Vancouver, B.C., September 15, 2009, Formation Capital Corporation (FCO-TSX), has been informed by its wholly owned subsidiary, Formation Capital Corporation, U.S. ("the Company") that the Seventh District Court of the State of Idaho received a report from the Commissioners (see September 09, 2008 Company News Release) and issued a formal Notice of Report of Commissioners and Award. This Notice, followed by the tender of the award, gives the Company the Right of Way to proceed with access across the historic Blackbird Mine Site for the purpose of mining cobalt from its 100% owned Idaho Cobalt Project, in accordance with State of Idaho Statute 47-902, Rights of Way and Easements for Development of Mines. The Blackbird Mine Site is indirectly owned by Swiss based Xstrata PLC through its subsidiaries Noranda Mining Inc. and the Blackbird Mining Company.