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Truth! Not one of those cowards ever put up their shares because like I’ve said for years, they have none. FUDs with no money and no shares negging the stock made me buy. Good job fellas. No posted shares because NONE XERO. NADA.
Thanks Real King for a wonderful message!!!
To the FUD patrol on this board........... you know who you are and so do $ELTP longs.
Put up or STHU~! Screen shot your "position" in Elite and show you have skin in this game.
The liquidity fairy has left the building and BANKS are scrambling for liquidity to cover unrealized and realized debts.
Hedge funds are currently dead as a door nail.
Make it up as you go and SPIN IT. As Pharma Sleuth has posted, you were assigned here for a reason and use the same old slop to attempt to keep $ELTP share price suppressed.
Don't think this ticker isn't shorted/naked shorted~? Think again. FINTEL and FINRA data is useless. MMs have found many ways around declaring it. See Overstock lawsuit for proof.
$ELTP is primed to RUN and RUN HARD~! They know it~! Trying hard to keep this horse locked up in the barn, but it wants to run and run hard like Thorpedo Anna and Ways and Means.
Keep up the circular FUD on Elite Pharmaceuticals.
REAL shareholders know the truth~!
$ELTP baby~!
Total nonsense. Spin it the way you want to spin it, eh~?
SquestOx was a political fiasco whose #1 benefactor was Purdue and the powerful Sackler family.
FDA bought and paid for~!
Up listing to NASDAQ has been a goal for years now, but one first needs the horses to get there, Needle movers, not just any generics. Adderall IR and ER has been one such drug package where shortages still persist. Naltrexone another such. Elite needs more and BIGGER hitters. NH knows this all too well.
Share price is purposely manipulated to it's present price just as it was when it was $0.02-$0.04. Total Bull 💩. Should be $0.30s to $0.40s minimal fair value.
Still not where it should be though. PE ratio of below 7~? Again nonsense.
How many YEARS has Elite been CFP~? Where is their balance sheet with respect to other pharmaceutical companies even in the upper tiers~? MUCH better......... and getting better each quarter without the needle movers impacting just yet~!
If not for Mikah, Elite would have been a pipe dream years ago dude~!
So where are the blatant LIES~! Post them verbatim~! Otherwise, any negative statements posted on this MB without definitive proof(s) are DEFAMATORY and are harmful to the Company.
$ELTP baby~!
Hi DNorwood, earnings are late June/early July.
Here's what we are working with. Sorry for the confusion
Ive been zeroed in since 2 cents
X 1. Cash Flow Positive Status - 5 years
X 2. Purchase building housing their cGMP registered facility for research, development, manufacturing and packaging of pharmaceutical products.
X 3. Adderall IR $335 Million Approved and Launched
X 4. Adderall XR $1.56 Billion Approved and Launched
X 5. Double digit quarterly revenues in millions
X 6. In house marketing and distribution: Kirko Kirkov, Doug Plassche and their teams
X 7. Prasco/Burel Adderall agreement starting January 1st 2024
X 8. First shipment Adderall XR to PRASCO Dec 2023
X 9. DEA increases manufacturing quotas for Adderall & Vyvance
X 10. Generic Vyvanse - $5.1 BILLION - FDA submission Dec 2023
X 11. FDA Acceptance of Generic OxyContin Sept 2023
__12. Dopamine Agonist (probably Requip XL or Mirapex ER). $12 Million
X 13. Vigabatrin Approval $233 Million
__14. Pyros Settle Vigabatrin -VigPoder trade mark challenge then Launch
__15. Generic Methotrexate Approval- Antimetabolite $42 Million
__16. $50 million in yearly revenues
X 17. Lease additional manufacturing space and storage vault for new Needle Mover ANDAs - Jan 2024
X 18. PE ratio below 8
__19. Generate revenues over $20 million/quarter
__20. Generic OxyContin Approval - FIRST TO FILE Aug 17, 2023 $720 Million
__21. Prevail over Purdue in Generic OxyContin infringement suit - 6 month stay
__22. Legislation to make manufacturing generic drugs more profitable
__23. European distribution - Dexcel partnership approval by Israeli Health
__24. Full ownership of Adderall IR $ 335 Million
__25. Full ownership of Adderall XR $ 1.56 Billion
__26. Generic Concerta- $1.2 BILLION FDA submission
__27. $100 million in yearly revenue
__28. Generic Vyvanse Approval and Launch
__29. $200 million in yearly revenue
__30. Deep pocket partner for SequestOx
__31. Patented Unique ADF (w/o naltrexone)-- NDA
__32. Mikah ANDA (s)
__33. Undisclosed ANDAs/NDAs
__34. DollarLand PPS
__35. Uplist to the NASDAQ Exchange
__36. ELTP Elite Pharmaceutical Buyout - less than 2 1/2 years from Feb 2024
__37. Vegas Baby !!!!!!!
When penny stock shareholders, usually the bottom of the barrel, say things like "we know what we have", what is it exactly that they know?
