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It sounds GOOD to me:) Let's get that MM and start making some$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The SEC has Ordered that the Motion
by the Division of Enforcement (they halted trading)
seeking an Order Instituting Proceedings against
AMI (Aerofoam Metals Inc) issued June 13 ,2007
Be, and It Hereby Is, DENIED !!!
Official Info from SEC Website
Just out today. Not sure what in the hell it means but
looks like good volume.
Let's see this "foam" go to work now:)
Seems to have resulted in a little more volume than usual - let's hope this is a signal that their SEC situation has been squared away and they can proceed with their business plan.
Good volume but still no news,no mm's yet. Should be any day now !!
And another 20% today:)
I knew there was someone out there 'apostle'!!
So are we just "waiting on the sidelines" until further notice??
I could have sold my shares a little every day, But will wait to see how this plays it self out in the short term:)
We are all waiting for news, any news but not about mistaken identity again. Enough already!! We need business news , update about there vehicles. Maybe a success story about the use of there roofing in Florida !! Anyone know the expected time to wait for a mm's application ?
Don't know "A", But I'm sticking around for the short term. There's only one way to go IMO, and that's up:)
Works for me !! We would be at .50 if not for the SEC.IMO . How long do we have to wait now for the next step?
And Now We Have One "A"!! After all is said and done here folks, don't you think AFML should 'SUE" the pants off of the SEC, for this Blunder of "Mistaken Identity:???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I'd give the Lawyers their 33%, and we can take the other 66%!!
And what about a PR?? I thought AFML was "cleared" by the SEC!!
It's been 60 days now... Where are the MM's????
SEC Release statement now on Aerofoam Website.
Probably worth taking a look at and drawing your
own conclusions.
When is AFML going to have MM's. Anybody know ? Is there any specific waiting period? Is it because they still have not filed yet?
While I guess it is to be expected for us to drift lower. With no follow up to PR's, one might wonder just what if anything is going on ?
Just a few questions -
Where are these armored vehicles going to be built?
Has a facility been purchased or is one going to be built from scratch ?
If one has been purchased - how long to retool, let alone how is it being financed.
What about a work force and training for the work force.
Going to sell 140 vehicles in the next 12 months ( JUNE 12th PR ) Please tell us how ???
Have a good day
Thanks for the information - makes sense.
Just an addition to your comments.
Alulight (aluminum foam company) very real over 55 employees, raw material supplied by Ecka Granules, seen their product.
Armet also very real - 20 employees, manufacturing armored vehicles, and selling. (easily confirmed)
Interestingly - when you call the above companies, they answer the phone and explain to you what's going on - Aerofoam certainly don't have the courtesy ***
Aerofoam very suspicious - maybe the SEC needs to read these postings.
SEC website has NOT made Aerofoam release public as of yet.
I appreciate the fact that Aerofoam has put out a press release
claiming that they have cleared up the case of mistaken identity. Unfortunately, until the SEC actually releases the
info it does not mean a whole lot.
I do not know what the typical lag time is between when the SEC notifies a company that everything is "A-OK" and when they post the info on their website, but I have been monitoring SEC Administrative Proceedings via RSS stream and nothing has
come out.
I think once it does- we may see the stock go back up again, until then- I am still a bit suspicious.
One other note- I have not heard of any of those other Aluminum foam companies except Ogara-Hess. I used to live in Cincinnati and do know that that company defitely exists and has for some time and is definitely legit- for whatever that is worth.
I don't have PM shaggy.
Can you eme @
and let me know the info. you garnered from
your conversations with said companies.
Sorry for non-links
Works OK my end
Try these instead.
Patent transfer
If still experiencing problems go directly to the companies and follow internal links.
I called Alulight America and the Armored Car Company, interesting conversation and comments.
Yes to all three points - maybe the ghost production facility is in Disneyland ?
DD:- sell a good option
Most of the links you provided don't work.
But what I take it you are saying is..
Point 1. That they may be infringing on certain patents?
Point 2. That they cannot fulfill certain obligations with Armet
Point 3. Production capabilities are incorrect re: lack of employees.
I will do a little research and see what I can dig up.
So based o your present info; are you a buy, sell or hold at this point???
