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There not going to drop the Tweed name. They spent so much time and money building this brand. Tweed marijuana inc (TMI) will be the holding company for Bedrocan and Tweed.
They said TWEED will announce a name change for the Company when the merger takes effect.
I believe it will be named Bedrocan because TWEED needs the Netherlands expertise in producing and the many distribution channels for Medical Marijuana.
We [TWMJF]do not want the Bedrocan BV Mother Company to veto this merger.
After all, Bedrocan BV sells WEED to 7 different Countries and probably will add more!
I am totally surprised this is not considered a Friendly merger initiated by Bedrocan from the Netherlands.
I am out of Posts for Today[I own shares in both Companies].
The great News Today has made me very active.
Good Luck to all in Your Investments
Bedrocan IHUB Board for U.S. Buyers:
Both Boards are great!
Did You know that Bedrocan has another IHUB Board and Stark is the moderator.
I will try to get the link for You when He sends me another message.
Marijuana mergers[Take-overs] in Canada are going to go Viral Now!
bet the bed sellers in the 70s are kickjn themselves and we still have room to run------gl---------tmonkey
BED's weakness is lack of branding. Tweed's forte is branding. I own both, and I'm happy with where this is going.
right-bed should trade higher----------
I understand jesus. That doesn't mean that "tweed up big, but bed not following" just means bed can go up even more....
do the math-----bed should be at .88
Right but the statement wasn't really making sense, as tweed wasn't up big, bed was. I understand that it may not be full market price just yet but it's up more....
Read terms of deal, based on twds current price, terms of deal value bed at 88-89. Read terms of deal
What do you mean? Bed up 22% tweed up 6%? How is tweed up big but bed not following?
Yep, no worries it will catch up. No brainer buy bed.....or buy twd.....cant lose either way imo
twd up big on news and bed not following suit-doesnt make sense!!--just bt more bed and now am tapped out-------------tmonkey
Deal makes complete sense. BEDs weakness was a very poor website. Tweed will fix that instantly. Great scale and distribution
Buy bed here. Based on terms of deal and TWD price, BED should be at .85 here, not .78!
When will these shares be converted to tweed and when will BED stop trading?
when i think this out i think we have had a manipulated low sp the last few weeks so they could get us on the cheap----we are worth more than the .83 cents!!-but done is done--------go tweed---over and out----------tmonkey
wow!!---should trade in the 80s pronto and still too low-personally i think twd got a good deal here but out of any other fusion this is the way to go--what a powerhouse this will be---all the others will be left in the dust imo-congrats to the few that speculated this would happen-----tmonkey
Tweed to acquire Bedrocan Canada
Bedroncan's Product is ground up stems and branch, this is horrible, this is NOT MEDICAL CANNABIS!!!
Extracts are legal BUT LP's can't produce or sell them, so if you are a Medical Cannabis Patient, and you want to try oils, hash etc there is only one way of buying them and that is you have to get a Compassion Club/Dispensary membership, Health Canada continues it's prohibition on Cannabis and this will cost LP's many Patients. Medical Cannabis in Canada is leaving the MMPR and all LP's in the
dust, you all are going too lose your money!!!!
Patients need to know, YOU CAN'T BUY EXTRACTS THROUGH THE LP'S!!
Bedroncan's Product is ground up stems and branch, this is horrible, this is NOT MEDICAL CANNABIS!!!
Extracts are legal BUT LP's can't produce or sell them, so if you are a Medical Cannabis Patient, and you want to try oils, hash etc there is only one way of buying them and that is you have to get a Compassion Club/Dispensary membership, Health Canada continues it's prohibition on Cannabis and this will cost LP's many Patients. Medical Cannabis in Canada is leaving the MMPR and all LP's in the
dust, you all are going too lose your money!!!!
Patients need to know, YOU CAN'T BUY EXTRACTS THROUGH THE LP'S!!
3rd and 4th domestic harvest today.
lets stay in the 70s as a real low price-----we should be much higher when the herd finds us----------tmonkey
finally a good day here and more to come -a volume pick up here will have people chasing a fast run up as there Arent alot of sellers--congrats to buyers of the dip-----it was a great time to load-i loaded in the 70s which i felt were real cheap-in time people will realize this is the one to own and lighten up on the others to get in --that is what i did until this is my only holding in the sector now---tmonkey
yea---the Dutch masters bekind this know nothing about buds after selling thruout europe way before you could say ihub---stick w your nr 1 play-----twd----post your tomato plant Photos over there and you will get more action-----------tmonkey
What the Heck is this??? There is no BUDs on those plants, you have harvested in Veg? What are you people doing??? this is beyond stress, There is no medicine on them, those plants are useless, sorry you people have no clue how to grow Medical Cannabis!!!!
