.5 billion shares. I can promise you that it will not be on low volume SIRG hit the bottom.
Back to the same ole pattern. Large sells at the end of day. No news just perpetuates this pattern.
The MMs filled that order at .0030 and then dropped the ask to .0029, then to .0027.
And we know that the seller is gone as SIRG moved up 66% on low volume earlier this week. At least SIRG has mining assets and is not a defunct golf club manufacturer.
838K for .0021 just killed us. someone post the current L2
ok so the real money is here, but let me tell you where they go, straight into the pockets of the root when he dumps 1.5 billion shares, why is MM cleaner shares up here, it is because they know what comes and so does all of you also.
lunch time!
IMO, if we get an afternoon push we wil close .0024 to .0026
if not, I think we will end it right where we stand, or down to .002, next week we will begin the march back towards .003
I do
GLTA its nice to see SIRG have movement and gains again.
whatever - I just don't see any trader selling 220 shares or the recent 500 share orders that always drop the price.
lex parsimoniae...
I appreciate your DD on this, and hope this penny is not a typical stinky pinkey in the end, however it isn't the MM trying to keep the price down, its traders trading the price down because there has been zero new news.
That is the question. A trade for .44 proceeds right at the open is very suspicious.
Was it BS? or was it someone trying to scare people today so they would sell off.
Not everyone pays commissions on trades....
Well that opening trade for 220 shares for 44 cents minus comm. sure was some BS.
With the spread the MMs are keeping on SIRG, we are even or down 30%.
Trading stocks is like online gaming, the person with the lowest latency wins.
Funny...Didn't I say it was your data feed....I guess it isn't the MM manipulating was just a poor internet connect.
I didn't say pennies where without manipulation.
I'm just saying you can't blame the MM...blame the people behind the MM. For ever 5000 share trade, someone put shares up for sale, and someone purchased them....people on this very forum have even commented about doing it to shake out seek hands.
Its like saying guns kill people....yes the phyiscal bullet kills the person, however it still takes someone to squeeze the trigger.
That is all I am saying.
Well I finally found out why my trade did not fill.
We are currently experiencing connectivity issues and we are working to resolve this as soon as possible. If you want to place sell orders, you may call in to place your trade over the phone with a broker. You can reach us at 877-206-2274.
We apologize for this inconvenience and a message update will be sent out when trading is back up.
MM's do whatever they want, and anyone trying to claim otherwise is pretty naive. No offense, but pennies are rife with crooked manipulation.
MM just do what traders tell them to do....
Too bad the law has no teeth to clamp down on the crap.
I was posting that as the new trades went through. I am showing 5 trades at .0029 with the ask now at .003.
Your data feed is not keeping up with real time...
SIRG has more MM manipulation than I have ever seen. Wish someone would put in an order for a couple million shares and we could watch that shake the MMs up.
Sounds to me like the usual manipulation.
I don't understand, they never filled my 10,000 order. Previously there were only 5,000 shares @.0029 and another 5,000 @.0030 so I put the order in at .0030.
Now they sold 167,170 shares @.0029 and they are showing 167,170 shares still available @.0029. The same 5,000 shares @.0030 are still there along with an additional 240,000 @.0030. Where did all those new shares come from on the Ask?
:( looks like the elevator is going to the ground floor least it was a fun ride up and down this week!
was laughing at this post, not mine lol - i'm gonna put $100 in my account specifically to make 30 cent trades and fight against the small trades that go the other direction
Boy, they're really messing around with this one.
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