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I don't know if the "current" investors in this turd are aware, but this ticker's previous owner has not gone away. John Bush still lays claim to the company and (I believe) he is still a shareholder.
Here is his website and a clip from that page. Good luck! I've been a shareholder since 2007 and I know John personally. I don't expect to ever see any return on our investment.
Financial Structure
Wyoming Corporation
Authorized shares: unlimited
Estimated Outstanding: 200,000,000
Estimated Shareholders: 1600
Infinite remains on hold pending final resolution of the Nevada Corporation.
Why do you need to reverse split every stock?
News came out on March 3rd. I'm waiting for a Pacific stock to send me back some emails about what's really going on. It looks like stockholders of record February 24th 2022. Qualify.
I'm just telling you what is on OTC
It takes a couple of days for the stock symbol to change, especially on eTrade and platforms like that. It will change to a number and then change to the new stock symbol if they do that.
I'm just telling you what is on OTC
It takes a couple of days for the stock symbol to change, especially on eTrade and platforms like that. It will change to a number and then change to the new stock symbol if they do that.
I'm just telling you what is on OTC
It takes a couple of days for the stock symbol to change, especially on eTrade and platforms like that. It will change to a number and then change to the new stock symbol if they do that.
Here is a link to Pacific stock. They have a F.A.Q.
That will tell you how to turn your paper secured or unsecured stock into the new stock symbol when it comes out. It's 100 to 1, so that means it would have to open at $1.40 to equal what it is worth now,hope for the best,
Today is March 4th, 2022
OTC news
Reverse split 100 to 1
Starting March 3rd 2022, new name going to have a new stock symbol I'm guessing
OTC news
Reverse split 100 to 1
Starting March 3rd 2022, new name going to have a new stock symbol I'm guessing
Notice of Material Event
Infinite Networks Corp. announces appointment of new Chief Executive Officer
Tokyo, Japan (September 30, 2021) – Infinite Networks Corp. (OTCPINK: INNX), having recently acquired an operating business based in Japan which sells products at retail and also exports high quality products
across the global markets, today announced the resignation of Mr. Chong TszKi as Chief Executive Officer, and the appointment of Mr. Yuji Shiraishi to fill the position. Mr. TszKi remains President,
Secretary/Treasurer, and a director. Mr. Shiraishi was concurrently appointed to the Company’s board of directors.
A copy of Mr. TszKi’s letter of resignation is attached hereto. Mr. TszKi did not resign as a result of any disagreement with the Company on any matter related to the Company’s operations, policies, or practices.
Mr. Shiraishi, 47, has been working in international business management for more than 18 years with a focus on the Japanese domestic retail sector. Having a successful tracking record in bringing companies
from startup to operational success, Mr. Shiraishi will be responsible for the Company’s business management and all corporate development matters. Mr. Shiraishi holds a Bachelor’s of Business administration from Emmanuel College, Gold Coast, Australia.
For further information:
Johnny H. Chan, CFO
Just doing my John Bush sweep to see what's up in his vision of INNX and yep, he still thinks he owns it. Read the page out of his current web page.
He also has INNX registered in Wyoming:
And Lazar knows it. GLTYA
So the question is what is the company in Japan. Who is trying to come over to the USA. If it does convert from 100 to 1. It would have to start at $2 a share for me to even make my money back. But the good news is that they stated, it was already established company, with revenue and expansion, already. For example,Shiko, a Japanese company that is in cosmetics, trades for 2400 yen, which is $21, in the Japanese Stock Exchange. 34 million US Dollor Market Cap. They would be great company if they came over. I guess the big question is what company is trying to come over, at least this is better than John Bushes, Promises of gold coins,
I got an email, unlike certain people that get emails and don't let everybody know what they say,MotionOffense78,
I will tell you what they say. This comes from somebody that was a consultant to the company oh, and I quote,
I can share that the target acquisition (the financial data for which is currently being converted to US GAAP) is an operating business with a solid prior operating history of revenue and expansion.
