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07/21/11 11:52 PM

#429335 RE: bobirw #429334

2nd half: Some of this may be too much con to mess with.

STEP #1:
Protect your savings

Right now, I believe you must convert some of your savings into a form of money the government cannot control.

Gold is a great store of value... And I believe everyone should own a little. But there's another asset that could protect your savings and grow it much faster than gold.

The asset I'm talking about is a type of silver.

Ironically, the U.S. government created it. You see, back in the early part of the 20th century, the government needed money that was respected and easy to use.

But the Feds ceased production of this silver money in 1965 because people were hoarding it and not circulating it like the government had planned.

Since 1965, it has quietly changed hands from one investor to another.

And today, there are 3 important reasons why this U.S. government-created silver makes such an ideal investment:

1) This silver is widely recognized and therefore liquid. It has always had an eager market for owners who want to buy and sell it.

2) It is easily divisible should you need to "cash-in" a portion of your investment... Or use it to buy goods and services in the future.

3) It is already "pre-certified." It should not need independent verification of purity and value like silver bars, silver rounds, or collectible grade coins. Every piece of silver is date-stamped and has official U.S. government markings.

Right now, it costs around $3 apiece... Which means you can convert as little as $100 or as much as $100,000 into this asset, depending on your circumstances.

And the best part is, you can buy it for close to the "spot price" of silver.

In other words, unlike newly minted silver coins... you don't have to pay premiums of 20% or more.

I recently shared this secret with S. Abrahamson, a senior VP at UBS Financial Services. Here's what he told me:
$3 silver "was the greatest discovery ever. I hated paying up to 20% mark-ups on Eagles and Maple Leafs. When I realized a bag of this silver investment could be bought often at melt value I loaded up."
And J. Horace from Alabama told me this:
"This investment was exactly what I was looking for... I told my wife that instead of savings in the bank this was what we were doing. We've made 200 TIMES the return in our bank account!"
If you're interested in using this asset to protect your savings, I've put together a report called: How To Buy U.S. Government Created Silver for $3.

My report explains everything you need to know, including whom to call and what to say.

I'd like to give you immediate access to this report, FREE of charge. I'll show you how in a minute.

But first, there's one more step I recommend you take immediately...

STEP #2:
Internationalize your assets

The second step in my Retirement Millionaire plan is to 'internationalize' a portion of your savings.

Here's what I mean...

Right now, there are a handful of super-profitable global companies that allow you to buy shares in their businesses.

In return for your investment, you could make 15% to 20% every year in what I call "International Royalties."

You see, the key to making money during uncertain times is to focus on safe, global investments that will make you money in good times and in bad.

In other words, businesses that provide food, fuel, and healthcare. Not just in America, but worldwide.

People all over the world will eat, drive, and go to the doctor no matter what's happening around them.

My "International Royalties" plan includes 5 such safe businesses, with operations on every continent on Earth, except Antarctica.

These types of profit-gushing businesses have a history of paying out 15% to 20% of their profits to you every year... No matter what happens to the U.S. dollar or the economy.

And the best part is, you can invest in them through any regular U.S. broker. You never have to open an offshore account or send your money overseas.

It's a great way to make your money less reliant on the dollar and the United States economy... Without breaking a single law.

And at the same time, you could earn a steady stream of income 10 to 20 times bigger than what you could get from a dollar savings account.

I've put together the full details on this situation in my report: International Royalties.

And I'd like you to have access to it, free of charge, along with my report on $3 silver.

But that's not all...

One of the most important steps in my Retirement Millionaire plan is a way to turn the tables on the government and Wall Street... And get what amounts to "free money" thanks to several "loopholes" in our financial system...

STEP #3:
"Free-Money Loopholes"

Look, the sad truth is, America has become a nation where almost every aspect of our lives... from the way we save to the way we shop and what we eat... is controlled by Big Government or Big Business. Or mostly, both.

I don't know about you... But I'm sick of being milked for taxes, fees, and profits, with basically nothing to show for it.

That's why I've made it my mission to find "loopholes" within our financial system that allow you to get back what is essentially yours.

$250,000 "Insurance Loophole":
For example, I recently uncovered what could be one of the most important secrets in America for anyone who needs extra retirement money.

In a nutshell, if you have life insurance, you can potentially sell part or all of your policy, and receive as much as $250,000 IN CASH.

For many Americans, this simple transaction has been a life-changer in retirement...

