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nice bump[color=red][/color] today.....maybe this investor knows something that we don't. IMO...doubtful.
a new participant felt lucky placing 9k on red/black? there's just no denying the enthusiasm over the potential of this company in the next 10 years...
Any wonder why he was fired?
Everyone just looking for the exit from all of these?
your 'TAKE' Stocker1 is now pinned on my wall of shame for this stock so I never forget how easily things can go sour without at least a significant amount of solid fundamentals behind the company.
A guy and a shirt is a pile of shit and will never take the place of quantifiable performance. This stock is dead until lightening strikes one day and it miraculously triples.
Huge sign to 'hit the bricks' if you are invested. The ensuing slide into the basement once again begins the following day.
Hanging in here with Moeclay waiting for that 'special day' and not missing it as the fall begins the day after, is your best shot.
Well scripted pump and dump disguised as a sheep in wolves clothing by 'the man with the hot hand'...the 'golden boy' that could do no wrong.
Life in the pennies is a black hole of losses.....and there are miserably few exceptions that ever escape being sucked in.
we are obviously only a couple of those willing to call out management for poking us in the eye with a sharp stick and hanging us all out to dry.
They have no answers and no "company" with a viable business plan that will function without a T-Shirt interview by a rock star.
Escaped by the skin of my teeth with a few pennies in my pocket after a nice run with CGC.
mmmmm? next move?..
LOL. On a roll we are?
Stock down 80% from highs, and the company......MIA?
Where is Bruce and his shirt? Lost by the cleaners?
Maybe EBAY as a collectors item?
Just my take for what it’s worth
kicked some serious butt today didn't we!! lol... passengers on a 'ghost plane'...RIP Peyton Stewart...
my bad...1000sh sale!!. Must be getting out of Dodge while the getting is good...
enjoy the contact again twister. Pretty much broke even with my entry into CGC in 8-18 (doubled the first month) and my ride with DRKOF and the BRUCE debacle. Made about $, actually about 3k when all said and done for all of that risk and mental anguish. Rising and falling from grace twice with CGC forced me to pull out..could not risk being in the red a second time given my delicate financial situation. Believe in the industry or never would have entered. It just was too new and Canada f*ed up the rollout in countless ways and may continue to do so with beverages and new products.
A work in progress worldwide with the US stuck in quicksand. Will take years now. Under $20us is very attractive but further pullbacks would have me sitting on pins and needles daily...don't need a heart Out at $34 thinking there was no way it would breach $25. Guess what? hatchet job on the whole sector and what more to come?
Zero confidence in STZ but at this point "considering" starting over on a small scale with a 'toe test' as you say. Would have to create a decent amount of appreciation after entry before going deeper... a loss is no option for me. Going to college in the 60's has my mind reeling as I am out altogether just when what all we kids hoped for about legalization is now on our doorstep 50 yrs later. Man how the world turns.
Nice chat once again hope you enjoy your week.
for the week so far Stocker!! still got 3 days left though...odds are it may still hold up. But wait, some brave soul just jumped in for 1000sh after raiding the family vacation money for $180
Well HA! 35 shares baby! Is that record ?
hiroller of course cgc will stand the test of time as a long winner... hated seeing you throw your big boat in drkof... i got in/got out really quick with a toe test(actually made 58 bucks hahaha). got a bad vibe of too much hype..... of course jmho besides cgc, acrgf, apha, and vff will all be standing ,doing business for years to come. have a blast of a day/c'mon back to the mj sector - way exciting and risky as you know... great for the blood pressure hahaha
DRKOF hasn't traded a share in 3 days. Living on fumes and life support until they come out with blockbuster news...lolol, you will win the 400M lottery first.
New recent record low on tap. Any buyers at .13?
anyone have any thoughts about cgc in the low to mid teens as a long term hold? Hit the 17s today. I live on the edge with SS and a part time job, but I would surly have some interest especially if the US was beginning to poke their head out their shell and get their finger out of their ass.
