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One trade Today- certainly NOT manipulation.
Seems wonder boys last co. went BK and stiffed vendors all over Milwaukee while he lost several lawsuits.
Can you say ZERO ?
NOVC 10Q confirms company in serious trouble
Advent shown to be worthless.
Streetlinks results to deteriorate further.
Corvisa Cloud " not material"
The company is INSOLVENT
Was today's No volume caused by manipulation ?
Or did the ask keep trickling down and still no one wanted any ?
Worth Zero in aggregate.
4 trades today-how many were "manipulation" ?
Advent still a farce and likely to be closed like Mango
Worth ZERO in aggregate.
40 cents with a LOW of 36 and the CON is about OVER.
MASSIVE negative TBV and HUGE operating LOSSES over 12 months.
The Mango SCAM closed down.
The Advent farce soon to follow.
0.4201 pennies and the CRYING about manipulation is OVER.
Q1 was POOR and the Ceo is unhappy about Streetlinks results.
So unhappy that he was AFRAID to release the 10Q until the Annual MEETING ended.
Then he released it within a few hours.
A long says " NOVC could go to ZERO".
Of course, this disclosure was added AFTER the initial fall from $40 in 2007.
Why can a long say it can go to zero but if anyone else does they are a basher or criminal ?
Great point Jetsfan however.
There is also $12MILLION of Sg+a that wasnt allocated to ANY of the subsidiaries which in effect turns even Streetlinks into a LOSER
This is what concerns me.
"Did Mango and Advent get the "kitchen sink" treatment? i.e. load up the dogs with as much cost as possible (within bounds of guidelines) to put the best sheen on the one winner? This is an old trick. Hopefully the allocations are strictly legit but someone quoted Anderson as talking about how little SL needs him. Was he getting the basis for bogus allocation on the record?"
The above was a from a poster on the IV board. Normally these type of speculative insinuations could be brushed off , if the company has shown a upfront corporate governance history. After the slight of hand Mango move ,I would say all bets are off. Opinions or explanations?
Anderson was OUT $200k cash from his BMM buy in.
They even admittted BMM was near BK when they OVER PAID for the remnants( all GOODWILL)per the SEC filings.
They bailed Anderson out and now cost shareholders MILLIONS More.
Excellent question Jetsfan and I'll add one.
How do you explain moving people from KC to Tampa and almost immediately thereafter SHUTTING down Mango, the division you moved ?
How do you explain the turning a private investment into NOVC's possession and then writing it off as a lost cause?Please explain this to me from your close to management perch.
NOVC management is a SHAM.
Anderson should have to repay the $200k from the Mango under the table deal.
Why one uniformed soul paid $166k for 27 common he was so taken in by the SHAM.
I agree about trusting management...
By trusting management to do the right thing I've already made a lot of money here, and intend to make a whole lot more.
I actually visit the companies that I invest in, and get to know management better than most analysts.
In the case of Novastar, not only has management been honest almost to a fault, but I've found them to be extremely talented when it comes to starting and growing businesses.
Oh, and thats not to say that they don't make mistakes, but like Judge Ortrie Smith said about Novastar in the following shareholder lawsuit that was Dismissed with Prejudice;
"Companies, the court said, “are not expected to be clairvoyant and bad decisions do not constitute fraud.”
If you don't trust management at this company, or you don't trust me for that matter, I'd highly recommend that you look at another investment.
Stay tuned!
In virtually all of my investments, trusting management to show a fiduciary responsible manner is at the top of my selection process.This transaction alone would raise a big red flag when considering trusting my money to their management. Another alarming aspect to this investment is the senior debt trading at .12 on a dollar.
CORRECT- meaningless as in ZERO revenue per the 10k.
You might recall that I was also correct about Mango.
Some claimed Mango would be worth a billion.
Imagine that. Lol
I agree Jetsfan.
They moved people who wanted OUT of KC to Tampa and then IMMEDIATELY whut down Mango.
All at shareholder EXPENSE.
After reading about the Mango transaction ,with Anderson buying it personally, then selling it to NOVC at a break even basis, only to have it dumped from NOVC's holdings as a losing proposition,doesn't one have to wonder about the credibility of management. On the surface this appears as a man making a poor investment and then passing it off to the shareholders of a company he operates.Hell if he can do that what is to stop him from selling real estate he is under water on to the firm for cost and then write it off as a NOVC loss. Co mingling of personal assets with those of your publicly traded firm sounds like a situation dying for an investigation.
CorvisaCloud Meaningless???
For the poster bankbuyer...I find CorvisaCloud to be FAR from meaningless, especially since Novation JUST purchased it for a measly 800K a few months ago, last quarter I believe.
From my knowledge of this industry, and with Novations contacts in the Mortgage Idustry all accross this great Nation of ours,
absolutely nothing can be taken from the recently filed 10K that you refer to.
