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05/11/12 3:53 PM

#50063 RE: MrPics #50061

I understand that...

I don't know the dude,and I'd have to say it does appear he's had his share of muffs.

But I'd venture to say that he's surroundin' himself with a few
reasonably talented,as well as a tad more savvy than himself,and as a unit,they might've come up with somethin' worth a hoot.

I know how you feel about Chris,you've made that very clear. But this man's got some type of somethin',cause he's gather to date
what does seem to be a viable team to go forward with.

Reckon we'll see...I for one think he has every intention of goin' through with the interview.And I'm very pleased to see he's decided to be the IR guy...Should've always been part of his job description(IMO)