DRKOG engaged (lol) in one of the best performing sectors in the market...and we can't even crack an egg to begin the day...most every day. What about lunch and dinner after no breakfast?...maybe next week if we sign this new contract.
The revolving door keeps spinning and the sellers continue to exit.
trading volume is awesome once again....for days. And understandably so as those intrepid shareholders that still hang in there look for a freekin low number where they can purchase 100,000 shares for 10-15k. One spike after fixes everything.
Those that bought heavily on the run up most likely bailed on the way down when the wife said...are you fucking crazy..get the hell out!!
TADA! volume...closing in on Nov numbers with no positives from the company will most likely add to the erosion of the pps. Even if we heard something encouraging that one would expect might move the needle much credence and value would it hold for all of us in the ditch that know the truth.
Hey Andrew...may good luck be on your side wherever you are and wherever you land. It was most enjoyable bouncing off of each other.
As a note....CGC finishes at $19US today...$52 to $19 / down 63%, Cron is under $8 from $25 and the idiot of the pack Tlry is $20 from $300.
Hold on to your hats if the first stage of a recession rears its ugly head.
IMO there's enough ugly shit in progress worldwide that if someone pulls the fire alarm we all might want to be where we can hit the SELL button in a heartbeat.
And when it settles,buy,
you could say that....
Guess Bruce’s collateral has run dry?
weed is in free fall... those that bought cgc under $30us thought they cut a fat hog. I did also with DRKOF at .30, .29...and .28 and then Bruce made me a bag holder. Unless I wanted to wait and wait and wait for a recovery until when??
Went in balls deep and gave it a year with him in the game. No game. Saved my balls but many are probably stuck. Moe has a plan but many don't. These little pos sucker greys can trap you unless you have a solid entry and exit plan as they are so unpredictable.
Don't want to harp on it again but this deal had a tasty little twist to it that was enticing enough to believe that a grey may just have a way of breaking through the financial ceiling. (Bruce Linton)
MTLO was too small time and maybe the wrong industry for him to spend much time and effort to flex his considerable muscle that would move the needle and this company to the next level.
Well...he didn't and the shareholders now move to the next step from the basement. MOE has a good plan if you have any brain cells left and wish to hang in believing that this company is worthy.(one spike is the open door).
what a surprise Moe. Was convinced you had moved on...and for good reason!
You make valid points about filling the gap but I feel that if BL had performed well in the role he committed to on camera, the slide would have only gone so far until the impact of his performance was significantly felt within the company employees and their performance and shown in the press releases and the numbers they put up on the board at critical dates.
Gap started at .14 or so (Burdock is adamant about .15 lol) but how many will still be selling with this carnage (as they purchased on the run up to .76?). Now think around .10 is possible. I have to say I could be a nibbler below .15 as well, but they have got to show me some signs of life first. They could be bottom feeders for years and still be in business.
Couldn't hang any longer while in 'plus' territory and in with retirement funds. World events and recession are haunting me about re-entering...anything!
Glad you are still here Moe. You may not be aware but Vegas has 3-1 odds that you are correct in your assessment but only if you slam dunk that next 1 day
I'm still in, haven't sold anything. Also didn't/don't have anything to say that's why I wasn't posting here. Just waiting for that one bright day. The way I've been looking at this is the gap had to be filled...that's the case with all stocks...what gaps up, slowly makes it's way back down, then it slowly creeps back up to it's true value.
Might buy more at .14 and/or .10
the performance since BL came on the scene is impressive as we close in on the Nov Q numbers. When they are released....that should finally drive a wooden stake in the heart of this 'thing' and render it on life support until they actually accomplish something.
IMO Low teens as far as the eye can see unless they further stub their toe and dip into single digits.
Can't see anything changing that pattern of performance...
About 90%out hi roller, got on the stocks US examined trying to find the best gamble, see what happens this gem is a steady downwards
Lost a bunch of money, won't be easy chasing things uphill, went with the affordable bought some volatile strong buys
missed it by a nose at the wire...getting sucked in to a black hole of losses.
