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12/21/12 1:27 AM

#4429 RE: short-this #4428

I know you weren't indicted. And I do have a bit of compassion for the relatives for those who were, you included.

True Lindberg should have got the hammer. I personally spoke with a businessman ( victim ) who feels the same as you. But Mark rolled and rolled to the point that even the Judge complimented him on his cooperation. I do have to wonder what he didn't say about a few others who didn't get indicted though and more than a few thought should have.

TX 504 laws ? do secret overseas monie transfers get a pass on that ? Proven pump and dump tactics by insiders ? Failing to report on official filings ? I could go on and on.

Gordon ! what's his history ? Clark ? Reskin ? then Decesares and others who got invited in for a sit-down. Please don't attempt to defend those in the " slam ". They've stolen millions time and time again. They hurt innocent people without caring one flying fck' about it. Personally I hope they rot in internal hell. Them and all involved who knew what the game was and stuffed their pockets with victims stolen monies. The beverage people, the businessmen and the investors, all innocent victims. Is a shame though that more than a few will walk with less than I think " J " will get. Only wish your bro' would open up the whole can of worms. Make a deal and get his pass. But I would guess that bird has flown.

Reskin/Lindberg, they never even got called on the carpet for EON and all its investors. I'm sure your familiar with that.

Hope true justice prevails for all awaiting sentence. Hope any pain for you and yours passes quickly. I'm very familiar with the hardships defendants family members can go through at such times.

BTW - A particular (reportedly) family member of one of the defendants a long time ago said in a post " these guys were fall guys for people the Feds. were too afraid to go after ".........
Any thoughts or comments ?

If your uncomfortable answering that I understand.

PS - I do appreciate your dialogue, thank you.