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lmao stop the bs..there are thousands of other stock boards to pick us all your short positions..and to Midwest..are you were aware I held hundreds of millions at .0002 to the run of .098.. the rs will help us tremendously..lmao love these all bothers them I'm a millionaire and they are little broke slobs shorting stocks for $250 gains...I make that by the minute owning bitcoin lmfao
Poor slobs?? ROFLMFAO!! That from BAGHOLDER BOY who had 150 MILLION SHARES (no doubt paid a MINIMUM OF $250-$300K+ for them) carpet bombed down to a mere 60,000 by his CULT LEADER in a MASSIVE 1 for 2500 REVERSE SPLIT. 🤣
Then to add MORE LOSSES to mattoALOTofMISTAKES shares the pps has TANKED 81.46% since 8/22.👀
His vast amount of shares are worth a puny azzz $4500 today. 🤣 😂
Maybe we want to warn the unsuspecting new victims.
why are so many of these poor slobs posting on a so called dead stock board..LIL STRANGE..ARE THEY SHORTING
Same idiots who were buying after reading BAGHOLDER BOY'S posts in August 2023. The bought at 0.0016 and just knew they were going to get rich off this FRAUD because it just had to have another run in it.
Yeah,from 0.0016 to trips ONE and then the 1 for 2500 RS wiped them out. Now a new batch of SUCKERS think this is the second coming or third or forth. They started buying this POS SHAM at 0.39-0.41 right after the split. They've now seen 80% of their money disappear into thin air and it will NEVER return.
This SCAM is following the RS protocol to a T:
It drops down right after the split
Then the pps will rise somewhat by the ULTRA GULLIBLE thinking this is a"new beginning".
The pps is propped up by mikey mouse $10-$20.00 buys at the EOD..for awhile.
BS PR is put out about how the newly RS'd Company is poised to take off.
Then the pps fall really begins--but it can easily take 6-12 months to really crash back down
As interest drys up posts on the board dwindle
It's eventually DUMPED down to trips 1 with billions of shares dumped
Within 2-3 years ANOTHER RS is performed
Rinse and Repeat
The next sucker down the line.....
Matt's dumping away!
Outstanding Shares
Easy Bake claims in LEGAL financial filings last Thursday that the INND HQ is the same building they were in 1-2 years ago renting the entire SECOND FLOOR.
Does this screenshot from the RENTAL PAGE (11/14/24) of the Realtors that are listing that property LOOK like they are still on the second floor as claimed in Financials?? They also did a write off of $22,530 per MONTH in the latest financial for rent payments.
PROVE your in the building Matty boy OR change your financials to your REAL HQ.
I'm pretty sure his account was restricted to only 1 post every 24 hours. Even ihub knows what a loser he is. Come over to stocktwits and you'll see he's posting a lot there.
Cuba....notice how Plat is doing hit and run posts? Proves even he can't come up with anything even remotely believable to a new investor/victim. The kitchen is too hot for pumper Plat-o-lot-o-money.
I called this phony "pay day loan" BS Matty boy has pulled over and over last Wednesday. Well looky...the restricted is NOW back down to 129,560 shares. This is after he sold off 384,400 SHARES into the restricted 7-10 days ago (no doubt to ole' Gabe) making the ULTRA GULLIBLE think those shares are LOCKED in the restricted share count for 6-12 MONTHS.
Yeah BULL$hit! They get DUMPED into the Unrestricted just days later but aren't reported for a WEEK until a new share structure report comes out. There is NO reason to play that share "shuffle" game other than deception!
More of the same SCAMMING crapola that has gone on here for years.
If that isn't enough another 384,400 SHARES are DUMPED from the restricted into the unrestricted from these "pay day loans" he keeps doing trying to HIDE as much dumping as he can (for a week or so) until they are DUMPED into the unrestricted shares--the actual TRADING SHARES.
That's a lie! Shennib is definitely not back in Matt's team. Prove he is?
If he's realy "top in the hearing game", why would he hitch his wagon to a company that is in the dumper. If true, I reckon it's only until he gets what's due him. Then he'll be out of there like a rocket.
REMEMBER ADNAN SHENNIB TOP IN THE HEARING GAME IS BACK ON OUR TEAM .....AND THE FOOLS HERE continue their same bs rhetoric scare tactic posting ..lmao ..isn't it funny to see these peasants still posting on a so called dead stock ......
The Downs is strong with this one.
if we have nothing then why are you all still here ..lmfao lame still shorting for your $250 gains...lmfao such pee wee leaguers hahajahajhahhahahaha
Nothing big happening here BAGHOLDER BOY except MASSIVE DUMPING of this crapola since the MASSIVE 1 for 2500 REVERSE SPLIT. Matty boy wants back in a million $$$ crib even it he has to keep BURNING "shareholders" in the process.
He WIPED OUT shareholders owning this FRAUD prior to 8/22/24 with that RS,now he's going to WIPE OUT the ULTRA GULLIBLE buying this trash right now with endless DUMPING at any BID pps. You can do that when all your 15 BILLION SHARES are FREE. are those shares bought at 0.41 working out about now for REGULAR shareholders??