I'm about 75% out now and will likely finish over the next 2 weeks. Did pretty well with CGC after I doubled in the first month I got in for 5K shares (8/18). But 2 short attacks from the 50's on down put a stop to that. Got out about $35US on this last slide and now it's $22.
Took those profits and rolled it into DRKOF plus a little more as I felt sure Bruce could do something very positive with the company as he aggressively stated in the Martello T-shirt interview. Fat chance, the tiger changed his stripes and bailed leaving those following him holding the bag.
Should be out with about a 50% loss (ugh) on this POS which would put me just a couple % ahead of where I started with CGC. Won't lose capital but the 14 months of high risk exposure was nerve wracking being in retirement as I really couldn't afford to lose.
Sitting on the sidelines soon for who knows how long. Market bumping a ceiling up and down in big chunks looks toppy to me and too many HUGE worldwide problems going on out there. Plus at home... new and used homes (almost anywhere) are totally unaffordable for maybe 1/2 of the potential buyers, stagnant wages, a possible impeachment and then throw in the kitchen sink to begin the impending recession (who knows when).
Can't play Russian roulette with that probability looming.
Will throw in a DIG on the board from time to time as this mickey mouse outfit continues stubbing their toe masquerading around as an entity that knows what the hell they are doing (as Mr. 'you know' chases Tracy 'round and 'round in the penthouse office in his birthday suit.). Some are still buying, hoping to catch a falling knife (be prepared for the low teens as you slowly bleed out). Run it up over a buck...ha..ha and I could give a F. I got out with my ass intact.
Well...I did it again one last time. Typed 15 paragraphs to answer just one simple question...Are you in or are you out?...yes or no!!...and my fingers went into a frenzy!!
All the best to you Burdock, Andrew and MOE in this world of uncertainty.
wondering if you were planning on pulling out? give you credit for having the courage to use retirement savings to invest in such ventures. I am draining some out slowly I'm not waiting a year or more can't
nice week!. (gag me). No news which is not out of character and the pps continues to slide into the black hole from incompetence of the company.
There must be a bright side to all of this...but the shareholders aren't privy to that top secret information that only feeds the elite mgmt of this company with their bonuses and free money.
Grey sheet pump and dump. 'There' I said it and don't feel I am wrong. Outer skin of an emerging tech company in a thriving industry that never moves the needle EVER... other than the BL farce.
Buy at .10 -.15 and IMO you might make a buck or two if you wait long enough.
The (ya know) Proctologist, Bruce Linton, Tracy and the myriad of benefactors of this band of thieves have done it again in the land of the Greys!
Hell of a way to live your life. They will reap what they sow.... and there are numerous ways in which they will go out as they spend our money. Many of them aren't very pleasant.
Bruce was the pump... and the dump has been the near total silence from the company for months. kinda like starving from lack of any food
after this foray into never never land I will be sitting on the sidelines for awhile to see what the China tariffs, possible impeachment situation and the potential recession has to offer in possibly hammering the DOW to absurdly low levels....for a number of years.
only my perception of future events. CGC may win given enough time. This MTLO POS masquerading around as a thriving company is.."you know"....a POS.
Fooled me once but not hangin around for the encore.
Investing in this crap with retirement funds is sheer lunacy on my part, and I must say that Bruce Linton is an unmitigated liar and an asshole of the highest order that I allowed to suck me in to this financial debacle!
that is the greys....from CGC potential worldwide conqueror to dabbling in the penny ante arena to reinvent his former self will ruin his credibility this time around the track. One more failure and he is done.
yes cgc may see something soon? wondering with stz taking the hit with their investment, no surprise really but are interested in buying selzer? that CEO new comer if they announce it, makes sence it would be toward the beginning of the fiscal year which is now?
somebody needed $55 to fill up their gas tank (263sh @.21).