Regarding Elite:
Ive seen earnings surprises in both directions
Ive seen something like Sequest a virtual guarantee for FDA approval. Who can ever forget the following:
The evidence is clear and decisive, born of past practice by the FDA, Elite will receive approval for SequestOx on or before July 14th (three days hence) AND WITH THE ALL-IMPORTANT ADF LABEL.
THX for the info James
Someone just beat me to the punch. Congrats. CDEL and ETRF unsuccessful since we know what we have. My guess is that the Emperor has some new clothes.
FWIW, Naltrexone 50mg tablets in bulk packaging (30 count or 100 count) bottles are backordered at Cardinal. They do have unit dose by Precision Dose (Elite) available at about 4 times the price of the bulk packaged product. Adderall and Adderall XR generics are available from several manufacturers. It appears to me the Adderall shortage is just about over. Vyvanse generic is still completely unavailable from any manufacturer. My info is only for the Cardinal Distribution center the company I work for uses. AmerisourceBergen, McKesson, and others may have different inventory levels on these products.
I am sure yours is bigger
When’s earning. I love New Jersey. Cheers. Going long since 2010
I showed my shares. You haven’t shown yours. So you put up or shut up. Unless you did post them and I didn’t see because you are blocked…
You are asking a lot.
lol. Didn’t take long, did it?
In prior life I used CDARS strategy to spread out excess corp cash while insuring in FDIC increments. It’s what larger companies do. That would be a good problem to have.
HyperSeeker96 is working on it, Board 🤡 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Jimmy No answer lol figured
Show your math.
Mikah will not pay more than $0.50 per share ..............
Probably less than $0.25 per share,
Ok. So obviously you are struggling with the language. Let me explain it to you.
You obviously don't know why you are on the board. What you post is just word salad that doesn't make sense. However why are you here?
See while your job is sad and it's the best you can do, I would think you would still be curious as to why you are required to be here.
There's really only two reasons. Your boss is short or your boss is part of a group that is helping someone acquire the company.
Now both can be true actually with the end game of still acquiring the company.
Since the company has minimal debt. Their mortgage and cash flow loans as accounts receivables catch up is basically it.
So it's a prime takeover target which is going to happen at some.point.
So that's why you are here?
Offers start @ $2.50
With all the needle movers launched $500 million revenues
I will take $5 and run.
.5 times
Half a lie ?
What happened Can’t answer to the lies I figured as much Go back to pharma slut fir more advice lol
lol you are pathetic Same old line m
I would start with an English as a second language class. And just like that scammers show, you can say anything but it's all nonsense.
Some will believe a lie if you make it sound specific or off the norm but it's just a lie.
So why do you think you were assigned here? Best guess?
I gave you a chance to put your money where your mouth is But of course you didn’t because you know you are full of bs Give me dollar a share for every share I have owned and still own for 10 years If I don’t provide the info I will give you a quarter million dollars I can easily prove my truth You cant
I gave you a chance to put your money where your mouth is But of course you didn’t because you know you are full of bs Give me dollar a share for every share I have owned and still own for 10 years If I don’t provide the info I will give you a quarter million dollars I can easily prove my truth You cant
Ok here you go with the lies again just go back and listen to the cc 1 Sequest 2 dollar land in 1 year (that was 10 years ago)3 upllisting to the Nas 4 ,5,6, 7 Mikah is winding down and no longer exists work on those for a while
They are here to make a mockery of the board and drive as many shareholders away as possible ...................
The less shareholders, the better ........ When Mikah makes an offer for Elite !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"$10 share" LoL LoL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HGilS is hoping for $0.31 ... much more realistic ...............................
That is a defamatory statement you should be able to back up.
the fact that the CEO has lied to all of us at least .5 times over the years and yet that diesnt trouble you at all
You sound just like the scammers on that YouTube show I have been talking about. You are busted and you know that we know.
We all know you don't know why you are required to post nonsense and the made up contrarian posts that don't even make sense.
Also you seem rattled. You want me to stop but it's the most interesting part of the stock until the next news or financials. The company's revenues are only going up. Earnings are only going up YOY.
Your boss knows this. You don't care because your job is to just post something, anything contrarian. For 10 years. Lol
I think it's way more interesting that someone has to come to a stock message board for 10 years to make up contrarian posts that they have no idea about.
Your sole and only purpose is to annoy and discourage people yet knowing nothing about the company
See You can put out an intelligent post Proud of you Keep it up Loose the why are you here stupid posts
See, you need me to respond with some sort of post about Elite so you can make some sort of contrarian troll post and it won't matter if you even understand the words in the post. That's all been proven over time.
And it's so you can get compensated. Anyone can do that.
You need me to help you. Lol .
Elites just fine. Just basic math. PE, earnings, revenue, products, double manufacturing space when you are only 1/3 full. Most of the drugs are in shortage Including the ones pending FDA.
Once again just proved my point You are a one trick pony Why are you here lol That’s all you got
They really don't know why. Their incompetence is actually a huge clue. They just take stuff from posts and try to make a contrarian post. But they have no idea what they are saying half the time. Even after 10 years.