Ole soy boy dumping shares hard today!
"matt have something huge planned prepared" better be if you are holding this because the only thing that is "huge" here is the scam.
I love how these amateur pre schoolers continue to post here as they say we are done...lmao obvious they are shorting innd..and don't tell me there are no brokerages that short penny's. 1 is tradezero. and also Centerpoint and light speed ..adnan and matt have something huge planned prepared
Can't wait to this tissue of LIES filing still showing the building on Professional Drive as the HQ, instead of Matty's duplex rental that still sports orange shag carpet. Then...this SERIAL DUMPING $hit show gets 4.5 MONTHS before any filing is due.
Yep..all the way to 4/1/25.
💀 ☠️ 💀 ☠️ 💀 ☠️ 💀 ☠️ 💀 ☠️
Momma Moore MORE aka Ho Ho Sr aka EASY BAKE aka THE CHIEF BOOK COOKER aka "I dunns took an accountin class likes 45 yrs ago at dat Jr college n shit"......WHERE ARE YO HO HO CUT n PASTE SHIT FILINGS MOMMA SAGGY BAGS....where.....yo....MATTY BOY IS RUNNING THE NEXT DILUTION CRIME and Yo Ho don't even have the decency to file.....WTF......
I'm going with NT LATE SHIT FILE NOTICE.....Vegas odds baby......
NAUGHTA......the BOY aka THE PUNK gonna be late me thinks........
MOMMA MOORE MORE'S OWN THEME SONG....Yo Ho Yo Ho....Yo Ho Yo Ho.......:))
No Q3 report today. As usual it will be last minute or late. They delay it on purpose to hide how horrible sales are. Classic Moore crime family technique. BK IMMINENT!
At least 400,000 shares DUMPED today. Hmmm....about the size of shares that hit the restricted a couple of weeks ago as another Matty boy "pay day loan" from ole Gabe. Let's see if the restricted drops down AGAIN to 129,562 shares after those em... LOL "restricted" shares are DUMPED at the BID--no matter what it is.
The share pps is DOWN 14.56% on this DUMPING. Wonder what those SUCKERS who bought at 0.09+ a day or two ago are thinking? about those that bought at 0.41 back in August?? Can't say they haven't been warned,and warned and warned about this POS PUMP and DUMP SCAM.
@INND CEO MM has truly F$&ked investors.
Yep...SERIAL DUMPER MATTY BOY has now dumped 2.7 MILLION shares in 2.5 months. That a pre-split equivalent of 6.76 BILLION SHARES in just ten weeks.
Shareholders were WIPED OUT,now he's going to wipe out the ultra gullible who have bought this CON JOB CRAP from 41 cents down to 9 cents.
Who is selling at these share price? These L prices?
Outstanding shares go up again! 8.2 million now!
Matty boy DUMPS over a HALF MILLION SHARES last week. In perspective that's 1.38 BILLION shares pre-split.
Total amount:
The Innerscope ATM paid that family around $42,000-45,000 last week from endless DUMPING OF SHARES. How much value are shareholders stock they held before that MASSIVE 1 for 2500 RS?? Their shares are virtually WORTHLESS.
Wake the HELL UP people,there is NO BUSINESS here other than DUMPING SHARES. And that's exactly why these CON ARTISTS pull MASSIVE reverse splits.
This CRAP STOCK is going right back down to 0.0001. BANK ON IT!!
200,000 SHARE DUMP which is a HALF BILLION SHARES pre-split. Hmmm....did any of you regular share holders own 200,000 shares AFTER the reverse split??
Can't wait to see the share structure next Monday.
I would need $22 a share to breakeven, $INND CEO MM screwed investors to the point of no returns.
This clown show doesn't know that it's nearly impossible for retail to short in the otc market.
Evidently that CLOWN CAR CEO never really did DD and research on what happens with the pps after a REVERSE SPLIT. He probably thought it would drop a few cents and he'd be DUMPING hundreds of millions of shares at say....0.35. 🤣 🤪
Nah...this POS CON JOB SHAM is now down 78.94% as of close yesterday and will continue to TANK because Matty will be DUMPING more and more shares at a lower and lower BID.
This SHAM is following the RS protocol to a T.
Haha love Matt's pink status pump didn't work out. What's your average at plat? We hit .06 and .07 yesterday late see if get to .05 by end of the week! Morning better than forcing Matt to dilute his shares super cheap. (Insert evil laugh).
all these clowns do is short innd ..they been doing it for years ...they will be here 4ever ...they are so excited making their $265.00
All former em.."stakeholders" have been screwed and destroyed by this huckster. There is no coming back from a MASSIVE 1 for 2500 RS for shareholders. Hell...BAGHOLDER BOY would need a minimum of $4.00 per share just to break even...probably much more in reality.