My point is :-
1. Alulight International GmbH {}
Same manufacturing process {}
Patent ownership... {}
Alulight® International GmbH
Lachforst 4
A-5282 Ranshofen
Tel:0043 7722 64564 -0
Fax:0043 7722 64564 -610
Alulight® of America GmbH
9 Innovation Way Suite 100
Delaware Technology Park
Newark, DE U.S.A. 19711
Tel:302-369-6761 Ext 103
Contact: Dr Denis Claar
2. Armet...
P.O. not completed, Aerofoam Metals Inc unable to fulfill obligation.
P.O. Box 273
King City, Ontario, L7B 1A6
Telephone: (905) 833 2221
Fax: (905) 833 6204
Contact: William Whyte
3. Production Capacity...
Assumptions - probably need more than two employees.{sorry, sarcastic comment - but true}
I, like others have been following this company, and yes, hoping to get in with a low bid !!!
However, my DD :- emails / phone calls raised a few concerns, enough to dig a little deeper, what started as casual research has developed into a passion.
I realise that this is the pink sheets, but really............this is not right.
And your point is?
That there is competition in this sector?
Interesting company and site.
Are you all aware of: (read carefully - does it sound familiar?) (armored cars - call them) (armored cars - call them)
I think this bodes well for the space we are in.
Looking for similar to better results for AFML.
Listing: TSX
Symbol: CYM
TORONTO, July 26 /CNW/ - Cymat Technologies Ltd. (TSX: CYM), a Toronto-based manufacturer of stabilized aluminum foam "SAF" products, targeting the automotive, architecture and blast mitigation markets, announced the best quarterly and fiscal year-end results in its history.
Hi All,
Have to be candid with you on this one. AFML is to me still a "pump and dumper", and a "spammer". I would like to see more confirmation about the company and it's actual business.
I think "short term", with the "clarification" that the stock and pps should go up, and at a .27 average, I am in a Strong Hold position. Like most other pinkies, this looks like the best thing "since" slice bread, but it will take a while for the yeast to rise!!
Heppie :)
Exactly, give me a manufacturing address. T
Now that the SEC mess is out of the way let's hope things get back on track.
We need at least a PR to clarify that AeroArmor Vehicles release of July 19th. Where are these going to manufacture the listed vehicles and how are they going to be financed, plus who is going to be purchasing the products.
Naturally reading between the lines we would be guess in the Canadian Military, but how about some definite information where all the I's are dotted and tees are crossed.
Just mho
Here is the link that I saw the article on. It is surprising that AFML does not have on their website. Perhaps b/c it is the weekend?
Thanks turcman.
But could you provide the link.
And why nothing from the company.
There it is guys....somewhat of an explanation....simply TAM has nothing to do with AFML, AFML just piggyback the security. Like I said in my post 172.....I wish you could SUE the Government for all the money we lost.... This is all in there wn SEC site, I mean ...come on I found it and I suck at Google.
Have fun and don't forget to get in a few frames of 10 pins or are you into duck or candle pins. LOL
In New England we had candle pins. Very challenging.
Stay well and have a great time.
Why wouldn't they tell me where this production is going to take place? I wish they would give me an address. How are they going to finance this? I am hopeing for the best. T.
Hello Everyone,
Just taking my "summer Sabbatical" from the market. Life's too short, so a getaway to the summer cottage always does the trick. Will be "back" around August 1st.
AFML- I'm still Long.
Heppie :)
3rd party confirmation?
I guess on an encouraging note- this looks like the first
example I could find of a (reliable?)third party mentioning AFML
on its website.
I am still highly suspicious of any company without
financial statements and a questionable past (TAM Restaurants),
but I suspect we will know shortly with either an SEC "Cease and Desist" or a stock price moving north quickly.
maybe it's a shake out game for a takeover candidate ?
anyone talk to management ?
Agree with you there.. I was disapointed that they are still on grey sheets this morning.. I would have thought they would have cleared that up first before posting any pr...
Interesting that they have time to issue press releases and announce new subsidiaries but have not addressed the non-filing issue with the SEC.
I personally like this product but I sold out because I question the ethics of the management and the board. How could they publicly ignore something as serious as this and expect to ever become legitimate players with military contracts? One would think that the Canadian military would do some background checks on the companies that they deal with.
We are "BACK"...........
You can't keep a good Company down...
Nothing wrong with Canadian Vehicles.. Look at all the contracts Bombardier is getting.. Aren't They Canadian ??
Is AFML off the pinks and with OTC ??
On the level II i still don't see any MM's...!!
For our US friends - these are Canadian military vehicles - can we read between the lines here or is that just fantasy.