I am starting to think you don't know why you are here either. One, because you aren't very good at this and two because you have to use the other paid trolls. Maybe you get compensated more?
What is your best guess as to why you were assigned to this board?
So he's lied half of one time according to you? Again, just taking info from posts to make your post so you can get paid. You gave it away that you have no idea why you are here. But you must have a guess?
Hear? You mean "here" English can be complicated. See you are just an overseas troll. But 10 years is a long time. That's a lifetime commitment practically. Yet you know almost nothing about the company except to be a contrarian to people's posts.
So this tells us that you have no actual interest in the company and you also have no idea why you are here. Also that you must be compensated poorly, at.least to American standards because if you were paid more you would probably know more.
So what's your best guess as to why you have been assigned here for 10 years?
It does trouble them ..........................
They just will not admit that they have hitched their wagon to a self-serving horse,
Well, the CEO suck-ups could not keep Elite from falling into the $0.12's again ............................
But hey, what if Elite gets 0.003% of the $100 Trillion Market,
LoL LoL,
It looks like if the dummy listened to you
Ok I’ll give you an easy softball question to answer Nothing sarcastic just an honest answer Why do not find the fact that the CEO has lied to all of us at least .5 times over the years and yet that diesnt trouble you at all
Wasn’t addressing you I already know you don’t have the ability to answer an intelligent question As you and she/he never do Your only answer is Why are you hear You notice over the years Hoagland never came up until she/he came along Now all you dollar land CEO suck ups use it all the time lol Get Some original thoughts
If it hits $10 share, I’m gonna need another house just to hold the cash. Banks don’t insure that amount of money.
.001?!?! .001!!!!!??????!!!!
You goats are an absolute embarrassment. I’m disgusted. I have shares to buy and you can’t move this thing more than a tenth of a cent? I want answers. Be at Cave #107 at 6am sharp tomorrow. Results better start happening soon here or I’m gonna cancel the shipments of hair removal lip cream. Drop the price like you’ve bragged that you can or you’ll be smooching stubble by this weekend.
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Moderators Dr Speculator Ninja mrwrn2010 NASDAQ2020 namtae |
Senior Moderator: IB_
Posted: 7/02/2024
Elite Pharmaceuticals, Inc. |
Website | Location | Employees | Facility | CEO | | Northvale, New Jersey | 64 | 85,000 sq ft | Nasrat Hakim |
Products & Pipeline | ||||
Drug | Market Size | Status | Competitors | Marketed By |
Adderall IR | 389.8 M | On Market | 15 | Elite, Dexcel |
Adderall XR | 1.56 B | On Market | 10 | Elite, Prasco |
Dantrolene | 6.3 M | On Market | 2 | Elite |
Isradipine | 5.5 M | On Market | 1 | Elite |
Loxapine | 5 M | On Market | 2 | Elite |
Phendimetrazine | 4.5 M | On Market | 4 | Elite |
Trimipramine | 2 M | On Market | 1 | Elite |
Naltrexone | 16 M | On Market | 5 | Precision Dose |
Phentermine Capsules | 7.5 M | On Market | 6 | Precision Dose |
Phentermine Tablets | 40 M | On Market | 8 | Precision Dose |
Vigabatrin | 233.7 M | On Market | 13 | Pyros |
Doxycycline | 85 M | Approved (Discontinued) | 9 | ---------- |
Tylenol with Codeine | 47 M | On Market | 5 | Elite |
Dopamine Agonist | 12 M | Filed with FDA - Dec 22, 2022 | ---------- | ---------- |
Methotrexate | 63.4M | On Market | 8 | Elite |
Percocet | 500 M | Approved in Launch Queue | 14 | ---------- |
Norco | 300 M | On Market | 12 | Elite |
Methadone | 30 M | Approved in Launch Queue | 8 | ---------- |
OxyContin | 720 M | Filed with FDA - Aug 17, 2023 | 4 | ---------- |
Vyvanse | $4.30 B | On Market | 13 | Elite |
Concerta | 1.16 B | BE Studies | 8 | ---------- |
Financials | ||||
Fiscal Year | Revenue | Change | Net Income | Change |
2019 | 7,568,508 | ---------- | (9,279,321) | ---------- |
2020 | 17,994,639 | +137.76% | (2,240,351) | +75.86% |
2021 | 25,380,749 | +41.05% | 5,088,421 | +327.13% |
2022 | 32,262,117 | +27.11% | 8,898,245 | +74.87% |
2023 | 34,155,114 | +5.87% | 3,561,846 | -59.97% |
2024 | 56,625,128 | +65.79% | 20,108,631 | +464.56% |
2025 Q-1 | 18,803,000 | +109.39% | 3,864,056 | +144.00% |
2025 Q-2 | 18,880,000 | +33.00% | 3,500,000 | +84.00% |
2025 Q-3 | 14,400,000* | -8.00% | 1,100,000 | -69.00% |
Volume | |
Day Range: | |
Bid Price | |
Ask Price | |
Last Trade Time: |