** Warren James of Jacksonville, FL, for example, recently took advantage of this situation and got a lump sum payout of $187,500. He later said: "I wish I had known about this option sooner."

** Ernesto Caputo from Borough Park, Brooklyn, who has six adult children and a dozen grandchildren, did the same thing, and soon pocketed $175,000. He said: "I decided I want to give it to my children."

The way it works is pretty simple...

If you've got a life insurance policy you no longer want, no longer need, or can no longer afford (some folks I know pay more than $30,000 a year to maintain their policy), you can sell part or all of your policy through a specific type of insurance broker... and potentially get hundreds of thousands of dollars as a result.

The crazy thing is, as the Wall Street Journal recently reported: "Few people know they have the option to sell their policies."

It's really the dirty little secret insurance companies don't want you to know.

And this opportunity is just the beginning...

$3,000/Month "IRA Loophole":
Most people think you've got to wait until you're 60 years old to start taking money out of your IRA or 401(k) account (without paying a 10% penalty).

But there's a secret the investment firms never tell you about:

The reality is, you can take out your savings at any age you wish, even if you are in your 30s... thanks to a little-known IRS Ruling.

I can show you exactly how it all works. A 41-year old guy I know of, for example, recently tapped into his IRA and now gets $3,000 a month, which easily pays for the mortgage on his 6-bedroom New Jersey home.

"My kids and I can start enjoying the house now rather than 25 years from now, and it will still be here then, too," he said recently.

Of course, the financial companies don't want you to know about this secret, because if you take your money out of your retirement accounts, THEY GET SMALLER MANAGEMENT FEES.

And there's more...

$100,000 "Real Estate Loophole":
If you own a home, even in this terrible housing market, there's a little-known way for you to collect an immediate cash payment of up to $100,000 or more... without selling, renting, or getting a "reverse" mortgage.

The way it works is simple...

First, you lock in the current value of your home. 100% of the current value is yours to keep.

Next, you enter into an agreement that says when you sell your home, years down the road, you agree to give up some of the proceeds... But ONLY a percentage of the gains ABOVE AND BEYOND whatever your home is selling for right now.

For making this agreement, you get a HUGE PAYDAY, right now.

To me, it's the perfect way to cash in some of the value of your home. You get lots of cash now... with no loans or interest payments... and literally NO RISK. All you give up in exchange is a percentage of the gains in your home's value, years down the road.

In my report: Extra Money That Could Be Available To You, I explain exactly how all these "loopholes" – and more – work.

And again, I'd like to give you access to it free of charge.

You see, the three reports I just told you about will be among the first things you will have free access to when you take a subscription to my retirement publication: RETIREMENT MILLIONAIRE.

What is Retirement Millionaire exactly?

My personal retirement letter to you
each month

Well, after quitting Wall Street and the medical world, I've decided to do something radically different with my life.

My experiences over the past three decades have enabled me to become a "retirement expert" on how to take advantage of little-known "loopholes" in the bureaucracies of big government and big corporations.

And I'm now in the process of doing something I've never done before... And, as far as I know, something no one else has done either.

Three years ago, I joined up with a publisher, Stansberry & Associates Investment Research. I now spend all my time traveling the country, to investigate retirement "loopholes" and opportunities first hand.

Each month, I send out a detailed personal letter – called Retirement Millionaire – explaining the best retirement opportunities I've found.

In short, I'm on a mission to help Americans liberate themselves from the government and the giant institutions that are destroying retirement for a whole generation of regular folks like you and me.

My goal is to expose a world of retirement opportunities most Americans will simply never hear about on their own.

And that brings me to the fourth – and perhaps most important – step in my retirement plan...

STEP #4:
Turn the tables on the healthcare system

There's no question that the healthcare industry is America's biggest rip-off.

And now with the federal government getting their tentacles further into the system, things are only going to get worse.

And those of us who are age 55 or above will likely suffer the worst consequences.

But the good news is, if you know how to work the system, there are incredible opportunities to get great healthcare at huge discounts, or even free of charge.

Even better, I will show you some simple ways you could maintain good health... without ever leaving home.

Let me show you a few examples of what I mean...

Never worry about running out of healthcare money:
For a lot of us who are retired, our biggest fear is that late in life, our health will fail and we'll run out of money, ending up sick and destitute.