This is what plants look like at Harvest!!
This Crap will sell with anyone that know anything about medical cannabis!!!
agree---this is the best of em all-imo--im all in at higher prices and Deep in the red but ill retire on this one in the end game-----tmonkey
This ones gonna be worth it IMO at current price. Their European pedigree differentiates them. More experience available to them.
Wow this thing is really nose diving. If it gets under .40 cents US I will be doubling down
I love BED as much as TWEED.. These two will grow into giants.. Just a matter of time my friends
I honestly love what is happening.... I will keep adding as it goes down! I know bed is a serious company that is STARTING.. Not worried a bit....
Bedrocan sinking like a stone. Can't run a marijuana business.But at least they know how to get on to a committee.
this is a golden chance for anyone to get all in at higher prices and loose no sleep over this gem!!.........tmonkey
Bedrocan Cannabis gets price target raise at M Partners First domestic harvest today, right on schedule. 144 perfect plants. Big milestone reflecting a lot of work. $BED.V
Pretty disappointing quarter. Hope now that they have there facility up and running they can pull in more revenue.
Bedrocan Announces Q4 and Fiscal 2015 Year-End Results
that was a train woot woot.... i didnt want to toot toot... bad manners...
Is the Canadian side moving or something? US is up .81%, less than 1/2 penny....not sure it's worth a double WOOT haha. Then again I'll take what I can get
tweed going down... bedrocan going up....
monster news!!!---we should be at a buck pps!!--serious!!---cant wait until masses start boarding the train!!------------tmonkey
This is a pretty good bet to go all in on.
with this sh Price its like people dont realize what this will be!!--im all in and this is my only mj stock--and almost my only stock period---------tmonkey
Yes, cheaper to grow it at Home[Canada].
No import fees.
Thanks DEE
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In 2011, Bedrocan BV, a Dutch company, was invited to Ottawa by Health Canada to comment on Canada’s new regulations for medicinal cannabis, the Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR). Since the Netherlands has an established medicinal cannabis framework, we came away from this meeting with a sense that Canadian producers, patients, and healthcare professionals could benefit from the knowledge and experience Bedrocan BV had developed producing medicinal cannabis in Europe. We decided to look more closely into how we could provide Canadians access to high quality standardized medicinal cannabis. This led to our decision to work with Canadian management to establish a company in Canada to work under the newly established regulatory (MMPR) framework.
Bedrocan Canada is a joint venture between “Bedrocan BV” of the Netherlands and “Bedrocan Canada Inc”, a Canadian start-up with extensive knowledge and experience in the use of cannabis and cannabinoids in clinical practice.
Bedrocan Canada will contribute to the needs of Canadian patients by providing access to our varieties of standardized medicinal cannabis under a federally regulated environment, and by using science to address the real concerns of Canadian patients and health care practitioners. Bedrocan is about raising the expectations of what it means for cannabis to be truly “medicinal.” In this way, we will work together to bridge the gap with science to better serve the needs of patients and meet the regulatory demands of modern medicine.
For over 10 years, Bedrocan BV has worked with universities, industry, government, and NGO partners in the Netherlands and around the world to conduct the genetic, botanical, chemical, and social research necessary to help cannabis meet the regulatory demands of modern medicine.
Bedrocan BV has its roots in the North of the Netherlands, an area with a long history of agricultural achievements. Founded in 1984, we first specialized in the indoor, standardized growth of vegetables and herbs. It wasn’t until the late 1990′s when we began our first experiments in growing medicinal-grade cannabis under federal license.
In 1998, the Dutch Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport noticed patients purchasing cannabis from popularly known “coffeeshops”, where recreational use has been tolerated since the 1970′s. The Minister was concerned over the lack of quality control, and believed the “bar” atmosphere did not serve the medical needs of patients. In response, she proposed an official program whereby pharmaceutical-grade cannabis could be prescribed by doctors and dispensed through pharmacies.
In 2003, after a thorough screening by Dutch authorities, Bedrocan BV was contracted by the Dutch Ministry of Health’s newly-formed Office of Medicinal Cannabis (OMC) to produce different strains for patients and researchers. Other European countries soon created similar programs and requested a regular supply of cannabis from the only source in Europe that met the required medical standards.
Today, the Dutch government remains the only source in the world for medicinal-grade cannabis that is exported for patient use in full compliance with international laws and regulations.
Bedrocan is the sole supplier of marijuana to Germany, Finland, Italy and Norway.
Traded in Canada in the TSX-V market. Symbol BED.V
US grey market symbol BNRDF
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