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01/16/13 8:59 PM

#22382 RE: alabama96 #22379

You did the right thing Alabama. IMO Investors benefited from your DD. This is another interesting human nature story that Hollywood would never green light for a Movie...they would say its to unbelievable!

Raggedy Man

01/16/13 9:04 PM

#22383 RE: alabama96 #22379

I just read Chris's email. Thats some nasty gameplay by Rosenberg. No one can blame Chris for trying.


01/16/13 10:26 PM

#22391 RE: alabama96 #22379

nice work ALABAMA!! impressive...

hopefully between Chris B, lawyers, lawsuits (including SEC investigations) involving other stocks and shareholders like yourself we can try to put a stop to these shameful and illegal acts

Scotty must be freaking out~!!