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I’m guessing they most likely duped investors on this razzle dazzle pipe dream of an R/M, this R/S wasn’t doing them any justice either. Who in their right mind pay 2.55 per share for this?
I know, but why haven't we received our shares?
Sure they can. But after a 1:100 r/s, not bloody likely LOLOLOL
EAIN is another Lazar play. It is at $3.50 today after being at .25 a few months ago. So these things can make huge moves if handled properly.
The D isn't removed for 20 days. We should all have new shares by then.
I’m assuming nobody here got their “new” shares? Possible scam alert? Been over 14 business days now. Definitely not buying this stock. Good luck all
Thank you - I will look into this.
I'm usually working full time while trading so I usually can't get in these tickers early enough, but still not bad. I check Lazar's board throughout the day.
There are more than one ways to check for his tickers, one of the ways Alstocks posted on Lazar's board that you can use:
There are fairly new Lazar's tickers that I think still undervalued: $HRAA, $PGLO, $EGOC, $XMET, $GOFF. With these tickers, you'll need to wait a little long for them to get to RM.
If you don't want to wait too long: $ANAS, $DIEN, $FTGI, $PFMS, $VDPH, $INNX, $SIPN, $EAIN, ...
Most of them are in the ibox of Lazar's board
I just found out about him.
I have bought a few of his names but I have paid the ask for a lot of them and have unrealized losses in just about all of them.
How do you find out about them in order to buy them before they move up?
Any that you recommend buying now?
Comparing to other Lazar's stocks, I don't have much in WDIS, so I just don't pay attention to it much.
Wow you've been holding this for a long time........
I just got involved.
Some of them I bought last year, and some I bought in April, 2020.
I have a couple of hundred shares, that I bought during the last couple of months.
Did you buy this year or in the past?
I can't wait to find out what business this company's doing.
After RS, I have around 966 shares, so I plan to just keep them all.
I like their SS:
5M OS & 220k Float.
TK, I looked it up, you are correct it is 20 days until the D is removed from the time the RS takes effect. I also found that it costs $15,000 to file a reverse split. $15,000 doesn't sound significant, but to a long dormant shell company it is material. You have to think an officer had to float that money so they could pay the fee. Again, hard to imagine if there wasn't a reaon.
Also, OTCmarkets shows current shares outstanding, post RS as 5 million, not 8. So maybe some shares were cancelled.
Fidelity doesn't charge any commission for OTC stocks and big boards.
You can only buy OTC stocks that are Pink current, OTCQB or OTCQX though. They don't let you buy Otc stocks those have STOP sign, Grey, ...
I do have Charles Schwab too.
I have mine at Schwab as a bunch of numbers - probably the old cusip.
I should look at Fidelity.
Do you pay any commissions or fees at Fidelity?
In my Fidelity's account, I have them since the day after the RS. In my Etrade's account, I don't have shares yet, WDISD shown as a bunch of numbers.
Did you get your shares yet?
I contacted the transfer agent but they said that since my shares are held by a brokerage firm they are held at DTC and they couldn't tell me when I will receive them.
It's been 2 weeks already...........
How do we know the OS will be around 8.2M and Float is around 220K?
If you are going by the old fillings, that may not still be true.
I know it's kind of hard to buy now or not to buy because we don't know anything about this AMBG inc company. We only know after RS, the OS will be around 8.2M and Float is around 220k.
I already had shares bought before RS, and I don't bother to sell them since I couldn't acquire many shares, it's very tight float. I'm waiting to see how it will play out.
Everyone anxious to gtfo once the reversal is done. Not sure if I should bother and buy any shares. lol
I hate sideline plays
I never heard of 10 days before, always 20 days for RS.
Most likely a colossal scam. Who’s behind this co.? Based up in Canada?
I thought it was 10 days. 20 doesn't sound right.
If the RS started on Oct 8th, then the letter D will be on the symbol for 20 business days, so the D will disappear on Nov 5th, I think.
I've never seen a R/S take so long..................
I hope this is not a scam.
Also maybe get an offer. It's $2.32 bid with no offer - there was a $5 offer last week but it disappeared.
I'm not too sure we are going to get any information.
Gonna have to patient with this one..........
The Reverse Split took place on Oct 8. So I believe that we lose the D and probably change ticker symbols on Thursday. Hopefully we will get some kind of update around that time. Not sure why anyone would go to the trouble to do a name change and reverse split if there was no change in operations.
Would love to hear something.
Plus have not received my new shares which is troubling to me.
Still nothing out of WDISD. Hopefully we will get something soon. Still seeing some bids over $2, which I guess is positive sign. We shall see.
Fingers crossed. Lizard is a hell of a vessel. If anyone is up to the task it’s him!
Waiting patiently on the sidelines, don’t want to buy too prematurely.
On a different thread. they say that once DL reverse splits and merges the company. he no longer has anything to do with it.
I have no idea if that is true or not, but the bids keep building in $WDISD and I am still optimistic.......
Sounds good to me. Let’s give David Lizard a shot on this one.
I have no idea either way but I do have a poker in the fire, just in case.
The track record of DL seems to be pretty good so to me it's worth a shot.
My bet is on the latter.
Scam? Who is being scammed? Who is doing the scamming? This was a defunct shell. There has been no promotion, no one has been talking about this on the internet. The company has issued no press releases at all. There has been little to no volume for months.
Someone went to the trouble and expense to bring the shell back to life, audit it and start filing with the SEC. They have now done a reverse split and a name change. It is hard to believe all this was done for nothing. It is even harder to believe a scam is underway.
This is nothing more than a lottery ticket. Lottery tickets either bring huge returns or become worthless.
You just answered your own question. That’s the beauty of a well executed scam play. Hope it’s not but let’s see come Monday.
If it starts running - rest assure I’ll start gobbling up shares along the way.
Your question infers that they do these things in the best interests of the shareholder................
Hopefully we will hear something soon. I am surprised we haven't heard something by now. Why change the corporate name and do a reverse split without explaining it to shareholders.
Monday should be interesting......
If not Tuesday but definitely by Wednesday.
Tomorrow is a new day.
I’ve yet to hear of an OTC hovering in the $2-3 dollar range, let alone $50. But I hope you’re all right. Will keep an eye on this one before considering buying up some shares.
Thanks for the feedback
Hope springs eternal.
Let's see if it is a reality.
The fact we are seeing bids at $2 is a positive sign. That is the equivalent of .02. It traded below a penny for months, until very recently.
I agree with you more than I agree with Gary Ray but I differ with you as well.
You will start to see offers tomorrow if not Monday/Tuesday when shareholders get their new shares.
$50 - I hope so but..............
Pennyland - I hope not...............