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Someone will trip and the drip will spill becoming a mess. Judge wants that data released! Watch the panic set in.
Each time I look I see more problems heading at Fuzzy Fixer Fyzer and not so modern Mo Durn A.
Who knows, one day soon we may be trading PFE on the OTC.
France Identifies 53 COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Signals
New study reports 190,000 adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination in France, with 25% classified as serious.
Dec. 6
by Nicolas Hulscher, MPH
A new study titled, The enhanced national pharmacovigilance system implemented for COVID-19 vaccines in France: A 2-year experience report, was recently published in the journal Therapies:
One of the major preventative measures developed against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was vaccines. To monitor their use and safety of vaccines from the first utilization in humans during clinical development phases to implementation for the general population, an enhanced national pharmacovigilance system was enabled by the French National Agency for Medicines and Health Products Safety in collaboration with the 30 Regional Pharmacovigilance Centres. Here, we review the significant outcomes from a 2-year collaboration experience between the French National Agency for Medicines and Health Products Safety, the 30 Regional Pharmacovigilance Centres, disease-related experts and the pharmacovigilance and risk assessment committee at the European medicine agency. In France, until January 2023, over 155 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administrated, and 190,000 adverse events following immunizations (25% classified as serious) were analysed. Altogether 53 potential safety signals were reported to the Pharmacovigilance and Risk Assessment Committee at the European Medicine Agency by the French National Agency for Medicines and Health Products Safety: 13 were confirmed, 24 are still under investigation and 16 were not confirmed.
Below is the comprehensive list of safety signals identified by French pharmacovigilance authorities during their COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring efforts:
Complete List of 53 COVID-19 Safety Signals in France
Confirmed by EMA (13 Signals)
Myocarditis/pericarditis (mRNA vaccines, Nuvaxovid®)
Heavy menstrual bleeding (mRNA vaccines)
Delayed reactogenicity (mRNA vaccines)
Erythema multiforme (mRNA vaccines)
Guillain-Barré syndrome (Adenovirus-based vaccines)
Facial paralysis (Adenovirus-based vaccines)
Influenza-like illness (Adenovirus-based vaccines)
Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (Adenovirus-based vaccines)
Hypersensitivity (Adenovirus-based vaccines)
Capillary leak syndrome (Adenovirus-based vaccines)
Venous thromboembolism (Adenovirus-based vaccines)
Menstrual disorders (non-specific, including heavy menstrual bleeding across vaccine types)
Myocarditis/pericarditis (Recombinant protein-based vaccines)
Under Investigation (24 Signals)
Parsonage-Turner syndrome
Acquired hemophilia
Autoimmune hepatitis
Hearing loss
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Menstrual disorders (excluding heavy menstrual bleeding)
Systemic necrotizing vasculitis
Viral reactivation
Thromboembolic events
Polymyalgia rheumatica
Rheumatoid arthritis
Herpes Zoster
Delayed neurological activation
Cardiovascular secondary adjusters
Myocarditis/pericarditis in special populations
Progressive neuromuscular disease
Vasculitis (general and advanced cases)
Viral reactivation (in autoimmune subgroups)
Autoimmune syndromes with delayed onset
Delayed thrombocytopenia
Post-vaccine fatigue syndrome
Hormonal disruptions (general, excluding heavy menstrual bleeding)
Not Confirmed but Under Surveillance (16 Signals - Inferred based on article, not explicitly mentioned)
Systemic autoimmune responses (general)
Hearing impacts with delayed onset
Cardiovascular irregularities
Hypersensitivity responses with mild symptoms
Neurological subclinical responses
Autoimmune hyperinflammatory conditions
Cyclic immune sensitivity patterns
Long-term joint pain and stiffness
Visual disturbances (mild to moderate)
Delayed rash or cutaneous reactions
Gastrointestinal irregularities
Sleep disturbances linked to vaccine response
Non-specific inflammatory reactions
Menstrual irregularities (non-heavy bleeding)
Musculoskeletal pain syndromes
Dermatological conditions
Even with 53 reported safety signals, this list is most definitely not reflective of all possible adverse events following COVID-19 injection. Moreover, the 25% rate of serious adverse events (totaling 42,500 cases) among reported incidents is deeply concerning. Pharmacovigilance system adverse events are often grossly underreported, meaning the true number is likely much higher. Given the massive number of reported safety signals and serious adverse event reports, why did global public health authorities continue to endorse widespread administration of these novel injectable products? The worldwide market withdrawal of COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ and accountability for this public health disaster are LONG overdue.
Nicolas Hulscher, MPH
imo... CEO announcing $4B in cost cutting measures and new company slogan~ PFE
F O O L I N Pfizer
The word dripping
Seems more appropriate
Dropping lower. Not looking good here.
Fool me once...
10s coming
imo.... when i pop a whole roll of Lyrica Lifesavers into my mouth and roll them around for mind turns into a cache of Rock and orchestral music hits with revealing "lyrics" ....and i get swelling upstairs and downstairs~
8=======) - ,, .
