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The Preferred Shares Pay For Themselves.
The exit from conservatorship satisfies all Preferred shareholders claims.
The market will make the preferred shareholders whole again.
Hence; The Preferred shareholders are not a problem for the common’s.
Very few people understand the Derivative Market Meltdown of 2008.
JPM/BoA needs to make F&F, Lehman’s, WaMu ABS WHOLE AGAIN.
Derivatives are insurance policies that cover losses.
Sixteen years of peeps coming in here with new aliases pushing preferreds by bashing commons. Just like the .05 guy, the $3.50 wall guy, the .43 before .83 guy, I’ll buy when it falls to $4.19 guy and my favorite commons will never get closer than 4 to 1 on preferred’s . Yet, here we are commons less than two to one against preferred’s and $7.04 away from .05!
People like you need to back their stuff up and not just throw out erroneous statements with no facts behind them! GLTA!!!!!
Sounds like Bratforth before
he got converted
You provide no GSE DD except your opinion.
Is that how a person with 30 years whatever experience presents stats.
30 years plus of bs detection.
Just 30yrs of top institutional experience. Ignore me. You're probably right and know better.
Your alias isn’t even a month old and you’re already trolling! We’ve seen peeps like you numerous times over the years posting BS! Go back to the basement with your nonsense!
Or alternatively 75% chance JPS are 3x from here and common below $2. I think that's far far more likely than JPS a double and common even 3x from here.
Won't Matter When The Buyin"
Frenzy Stampede Gets Here
Won't Matter When The
HawkEyes of The World get Here
There has been such silence I’m not sure he is taking the position.
Check whale balls on NYCB board, a complete fool!
There's good probabilty William Pulte confirmation will be completed by mid-March.
So, what's the view that FnF will flip to the NYSE boards before DJT2.0 100 days ?
Rick, have do we know it's more than ONE ? HeHe
Maybe we should start calling Rick Captain Ahab.
I will take his word for it. Sounds like something you could buy at Costco in the Seafood department. But I will pass.
Where could Rick weigh them? We have truck scales about a mile from my place. Willing to drive Rick there.
Each or total?
Watcha talkin bout Willis?
Until confirmation, he has to remain silent.
Folks like Znadi are lawless for advocating perpetual conservatorship.
Taking private properties FnF in perpetual conservatorship is violation of law. Folks like Znadi are lawless for advocating perpetual conservatorship. 💤
Commons will gain at least 2000% on exit of Conservatorship. Old buddy Tim Pags still trying to find buyers for the illiquid preferred who have MAXIMUM 100% upside lol
Mortgage rates will drop with the end of conservatorship.
look up FNMA history
$20 bucks in a couple months
really the Treasury Secretary can make the key first move alone
look up FNMA history
an agency (like FDIC) to provide liquidity to the mortgage market 1938 ...... and thus came the 30 year mortgage given the GOV involvement in resale as Mortgage Backed Securities
GOV agency for 30 years - doing its job
Then sold by Federal GOV to private owners to raise money (to fund growing involvement in Vietnam). Sold as private but unique Chartered GSEs - Government Sponsored Enterprises. Then the evolution of confusion as mixed goals evolved. They were to make money for equity holders and be solid dividend payers but foremost provide a safe and consistent flow of cash for mortgages as the underpinning of the housing market cash flow.
This history and evolution is the reason there was confusion as to GOV guarantee or not - and the "implicit guarantee" that Paulson took advantage of
$Boooooom ! Listen - it's up to the Treasury Sec & FHFA Director !
Calabria says rates would go DOWN not UP if they END the Conservatorship !
Feb 15, 2025 #CNBC
And let's not forget about
Occam's Razor - The Simplest
Approach is Always The Best,
and i'm pretty sure Pres. Trump
would agree
Fannie Mae - All The Way
Freddie Mac - Load Up and Don't Look Back
Fair to say that, as others here have said,
Fannie COULD be looking at $12.50 - it would not be unreasonable
since Fannie has shown she can double in a matter of days...HOLD HOLD HOLD
Yeah, I think that he was JOakey’s cousin. 😂
Yes, but it is nice to be in ahead of the greedy billionaires 😂
Too much retail is risky too. We have to leave enough for the greedy billionaires :)
Quaker Oats anyone remember the fella that posted quite frequently who claims to have sold all his shares last week and would by back in when FNMA drops back to $5.
I wish I could repost it. I sense he is still posting here, perhaps he bought back in at much higher pps. Fella's portfolio is 50 shares FNMA.
Make up a bio and post it here to help ya get over a failed life. Positive steps my GSE Family. To Da Moon