Once the Company concludes this transaction all data will be posted to the OTCMarkets site in due course along with further expansion plans
I got an email, unlike certain people that get emails and don't let everybody know what they say,MotionOffense78,
I will tell you what they say. This comes from somebody that was a consultant to the company oh, and I quote,
I can share that the target acquisition (the financial data for which is currently being converted to US GAAP) is an operating business with a solid prior operating history of revenue and expansion.
Once the Company concludes this transaction all data will be posted to the OTCMarkets site in due course along with further expansion plans
MotionOffense78 sure has alot to say over the years,, but now, Nothing????i am still hoping for positive outcome,,,
1.2 million shares, traded today... someone bought almost 1 million at once,,, interesting..
And now about to go negative on the day - SMH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Huge volume also.
motionoffense what do you think? i am just guessing,this will take along time,,, wake me when it is done at $22..
You never know how things are gonna work out in the otc. I have done very well on some RSes in the past especially the ones that are 1:100 or less. And some of them worked out terrible. Usually the bigger RSes are the ones that hurt.
That is what Lazar is getting a reputation for from what I've heard. It might be hyperbole to say all of them do. But I don't see INNX ending well for current shareholders.
Why would they go public but own 95% of the OS? They are going to be diluting. The 150,000 float will probably end up 1M or more with a commensurate drop in the price. But if the merging company is profitable then it would be a case of short term pain, long term gain.
It just sucks since if the price is going to be lower than what you bought in at after holding for months, there was no benefit.
What you are saying is not entirely accurate. Have been in several Lazar plays. They all dont do RS and some of the ones that did were fine afterward. Could go either way here 1:100 isnt the end of the world. All depends on what is coming in.
Company is not JBs anymore he needs to worry about his other stock QNXC he dropped the ball on this one a long time ago.
"Infinite remains on hold pending final resolution of the Nevada Corporation."
so if you have 100,000 shares now will be 1000, very small amount of public traded shares now,,,, other company like this range from $3 to $69, is what i found.. how long it will take to get going ??? who knows but i have been waiting now for 15 years so what he heck,,,,,,,,
Japan Beauty and Health Medical Group Inc is the new name, ON JANUARY 11, They decided to do reverse split,, so your shares on that day should be affected, you would think,,, I read this different then you, but i could be wrong. makes there shares,around 7,500,000, and converts our shares on january 11 ,,,MAYBE ??????? BUT there our other companys like this that do billikons of revenue,,, and Rich Lucky is a investment company,,, if you hold paper stock your OUT OF LUCK, TRYING TO GET NEW SHARES,,, MAYBE, MAYBE NOT..
There's always a reverse split with Lazar plays. Even when it doesn't make sense. 650M shares with only 15M held by outsiders. Yet they're going to do a 100:1 RS. So there will only be 6.5M shares and 150,000 float. Stock will be illiquid until they dilute. I mean it completely decimates the current shareholders.
The attorney is Sharon Mitchell??????????
have no clue what this means for us... why didnt we get a 30 to 1..and does this mean we are screwed/??????just have no idea...yes i am clueless
It was filed with the SEC as well. Take a look.
Received an email from SilverFlume last night.
I think JB is nuts. He needs to do something with QNXC and forget about this one he dropped the ball here he needs to move on.
You still think the old owner has moved on?
He still lists INNX on his website:
And the bottom line on that page: Infinite remains on hold pending final resolution of the Nevada Corporation.
For the sake of current shareholders, I hope the SEC finds no validity in his claims against Lazar and the Nevada courts.
Yes, looking forward to the company’s next move.
Interesting theory, but simply not the case. I’m still watching and waiting. I expect a name/ticker change in the near future. Not a rs threat, no dilution. It’s still a pristine 13 million float. The pps drop is impatient selling. Now is the time to buy ahead of potential catalysts. Best of luck.
i have figured out how Lazar Players make money. they buy the stock when it first comes out,, like innx .014cents.. then wait a few months and start spreading rumors about some Chinese firm as co-owners, and get another alias name to back you up...then other Dum Dums, buy it at .06 to .07, 500000 shares,,,,profit 400 to 500 percent, this just happened,, You should be Ashamed of Yourself,,,,Lol,,
nice thanks for the update
We need somebody to find out.
I don't think he has anything.