Destroying shareholders is one of the main reasons for a RS,run em off and then try and SUCKER a new group of penny marks with regurgitated BS PR. The other reason was once again proven today....MASSIVE DUMPING of this POS CON JOB with Matty boy's brand new 15 BILLION SHARES to DUMP.
Once again...NO CEO pulls a massive RS just for $hits and giggles. They pull them to get a low OS,DUMP EVERY LAST SHARE and to hell with former shareholders.
Rinse and repeat
Rinse and repeat
Wouldn't it be wise for anyone still holding this trash to simply sell off? Just take what little they can get while screwing MIA Matty at the same time. How much more does this heap need to drop before people realize it's never coming back? Take the loss. Write it off when you file your tax returns. I believe the write off can be spread out over 3 years (if I remember correctly). Reward yourself while putting the screws to the Moores. If those few shareholders all dump, Matty won't have much value in cash left to pull when he dilutes.
At .08 that dump so far would = $22,880. After splitting with gutter notes "R" us, that would be about $12,000. Not a bad take for doing nothing before 1:00.
0.06 BID RIGHT NOW....gosh,wonder why??
MASSIVE 240,000 SHARE DUMP. Add up so far today and that PUNK has DUMPED close to 286,000 SHARES...that equals 715 MILLION PRE-REVERSE SPLIT...and it's only NOON.
Don't forget about the two "shit kids"
It's about time for Matty boy to roll out of bed and start DUMPING. Watch for those 10/15/20k DUMPS. All those smaller trades are just his REVERSE SPLIT victims trying to get the HELL OUT of this FRAUD.
A Google search "Walmart Hearing Assist hearing aid" or ANY variation thereof reveals - that WALMART IS "BOOTING" aka KICKING TO THE F-CKING CURB thee VERY LAST HEARING ASSIST SHIT CAN CHINA INC "Me nO cAn HeAr yU" scam-0-matic NO-CAN-HEAR "hearing aid" shit heap sold to suckers dumb enough to buy them at Wally World !!!
ONE UNIT LEFT LMFAO !!! ONE....yes....ONE LEFT and it's on FINAL SALE marked-down OVER 50% OFF.......LOL !!!
Bingo !!
These lying scammers haven't been arrested yet??
And this is some low hanging fruit too.
Case Number Case Name Filing Date Case Type Category Next Event Previous Event Status
S-CV-0052484 Labor Commissioner's Office vs. Innerscope Hearing Technologies 03/07/2024 Civil-Roseville Enforcement of Judgment (20) Closed
Judgment: Clerk Other 03/07/2024
S-CV-0051790 Localiq Indy Star vs. Innerscope Hearing Technologies, Inc. 12/08/2023 Civil-Roseville Contract: Collections (09) 11/04/2024 1:00 PM Default Hearing in Department 40 07/15/2024 2:05 PM Case Management Conference in Department 6 Open
THEY LOSE THIS ONE TODAY - it's over $119K in damages.....that's gonna bury this POS to final BK w/ that one alone !!
S-CV-0051784 Indianapolis Star vs. Innerscope Hearing Technologies Inc 12/07/2023 Civil-Roseville Contract: Collections (09) 02/10/2025 3:30 PM Order to Show Cause in Department 40 10/07/2024 3:30 PM Order to Show Cause in Department 40 Open
M-CV-0084231 Air Sea Container Line Inc. vs. Innerscope Hearing Technologies Inc. 06/16/2023 Civil: Limited-Roseville Contract: Collections (09) 11/18/2024 3:00 PM Case Management Conference in Department 40 08/19/2024 3:00 PM Case Management Conference in Department 6 Open
Matty boy DUMPS 612,651 SHARES last week. Yeah...the beat goes on with this POS SCAM. He DUMPED some of them into the restricted for another quicky pay day loan. 🤣 No doubt like last week those shares just like the last batch will be in the Unrestricted shares by next week.
Giving Gabe some shares of this FRAUD for some fast money most likely.
Let's review...since the MASSIVE 1 for 2500 REVERSE SPLIT in late August Matty boy has now DUMPED 2,152,650 Shares in a mere two months. That equals 5.38 BILLION SHARES pre-split. 👀 💀
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Moderators Midwestrader |
Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) : INND is positioning to compete within the new emerging “Hearables” and “Wearables” in the “Personal Sound Amplification Products” (PSAP’s) and the Over-the-Counter (OTC) hearing aid market created by the result of a recently passed Congressional legislation H.R.1652 – Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act of 2017 (OTC). The Hearing Aid Act of 2017 allows the purchase of hearing aids and related products without seeking a medical professional.
APP Development Division: INND APPs on the iOS and Android markets will be dedicated to the hearing impaired population around the world which is currently estimated at 360 million people by the World Health Organization. Also considering the current untapped market of more than 30 million hearing impaired in the US alone, INND APPs will be developed not only for the audiology and hearing aid retail practices to better communicate with their patients through cloud-based teleaudioloygy within INND’s customer base but also used by consumers with INND’s Direct-To-Consumer APPs for the millions of world-wide hearing-impaired consumers to have a better hearing and listening experience.
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