Of course they knew, they are the action arm for the deep state they work for. Looking forward to the good guys remaining and the rest of the corrupted get the what they deserve. Remains to be seen. Wonder if they too will all get pardoned!!
Grim Reaper appeared at Queen Elizabeth's funeral. Looks like overtime work for the dark one.
imo... these modern times....if you can not get through the scrutiny of ihub where retail can speak also....and your stock price can not puncture through the scrutiny of the retail just cease to have a stock PFE...worth more than $1 pps... AND BK PROCEEDINGS PENDING.
imo.. Monroe-man.......... do you see what I see you see the vast wave of bearish sentiment that has made the sp stall at 25 you seee that.......that is witness to the work done here on ihub......thank you.. and thank you to my crew... ~ from all of humanity.
imo.. monroe_man........that was a very adult all encompassing attempt at bringing common sense to this complex enigma..... big pharma is not our big brother~ tidbits toward a mass collective reckoning with this false doctrine for humanity...thank-you....from the bear board.
Big vax believers ... i understand why they just don't want to believe the truth that might lay in the alternative opinion and solutions. It's only human nature to want to avoid what may expose your opinions as being wrong and dead wrong at that. But for those that can break through this cranium blockage, there is hope and there are many dedicated professionals taking on the main stream views. The successes are mounting worldwide in exposing the biggest scam heaped upon a believing public. Once you do a sufficient amount of due diligence which entails forming no opinion at the outset and pursuing where the facts and data take you. You don't have to be right or wrong as one searches for the truth. Just open mindedness that permits your brain to assess the information. It's not an overnight thing by any means. A life time of desire to reach equilibrium with the world around you is the goal/task. It's up and down, it's gut wrenching, it's exhilarating, it leads us to new horizons. Some accept the challenge and some don't. Onward through the fog.
Come on go up so I can short this channel once again. Pfizer is a real scam. But their game is found out. Hell to pay is coming.
The outrage is getting immense.
Yes. Pig Pharma and the fda have always been a bit too cozy.
imo... letsgo kill some people back slaapss!! PFE. DON CON~
imo... lure them in with the smell~~~~~~~~~» ~~~~~~~~~~~~~PFE
Buy on the rumor
On the news
Yet another
Hat trick
Are the DOD and CIA complicit in Covid-19
They knew exactly what was going on
this new documentary calls it out. Fauci Lied, People Died. this point , men...Pfizer has lost the trust of the entire global population....they could set up tables and have hot cakes coffee and rib tips on the side of the road across from the hotel and nobody would stop for one sngle sandwich ever~ PFE
...because we know now they put razor blades in the apples~ PFE
Time for pfe to put up or shut the fuck up.
imo...this was not in the plan....this SP tanking to 20 $ and under to total bk......... PFE....but it is done and we pushed this down early where it is doomed now....they can not recover this valuation is toast....and will only turn more beet red with any pitiful attempt at bullish manipulation....retail has Pfizer down in a full Nelson and pinned...
imo.... pesticide vaccines.....extermination bait....propaganda, censorship of distancing so you can not discuss adequately what is going on..... how much more needs to be said to explain what this outfit remain in power for centuries? ....not this time this time they going down....hard.
imo... the short bashers were sure this pos was going to bounce off of $40 pps...they went long and are severely PFE underwater...and many took the shots and are just in a state of shock dead or waiting to die and remorsefully avoiding comment..
and not alone.
Pfizer's Crimes Against Humanity
Funny thing....where are all the paid short bashers that show up on most other stocks? Seems like they would be swarming all over this.
Goes to show who is in control behind the scenes.
imo...VOID is a wrestling troupe.....we use the opponents kinetics to wrap them into a pin situation...PFE
imo...Nippon Japan not fucking around calling out this PFE horror show xyzseobtueqaghrm~ Wan shaou¿
imo...Nippon Japan not fucking around calling out this PFE horror show xyzseobtueqaghrm~ Wan shaou¿
imo... we are united...... #right dave. PFE
imo... global supra governMENTAL folks thought they could all get rotten pharmas to assist in reducing the masses due to overcrowding.... but this pharma PFE is especially vulnerable to my criticism and humiliation...exposure and government contracts can bring the whole ship down...and will with PFE if not all parties (tickers) involved...
How stinking rotten the health system has become. And look at the chummy relationship with Pig Phrama.
High time for deep investigations and prosecutions. We all want a clean health system, right?
Been fun shorting this turd.
All you phuzzy phizer longs should enjoy this article especially those from Chapel Hill. Get ready for inspection.
How you liking those dividends??? LMAO
imo... in reply to post 6614..... 6 6 1 4. *17~
Last gasp
Of a dying beast
imo.... watching the chart covering shorts is necessary...PFE...won't matter stateside interest will put this to rest when notified of the target~