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02/09/14 1:15 PM

#10290 RE: Art Vandeley #10287

LOL.. NMVP I love it... Then we could hire a sleazy promoter to keep writing PR's about how big the overall market is and MB pumpers telling everyone we're going to buy out Phillip Morris as soon as we become a DOW component.......

I like the idea of not filing... It seems to be the new trend, anyway... maybe we'll get a disbarred or dead attorney to sign off on some numbers we make up, just incase.

One or both of us will eventually have to go on the book of faces and make promises we couldn't possibly keep to show how "transparent" we are just to keep our ATM ,'er I mean shareholders humming...

I'm already looking for version 1.0. ;-)

Now where to find a shell ?


02/09/14 1:18 PM

#10291 RE: Art Vandeley #10287


I actually typed the ticker into the search engine here

LOL...i am dumb or (high)