Isn't that odd? that's almost exactly what this company is worth...
cgc is $20 ish...and I thought WE were doing poorly...
another laugher. 12k traded without a smell of positive news on the horizon. The leadership of this company is mentally crippled...'ya know'!
Incredible self restraint Burdock. Takes balls of steel to not return to the table on a full stomach and hope that the eye in the sky doesn't finger you on a big run...
Was the wife on board? My bet is that she said "let's take the money and run honey"....and you did on your way to the next
Good grief!!, I feel your emotion hi roller, they say " save the principle" save the lame CEO publish something! Anything, "your thinking of exploring artificial intelligence, you invested heavily with r and d. Don't let your shareholders think you just skimmed profit with that overnight deal Mr. Procter. !!
Yup, seems so, have you tried this hi roller??; went and stopped at the casino, walked in put it all on red ? Ball rolled hit red 32 out we went. Just in and out. Oh had dinner for free, with casino card, Niagara casino. Almost went back to put half on black but didn't.
Wonderful post Stocker....
Vices have driven humanity since the dawning of time. The myriad of vices and devices that deliver the goods to our brains will IMO only increase as total disregard for the imminent deadly consequences to ones health and welfare with continued use is viewed as a witch hunt. The end for the unwary may be either a mental, physical (or other) poor choice.
The crippling toll on those left behind may be the biggest tragedy of all. The unfortunate gene related or others they have connected with over umpteen years most likely never knew this day was coming. Had they known, intervention or at least attempting to prepare may have given them some solace. Vaping is with us until something worse comes along.
Totally agree that govm't is useless in curbing any vice to any meaningful degree. Killed the Marlboro man long ago and Altria is still killing millions (lots of kids) and could give a shit...lots of Benjamins to be made with the carnage!!. And INMHO the govmt is on the take and doesn't GAS what happens to the public heath crisis. The more child customers.... the better! (gotta start them early).
Hopefully my last OT post here on this subject and on most anything that the group would not wish to discuss. this is an MTLO/DRKOF board as long as 3-4 people continue posting.
glta...we are gonna need it.
finished the quarter on a green day WHOOOPPPEE? Mid Nov will be the big reveal... not holding my breath on anything that will take us in the direction we wish to go...
last day of the current quarter. Wonder how much the company lost on this trip around the track. No news of ANY significant accomplishments since who knows when would lead one to believe that November's numbers will be any less miserable than the numerous Q's preceding them.
Live and learn. 'previous performance (CGC) may not be indicative of future results'.
Will be long gone by the next Q report.
good stuff...see you tomorrow
Forget the exact tally, but roughly 14 samples taken on vape products. 3 from legal dispensaries we’re fine, all 11 from “Street Corners” had pesticides and fungicides, toxic when inhaled.
So to turn it back a few decades, moonshine distilled through car radiators could make you go blind. Hence I stick to miller light and Jim Beam. There may have been a few “Bathtub mixture parties” but we won’t count those, and I really don’t remember.
Moving on... Point being, vaping isn’t going away, it’s all a vice. If your going to do it, buy from a legit source. Regulate it, legalize it, an make it “Safer”
I despise government telling me what to do, but some things need to be regulated. And trust me, this is not easily far.
I prefer my meat checked by the FDA, is it 100%.....No. but buying it from “Bob” from the back of a unrefrigerated truck doesn’t always work out. But it’s cheap.
that may be the case Stocker as you most likely know more about this subject than I do. But do the kids know? If they don't or don't care then it means little if you and i do. Children feel they are bulletproof as we did when we were their age.
13 people (and counting) don't have to worry any longer whether they smoked the good stuff...or the bad stuff and IMO the ones that are smoking today have no clue or care where it comes from. It's cool..the IN thing that all of my friends are what could go wrong?
"Do you know where your children are tonight"?? Remember that from the 60's -80s. Haven't heard that in 30-40 years and it's more poignant now than ever before.