Maybe you haven't worked in this industry like I have, but thanks for sharing your 10K observations.
Richard Morris
For poster signing off as "Ricahrd Morris"
From the just released 10k and how meaningless CorvisaCloud is:
"Management has excluded from the scope of its assessment of internal control over financial reporting the operations and related assets of Corvisa Cloud, which the Company acquired on October 2, 2012. As of and for the year ended December 31, 2012, the amounts subject to the internal control over financial reporting arising from this acquisition represented 0.7% of our consolidated total assets, 0.0% of our consolidated total revenue, and (0.8%) of our consolidated net income. "
Translation= ZERO revenue and LOSSES
ON TOPIC....CorvisaCloud and the Mortgage Industry
While I'm sure many reading this don't know much about the communication and call center industries, but CorvisaCloud is in the "software" part of this industry.
Essentially, CorvisaCloud has developed proprietary communication software through SalesForce (stock symbol CRM) that operates in the "Cloud", and business of all kinds that rely on effeciient, economical and smart customer contact solutions have a need for the kind of software CorvisaCloud has developed.
With over 2,400 members of MBA or the Mortgage Bankers Association, my research shows thats the initial target market for CorvisaCloud, and with the "average" customer paying around $5,000 a month for CorvisaClouds communication software, one can easily see the potential.
I use to own a 120 seat call center, so I do have some experience in this area, and I just thought I would share with others some of what I know about the industry. That was about 15 years ago, but the biggest thing that has changed about this industry is Cloud Computing and the FACT that there is no longer a need for a 250K predictive dialer (hardware) like I needed to run my call business.
Finally...I don't know if CorvisaCloud or Streetlinks for that matter have considered this, but I'm sure there's a huge need for lenders and other businesses to outsource their communication needs, and who better to do the work for them than CorvisaCloud.
Have a Great Day....
Ricahrd Morris
Va. Beach, Va.
Jetsfan's post was DELETED along with your reply to it.
Please stay on topic.
What happened to Jetsfan?
I really tried to help him, but I guess he didn't like what I had to say.
Oh well...this message board is for sharing and I just thought I'd share that NOVC was up over 13% today.
What happened to Jetsfan?
I really tried to help him, but I guess he didn't like what I had to say.
Oh well...this message board is for sharing and I just thought I'd share that NOVC was up over 13% today.
0.32 is NOT 0.5.
Stock CRASHED -DOWN 15%.
Amazing that I said it would FLUSH and it did
0.32 rounded to 1/2 of 1% is still miniscule volume,
any way you look at it.
and thats NOT third grade analysis.
I get 0.32 % of the float not 0.5.
The calculation is fairly rudimentary along the lines of 3rd grade Math.
184371 shares traded divided by 58 million.
0.31788% which I rounded to 0.32
I stand corrected....why I'm soooo....embarassed
Just .05 or 1/2 of 1% of the float traded today.
Is this what you refer to as a flush?
I consider it a miniscule drop in a bucket.
You call buying preferreds at 1.50 a share a failed attempt
at bottom fishing? Why you must be thinking of someone besides me.
I'm flush with cash because that trade.
Didn't you get any of it?
Just curious.
The float is 58 million.
The outstanding is 91.4 MILLION.
The volume today was the HIGHEST since April 2012.
You appear to have understated today's volume % traded of the float by about 50%.
Huge Volume today....NOT! Just 2/10 of 1% of total float
traded today....and I'm not in the least bit worried because I know and understand the charade/parade.
NEVER as legacy NOVC is BK.
Notice how I called the Mango sham perfectly.
Notice how Q1 will be ANOTHER DISSATER as the closing costs and
Q1 operating LOSS are still undisclosed and UNKNOWN per the 10K.
NOVC a ZERO thought not as FAR to FALL as all the other failed attempts to bottom fish.
Wow bankbuyer....I heard tell the same long that bought NOVC today at .505 also accumulated 25,000 shares of NOVSP or preferreds at an average cost of 1.50.
I wonder if you could tell me how much those 25K preferred shares are worth today?
Inquiring know.
help me bankbuyer
You seem to be the only one positng on this site and there use to be more, but you're the only one left to communicate with.
When is it that you think Novation will reach that Billion dollar market cap everyone is talking about?
I really value your opinion and need your help. Thanks a million.
$12 MILLION unallocated corporate SG+A.
It can be seen in the 10k by looking at the subs and then the corporate total.
Shrewd investors have picked up on this.
It and the SENIOR debt proves NOVC is a ZERO.
Highest Volume since Aprl 2012-down 15%.
After pumping Mango and Advent DAILY, longs now claim their results should be backed out.
NOVC #4 TOP LOSER if still listed on NYSE.
However NOVC was KICKED out when the Reit imploded
NOVC website updated today with Big FIB.