Just consider: Medicare reports 30% of all healthcare dollars are spent in the last 12 months of life. And Fidelity Investments reports 65 year olds will need $225,000 for healthcare before they die.

Please don't count on Obama or Washington to pay your bills and hold your hand while you die. Medicare doesn't cover everything you'll need (long-term care, for instance).

And worse, it lowers your chances to die with dignity.

The good news is, if you already have a little cash for emergencies (and you should) I've found a way you could quadruple the value of your cash overnight.

In short, I've found a unique insurance product that will allow you to safely move money from your savings account into a "guaranteed" plan that will provide you with care should your health turn sour.

And if you remain healthy until passing, you still own your savings. You can even pass the money on to your children in your will.

To top it all off: The money you receive from these policies is tax-free. Yep, not just tax-deferred but actually 100% tax-free at the federal and state level. This is a true win-win deal.

I can't imagine Congress letting this deal stand on the books for long.

And this isn't the only health "loophole" I've found...

50% OFF prescription drugs:
If you are paying full retail costs for prescription drugs these days, you are, to put it mildly, getting fleeced.

As a doctor, I can show you how to legitimately buy drugs direct from 3 secret sources... potentially saving you hundreds of dollars a month.

For example, through these 3 sources, you could get the world's most popular cholesterol drug, Lipitor, for just $1.40 a day. Regular cost: $400 a month.

Plus, there's a way to get many of the drugs you may need for just $4 a month. The best part is, you don't need any kind of medical insurance to take advantage of this opportunity.

Or how about this little-known "loophole" in the healthcare system...

Government program slashes health bills 30%:
Few Americans know about a little-known government program outlined by the "Revenue Ruling 2003-102," which could save you 25% to 35% on EVERY penny you spend on treating a health problem, no matter how big or small.

I'm talking about everything from doctor's visits and prescription drugs to surgeries.

The great thing is, it doesn't matter how much money you make.

You have to meet just one qualification. And if you do, you'll be issued a special card to use every time you pay for your medical expenses. I'll show you exactly how to do it.

These secrets of the healthcare world are just the beginning.

There's so much more I want to tell you too, regarding how you can turn the tables on the U.S. healthcare system. For example...

** How to save as much as 50% off the costs of expensive surgery.

** How to quickly and easily resolve any insurance dispute (the insurance companies don't want you to know about this business in Indiana).

** How to improve your health by doing a simple 12-minute "exercise." You can do it from anywhere in your home... even lying in bed.

In fact, everything I've described here, and much more, is explained in full detail in my report called: The Retirement Cheat Sheet to the U.S. Healthcare System.

Like everything else I've described so far, I'd like to give you this "Cheat Sheet" free of charge, when you start a trial subscription to Retirement Millionaire.

Here's how your subscription will work...

Not for everyone

On the second Wednesday of each month, I'll send you a new report on the best retirement ideas and opportunities I uncover.

You see, what I do every month in Retirement Millionaire is spend time traveling the United States (and sometimes overseas) to investigate retirement "loopholes" and opportunities first hand.

In the past few months, for example, I've traveled to Nevada, New York, Florida, California, Texas, Tennessee, Georgia, Maryland, Minnesota, and S. Carolina.

In each of these places, I've found an interesting opportunity for you to make more money... to save a ton of money... to vacation free of charge... or to simply turn the tables on the government or corporate America, and put more money in your own bank account.

The best part is, you don't have to leave home to take advantage of these opportunities...

I do all the legwork for you.

I travel to visit the people and businesses behind these opportunities. And to meet firsthand with folks who have taken advantage of these little-known situations.

I don't think there's anyone doing anything like this in America right now. And I don't know of anyone who's ever done anything like this in the past, either.

More importantly, there's no one as qualified... a business guy and a doctor... out looking for ways for make your retirement better and easier.

But you don't have to take my word for it. Here's what one of my readers, W.W. in Newfoundland, has to say:
"Straight talker, experienced advice & obviously concerned about giving us readers of his reports truthful insights like as IF he knew each one of us personally! Thank you very much Dr. Eifrig. I would like to be 100 years old myself & still be reading your reports each month."
Or this note from R.S. in Hawaii:
"I can't believe the value I'm getting from your Retirement Millionaire newsletter... I'm just ravenous for the great stuff in your research! This is exactly what I've been trying to research for maybe five years now..."
If you want to join me on this quest to take advantage of a world of opportunities that are out there for the taking... all you need to do is try a subscription to my publication, Retirement Millionaire.

