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Pull up the chart for $AUVI and $WE
Yakitty Yak…don’t talk back
Prop firm fraud scheme that embezzled millions of $$$$$$
time for a netflix documentary
Anyone ever find out what happened to Yak? Or nitwit? :)
Lol, KOSS is up 100% since my original post... Bet you wish you had listened! Also, no need to worry - KOSS is STILL the BEST meme stock - according to the numbers!
Short interest 29%
Shares available to short 150k
Interest to short/borrow shares 74.16%
Float 2.6 million (that's insane)
1 month RSI 56
BOOM, once this explodes, there's no telling where she can go IMO! "Mars lander on approach" do your DD and let me know what you find! Prove me wrong!
Dun dun dun dunnnnnn! KOSS by the numbers:
26% short
2.5 million float (YES, that's real)
100K shares available to short
5 day RSI @ 36
BB's are tight
MACD looking up
YOU DO THE MATH.... About to pop much, AGAIN! *Mind blown*
Master Fedex11...;)
Check out VCNX$ HUGEEEE news out up 200%
Good to see, this was once a great board!
DR. EVIL, underboob
Remember NT3K scam? Good times...
That's what happens when one gets involved with a prop firm fraud scheme that was eventually exposed
Alias Born 04/13/06
RAKR getting ready! Let's gooooooooo :)
PVDG Webinar TONIGHT SUN OVENS 101 Workshop Thursday, June 18th at 7:00PM
The Whys, Hows & Joys,
of Getting Started
Click Arrow >Below to Start
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Thursday, June 18th at 7:00PM
Join us for this FREE educational class where you will discover:
How a SUN OVEN works.
What you can cook, what kind of pots & pans work best.
Why a SUN OVEN is the most energy-efficient way to rehydrate your freeze-dried emergency preparedness foods.
Why food cooked with the sun does not burn.
How much sunlight you need.
How to sun-bake a perfect loaf of bread.
How to use a SUN OVEN as a solar dryer or dehydrator.
The difference between boiling and pasteurizing drinking water.
How to cook your dinner in the sun while you are at work.
How to hard boil freshly laid eggs which are easy to peel.
Ways to use a SUN OVEN that have nothing to do with cooking.
The economic, health, and environmental benefits of cooking with the sun.
What we are doing around the world and why we do it.
How to quickly pay for a SUN OVEN by reducing your utility bills.
Institutional investors started adding AVCT in May. One almost owns 5,000,000 shares. Another owns 2,000,000.
AVCT just merged with Computex Technology Solutions. $85 million in revenue in 2019. Increasing revenue yoy. This should be trading at $400 million market cap. Instead trading at $35 million market cap.
$TPTW about to make BIG moves next few weeks. See below.
1. CEO recently mentioned TWICE NO reverse split
2. CEO recently mentioned TWICE NO increase to authorized shares
3. CEO recently mentioned TWICE NO toxic debt
4. 10+ Million in AUDITED revenue
5. 50 employees
6. U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT granted $700,000 to TPTW in forgivable loan
7. 5G wireless service, Technology, Medical Division, Telecommunications, SmartPhones and Media Content.
8. Rural America 5G Expansion
9. Brazil 5G Expansion
10. Patent pending 3D Naked Eye Phone
11. 16,000 Speed Connect Customers
12. Record Revenues (980% increase)
13. 5 continents - TPT America, TPT Africa, TPT Middle East, TPT Asia and TPT Latin America
14. Working with SPRINT on Telecommunications projects
15. CEO who CARES for Shareholders
16. Leadership with 200+ years of combine Leadership experience
17. Audited FINS
18. Current in Ks and Qs
19. OTCQB company
20. IR available 25/7 to answer any question
21. Increase 2020 revenue due to increase in company divisions including Federal and Medical
22. One of the most undervalued company n OTC
23. Low OS (853M) compare to other OTC companies.
24. OTCQB Transfer Agent Verified
25. OTCQB NO PROMO red flags
26. OTCQB Independent Directors
27. Company and CEO give regular updates. PR, interviews and teleconferences
28. Diversified business divisions
29. Professional web presence with regular updates and all details
30. Updates share structure regularly on OTC
31. All TPTW business divisions in growing industries
32. Above list expected to keep growing in 2020
$TPTW Executives-->
$TPTW Companies-->
SpeedConnect -->
Good Luck and ENJOY
Looking to short 2000 IDXG
Too late to party
Market is going to tank peeps
Trump pump is false newz
Cover 2000 sqqq 13.33 +.10
What a pos
End of day 12.60
IDXG 4.75 from 10.79 on Wednesday NEWS
Interpace Diagnostics Issues Update Regarding Announced Contract with BCBS of Massachusetts
This horse turd sqqq should drop the dung bomb bak to open 13.00
POS crux manip
Cover 500 sqqq @ 13.22 flat