Since 2008, we have acquired four companies:
•StreetLinks Lender Solutions - valuation solutions for the mortgage industry
•Advent Financial - tax settlement services for independent tax preparers and affordable financial solutions for underbanked consumers
•CorvisaCloud - cloud-based business communication products
•Corvisa Services - software development and Novation shared services
They conveniently dont mention the Mango acquisition.
Wow a NOVC long paid .505 cents today.
Then mis-stated how much of the float traded as the float does not equal the outstanding.
Same long needed aid in dissecting the financials.
Let's pretend the LOSSES arent there. Lol
So what was the score if you eliminated those 5 double bogeys ? Lol Lol
0.43 cents or 10.8cents split adjusted.
So what happened to ' no one is selling' or manipulation or ' billion' ?
I suspect many wished they had listened
as I was CORRECT.
As usual.
Tremendous NEGATIVITY re the NOVC 10K
Also most now feel Anderson ripped them off by cashing out of Mango at his cost which Mango NEVER could have repaid.
Of course, I posted on this MONTHS AGO.
Given the activity and chatter I am seeing. I have 2 predictions for NOVC price tomorrow and going forward.
I've been laughing ALL weekend
Precipitous liquidity DECLINE at NOVC.
Easy to see when you look at current assets to current liabilities and total tangible assets to total liabilities.
That is also why tangible book went MORE NEGATIVE.
My understanding is that this data point has been sent to about 100 holders so that they can make a prudent SELL decision.
Anywhere between 54 cents and a penny is better than ZERO.
Or due to complete lack of buyers, just a trickle down LOWER?
Either way, my research has been PERFECT.
The common share CANCELLATION draws CLOSER.
Tangible book value NEGATIVE $66.35 MILLION.
Q1 it will be further NEGATIVE.
Common worth ZERO.
Mango a SCAM.
Advent a FARCE.
Just I said
Current liabilities UP $6.3 MILLION.
Total liabilities up $11.4 MILLION with closure costs and a massive Q1 Mango LOSS to come
Note 17. Subsequent Events
Effective February 27, 2013, Management committed to a plan to abandon the operations of the Company's Logistics segment. The Company is still in the process of evaluating the potential exit costs associated with this plan and cannot make an estimate regarding a possible range of those costs.
Advent LOST $2.6 MILLION in Q4.
Make no mistake, I am laughing hysterically.
It must be manipulation.
10K OUT $7.8 MILLION operating LOSS
Income (loss) before income tax benefit (7,825 )
Mango DISASTER after all the pumping that was done on it by the former subpime expert.
NOVC DOWN 11.2% YTD yet Markets UP.
Most everyone knows NOVC is Toast.
The 3Q operating LOSS was $3.8 MILLION
Much of the corruption involves hedgefunds like Copper River
owned and managed by Marc Cohodes who targeted Novastar for destruction but failed miserably in his attempt.
You can read all about the corruption surrounding trading in NOVC stock from the Motley Fool;
Corruption and criminal activity in Wall Street is rampant as seen here;
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Carolyn Campbell has served as Chief Financial Officer for Novation since August 2017.
Since her start with the company in 2004, Campbell held several roles in the internal audit department, including Internal Audit Manager from January 2008 through April 2016. Prior to joining Novation, Campbell worked at Butler Manufacturing Company and Houlihan’s Restaurant Group in Kansas City. Campbell earned her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Central Missouri.
Dave Pointer has served as Chief Executive Officer for Novation since March 2018 and Chief Executive Officer for Healthcare Staffing from April 2019 through June 2021.
Dave Pointer has served on the Board of Directors starting in 2018. Mr. Pointer has served as the Managing Partner of V.I. Capital Management, LLC, a registered investment advisory firm that he founded, since 2008. Prior to that, Mr. Pointer was a Senior Portfolio Manager and Senior Vice President at ICM Asset Management, an employee owned investment manager, from 2003 to 2007, as well as Portfolio Manager at AIM/INVESCO Investments, an investment management firm, from 1999 to 2003. Dave has served on the Board of Directors of CompuMed, Inc., an enterprise telemedicine solutions company, since 2013 and as Chairman since 2014, and as Co-Chief Executive Officer from 2015 to 2016. He also has served on the Board of Directors of Solitron Devices, Inc., a manufacturer of solid-state semiconductor components, since 2015 and as Chairman since 2016. Previously, Mr. Pointer served on the Board of Directors of ALCO Stores, Inc., a retailer, from 2014 to 2015. Mr. Pointer has taught Corporate Finance as an adjunct faculty in Whitworth University’s MBA program as well as Gonzaga University’s MBA program and is an expert in financial analysis and financial markets. Mr. Pointer holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Central Washington University and a Master of Business Administration from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Pointer is a member of the CFA Institute and a Chartered Financial Analyst.
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