If you decide to subscribe, you can take the next four (4) months to decide if my work is right for you.

If not, simply let me know and you'll get a full refund for the money you've paid. No questions asked... no reasons needed.

The work I do is certainly not for everyone. You'll have to decide for yourself if Retirement Millionaire is right for you.

So, how much am I charging for my publication, and how can you get started?

Well, before I give you the specifics, let me tell you about one more thing I recommend you take advantage of immediately, to improve your retirement in a big way...

STEP #5:
Take advantage of retirement "freebies"

The way our politicians are handling our nation's finances, I believe one thing is for certain:

Over the next few years, we will face higher taxes and more regulations. No matter which party controls Congress.

The standard of living for most middle-class Americans will likely get worse. But it doesn't have to be that way for you.

You see, in Retirement Millionaire, I also introduce you to a world of retirement freebies that will boggle your mind.

I'm talking about getting potentially thousands of dollars worth of things for retirement, totally free of charge, thanks to a series of opportunities that are widely available, but rarely publicized.

Let me show you a few examples of what I mean...

40% OFF restaurant meals:
I don't know about you, but I love finding good new restaurants.

In fact, I'm still in the industry myself, as part-owner of a wine shop in North Carolina.

Well, recently, through one of my industry contacts, I learned about an incredible way to slash up to 40% off the costs of eating out at nice restaurants, no matter where you live.

You see, it turns out there's a secret website that is in the business of introducing new restaurants to customers.

All you do is go to this website, enter your zip code and how far you are willing to travel. For example, I recently entered my zip code and a travel distance of 10 miles...

The website returned an incredible 85 restaurants in this area that are willing to offer me a discount of 40% off or more!

I've now shared this secret with most of my family and friends. One friend told me: "I was skeptical, but I saved 40% on a dinner last week, just like you said."

Word is leaking out about this great deal too...

The website was mentioned recently on ABC's "Good Morning America" and NBC's "Today Show" and has been written about in both the Wall Street Journal and the Los Angeles Times.

The point is, this is a real and legitimate way to save literally hundreds of dollars a year, eating at great restaurants all over the country.

I'll show you exactly how this secret works in my report called: The Retirement Guide to Freebies.

This report is filled with more than a dozen of the best retirement money-saving secrets in America, including:

** A way to make 100% free phone calls, including long distance calls.

** A way to get 100% free golf at some of the best courses in the world.

** A secret way to rent an RV for just $12 a day... rather than the normal $110 per day.

** A "loophole" that allows you a completely free vacation at one of the wine estates in Sonoma or Napa Valley... and much, much more.

By my calculation, over the past 12 months, you could have saved around $1,946 using my "freebie" secrets.

You can start taking advantage of all of these opportunities immediately – and many more too, which I didn't have the space to tell you about here.

Everything you need to know is included in my new guide called: The Retirement Guide to Freebies.

If you're interested...

Here's how to get started

A one-year subscription to Retirement Millionaire normally costs $99 per year. That's what hundreds of people have paid.

But if you take advantage of this opportunity today, you can receive a one-year subscription for less than HALF-OFF, just $39.

Your one-year subscription will include:

** Research Report #1: How To Buy U.S. Government Created Silver for $3

** Research Report #2: International Royalties

** Research Report #3: Extra Money That Could Be Available To You

** Research Report #4: The Retirement Cheat Sheet to the U.S. Healthcare System

** Research Report #5: The Retirement Guide to Freebies

Plus, on the second Wednesday of every month, you'll get my monthly Retirement Millionaire report. And in the time between my regular letter to you, you'll also get a mid-month update via email.

The point is, each month, I show you what I believe are the best opportunities in the world for you to live a rich, dignified retirement... Without depending on the government or getting ripped-off by big corporations.

In every issue, I pack more than a dozen great secrets (covering everything from travel and fun to investing to healthcare), which you can take advantage of immediately.

And again, you are agreeing only to TRY my work to see if it's right for you. If not, you can receive a full refund within the next 4 months, no questions asked.

Keep in mind: Even after your 4-month preview period is over, you can still ask for a prorated refund. Just give us a call on our toll-free number to get a refund.

I hope to hear from you right away. To get started, Subscribe Now.

Here's to our health, wealth, and a great retirement,

Dr. David Eifrig, MD, MBA
July 2011