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Hey Man, The latest play is already sunk. Along with lots of cash from those on this board. I have absolutely no way of sinking these picks....None. The frontloaders and those involved in this scam already did that.
All I am saying is HLNT is NOT a fld. It is impossible for it to be a FLD. Those whom bought in based on GrandBob's suggestions of this being a FLD....Should really not be down that much on the HLNT pick. It spiked up for a bit to allow the scammers to sell into this boards buys. Plain and simple.
LOL.. he's old and he has a weak mind, he can't take all this heat but he can sure take the money. =) LOL
HLNT....Seriously? The other great big GrandBob FLD pick? That is at the same PPS as when it was announced?
I have said this over and over(they get deleted). If you were to select a FLD pick, one of the last tickers you would EVER select is HLNT.
Perhaps a good company, but, too too too too much of a float.
I recomend to all, To Never Ever do as this boards Mods suggest picks wise.
Proof is there for you to read.
Point fingers and laugh at him that he wasn't man enough to stick around during the rough part..
out of curiosity what will all of you do if pps gets to .1 and he was right after all?
Anytime a poster has a disclaimer you should be very wary of their intentions. If they all seem to travel around together like a pack of wolves always excited about the same stocks be very very wary.
I'm not one to change my ways and then try to convince everyone around me to join me.. lol And yes, that movie is one of my favorites!
lol If I didn't know better I would think your were trying to recruit me to your new dark team thinking j/k
P.S. loved that movie
LOL, Just watch the Devil's Advocate.. Al Pacino's speech sums it up perfectly. You know he's the Devil, but damn, he sure made himself sound like the good
I know there are peeps out there that will take advantage, and I hope to GOD they know what's coming
Because nature causes us to believe good in others until proven wrong
I so believed in that Chapter BUT reality was an eye opener
When GB gets out of hibernation this stock will be at 0.0001
(cracking open the psych book): Eh hem..
Chapter 2: You think others will help you to make it easy..
I dunno, just trying to lighten the situation..
That's like saying bad is good.......hmmmmmmmmmmm well maybe OH HUSH HAWKS!!! lol
That is so true, why oh why do I keep believing fools?
True evil appears to be good.. lol
You know what, if greed is your world, I feel bad for you.
They bought the stock.. Nothing I say will control the price.. After all, they did buy the stock thinking it was going higher. So something in their dd must have said, this is a bargain deal and the PPS will go up because the company is great right?
Or would you like us all to pump the stock to just shift the rights of holding the bag to others?
Are you tripping to the dark side on me Hawks <eye brows raised> lol
I think your more than 80% honest Hawk so don't try to pull my leg again. See me I don't post my picks much so no one buys them so I try to not leave bagholders. But down here someones always gonna be a bagholder
I agree Bollocksbeebob. If you really care about us (the sheep who were lead to slaughter) then shut up please. As for the actual company, i think it's worth holding on to even with the people who are trying to thwart this play.
Well, hopefully they didn't throw all there money at it and truly got f'd.. Hopefully, it just gave them a good sting and a valuable lesson. Trust or not, if they risked enough to bite them hard, that's on them.
As to the BAGHOLDERS of PPBL, If you guys had any real concerns and hopes of them getting some of our money back, maybe you should think abbout quitting with your continueous barage of $hit that you keep putting out on this board. How in the hell do you expect anyone to inprove on their losses. You think its the SEC thats the key to this. If this has any chance of making a recovery why not talk about the actual company and if it has any legitimate potential rather than continue with what this person did or so and so has. I think for those holding this they can do without those concerns. Do you guys really care about your innocent fellow investor? I have my doubts
Let me just say that if you are trying to save me from GB, then f*ck you all. And if he got caught up in someone's play who is less than ethical, then that is the lesson he will learn.
But I don't understand anyone's motive (if you don't own shares in this play) to keep up the barage of negativity.
Be an adult and move on. For f*cksake, just move on!!!
Greed trumps all traits. It doesn't matter if the person is trustworthy, Greed will always come out on top.
Yes, it is heartbreaking for the peeps that got f'd
Trust me I know.. GB did come off as a "trustworthy" and decent fellow.. Which is why I always watched the board and popped in from time to time.. It's one thing to assume every one is a thief and see it happen, but when you think you find an honest individual and it turns out like this. It's disappointing, one could even say heartbreaking..
Anyone Here in on TYTN, also any thoughts on NWTT?
You know how I Have I created bagholders.. I'm sure of it.. Purposely? No.. I try to be as honest as I can, you know that. I rate myself at 80% honesty. Afterall, it is the penny market.. If I was 100% honest I would never make money..LOL
I know, I feel the same way. It just, well never mind.
I really meant it jokingly. Personally, I don't trust anyone here. As one person best stated it, I don't care if God himself says he's buying shares, I'm doing my own DD.
That almost makes sense BUT No!!! lol
That would be great, but is that just what happened to grandbob? I don't know, I would have to have commo on the phone with peeps to do something like that. It would take months to coordinate and most of all it would take trust, which has been damaged right now
No, but two wrongs may get your money back.. LOL And really, is it really wrong? I mean, after all, a valuable lesson is priceless and the knowledge is never lost.. I would justify under passing on a lesson learned..
bah humbug..........going to R2R now and see if I can't stir them up lol
Well, i meant if you waited till it was moving..
hmmmmmmmmmmm cause two wrongs don't make a right?
lol I thought you were implying I buy your shares that you have in Que and I'm only going to buy .0001 so that's where your sell order has to be if you want me to buy them silly
Whatever!!! what is your evidence? And what are you're motives? to save us from grandbob? It may have been misplayed but why do you keep posting on about this?
All the bagholders should just team up, create a board, and then set up a megapick..