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12/18/11 9:39 PM

#4392 RE: cmm #4391

Matt: Actually the only ones I can articulate who are deserving of the congratulations are our Government agencies for following up on the many complaints. Again as I have stated in the past they were on the Tulsa Crew back in the summer of '06. Perhaps the many complaints they have received since then alerted them or assisted them as things progressed, perhaps not.

Now for the " Known " acts from the investors deserving of a merit badge or acknowledgement you are right up there with the " FAT Johnny " block towards the end of the first quarter. Perhaps I get an at-a-boy for my efforts with the Sweden, European scheme ( although maybe not connected to our home team ? ) and maybe ? maybe ? on a few other matters. Perhaps an A or B for effort is in order but then again effort without prove able results drawn directly from that effort alone don't count for much. Now GORUDY, there's an effort an a half. How much that helped the cause we'll never know but if that didn't I don't know what could from the investor end. Honorable mention to Dana also. I'm sure there's others also

Little point to ponder though after this latest revelation. Act 1 lost many of its performers as we know and now we have act 2 on the stage. But what about those silly little matters addressed in the " post of posts " we just discussed. Seems like they should at sometime be addressed also doesn't it ? Sure same play, different stage but what about the actors prior actions ?

Jezus H. ! this damn thing could go on forever. Make Nicholas Nickleby look like a prelude to a promo in comparison.


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12/18/11 10:26 PM

#4393 RE: cmm #4391

Matt : My bad, intended to address this first.

The " Formed from the Beginning , to be just what it was. A vehicle for ill gotten gain " & " After forming initially in South Bend " To the very best of my knowledge and heartfelt belief based on all I know and have put together from others is somewhat misleading.

In the past I did mention from the start but that was specific to certain people, not ALL the originals. Yes, I believe the plan was concocted in South Bend by one faction but not 'till they smelled the opportunity unknowingly and unintentionally in that sense presented to them by the other faction. If I was ever PROVED wrong I would be one very unhappy camper with an agenda.
Don't believe it's even possible though. Not by a long shot. Nothing adds up along those lines.

Perspective. Time line, who was in but more importantly who was out at the time of the act upon which was just made public.

Easy to innocently misconstrue the actual events based on the wording. In form it may be true but it ain't accurate and can easily lead readers to the wrong conclusion although that certainly wasn't the Government's intent. I'm sure others are somewhat unhappy with the way the wording can throw dispersions
where they don't belong.

Time I think will tell all. Let's put that on our Christmas list.