Erosion of values and concern for our welfare and the planet will hit the wall soon....and sh.t will rain down.
How many miles is it to Mars?
It is truly sad, if half these CEO’s would actually work instead of just selling shares they might build something. But the old adage always rings true and is easier, “A fool and his money are EASILY departed. Fools gold comes to mind as well.
Market is corrupt and nobody cares that could change it.
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Derek Oil & Gas Corporation is an oil exploration, development and production company that utilizes enhanced oil recovery ("EOR") techniques to develop new production from reservoirs containing significant quantities of oil. Derek's current focus is on the further development and increasing production from their prime property located in NE Wyoming's Powder River Basin.
Corporate Focus: Invest in North American Energy.
Corporate Mission: Derek Oil & Gas Corporation (Derek) has a corporate mission to become a mid-tier energy producer within the next three years. This mission is to be accomplished through exploration, development and production from oil and gas assets in North America.
Derek Oil & Gas Corporation is publicly traded in Canada on the TSX Venture exchange under the symbol DRK.
Projects Overview
Derek Oil & Gas Corporation's 8000 acre LAK Ranch property is located on the eastern margin of the Powder River Basin, approximately 8 kilometers (5 miles) southeast of Newcastle, northeastern Wyoming.
The LAK crude oil being produced is viscous and on the high end of "heavy oil" (API approx. 20). The oil has negligible paraffin, low sulphur content and requires an enhanced oil recovery method ("EOR") to extract.
The quantity of "oil in place" at LAK Ranch has been calculated by several operators and consultants and in all cases the quantity is significant.
Several unsuccessful attempts were made by previous operators to produce oil from LAK. Derek produced about 5000 barrels from a limited horizontal well program in Apr/01 to Jan/02.
The LAK Property re-commenced operations in Jan/04 using a limited vertical injector/horizontal producer pilot program that employed cyclic and continuous steaming. The process produced over 20,000 barrels of oil from Jun/04 to Nov/06. This pilot program is still in operation.
All of the LAK production to-date has been from the Newcastle Sandstone.
A 4.4 square mile high resolution 3D seismic survey has been carried out over the north portion of the LAK Ranch Property. This survey has been instrumental in defining the extent of the Newcastle Sandstone and also delineating potential prospects in the deeper Fall River and Minnelusa Sandstones. No wells have yet been drilled into prospects contained in these deeper stratigraphic units.
The Oil:
Due to the viscosity of the high quality oil being produced from the Newcastle Formation of the reservoir, Derek requires the use of an enhanced oil recovery ("EOR") technology to extract. The oil being produced is low in sulphur content, has negligible paraffin and sells for West Texas Intermediate ("WTI") less US$14.25 per barrel.
Blue Sky Potential:
A high definition 3D seismic survey was completed on 4.5 square miles of the property. The seismic identified multiple formations with hydrocarbon potential. Current operations have focused on the Newcastle Formation lower alluvial section only and these recent interpretations have provided Derek with increased potential. Please note that an EOR may or may not be required on the deeper formations identified with hydrocarbon potential.
In Summary:
Derek is operator of an 8000 acre property located in NE Wyoming just five miles or 15 minutes from the Newcastle refinery. Derek has a 95% working interest and is in partnership with SEC Oil & Gas who has a 5% working interest. Derek also has a 4.4% Royalty on all oil production to basement within the property. To date, approximately 10 million US dollars has been spent on a first-class Bateman Engineered above ground facility that is now in pilot phase operation and production. In 2006 the LAK Ranch property demonstrated the highest levels of production on the property's history (when conventional means were applied). These observations conclude that the EOR being utilized is proving to be a solid base for a highly successful oil project. Derek management and its board of directors believe that they possess the expertise and resources to drive this project forward. The Derek team is confident that they have acquired the necessary ingredients to develop and implement the most cost effective EOR to maximize production from the LAK Ranch.
Derek Oil & Gas Corporation #1201 - 1111 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6E 2J3 Canada
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